Lucky Break (9 page)

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Authors: Kelley Vitollo

Tags: #Category, #short romance, #friends to lovers, #kelley vitollo, #love, #lucky break, #fling, #series, #shamrock falls, #Contemporary, #Romance, #bliss, #entangled, #boy next door, #girl next door, #best friends

BOOK: Lucky Break
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Sidney kept reading until she found one Lydia had highlighted. “Oh!” Her pulse sped up as she read the call. A made-for-TV movie about a small-town girl leaving for the city.
Sounds familiar.
That was where the similarities ended, though. It was a suspense, which she loved. The more she read the more it sounded perfect for her: what they were looking for, the timeframe. It all fit.

With each word she read, the more her anticipation grew.
was what she wanted. This movie would be hers.

When she closed the e-mail, it was with a smile on her face. She felt nervous, but in a good way. She needed to do something, get out. But there was no way she could tell Kade about this.

Sidney got up and headed straight for the spare bedroom, knowing what she’d find inside. She’d ignored this room ever since coming home, as though stepping inside would remind her too much of the Shamrock Falls Sidney. It was one of the things she loved most about the person she used to be, but right now, with her LA self so close to the surface, she could handle it. Maybe she’d even enjoy it.

Her breath caught in her throat. Everything still sat inside. All her old sewing stuff: the machine—an old and awkward antique, but one she loved. Thread, needles, scissors, a measuring table, fabric.
Wow, look at all the fabric.

Her fingers itched to work. Her eyes skimmed all the different colors and patterns while her mind went into creative mode.

She didn’t even take the time to turn on music like she used to when she sewed. Right now, she just wanted this. She didn’t realize how much she’d missed it.

Sidney stepped into the room and got busy.

It was after three a.m. when she finally dragged herself from the sewing room to bed. She finished the night with four new items. Not only did sewing distract her from thinking about her newest near-kiss experience with Kade, but it was almost as if she’d forgotten how much she loved the actual act of creating.

Her eyes popped open around seven. No way should she be up this early, not only because she wasn’t really a morning person, but also because of how late she’d stayed up.

She willed her eyes to close, but every time she made them, they forced themselves open again. Annoyed, tired, and in even more desperate need for coffee than usual, she stumbled into the kitchen and turned on the pot. That was one of the many things she’d learned from Aunt Mae: when you have a late night, get the coffee pot together so the only thing you have to manage is the on button.

She wasn’t sure why, but the urge to talk to Aunt Mae hit her. Sidney picked up the phone and dialed.

“Hey, kiddo.” Her aunt answered on the second ring. “How’s it going?” Mae’s voice was happy. She imagined her aunt sitting there, her gray hair tied back and her face happy.

“Good. How are you?”

“Let’s try that again, Sidney.”

“I’m doing well. I got a great e-mail from Lydia last night and I did some sewing, too.”

“That’s good, dear. How are things with Kade?”

“Kade?” she asked as though she hadn’t heard.

“Kade,” Mae confirmed.

When would Sidney learn no one read between the lines as well as Aunt Mae? Even when she didn’t realize something was on her mind, Mae did.

“Good. Crazy. Confusing. Take your pick.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing, everything. Actually pretty much nothing. I just missed you. I wanted to hear your voice.” It was too early to talk to Mae about suddenly having the hots for Kade. Actually, there probably wasn’t ever a good time for that.

Mae sighed on the other end of the phone, probably knowing there was more to it than that. “You can call me any time. You know that. Are you sure you don’t want me to come home?”

Sidney shook her head, and then remembering Mae couldn’t hear her, she said, “No, I’m okay. Just tired and waiting for my coffee. Did I mention Lydia sent a great e-mail? There are some really fabulous prospects.”

“You did. You’ll get them. Whatever you want, you’ll get, sweet girl.”

God, she loved her aunt.

“Do me a favor though, all right? Remember what I’ve always told you and follow your heart. The heart knows much more than the brain.”

Sidney wasn’t so sure about that. “I will, Aunt Mae. I love you.” Sidney hung up the phone.

Once she finished drinking her coffee, she decided she might as well get ready to go to Lucky’s. Another day of watching Kade work bare-chested was a bonus. Nothing wrong with that. She was a young, healthy woman after all.

She wondered if it was okay to tell him about Lydia, which surprised her. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to share it with him because it was important to her. But she didn’t want to risk hurting him in the process.

Aunt Mae’s truck struggled to turn over, but after a couple of tries, she finally got it. Her eyes still stung as she put the truck into gear, only to have the stupid thing stall on her. “Damn it!”

She wanted to burn the thing.

The sound of a horn made her jump. She turned to see Kade sitting in his truck on the other side of the driveway. She hadn’t even realized he’d come out. The window stuck a little, but she finally managed to roll it down. “What do you want?” She watched as he sat in his stupid nice truck that didn’t stupidly die every time he drove it.

He snickered at her and her heart did a little flip-flop.

“Get your butt in the truck, so we can get out of here,” he called to her. A smile pulled at his lips.

a truck, thank you!” No one should be this smug so early in the morning.

He held up his wrist and tapped it as if to say time was running out. Kade was frustratingly chipper this morning, but she still found herself getting out and jogging over to him. The second she slammed the door, he pulled away. Irritated, Sidney crossed her arms and looked at the window so she didn’t have to see him.

“Still grumpy in the morning, I see. Caffeine not working?” A playful tone highlighted his voice. No one should be playful this early, either.

Sidney huffed and kept staring out the window.

“Might want to bite your cheeks a little harder over there. Your smile’s starting to show.”

Damn him and his ability to know everything about her! Sidney tried to suck in her cheeks.

“You should give up now. You’ve already lost. I see it in your eyes.”

Still being stubborn, she didn’t turn toward him, but she didn’t try to hide her smile, either. Somehow, she didn’t need to look over to know he was smiling, too.

A few more days until the soft opening of Lucky’s and a little over a week until the doors were officially opening to the public. Kade couldn’t wait. This felt like more than just something for him—it was also for Lucky. And for the whole town that raised him and helped take care of him when his dad had hurt his mom so badly she almost hadn’t made it.

Kade stood on a ladder and tried again to squeeze his hand between the wall and the fixture. He didn’t know why he kept trying, like his hand would magically shrink.

Frustrated, he looked around for someone to help him. Rowan and Sidney were both about the same distance away.

His eyes stayed on Sidney. At this point, he was almost resigned where she was concerned—tired of fighting the attraction, of skirting around the issue. If she hadn’t run away last night, he wouldn’t have stopped himself. He felt like it was only a matter of time before it happened again.

Attraction was okay, normal. He knew the score now, and that would make all the difference.

“Hey, Sidney. Can you come and help me for a second?” Rowan looked over at him with a wink and a smile. He just shook his head as he stepped down from the ladder and waited for Sidney.

“I need you to climb up there and squeeze your hand in that little open space. I can’t get it and need to tighten the handle.”

She looked up at him, all wide blue eyes, and damn if they didn’t penetrate him, go straight through him the way they used to.

“No, thank you.”

No, thank you? “Why not?”

“I just don’t want to.”

It took him a minute, but then the past came charging back at him. He ran a hand through his hair. Shit. How had he forgotten she was afraid of heights? “It’s not that bad. You’re tough. You can do it.”

Her eyes lit up slightly, but he could tell not enough to get her on the ladder. The logical part of him knew Rowan was close. He could just as easily ask for her help. Hell, he
ask for her help, but he didn’t. God help him. It was small, sure, but he wanted Sidney to do this and he wanted to support her. “Come on. You can do it; I know you can. I’ll go up with you. I won’t let you get hurt.”

He’d made her a million promises like that over the years and meant them all. He didn’t like seeing her back down to anything. She was too strong for that.


She started, but instead of letting her finish, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. “You’re burning daylight. Let’s go.”

He heard her take a deep breath and then slowly, her foot hit the first rung.
That’s my girl.
She went up one step, and then the next. As promised, Kade climbed right behind her. The second he stepped on, though, he realized his mistake. The heat of her body spread against his. Her tight little ass, right in front of his chest. The smell of peaches filled his nose.
Get it together, Mitchell.
She went up another step, and he grabbed hold of the side of the ladder, his arms practically around her. “Keep going, Peaches. I’m right here.”

She went up another step, and then another. Kade followed until she stood at the top, her soft, curvy body tucked against his.

Damn if his body didn’t start to react.

He definitely didn’t need this.

“You’re going to have to let go of the ladder and reach up for me. I won’t let you fall.”

Her hand shook, but she did it. Hell, that small thing sure make him proud. That was Sidney. She faced everything head on…except for him. Why did it always come back to that? It was always there between them. For the moment, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head. They had no room on this ladder with them.

“Do you feel that little knob?” he asked, his mouth close to her ear.

“Y-yes.” She sounded breathless.

“Can you twist it? Get it as tight as you can for me.”

Her only reply was a nod, but he saw her hand moving, saw her doing what he asked of her.

“I got it. It won’t go any tighter.” More breathless words. Kade had to pull back slightly, afraid if he didn’t, she’d realize the effect she had on him.

“Good job. I knew you could do it.” And he did. He knew she could do anything.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have much contact with Sidney the rest of the day. Or fortunately, he didn’t know. Both were pretty dead-on regarding the situation.

He avoided Rowan because the little shit wouldn’t leave him alone about Sidney. All he had to do was look at her to know what thoughts traveled around in her head. Knowing her, she would want to talk his head off about it. Not happening.

By the time their work-day came to a close, Sidney looked dead on her feet. She had circles under her eyes, dirt on her face—and he found it sexy as hell. He wasn’t sure how he expected to keep distance between them. Boundaries, yes, but distance, no.

“I’m drained,” Sidney said as she climbed into his truck. “I’m starving and exhausted. I don’t know what’s more important, food or sleep.”

He looked over at her as he started his truck. “Sorry…I could have brought you home if you were tired.”

She waved her hand at him. “No, it’s okay. I’m having fun working with you guys. I was just up late sewing.”

He smiled at that. He liked knowing she still sewed. “Tomorrow’s the last day. We can probably get by without you.” As he pulled onto the road, she still hadn’t replied. He glanced over at her. They’d been in the truck about forty-five seconds and she already had her eyes closed. Her head leaned back against the headrest.

He checked the road, and then looked at her again. At the way her black hair framed her face. She kept it tied back when they worked, but right now it hung loose around her head. Damn it all to hell. Why did she have to be so beautiful?

Before he did something stupid, Kade got his head back to driving. He went past the houses and out to the little drive-thru burger joint. Sidney didn’t even stir as he ordered himself a burger with fries and a cold sandwich for her, so it would keep better.

When he pulled into the driveway at home, he considered waking her, but decided against it. She looked exhausted…and peaceful. Or hell, maybe it was just an excuse to touch her. Kade grabbed her food and then walked over to the passenger door. He opened it, leaned over, and unlatched her seat belt. Damn, he wanted to kiss her. To hold her and stroke her smooth skin.

He didn’t do any of it, though. For the second time since she’d been back, he pulled her into his arms. She fit so well there, so soft and feminine against his hardness.

Just like last time, her arms came up and wrapped around his neck, but unlike before, she whispered, “Kade,” before nuzzling her face into his neck. This time, he couldn’t help himself. As he laid her in the bed, Kade pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth.

“You wreck me, Peaches,” he whispered. He pushed her hair back, reveling in how soft it was. Would everything about her be this soft?

Stamping down his urges, Kade moved to the other side of the bed. He scrawled a quick note, letting her know her food was in the fridge. He took one more look at her and then walked out.

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