Loyalty Over Royalty (14 page)

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Authors: T'Anne Marie

BOOK: Loyalty Over Royalty
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Chapter 22

Notorious and Whack had been back in the Lou with the product they copped from their new connect for a few weeks now. Business was booming and the two couldn’t be more satisfied. Notorious still hadn’t heard from his cousin Manny. He was starting to become worried. “Man, you still ain’t heard from that nigga Manny either?!” he asked Whack in concern.

“Nah, ion know wassup with that nigga! I been tryna call his ass but the nigga ain’t pickin up,” he lied. Whack and Manny had been talking every day. The same day he and Notorious came back from Miami, he went and met with Manny. Manny told him how he lied to Notorious about them being out of dope, when really he took the last two bricks to take with him to Atlanta. Notorious didn’t think anything of it because he knew they were running low with their old connect being gone. Manny also told Whack he was tired of working for Notorious and he was ready to become his own boss, so he dipped. Whack felt him. He was in the process of putting his own plan together too. No one would ever see it coming either.

“Man, that nigga ain’t never pulled no shit like this before. Ion know what the fuck goin on but I know something not right. I promise that nigga betta be dead! If he ain’t, he gon wish he was when I catch up wit his ass!” Notorious seethed. He was boiling. He was starting to feel like Whack and Manny was on some disloyal shit. They both had been acting real funny style lately, but he couldn’t figure out why. He hadn’t been anything but good to them. They all were on the same payroll so it wasn’t like one was eating more than the other. What they did with their money was their own business; he couldn’t control if they fucked it off.

“Man iono, I hope the nigga ain’t dead; we need that nigga,” Whack continued to play dumb. Notorious grew silent as he clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth. He was trying so hard to keep his composure.

“Nah, we don’t NEED no muthafucka. One of the lil soldiers will be happy to get promoted. Long as yo ass get yo panties out, yo ass we’ll be straight!” he barked, then stormed out of the spot. He was done for the night. He wanted to just go home to his family; they always made everything better.


Steve was coming in as Notorious was storming out. “Damn, what’s up with that nigga?!” he asked Whack, who was standing there with a smirk spread across his face.

“Man iono, I guess the nigga got his period.” He laughed, not caring about Notorious’ attitude. Steve gave Whack a mean once over.

“Aw well, you wanna take me over to my ole lady house over on the east side? Shit, I was gon ask nephew but I see he not feelin shit,” Steve said.

“Yea Unk, I got you, you ready now?”

“Yea, I’m ready; shit, it’s getting late. She probably mad, I was supposed to been there!” He let out a lil chuckle.

“Aw iight, well I’m ready. Jus let me lock up real quick.” Whack locked up and they headed to his 2 door root beer colored Bentley.

After about a 30-minute drive, they made it to the east side. Steve had Whack pull into a dark alley. They drove up a lil ways and pulled into the back of a house that looked vacant. “Hold up nephew, I gotta take a leak,” Steve said. He got out and went on the side of the house. Whack phone vibrated in his lap and it was a text from Carmen.

Carmen: Where u at?

Whack: Be there shortly droppin Unk off at his chic crib.

Carmen: ok well hurry home I miss yo

Steve hopped back in the car as Whack was replying to Carmen’s text. After hitting send, he looked up to ask Steve was he ready and was staring down the barrel of his .45.

“Whoa Unk, what the fuck is you on?!” Whack said and threw his hands up.

“Shut the fuck up nigga; I ain’t yo fuckin uncle. You might be able to fool my nephew and my lil niece but you can’t fool me. I know exactly who you are!” Steve hissed. He was ready to put a hole in Whack’s head.

“What the fuck is you talkin about Unk? I’m family and you gon try and do a nigga?! You had this shit planned the whole time huh?!” Whack began to chuckle.

“You damn right! If you think I’m just gon sit back and let you take my nephew out, you got another thing coming! Now, get the fuck out! LIL BLACK!” Steve spat, letting him know he knew exactly who he was. Whack did as he was told and got out. Steve walked around the car, never taking his gun off of Whack. When he got behind him, he demanded him to walk towards the entrance of the vaco. When they got inside, he stood in front of Whack and pointed the gun directly in his face.

“So, you jus gone shoot me? You ain’t even gon hear my side huh? My wife is yo niece and my son is yo great nephew, you think you can live with this on yo heart?!” Whack laughed. He noticed Steve still had the safety on his gun.

“They’ll get over it and I will too!” (click, click) Steve tried to fire but nothing happened. Whack then quickly removed the .38 snub nose from his waist. (Pow, pow, pow, pow) He let off four shots into Steve’s chest. Steve reached for his burning heart and quickly fell on his back. Whack stood over him as he gasped for air.

“Yo old ass forgot the safety!” (pow, pow) He let off the last two shots into Steve’s head and he died instantly. Whack then ran to his whip and headed back across the bridge.






Chapter 23

Whack laid sleep in their California King as he was awakened by the sound of Carmen’s screams. “How? When? Where did they find him?!” she yelled. As she heard the news about her uncle’s murder. “Whack said he was taking him to some chick house and that was the last I heard!” she cried hysterically to the person on the other end of the phone. Whack got out of bed and went into the bathroom where she was.

“What’s goin on?” he lipped, pretending to be concerned. She held up her finger, signaling him to wait a moment while she finished her conversation. After ending the call, she fell into his arms and broke down. “That was aunt Theresa; they found Unk in a vacant house on the east side, and he’s dead! HE’S DEAD BAAAAE!” she began to cry uncontrollably.

“Shhh, shh, shhh, just calm down baby. Everything gon be iight, I promise.” he said, as he held her tight rocking her from side to side, trying to get her to calm down.

“I don’t understand! Who would do this to him?!” she continued.

“Ion know bae, but I promise we gon find out!”


“DEAD! FUCK YOU MEAN HE DEAD?! I jus seen Unk when I left the spot last night!” Notorious yelled through his cellphone. “Where the fuck he drop him off at?!” he questioned. “Man, I’m on my way, yawl stay put!” he demanded before hitting the end button.

“What’s goin on bae, what’s wrong?!” Kyra asked, walking into the bedroom carrying a tray full of breakfast food.

“That was sis! She said…” Notorious tried to fight back the tears.  “She said my uncle Stebo was murdered!” Saying those words made him go crazy. He instantly began to flip out. Kyra’s mouth dropped open and she almost dropped the tray. Stebo hadn’t been out of the halfway house a good month and he was already gone. She couldn’t help but wonder who would want to kill him and why. She sat the tray on the bed and went over to her husband to console him. The twins and baby Shad heard all of the ruckus and ran to their room.

“What’s wrong with daddy?” Kayla asked. They were scared and had never seen their father in such a state.

“He’s alright baby, yawl go sit down for me please?” Kyra asked politely, as tears began to roll down her face. They did as they were told. She too had never seen her husband break down. He cried for months when Grams passed but it wasn’t this bad. He was down on his knees beating the floor like it killed his uncle. Kyra cradled her husband and cried with him. She’d give anything to take the pain he was feeling away.


Notorious pulled up to Carmen and Whack’s about an hour later. Him and Kyra got out of the car, knocked on the door, and waited for an answer. Carmen opened up shortly after. Her eyes were red and extremely puffy. “Hey yawl,” she said barely above a whisper.

“Awwww, best friend, I’m so sorry!” Kyra said, as she reached out and hugged her. Notorious kissed his sister on her forehead and walked right on in. He walked into the dining room where Whack was sitting at the table rolling up. When Whack looked up, he immediately stood to his feet to embrace his boy.

“Wassup man, sorry to hear bout Unk. I can’t believe that shit, I had just dropped that nigga off!” Whack said and shook his head as if he was in disbelief. “That’s what I want to know, where exactly did you drop him off?!” Notorious asked.

“I dropped him off at that lil liquor store on Cass right across the street from the OP’s. He said he would walk across the street cuz that’s where the chic lived. Which apartment, that I don’t know. I asked him was he sure; he told me yea.” Whack lied with a straight sincere face.

“So, you don’t know if he made it to the bitch house?”

“Nah honestly, I don’t,” Whack said, shaking his head and firing up his blunt. Notorious took a seat at the table and covered his face with his hands.

“UGGGGGHHHH! DAMN!” he screamed out in frustration. “We gotta find out what happened to Unk! In the meantime, I need yawl to help me plan his funeral,” Notorious cried. Whack bobbed his head and passed him the blunt.










Chapter 24

Notorious stood in the mirror of his bedroom as he got dressed. It had been three months since his uncle’s murder and they still had no leads, no witnesses, shit. Of course, he wasn’t satisfied about the outcome, but what could he do? He couldn’t just go on a killing spree. He wouldn’t even know where to start. On the bright side, business was good and Whack was back to his normal self. He was bringing in major dough and even expanding the territory.

Notorious was on his way to meet with Whack and some new niggas that had just recently moved down from Kansas. Supposedly, they were some get money niggas and Whack wanted to do business with them.

“Be careful tonight bae and make sure you call me,” Kyra said, as she sat on the edge of their double king sized bed. She didn’t let it show, but she wasn’t feeling right.

“Aw bae, I’m good, you know I stay on point. Plus, my right hand gon be with me; you know he ain’t goin for no fugazzi shit. He the one that know these niggas anyway. I doubt if shit go left,” Notorious assured her. Kyra nodded. She heard him clear, but it still didn’t subside her funny feelings.

“I’ll probably be out a lil late so don’t wait up for me,” he said, picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist. He looked at her then planted a soft wet long kiss on her lips.

“I love you baby!” he told her.

“I love you too!” They shared another kiss and Notorious headed out the door. Notorious punched the address Whack told him to meet him at in the GPS.

“Damn, this shit far!” he said to himself when the destination uploaded. “I know this shit better be worth it.” He then put his car in drive and drove out of his driveway.


“Man these niggas in these streets so slimy, that’s why I keep you with me you’ll be right here by me.

I guess they mad I made it out the hood they say they gon try me, but I ain’t worried bout em cuz you right here by me. If them people catch me wit you locked up that’s where I’ll be, but ion give a fuck I keep you right here by me. I’m jus tryna get some money I ain’t hurting nobody, in case they wanna play I got you right here by me.”

Notorious rode as he bobbed his head and rapped the song “Right Here By Me” By Rocko. He had been driving for the past hour and he still hadn’t reached his destination. He had passed Six Flags and some more shit
. Damn, where the fuck this nigga got me going?
he thought to himself. Just as he was getting aggravated, the GPS announced his exit. After getting off of the highway, he drove bout a half a mile down a dark narrow road and the GPS told him to make a right. He drove about another half a mile down a trail that looked as if it was leading to the woods. “Man, what the fuck is this shit!” he continued to think. He drove a lil more and the GPS announced he had arrived to his destination. It was a small cabin. Notorious looked around for Whack’s car. After spotting it, he got out and made his way inside.

When he stepped foot onto the porch of the cabin, there were two big buff ass men guarding the door. They patted him down and took both of his guns. They then opened up and pointed him in the direction to the back of the cabin. Notorious walked in the back and seen Whack sitting at the table.

“Wassup boy, where everybody else at?!” he asked, reaching out for dap. Whack gave him a dirty look and left him hanging.

“Ain’t nobody else, it’s jus me and you!” Whack hissed as he cocked back his .40. “Sit the fuck down!” Whack yelled. Notorious frowned up his face in confusion.

“Man, I ain’t sittin no fuckin where! What the fuck is yo problem?! And you betta get that fuckin gun out my face!” he barked! (Pow) Whack fired off a shot, and it flew right pass Notorious’ face. “The next one gon go in yo head bitch! Now, sit the fuck down!” he spat. Notorious took a seat. He was boiling on the inside, but he had to keep cool so he could think his way up out the situation he was in.

“Now I’ma ask you some questions, first time you lie, you die!” Whack hissed as he sniffed and played with his nose. He was as high as a kite. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the same picture he showed Carmen. He slammed it onto the table.

“You know who this is?!” he asked, pointing to Black. Notorious’ eyes widened as flashbacks of the night he killed Black played in his head.

“How do you know him?” Notorious whispered.

“I’m the muthafucka asking the questions! But since you asked, that’s my fuckin father! And you and yo punk ass daddy took him from me!” Whack yelled, as spit flew from his mouth. Notorious sat silent. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All these years he had been best friends with the enemy.

“I lost my fuckin momma because she lost her mind and overdosed. You have no idea what it is to walk in and find yo mama dead on the kitchen floor with a needle in her arm!” he continued. Notorious gritted his teeth. He really didn’t want to kill Black, but he was disloyal and the older he got, he understood why his father made him do it.

“Nigga, yo daddy was a snake and a thief! And if I had to, I’d kill his ass again!” Notorious seethed. Hearing those words sent cold chills through Whack’s body and he grew angrier.

“Nigga, after I kill you, I’ma take over yo whole empire. Then I’ma fuck yo wife and make her me and Carmen’s bitch!” Whack yelled. As soon as he was bout to pull the trigger, Notorious head butted and rushed him to the floor. The gun fell out Whack’s hand and slid across the floor. The two tussled and squirmed all over the floor as they fought to get to the gun. (Pow, pow, pow) Three shots went off.





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