Read Lucius (Luna Lodge #3) Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #romantic suspense paranormal romance

Lucius (Luna Lodge #3) (13 page)

BOOK: Lucius (Luna Lodge #3)
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“Beautiful,” he whispered.

Hannah shivered at his words.

She ached to run her hand through his hair. He moved further down, and she groaned when he bumped her clit.

“Lucius,” she hummed.

His tongue darted between her folds and lapped at the sensitive bud there. Her insides fluttered with need as he teased her opening and she gripped the bed sheets beside her. He darted inside her. She moaned at the intrusion.

Panting filled the room, and it took her a moment to realize it was her voice.

Lucius continued his shallow thrusts into her, much to her frustration. What was the point of getting her there, if he wasn’t going to see it through?

Hannah sat up on her elbows to glare at him but stopped when she looked at him. It was the first time she’d ever seen a man in that position, head buried between her thighs. Actually, it was the first time she’d ever been naked in front of a man with the lights on before, but there she was, watching him. He thrust deep inside and swirled his tongue. She moaned but kept her eyes on him. The thrill of watching him pushed her nearly to the edge. When she was very close, she pulled back from him.

Lucius sat up, confusion etched on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

Hannah hooked one foot behind his leg and pulled him on top of her. She didn’t quite know what had come over her, but she had to have him, had to taste him with her still on his lips. She drove her tongue into his mouth and groaned.

With surprising strength, she rolled them so that she was on top, her legs on either side of him. She pulled her mouth away and made her way down his bare chest. His muscles twitched under her movements, and she grinned at this. When she reached his pants, she glanced up to him. Lucius had placed both arms behind his head and was watching her movements with growing interest. She traced the hard length straining under the denim. His chest rose and fell slightly faster than before.

Not wanting to waste any time, Hannah pushed the button on his fly and jumped when he sprang free. She pushed his pants the rest of the way down and watched as he kicked them off.

She stared at the thick cock and wondered how he was ever going to fit. Hannah leaned forward and licked the salty droplets from the tip.

“You don’t have to,” he said.

Hannah cut his words off by slipping him partway into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head

“God,” he grunted.

Hannah pulled off with a small pop. When she moved back up his body to kiss him again, she spread her legs over his hard length. As her mouth moved with him, Hannah rocked her hips up and down his ridged length. Slow and steady, she moved along him. When Lucius placed his hands at her hips to urge her to go faster, Hannah only slowed down.

She shivered at the deep growl that echoed through the room.

His head bumped her center and she pushed down hard.

He cleared the first few inches, but it was tight and she had to adjust.

Lucius started up at her, clearly worried by the look on his face.

“Why don’t you just…” he started to say.

Hannah pushed down further on him. This time he was about half way in, and she had to take deep breaths to gather herself. A part of her felt very good, but another part was stretched more than she’d like to admit.

“Damn it!” Lucius shouted.

She stared down at him. His face had gone red, and he was damp with perspiration.

Hannah shifted a little, testing what she had been able to fit in.

“Fuck,” he groaned and closed his eyes while she shifted her hips. When he opened them, they glowed so bright the space between them was lit. “I can’t hold on if you do that.”

With one final push, he was fully inside her. Hannah leaned over him and placed her hands on his wide chest. It wasn’t painful, but it was going to take a moment before she could move. She could feel it before it happened, his control slipping away. Her eyes sprang open at the last second before she was being flipped onto her back.

She yelped in surprise.

Hannah stared up at the man she was falling in love with and tried to find him behind the feral eyes that stared back. She placed a hand on the scar at his heart in hopes that he would remember their moment earlier. The growl that ripped through him made her shudder. She closed her eyes and pulled away from him.

When his face nuzzled her neck, she jumped at the contact.

“Mine,” he growled in her ear.

His hand snaked down to her clit and rubbed in gentle circles. She moaned loudly. Her muscles contracted around his massive length still rooted deep inside her. He shifted forward slightly, moving his hips in and out.

Hannah opened her eyes to look at Lucius. His eyes were firmly on her, watching her face as he made small movements. He pressed a little harder on her clit and sped up his pace, still keeping the shallow movements. She shook with need. More. Hannah needed more.

She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him hard into her. Lucius grunted as he picked up the pace, slamming into her as they rocked on the bed. He slipped his arms under her back and grabbed onto her shoulders.

Lucius rubbed furiously at her clit, bringing her to the edge.

“Not without you,” she shouted.

Her insides were already starting to quiver when he reached his climax. After slamming hard into her a few more times, they slumped onto the bed.

“My Hannah,” Lucius whispered with choked emotion as he rocked into her one last time.

Hannah wrapped her arms around him and turned her mouth to his ear. “My Lucius.”


Chapter Twelve



Only the sounds of their breathing kept the room from being completely silent. Hannah wondered if Lucius had gone to sleep. She lay on his chest, partially snuggled to his side with one leg tossed over. His steady heartbeat thumped under her ear.

She traced the jagged scar over his heart with her finger.

“It was training,” he said after some time.

Hannah brought her head up to look at him and glanced at the red scar on his chest.

“It was deep,” she said quietly and covered it with her hand. Hannah was sure it had to hurt.

Lucius sighed, and she knew he was getting into things that he didn’t want to talk about.

“There are things…” he said and looked over to her. “Things that I had to do that I wouldn’t otherwise, but it was part of the training. Part of the exercise.”

She felt him tense and rubbed her hand back and forth along his chest.

“Anything you did, you did because you had to,” she said quietly and kissed his chest.

He gave her a tight smile before looking over her head.

“It started with Titus,” he said. “She was meant to be with him under the Bona Dea project, but he just couldn’t.”

Her stomach bottomed out. This was not the story she thought it was going to be.

Lucius shifted uncomfortably and continued. “That was the first time I met Vanessa.” He shivered before going on. “She wasn’t thrilled to be saddled with me. I was a nobody in the hybrids, but I was the best subject, strong and capable of handling large amounts of pain.”

He stopped for a moment and looked at her. “Vanessa was very good at pain. She enjoyed it.”

Hannah gasped and moved her hand to his neck.

“Oh, Lucius,” she whispered. “The painting.”

“I’m not telling you this so you’ll pity me but because I want to share all of me with you. Even the bad parts of me.”

Hannah placed her hand on his cheek and made him look at her.

“This is not the bad part of you,” she said. “This is the bad part of them.”

His eyes went dark for a moment. “If only that were true.”

Hannah watched as he composed himself.

“I lost control tonight,” he said quietly. “There were so many things that could have happened.”

“But they didn’t,” she said firmly.

Lucius shook his head. “But they could have. And might still.” He shook his head. “It might be a good idea if we—”

“No.” She sat up and stared down at him. Not after what they had just shared. She wasn’t going to just let this happen.

Lucius sat up with her. “I’m dangerous.”

“Bullshit.” Hannah gathered the covers around her chest as if being covered would help her win this battle.

Lucius raised a brow.

“I’m not the only one who thinks it,” he said. “I’ve heard the whispers.”

Hannah folded her arms. “Are you kidding me? So you’re dangerous because some people are intimidated by you? Well, then maybe it’s a good thing they put a guard on Rachel. She’s certainly scared the shit out of some men.”

Her cheeks flushed hot with anger at how quickly he was willing to toss in the towel. She pinned him with a glare and watched as he shifted uncomfortably under it.

“There is another issue,” he said and looked over to the side.

She felt a twinge in her heart at his words. “What sort of problem?”

“Your scent hasn’t changed like the others. It goes in and out. Intense at time and nonexistent at others,” he said uncomfortably. “I thought being together would fix it, but maybe we aren’t a match.”

Hannah stared at him in shock, not even sure where to go with that. There wasn’t really anywhere to go with it. They had shared something special, and he was waiting for her to smell right?

She climbed off the bed and slipped on her t-shirt, not bothering with her panties. There was only so much a person could take before they broke inside. She was at her limit.

“Hannah,” he said and started to climb out of bed. She held up a hand for him to stay. When she reached the door, she finally looked over to him.

“Some people spend their whole lives looking for the perfect person,” she said. Her voice quivered slightly as she spoke, but otherwise, she was able to stay under control. “While others spend their whole lives with the right person.”

He moved to get out of bed, but she shook her head.

“I hope you find your perfect person, Lucius,” she whispered.

She shut the door and raced to her own room before the tears started. With her back to the door, she allowed the silent sobs to wrack her body and slumped to the floor.


* * *


The days blended together as Hannah readied for the big fall festival. It was good to be busy, and she was glad to have something to keep her mind occupied. She’d wondered if Titus would cancel the event after the attack, but no additional enemy hybrids moved against them. If anything, Titus seemed more convinced they needed to have the festival, in his words to “not let Romulus win.”

Her heartache had swallowed any fear she felt about the bestial light-averse spawn of Romulus coming back.

Luckily, she hadn’t been forced to stay in the house with Lucius. Jenna was willing to take on whatever might come their way, and from what Major Carter had to say, was likely a better shot than most of the men in the compound. Hannah didn’t know how true that was, but at this point, it wasn’t going to take much to convince her.

Hannah watched as a few of the younger hybrid boys showed off by moving around the bales of hay for her. Each day they seemed to be assimilating more and more. They had even decided to take more American names in order to fit in. With as much TV as they watched, she could imagine that the Roman names were a little odd for them.

“What do you think of here, Hannah?” Nate called.

“Or here?” Ben, who was slightly older, asked. He flexed his muscles, and she had to cover her face with the clipboard, so they wouldn’t see her smile.

“Those are both perfect boys.” She beamed at them. They smiled back, proud of all the hard work. “Now I’ve got a whole truck full of pumpkins that need to be placed. Dean, why don’t you take the map and help direct?”

The youngest of them, not quite twelve, grabbed the list excitedly and ran off.

“You aren’t doing him any favors.”

Hannah stilled. It just couldn’t be. One week. One week she had managed not to talk to him except via email. She had managed to avoid him at lunch and just about everywhere else and then there he was. The day of the festival. Her stomach ached as the acid bubbled around.

She turned to look at him. It was clear he hadn’t been sleeping, and she was certain that he wasn’t eating enough.

Hannah turned to watch the young hybrids as they did their work.

“Why aren’t I doing him any favors?” she asked.

Lucius looked to the boys. “He’s smaller than the others, so he just needs to learn to use what he has.”

Hannah shook her head. “Or he’ll grow into his age.”

He looked like he wanted to say more but stopped and instead pointed to the open tent for the dance later.

“We’re having issues with a few of the camera angles due to some of the lights,” he said.

She balled up her fists. Hannah swore that if he was asking her to take down the lights, this late in the game, she really might rebreak his nose.

“What if we put the cameras on the lights instead of next to them?” he asked.

Hannah thought for a moment. It might work, but there was no way she was going to have time to get it done and still get herself ready. She glanced back over to the kids. They had been so helpful, and none of these men ever seemed to even notice them.

“It sounds like a good plan, but there’s not going to be enough time to put them up,” she said. “Unless you have a little help.”

She watched as he followed her line of sight.

“Fuck,” he mumbled and frowned.

“Oh please.” She rolled her eyes. “They are super sweet. I’m sure it will be just fine.”

As she called the younger hybrids over, she watched them as they approached. Much like anyone who came up to Lucius, they approached with caution.

“I’ve got to get ready, but Lucius has a big security issue that he needs your help with.” The three boys stood a little taller to take on their very important mission. “It would be really great if you could go help him for me.”

Dean glared over at Lucius, and Hannah couldn’t help but smile.

“I don’t like you,” Dean said.

Lucius looked down at him. “Good.”

BOOK: Lucius (Luna Lodge #3)
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