Luca's Dilemma (14 page)

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Authors: Deneice Tarbox

BOOK: Luca's Dilemma
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“I know. Believe it or not, I’m much happier now than I’ve been in a long time.” She gave him a quick glimpse and a warm smile that melted his heart before turning her attention back to her task.

Luca squeezed her hand gently, staying her movements.

“Why don’t we go ahead and wrap your other hand, too? Just to be on the safe side.” Her voice quivered with her words.

Luca continued holding her hand, waiting. Gradually, Sheila lifted her head again and met his intense stare. He stood, extracting her from her chair while continuing to gaze deeply into those amber orbs, now noticing a dimness he’d missed before.

Raising his free hand, he applied the lightest of touches to her cheek. “He didn’t deserve you.”

Passion roared to life in those beautiful eyes. Luca couldn’t recall exactly how it happened, but his next cognizant thought involved her lips as they fiercely claimed his when she pinned him against the wall on the opposite side of the room. Their tongues clashed and whipped around one another as they both fought for dominance.

Luca’s hands roamed wildly over her back and buttocks before capturing each cheek of her butt. A firm squeeze of the globes elicited a deep moan from her that instantaneously brought his male organ to full attention. He deftly reversed their positions, pinning her to the wall while retaining their heated kiss, and began grinding against her carnally. As he became lost in the feel of her, all thoughts of the potential repercussions of his actions flew out the window.

Determined not to have a repeat of what happened at the pond, Luca began inching up Sheila’s dress, intending to remove the obstacle. But, Sheila wasn’t having it. With urgency, she began tugging violently at his clothes. Sensing her need to see his nakedness, Luca stepped back, reluctantly breaking the kiss just long enough to pull his flannel shirt over his head. It landed on the floor where his T–shirt soon followed.

Sheila ogled his chest before shoving him against the refrigerator, the roughness of the act eliciting something delicious within him. Every nerve of his body suddenly amplified in sensitivity, responding incredulously to the slow, sensuous kisses she was now planting along his pecs.

“Oh yeah, babe. You have no idea how long I’ve been dying to feel that luscious mouth on me,” he crooned, his breathing erratic. A deep groan rattled in his chest from the feel of her moist mouth claiming his left nipple. She began spinning little circles around it with the tip of her tongue, the sensation nothing short of electrifying.

Sheila kissed downward between his pecs, landing on her knees before him. The muscles of his abdomen quivered at the silky touch of her thick, moist lips tracing over every dip and bulge of his six–pack. With skill, she alternated kisses with an occasional salacious swipe of her tongue, twirling circles around his naval and then darting in and out of it.

Luca inhaled sharply. This sexy woman was driving him crazy, the heat of her mouth and hands completely setting him on fire. It was erotic beyond anything he’d ever experienced.

Gripping the top of the fridge with both hands, Luca grappled with the urge to touch her, permitting himself to enjoy the experience of Sheila having her way with him. He gripped harder when she unbuttoned his jeans. Slowly, she began lowering the zipper with her teeth, the echo of each click causing him to flinch with anticipation. With swiftness, she tugged his jeans and boxers down around his ankles in one fell swoop.

His thick member sprang forth, nearly slapping her in the face. The urge to laugh assailed him when he saw her wide–eyed gawk. The look of shock was quickly replaced with one of appreciation, and her tongue ran over her lips in anticipation.

Luca drew in a sharp breath. His eyes crossed before fluttering closed from the overpowering sensation of her delicate hands on his member. He’d been right. She was almost able to get her hands fully around him.

The first stroke of her hot wet tongue made him dizzy. Impulsively, he threw the palm of his hand against the wall beside him to steady himself, barely acknowledging the pain it caused him. Intense pleasure engulfed his fuzzy brain when she took him in her inviting mouth and began sucking on him like she hadn’t had a lollipop in years. She used her hands to pump him and massage his sac, occasionally sucking his heavy sac into her mouth and causing his already rock–hard shaft to grow stiffer. His balls hardened in wake of his impeding orgasm.

“Fuck, Sheila. I’m not gonna last long if you keep that up.” His eyes cracked open just in time to catch a twinkle of merriment in hers.
God, she can be so naughty

Ignoring his injuries, Luca thrust his fingers into her soft hair. Fisting a chunk at the back of her head, he began to gently pump into her mouth, the pulsation of her subsequent groan against his flesh effectively sending him over the edge. With a growl, he picked up the pace, working his hips ardently as load upon load of his hot seed shot into the back of Sheila’s throat. To his amazement she didn’t protest. Just swallowed.

Luca pulled Sheila into his arms, hugging her closely. He began fervently applying kisses to her neck and along her jawline until his greedy lips found hers. Remnants of his seed lingered, adding a slight saltiness to the otherwise sweet taste of her mouth. In the past, he’d refused to lock lips with any woman who’d just given him head. But everything was different with Sheila, and the kiss only served to stir his arousal again.

The kiss grew more passionate as irrepressible desire consumed him. Quickly, he kicked off his boots and the clothing gathered around his ankles and began walking her backward toward the kitchen entrance. The would–be short trip to her bedroom was detoured when Shelia threw a curvaceous leg around his waist and started gyrating against him. She started kneading his butt cheeks, forcing his groin tighter against her core. The smell of her arousal was driving him mad. He had to get inside her.

Luca half dragged, half carried Sheila behind the couch. Breaking their lip grip, he swiftly turned her away from him and forced her to grab the back of the couch. With trembling hands, he gathered the back of her dress in one hand and forced her underwear down with the other, noting they were those sexy boy–cut ones that she wore so well. Running the length of his finger along her slit, he tested her wetness. He smiled, satisfied when she arched her back and a deep moan filtered from her throat. No longer able to wait, he grasped his rod and prepared to enter her from behind.

“Co–um,” Sheila murmured breathlessly.

“What, babe?”


Luca kissed her shoulder. “Keep this wet for me,” he whispered closely to her ear, eliciting a shiver from her. He ran the pads of two fingers ever so lightly along her lower lips, grinning broadly when she flexed and groaned in response. He’d never tire of that. “Be right back.”

Running to the kitchen and nearly breaking his neck rounding the corner, he retrieved his beat–up wallet from his jeans pocket. Frantically, he searched each compartment for the solo condom he usually kept on hand for such emergencies. Then it all came back to him. After his very memorable first meeting with Sheila, he’d gone down to the Old Port looking to satisfy his pent–up urges. The sole Durex XXL had been wasted when after arriving at the cute redhead’s apartment, his pride and joy had refused to function.


Chapter 12

Throwing his clothes on with a purpose, Luca hurried back to the living room where he’d left an exposed Sheila.

“I have to make a run,” he told her before placing a quick kiss to her bow–shaped lips and then slapping her ample butt cheek.

Before Sheila could respond, he dashed out into the cold, snow–filled night and headed across the field to his garage. Literally jumping in the driver’s seat, he slammed the door behind him while simultaneously revving the engine. Boy was he thankful he kept his keys on him at all times.

As Luca backed out of the confines of the secure shelter, the red Dodge Ram fishtailed in protest at being so roughly reversed before he managed to slam the transmission into drive. Barely taking the time to close the garage door, he knew he should be more mindful of the slippery, snow–covered roads, but the need to procure his protection and get back to his woman before she justifiably changed her mind outweighed all common sense.

The huge vehicle sailed down the long country road at top speed, making the ordinarily ten–minute trip to the local convenience store in less than five. Luca sprang from the truck, barely taking time to park and shut the engine off before running inside. Skidding to a stop at the front counter, he hastily addressed the wide–eyed man behind it.

“Durex XXLs, please.”

The man’s astonishment appeared to grow as he eyed Luca quizzically. “Dang! What happened to you?” he queried, gesturing toward Luca’s injured hands.

“Minor accident. The condoms?”

“Pardon?” the clerk asked, shifting his inquisitive gaze from Luca’s hands to Luca’s face.

“Durex XXLs. You know… the condoms?”

A thoughtful look crossed the store clerk’s face. “Durex, huh?” he said, slowly tapping his chin with his index finger. “Can’t say I’m familiar with those. We probably don’t have any.”

“Then what’s the largest size you carry?”

“Largest size?” the clerk repeated, rocking to and fro on his feet.

Luca waited patiently while the man seemingly took forever before speaking again.

“The largest I’ve ever seen in stock were Magnums.”

“Great!” Luca stated excitedly. “I’ll take some of those.” They would be a little short and tight, but well worth it.

“Wellll, I didn’t say we had any. Those are just the largest I’ve ever seen in stock.”

Luca inhaled deeply, allowing the breath to escape slowly through his nostrils. It was either that or yank the old geezer over the counter and throttle the old man with his own beard. The mass of chin hair sure as hell was long enough.

“Could you please check to see if you have any?” he asked in a tone that mercifully controlled his inner voice.

“Ayuh, I can do that.” The man stood in place, nodding. Time ticked on, but the man continued to stand there, bobbing his balding head up and down.

Luca’s eyes bugged. “Well?” he asked incredulously, thrusting his hands out questioningly.

“Well what?” the clerk returned, eyebrows knitted together.

“Aren’t you going to see if you have any Magnums?” Luca said a little more forcefully than he probably should have.

The man frowned at him. “Not right now. I can’t leave the counter. No need to get all huffy about it either.” Crossing his arms defensively, he kept the frown in place.

Luca groaned.

“Besides, if you want those Drox–a–nots or whatever they’re called so badly, why don’t you head on down to the Rite Aid? They have a wider selection.”

Rite Aid? Of course. Why didn’t I think of that? Dumbass!
“Thanks,” Luca tossed over his shoulder as he bolted for the door. He vaguely registered the clerk telling him to hurry because the drug store closed early on Saturdays.

Putting his life at risk again, he headed for the next town over, victoriously claiming his prize. With speed, he headed back to Sheila’s place. As he parked next to her Beamer, he made a mental note to rise early and shovel in the morning. This would be their first snow season together, but something told him if he didn’t get to it bright and early, Sheila would take matters into her own hands.

Silent darkness greeted him upon entering the tiny home. The heat of their earlier activities had cooled considerably, leaving a significant chill in the house. While removing his wet boots by the door, his eyes quickly adjusted to the dark room. His gaze darted to the couch, half expecting to find Sheila bent over with her dress gathered around her waist and waiting for him. The couch, coffee table, and TV stand were the only pieces of furniture in the small room, and they did indeed look ratty. He decided right then and there to replace them as soon as possible. No one would ever have reason to insult his baby again.

The kitchen was a straight shot from the front door, and he could clearly see it was dark and empty. He stepped beyond the couch to inspect the small hall to the left. It was apparent she wasn’t in the bathroom since the door on the right was ajar and that room was also dark.

The door at the very end of the hall was closed, and soft light seeped under the bottom into the hall. Luca knew it to be the door to the home’s only bedroom. His heart leapt with the possibility she might be on the other side waiting for him. But, when he entered the tiny room, it was to find Sheila snuggled under multiple layers of covers, fast asleep. He stood over her, gazing down on her slumbering form. Ultra–long eyelashes rested on the high cheekbones of her heart shaped face. The corners of her plush lips were turned slightly upwards. She looked so serene and innocent.

Unexpected guilt rushed him like a raging bull. S
he is innocent!
reverberated loudly in his head. Every image of every past target started flashing across her sleeping face, distorting her beautiful features. The images weren’t of the living. Rather, they were reflections of the aftermath, the frozen, post–mortem faces of Luca’s victims. Fingers of fear eagerly scratched at the nape of his neck, causing the fine hairs there to prickle and itch. He began rubbing the area, observing that for the first time in his adult life he was experiencing real terror and feared his mind was finally issuing past–due retribution for the deadly deeds of his past. Squeezing his eyes shut, he prayed for the ghastly show to end before he opened them again. It worked.

Yet guilt lingered heavily around his neck. He had used this beautiful woman, not to mention betrayed one of the many vows of an assassin. Sex with a target was only permitted when deemed necessary to accomplish the mission. Intimacy with an assignment of any kind, however, was never permissible. Sheila had made him forget all that. Forget what he really was and act in the most dishonorable manner. And, because she’d made him forget, even if just for a little while, he had to walk away before he used her any further. Turning quietly, he headed for the bedroom door, heavy heart in tow.

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