Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (20 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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Matt walked in first. He wore black jeans and a skintight tank top with large clunky black boots. Silver chains fell from beneath the end of the shirt and circled up and back underneath. His ink was striking and only added to his entire ensemble. She realized this was his hard rock facade. It finally hit her that he belonged to a world-famous band and was used to more decadence in one day than she probably experienced in her entire lifetime.

She hadn’t realized he moved closer until he tipped her chin up and kissed her bruised cheek. “What’s wrong?” His husky voice sent an electrical current along her skin.

She smiled into his eyes. “I’ll miss you.” Warmth pressed against her back.

“Will you miss me too?” Stephon’s voice was just as husky, just as sexy.

“Every other minute.”

There was a knock at the door and Stephon moved away, causing cool air to float across the back of her t-shirt.

Angela and Krispin walked in. “It’s time to get out of here. The cars are waiting. Wade is grumpy and told us to get the two of you down there ASAP.” Krispin sounded just as grumpy as Wade.

Matt tilted her face up and placed a quick kiss on her lips. “We don’t want to be on Wade’s bad side or the entire trip will be a nightmare.”

She laughed and then yelped when Stephon suddenly tugged on her hand and brought her around to face him. He didn’t give her a chance to protest, just gave her a quick, thorough kiss.

Her voice was shaky, “What about your coffee?”

“We’ll grab it on the plane. Sorry, but Angela will join you. Later, love.” Stephon put his arm around Matt and steered him toward Krispin, who stared longingly at his wife. Stephon pulled both men out the door and then Angela walked over and took her hand.

“We’ll eat chocolate, shop, and console each other until they’re back. It’s the first time I’ve been away from Krispin since we became an item.”

Jewel looked away from the door. “I’m so sorry. Go with them. I’ll be okay.”

“Nonsense. Just think of the great sex I’ll have when he gets back. Those quick tours are hell. I’m actually glad to stay behind, though I’ll miss him. Like I said, we’ll keep busy and have some fun. Lydia is getting you into the club tonight, so we need to buy you something to wear.”

“The club?”

“Yes, and if her husband didn’t own it, having a free pass would be impossible without a major act of God, so be happy that I have connections.”

Jewel’s hand went to her bruise. “I can’t go to a club.”

“That’s foolishness. It’s not a pickup spot. It’s very organized and ritzy. Believe me—I’ve been in some pretty sleazy BDSM clubs and this one’s nothing like those.”

“BDSM club.” She covered her mouth because she actually shrieked.

That odd look was back on Angela’s face, but then she smiled softly. “Come on, sister. Let’s have coffee and talk. Whatever those two aren’t telling you, I’ll fill you in on. I swear they’re trying to doom your relationship after only one night of double love.”

“You call it double love?” This time Jewel had to laugh.

“What do you call it?”

“Pure frustration. I slept sandwiched between the two with this t-shirt on.”

“You’re kidding?” Angela looked stunned. She tipped both the men’s coffee cups into the sink and made herself a fresh cup. “Grab your coffee and let’s sit on the couch.” Angela had barely sat down when she asked the question, “So what do you know about BDSM?”

Red cheeks be damned, Jewel wanted to learn something, and her new friend was the best source. “I only know a little because I spent one night alone with Matt and he did a few kinky things.”

“Of the two, I’ve heard Stephon’s kinkier. Did you enjoy yourself?”

Her blush deepened, but she was past caring. “Yes, it was incredible.”

“Thank God he did something right. I’ve been in the lifestyle since I was nineteen. It saved my life. Lydia actually was the turning point for me and then Damian included me in their life.”

“He owns the hotel?”

“Yes, and the club, which is two floors down. He stole Lydia from one of those sleazier clubs I spoke of, brought her here, and secretly gave me a job to keep her with him. She’s a Domme. Do you know what that is?”

“Stephon mentioned it, but I really have no idea what it entails.”

“Pretty much anything she wants. I’m extremely submissive and I come with a lot of baggage. Lydia’s kept me in line and from harming myself for years. She collared me when I needed it most.”


“Yes. I wear Krispin’s collar now.” Her fingers went to the beautiful thick silver chain at her neck. “This is my public collar and then I have a private one too.”

“What does it mean?”

Angela’s eyes grew dreamy. “It means I belong. Krispin takes care of my needs. He loves me, but it goes deeper than that. The collar signifies trust, communication, and fulfillment. I give him all of those things and I submit to his wants and needs.”

Jewel shook her head slightly, not caring for the word. “Submit?”

“Look, the first rule is don’t judge.” A soft smile toned down the censure in her words. “BDSM has so many facets. Many people make up their own rules as they go along. It’s about accepting other’s kinks even if they aren’t yours. A collar may never mean anything to you and that’s okay. As far as I know, Stephon and Matt have never collared a sub, male or female.”

“Matt said they aren’t really gay in that sense.”

“To them they’re not, but to many outside our lifestyle they are. I’m not gay, but Lydia held my collar. I know it’s hard to take in, but BDSM isn’t just about sex. It’s about kink, acceptance, and commitment, even if that commitment only lasts for one play scene. Two people can hook up, talk about what they want, plan it out, and then experience the thrill. Safe, sane, and consensual is the lifestyle motto even if you’re into edge play.”

“Edge play?”

Angela’s laugh was delightful. “I don’t have any vanilla friends and talking to you is a hoot. Edge play can be dangerous if experienced with the wrong person, but it can also be thrilling and extremely satisfying—air restriction, knives, fire, and electricity are a few types. It’s when safety is most important, but both parties agree to riskier play.”

“You’ve done it before?”

“Yes. Many times, actually. I like pain, a good mind fuck, and intense sex. Krispin had a bad experience with a sub, but he’s coming back around and we’re pushing the envelope more and more. He tries very hard to satisfy my hardcore needs.”

“But I thought he collared you and you had to submit to what he wants.”

“Oh, sweetie, he takes care of my needs too, even when it’s harder for him. I feel it’s a closer bond than marriage. We love each other deeply and hold nothing back.”

“Are Matt and Stephon into edge play?” Jewel held her breath, afraid of the answer.

“Not that I know of. Stephon’s pretty dominant and likes control. Matt tames Stephon’s beast, but none of the subs I’ve talked to complain in any way except to want another night. You’re the first woman they’ve ever kept in their room, wanted to take on tour, or God forbid spent a night with without having sex. They have it bad for you.”

“I’ve known them less than a week.” She put her finger in her mouth and bit her fingernail.

“Can you honestly tell me it doesn’t seem like longer?”

Jewel’s smile was back. “No, it seems like a lifetime.”

“Then stop worrying so much. Their job is to take care of your wants and needs before theirs come into play. You need to sit back and enjoy the orgasms.”

Jewel broke into laughter and Angela joined her. When she was finally able to control herself, her hand went back to her bruise. “I can’t be seen like this.”

“Here we go again. I’m seriously calling the big guns. Lydia will beat your ass even if you don’t belong to her. Even Damian hides when she’s on the war path.”

“The idea of being a Domme does excite me.”

“Well, maybe you’re a switch.”

Jewel groaned. “I’m never going to understand all this. It’s like a foreign language.”

“You’ll get the hang of it and the most important thing to do is ask questions. If someone won’t answer, or gives you an answer you don’t feel right about, get far, far away from them. I accept other kinks, but I have my lines in the sand that I don’t cross. Having a Dom or Domme also helps, and before anyone can approach you they need permission. There’s a house bracelet you can wear that means you’re new. I think it would be a good idea. Not many will walk past Lydia and approach someone under her care, but if Lydia gets involved in something we won’t necessarily stay and watch her.”

“Watch her?”

Angela couldn’t stop laughing after that.


Chapter Twenty-three



Stephon leaned his head back against the headrest and tried to let the gentle rhythm of the plane’s engines soothe him. “You know this is going to be the worst tour of our life. Thank God it’s only three days.”

“I knew you’d love her.” Matt never minded rubbing it in when he was right.

“Do you think she can love us both?”

“I do. She bounces back fast. The attack on her yesterday would have most people hiding in a closet. She cried and went through a small crisis period, but then pulled herself together. I wanted her to find out about us in a slightly different way, but somehow this worked. She finds you sexy and no longer feels guilty about it.”

“You find me sexy too.”

“Here we go again. I think the next time you need a whipping session I’ll practice up and do the honors. One way or another I want to redden your ass.”

Stephon pulled in a deep breath. “That’s really the problem I’m having. She’s got some kink, but she’s mostly a vanilla girl. How do you think she’ll handle my needs when I’m at my worst?”

Matt took Stephon’s hand and squeezed. “The same way I do. I love you and so will she. I think she probably already does. You saved her life the same way you saved mine. You’re hard not to love. She’ll deal with your needs, but I really think the sooner you talk to her the better. I know keeping things from her has worked in our favor so far, but it’s time to be completely honest. She deserves it.”

Stephon put his head back against the headrest. “I can’t wait until you share your kink and fuck her ass.”

Matt released his hand and gave him a not-so-gentle punch to the arm. “You know you’ll want to take her ass too and you’re just jealous that I get first dibs. My ass kink is small compared to your foot fetish. You actually drooled when she gave you that massage.”

Stephon laughed with Matt’s teasing. “We’re both going to have the biggest boners ever during this entire concert tour. My shower this morning did nothing to alleviate the pain.”

“I should have told her she couldn’t have orgasms until we get back,” Matt mumbled.

“Damn you. We’ll tell her when we call, but it doesn’t go both ways. If I don’t rub myself off at least a few times, I’ll explode in the middle of a gig and cause a riot.”



Stephon and Matt had called after they landed, but only had a moment to talk. She laughed to herself.
No orgasms!
What did they think she was going to do without them here? Her vibrator was at her apartment and she didn’t feel comfortable digging through their stuff to find Matt’s sex bag.

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