Lucifer: A Mafia Bad Boy Romance (Sinsations Book 1)

BOOK: Lucifer: A Mafia Bad Boy Romance (Sinsations Book 1)
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A Mafia Bad Boy Romance

Jessi Talbot




This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons – living or dead – is entirely coincidental.

This work is intended only for adults over the age of 18. All sexual relationships depicted are between adults who are not related by blood.

Lucifer: A Mafia Bad Boy Romance © February 2016, Jessi Talbot

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations used in articles or reviews.

Chapter 1: Lucifer

Fucking. Terrible.

I had come to the new casino that opened up a few blocks from mine to see if they were going to offer any competition. The evening would’ve been more productive if I had simply stayed home and jerked off. Not that I ever had to resort to that. It was always easy to find a lovely lady looking to wrap her hand around my cock, which would soon be followed by her mouth, and then her tight pussy.

And speaking of fucking, I didn’t know who the owner of this place had to take it up the ass from in order to dump this pile of horseshit on the Strip, but I was willing to bet it would be an empty building a year from now. There were plenty of seedy places in Vegas but none of that shit was on the Strip.

The gaming floor was a joke, with ancient slot machines and faded felt on the poker tables, and the bar… Holy Hell, the place had shiny, plastic-looking wood paneling on the bars and linoleum on the floors. The sections that had carpet looked like they had been transplanted from the eighties. My original idea had been to check out the casino, have a drink at the bar, and then maybe spend a night in their hotel to see how the service was, but fuck that. I felt like I needed a shower just from being in here. The owner definitely had some pull with somebody. Good for him. He’d need to call in a few more favors when this place folded like a bad hand of poker.

I was headed for the door when this dump offered a reason to stay. An angel in blue, with long blonde hair and sexy-as-fuck legs, sat at the bar, the hem of her short blue dress barely reaching below her thighs, the fabric clinging to the curve of her breasts as she looked around the dimly-lit room, trying to focus on anything other than the guy sitting next to her who was trying to talk to her, his hand occasionally rising from his lap and hovering in the air between them as he tried to work up the courage to actually touch her.

Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. She was like a diamond that had inexplicably ended up in a pile of shit. This dump had absolutely nothing to offer her. Except me.

Her eyes landed on me as I approached and I saw her quick intake of breath, the slight blush of her cheeks as she realized I was looking at her. Her eyes roamed up and down my body, and I couldn’t help but grin. The blush on her cheeks deepened.

The loser sitting next to my angel noticed where her attention was focused and turned to look at me. I stared at him. “Beat it.”

His eyes narrowed, his lip curling into a snarl. “You beat it, asshole. I was here first.”

I smiled, placing my hand on his shoulder. “It’s nothing personal, buddy, but look at me, and then look at you,” I nodded towards the angel, “and then look at her. Do you really think you have a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting between those sexy legs?”

His eyes cut quickly to the blonde, dropping down to her bare legs. He looked back at me. “I’m just talking to her.”

I nodded. “Yeah, that’s the difference between us, one of many. You’re going to talk to her, fantasizing about what you can’t have, and then you’re going to go home and beat your meat, feeling bad because you couldn’t close the deal. On the other hand, I’m going to talk to her, and then I’m going to fuck her.” The angel gasped. I glanced at her and winked. She squeezed her thighs together and squirmed in her seat. I looked back at the guy. “Like I said, it’s nothing personal. There are plenty of women around here you can probably score with, but this lovely lady is so out of your league that it’s almost painful to watch… and what’s sad is that you know it.”

I patted his shoulder. “You gave it a try, and that puts you ahead of some of the other losers around here who didn’t even have the balls to approach her, but it’s time to face reality now and step aside for the guy who can close the deal.”

The guy looked at the blonde again. She gave him a sad smile and shrugged. He looked at me, nodded, and slid off the barstool, taking one last look at her as he walked away, probably burning her into his memory to use as wank material later. It was understandable. She was sexy as hell, and she was going to be mine. I slid onto the recently-abandoned stool and smiled at her. “Buy you a drink?”

She laughed. “Sure, but I’m not going to sleep with you.”

Chapter 2: Krista

He pressed me against the wall, driving his cock deep inside me, my legs wrapped tight around his waist as he thrust forward, my short dress bunched up around my hips. “Oh god!” I gasped, barely able to catch my breath. This sexy stud would probably be the death of me, but what a way to go.

“You like that, baby?” he asked, his voice rough with lust as he whispered in my ear, his hips slapping against mine, his fingers digging so hard into my ass that my cheeks would probably be bruised tomorrow. I didn’t care. I had come to the club to relieve some tension, and holy hell, was it ever being relieved.

“Yes,” I whispered back, trying like hell to keep quiet even though I wanted to scream my pleasure to the heavens. Tomorrow I’d be embarrassed about hooking up with a guy in the ladies restroom after having two drinks with him, but that would be tomorrow. “Oh, God,” I whimpered, feeling my insides coil like a spring being twisted. “I’m going to come.”

“Come for me, baby,” he growled. “Show me how much you like that big cock driving into you.” He increased the speed of his thrusts, his length throbbing inside me.

I dug my nails into his broad upper back and bit my lip to keep from screaming as my orgasm exploded through me. Every nerve lit up, overwhelming my senses as I thrashed in my lover’s powerful arms. He held me tight, his fingers gripping my ass even harder as he came. His mouth crashed into mine, taking what was left of my breath away with a passionate kiss that had me seeing stars.

After a few seconds of blissfully floating in the afterglow of being thoroughly fucked, after enduring a drought that had lasted for months, I felt myself being lowered. I unhooked my legs from around him, dropping my feet to the floor. I leaned back against the wall as he let go of me, my legs shaking so bad I thought I might fall down. I giggled giddily at the throbbing between my thighs. “Wow! I’ll be remembering that for a while.”

He flashed me a sexy lopsided grin – the same grin that had resulted in this situation. “No other guy will ever satisfy you after that. You’ll compare them all to me.”

I chuckled. If ego had been money, this guy would be rolling in the dough. That was another thing that had led to this little restroom encounter. He was just too cocky and arrogant to ignore. He was also right.

He peeled off the condom, threw it in the trash, and then moved to the sink to wash his hands, that magnificent cock still hanging out. He looked at me in the reflection of the mirror, that panty-melting grin still on his face. “See anything you like?”

I licked my lips, wondering if I was up for Round 2. It looked like he could rise to the occasion again. Someone knocked loudly on the door.

“Hey! Hurry it the hell up. You’ve been in there for over ten minutes.”

So much for Round 2. It was for the best, I suppose. A night of tension relief was okay but a relationship – even a friends with benefits relationship – was something I didn’t need right now. And this guy was practically irresistible. Irresistible was bad. Irresistible fucked up plans.

The sexy beast who had just ravished me finished tucking himself in and looked at me. “Bet you didn’t see your night turning out like this.”

I shook my head as I smoothed my dress back into place, my legs finally feeling strong enough to completely support my weight. “Definitely not.” I gestured at the bathroom we were in. “This is so not my style. Not usually, anyway.”

He nodded. “Mine neither.” He tilted his head, his emerald eyes burning into me. “There’s just something incredibly arousing about you.”

I laughed. “Yeah, right.”

“I’m serious.” His eyes roamed up and down my body, sending a little chill of excitement through me. “I would love to hear you scream while I fuck you. Maybe next time—”

“There won’t be a next time,” I said firmly, reaching for the lock on the door.

“Oh, playing hard to get? I love that game.”

I looked him in the eye. “This was fun. Hell, this was awesome. But my life is a huge train wreck right now, and I don’t need anyone in it. Taking care of me is enough of a challenge.” I flipped the lock and pulled the door open, shocked to see that a line had formed. I looked back at him, nodding towards the line. “If you’re looking for something a little more permanent, maybe one of these ladies can help you out.” I turned and walked away before he could say anything.

When I got out to my car, I quickly glanced over my shoulder. Nobody was there. Damn! Part of me had hoped that sexy stud wouldn’t take no for an answer. I hadn’t been in Vegas very long and my social life was non-existent so I didn’t know anyone or have any friends. Tonight was my first night since moving here that I had allowed myself to actually have a little fun, although at the time, the idea of fun consisted of a few drinks and heading to my apartment for leftover pizza while watching TV. Earth-shattering sex hadn’t been anywhere on the list.

I got in the car, took one last look in the rearview mirror to see if my sexy stud had made it outside, fought down the bitter bite of disappointment, and headed to my apartment on the not-so-nice side of town. It was for the best. The sex was awesome but I had told him the truth. My life was a wreck and the idea of sharing it with anybody was laughable because nobody in their right mind would want to deal with the drama of my past. Maybe one of these days those memories would be laid to rest, but not now. For now it was me against the world, and that was the way it needed to be. Too bad, though, because – damn – that guy was hot.

I shook my head, chuckling at the idea of having more than a quickie with that guy. His suit, his shoes, his watch, everything screamed money, and lots of it. He was obviously way out of my league, and this was Vegas, where people came and went all the time. He was probably some out-of-town high-roller living large for a few days before going back to whatever normal life usually was for him.

At least I hoped that was the case because I couldn’t resist that smile and I didn’t need that in my life right now.

Chapter 3: Lucifer

I sat at my desk looking over reports for the casino, but it was difficult as fuck to concentrate today because that sexy blonde kept running through my thoughts.

Small talk had been vague and almost nonexistent. Neither of us had given details about our pasts, didn’t even share names. She was there for a good time and I was there… well, I had been there for business research but it didn’t take long to switch gears when I saw how that tight blue dress clung to her curves. We had a few drinks, shared a couple of laughs, and then it was time to get down to business. And then she ran like a thief in the night. It was rare when I wanted to dip my cock into a woman for more than a night – there was just too much variety in the world for that kind of commitment – but I would’ve enjoyed feeling that bit of hotness pressed against me a few more times.

I glanced at my watch. Time to walk the floor and make my presence known. As the owner of Sinsations, the hottest casino on the Strip, it gave the guests something to talk about when they saw me walking around or had an opportunity to talk with me. I pulled my suit jacket off the coat rack and slipped it on as I headed out the door.

“Still not wearing a tie, huh?”

I grinned, looking at Olivia, my assistant. She sat at her desk, one eyebrow raised.

It was an old game we played. Her last employer was very old-school, still following the dress code of days long gone. The old codger even insisted on wearing a fedora when he went outside because ‘real men wear hats.’ Olivia was determined to make me dress more like a grown-up, although she wasn’t pressing for me to start wearing a hat. I shrugged. “I only wear a tie when I meet someone more important than me… and there’s nobody more important than me in Vegas.”

She laughed, shaking her head. “Why do I work for you, Lucifer? You’re like a big kid.”

I flashed her the smile that had spread the legs of numerous women. “You only say that because you haven’t seen me naked… although you are right about being big.”

She rolled her eyed and laughed as I headed for the stairs. I didn’t take it personally. She’d had her eye on someone else since she started working here, and anyone who wasn’t that person had zero chance with her.

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