Loyalty to the Cause (TCOTU, Book 4) (This Corner of the Universe) (34 page)

BOOK: Loyalty to the Cause (TCOTU, Book 4) (This Corner of the Universe)
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Chapter 24

had been sailing for nine
uneventful days with her new crew when the Gibson drive once again expelled her
from tunnel space.  Ahead of Heskan, Lieutenant Selvaggio worked to confirm
their destination while Truesworth announced a green beacon on the buoy nearest

have arrived in the Lagrin system, Captain.  All four ships have emerged. 
We’re cleared to sail through the tunnel exit pattern and follow the snows
ahead of us.”  She squinted at her console before shouting, “Jack, confirm that
snow’s identity!”

uncharacteristic command from Selvaggio muted the activity on the bridge. 
Heskan stared at the system plot, trying to decipher the navigation beacons of
the ships ahead of his squadron.

he read the words to himself, Truesworth exclaimed, “That snow is registered as
CDS Sultan, Diane.  I don’t know what the brig and other snows she’s with are,
but…”  He spun to face Heskan.  “Captain, that’s a Saden snow!  She’s the

stations, Stacy,” Heskan ordered instantly
.  My God, we’ve tunneled out
right behind an enemy formation and my entire squadron is crewed by civilian
transport sailors.
  “Jack, tell our squadron mates to come about and
execute an immediate dive back to t-space.  Diane, get some distance from them
and try to lure Sultan into a pursuit.”

message from Sultan, sir,” Truesworth declared.

not surrendering without a fight,
Heskan promised himself.  “Stacy, have Pruette and Thomas crew the particle
beams.  We’ll run in close and slam them hard, then make a break for the tunnel
point.”  He gestured to Truesworth for the message.

young man, perhaps twenty-five, appeared on a side screen.  His elaborate
uniform emulated that of a Federation officer while exchanging the blue and
white for red and gold.  “Sade’s armed snow, Sultan, sends her highest regards
to AV Elathra.  Lieutenant Franklin D. Dexter commanding.”  The man dipped his
head slightly.  “We were informed that AmyraCorp secured only three Hollaran
snows, Komandor.  Has there been a change in the order of battle?”

looked around the bridge in slight confusion.  His officers were frozen in half-compliance
with his recent orders.  After a beat, he countermanded himself, “Belay all
that.”  To the screen, he responded, “I’m Captain Garrett Heskan of Elathra. 
Lieutenant Dexter, can you confirm that Sultan is an IaCom-controlled ship?”

eyebrows arched up in confusion.  “Of course it is.  Haven’t you bothered to
read…”  The man trailed off briefly before nodding.  “I understand your
confusion.  You’ve come directly from the Commonwealth and don’t have the
latest information.  Captain, once we have synced our standata you’ll see the
updated order of battle regarding our impending dispute.  Terribly sorry for
the misunderstanding.”  His smile reappeared.  “Well, let me be the first to
welcome you to our slice of the galaxy, unless, of course, your travels have
taken you here before.  In which case, a hearty welcome back.”

glanced at the system plot. 
and her companions were still
sailing blissfully away from
.  “Uh, Lieutenant,” Heskan
stammered, “I’m not disappointed but why have we not exchanged fire?”

expression soured.  “Why would we possibly do that, Captain?  Is that a jest? 
My apologies, sir, us corporate types really don’t understand the privateer
sense of humor.  A failing of ours, I’m sure.”  He shrugged amicably.  “Well,
see you at the ball, Captain.  Safe journey.”  The screen faded to black
leaving Heskan with more questions than answers.

was strange,” Truesworth muttered.

Vernay ventured, “you don’t want me to shoot them?”

shot her an irritated look before a small smile etched across his face.  His
voice mimicked the Saden lieutenant’s odd accent.  “Of course not, my dear. 
Why in heavens would we fire upon the enemy?  That would be terribly poor
manners, wouldn’t you say?”

Vernay stood
down from battle stations while saying, “Maybe we can find the answer to that
question when we arrive at Seshafi.”

*  *  *

Seshafi system was centered on her K1V main sequence star.  The two terrestrial
planets nearest the star were rendered uninhabitable by solar radiation.  The
third planet not only contained an atmosphere suitable for humans, but also
orbited with a moon so large that the two celestial bodies were considered
binary planets.  Both Seshafi Major and Seshafi Minor had breathable
atmospheres and open cities.  However, the smaller of “The Twins” had air so
thin that vigorous physical activity was nearly impossible.  Past the
terrestrial planets were two, unremarkable gas giants.  Even more distant was a
very light asteroid belt and three smaller, uninhabitable dwarf planets.

commercial traffic in the system was impressive considering the approaching
war.  Heskan read that hostilities against trade ships were forbidden during
corporate wars and freighter captains routinely sailed within 10
ongoing battles with little fear of destruction.  Once
dove into
the system, and after she received “high regards and wishes” on behalf of the Lord
Admiral of the Seshafian Navy, Baron Piers H. Cooke, “Komandor” Heskan was
requested to make way for Seshafi Major’s main orbital where “proper
introductions and salutations could be afforded.”

courtesies espoused by the orbital controller nearly sent Selvaggio into bouts
of laughter as she desperately tried to obtain her docking instructions in the
simplest, most concise manner possible.  After hard dock was confirmed, Heskan
thanked the remainder of his Hollaran transport crew over
channel and bid them a safe return to the Commonwealth.  He turned to his left
and told Vernay, “She’s your ship.  I need to disembark and go find this Lord

nodded but said, “Captain, I’d like permission to accompany you when we negotiate
our contract, sir.”

rose and moved to the bridge door as he stated, “That’s fine, Stacy, but at the
pace these people communicate, I doubt we’ll be doing that any time soon.”

walk from the bridge to the airlock took longer than the few minutes required on
.  In order to dock,
was rolled at a ninety-degree
angle in relation to the orbital, making it appear as if the snow rested on her
starboard side.  The different relative “up” direction between the ship and
space station necessitated a zero-gravity docking tube.  As Heskan pulled
himself along the short tube, he oriented himself in a position where his feet
would be on the ground rather than the wall when he crossed into the orbital

exiting the airlock, an official identifying himself as Baron Cooke’s “humble
and obedient servant” promptly greeted Heskan and proceeded to escort him
through a confusing maze of station corridors to a baroquely decorated office
occupied by the baron himself.  Piers H. Cooke was a man of medium size and average
appearance.  His brown hair and nondescript facial features could have made him
an easily forgettable man; however, his dark blue uniform trimmed with ornate
gold braid and frilly epaulettes ensured no such mistake would ever be made. 
The baron stood upon Heskan’s arrival and walked around his extravagant desk to
reach out and shake Heskan’s hand.  “Baron Piers Cooke, it’s a pleasure to make
your acquaintance, Komandor.”

man’s striking voice was not only blessed with a naturally deep, reassuring baritone
but was supported with a well-measured, and practiced, diction that oozed
authority.  It was a voice people naturally listened to, the voice of a leader,
or perhaps a great hero.

whether he was expected to bow, Heskan merely smiled warmly in return and said,
“Garrett Heskan, and my rank is captain.  I prefer to use Federation ranks over

apologized effusively, “My terrible misunderstanding, please forgive me,
Captain.  I hope you understand that I just assumed ‘Komandor’ was correct
given the company name on the outside of your service file.”  The man winked
and grinned.  “Secure Solutions does have a rather single-minded tendency upon
which government they look to for hires, wouldn’t you agree?”  The tone and
tenor of the baron’s dulcet voice radiated amity.

to forgive, Baron—”

call me Piers in private settings, Admiral when we’re on the clock.  The title,
baron, is just
fons honorum
… awarded to me due to my official position
as Lord of the Admiralty.”  Like most corporations in this region, high-ranking
positions within the company came with titles of nobility.  AmyraCorp’s CEO, Joshua
Covington, carried the honorific title of archduke.

nodded and improvised, “I’m just Garrett and as far as rank goes, considering
that all the corporate systems border Federation territory, it just makes
things easier.” 
Not to mention that many of the Federation and Brevic naval
ranks are the same.

Our own navy uses the same rank structure for the same reason.”  Cooke gestured
toward a side door in the office.  “I’ll have one of my adjutants send you the
updated order of battle when it’s completed.  You can imagine our surprise to
find an additional snow available for lease.”  Cooke gripped Heskan’s shoulder
with comradery.  “Not that any of us are complaining, mind you.  Secure
Solutions’ reputation is outstanding and although I haven’t had the opportunity
and great privilege yet to read over your personal file, I am sure we are in a
much stronger position with you than without.”  The baron’s statement, spoken
in his honeyed and affirming tone, made it undeniably true.

“I just
hope we don’t disappoint you, Piers.”

waved a finger in dismissal.  “That’s quite impossible, my good sir.  However,”
he sighed regretfully, “I am afraid I must run.  As you well know, I have
endless details to attend to for the banquet tonight but I wanted very much to
meet, personally, any man who would place his life in harm’s way for AmyraCorp
and her people.”  He once again shook Heskan’s hand and said earnestly, “Thank
you, sir.”

Heskan could get a word in, Cooke added, “We also must have this Letter of
Intent to Contract signed so you can legally attend the festivities tonight.” 
The man’s appealing smile reignited as he reached to his desk.  “It’d be a damned
shame to come all this way and not be able to attend the banquet, eh?”

have to attend a banquet?
“Of course,” Heskan said dryly.  “A damned shame.”

his oak desk, Cooke produced a letter more closely resembling parchment.  “This
letter merely states our intention to enter into negotiations for hire in good
faith.  We can handle the details of the actual contract tomorrow, of course.”

a quick review, Heskan signed the paper using an authentic ink pen.  He handed
the relic back to Cooke who signed as well.  “I prefer these letters of intent
be physical so we can post them proudly in the banquet’s program.  Other privateers
from DAC, Fleet Works and McMillon Group are also attending, by the by.  You
may know some of their officers.”

Heskan answered.

looked once again at the parchment and moved to the door.  “Very well, sir.  Kyle
will see you back to your ship and provide you with your invitations.  Be sure
to bring your wife.”

smiled warmly at the baron as he left. 
My wife?

Chapter 25

escort, “Kyle,” made it clear that there was no escaping attendance of the
ball.  Navigating once again through the labyrinth of corridors, Heskan rapidly
became lost while attempting to fabricate a suitable explanation to his guide about
why he would be unable to attend.  As the Seshafian delivered him back to
the man expounded on the importance of the event even as Heskan tried several
arguments to escape it.  The ball was a necessary and vital step in each
system’s positioning for the upcoming conflict.  Heskan’s absence would
indicate reluctance on his and his privateer company’s part to be involved in its
resolution.  After several delicate attempts to explain, Kyle plainly stated that
Heskan’s absence would weaken Cooke’s advantage during negotiations and such a
blow would factor into his own contract.

wanting to face the evening alone, Heskan requested Vernay’s attendance.  As
the event neared, Heskan now gazed a final time in his bathroom’s mirror.  He
wore the same suit he had acquired in Syntyche to dine with Lombardi’s
corporate associate. 

and Vernay met at
airlock.  She was once again stunning in her
blue Tourlenni gown.  Heskan mumbled his thanks for her company and the pair
moved onto the orbital after a nearly embarrassing dinner-gown incident
involving the zero-G in the docking tube.  As they wandered through the warren
of corridors, Heskan resorted to his datapad to guide them to the proper part
of the station.

turned a final corner and walked down the wide hall to the double doors of a ballroom.
 A man dressed in an immaculate tuxedo took Heskan’s invitations and loudly
announced to the room, “Captain Garrett Heskan…”  The man briefly looked down
again at the invitations and improvised, “…and wife.”

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