Loving the Wild Card (19 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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“Are you okay, Lux?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be, I mean why would you ask me that?”

“Relax,” Josh said with a frown. “It’s just that one minute you seemed
so at ease and the next you’re as stiff as a board.”

“Well, I’m fine,” she snapped. “If I were you, I’d concentrate less on
me, and more on getting us back to the house in one piece!”

“What were you thinking?” He persisted.

Lux said the first thing that sprang into her mind. “If you must know, I
was thinking it was time we had a conversation about a divorce.”

“I see,” was his noncommittal response.

Lux pressed on with an almost desperate need to elicit an emotional
reaction. “I’m sure you agree it’s more than time we started proceedings.”

“I’m not about to have this conversation with you right now,” Josh said
as he started and pulled the car back onto the road.

“If not now, when?”

“After seven years, I think we can at least wait until we get back to
the house.”

The inflection in his voice remained the same, but peering through the
darkness of the moving vehicle, Lux saw that his hands gripped the steering
wheel so tightly his knuckles were white.


“Not now, Lux!”

Wanting to protest but knowing when she’d pushed far enough, she said no
more. She hadn’t meant to say those words, but her feelings frightened her. In
his company again for only a short time, already it felt as though their years
apart never happened.

This was how he always made her feel with his own unique brand of being
just… Josh. Turning away, Lux looked out the window and tried to ignore the
fact that she’d hurt his feelings yet again.

When he pulled into the driveway, she couldn’t get out of the car fast
enough. Reaching the front door, Lux realized she had no key and would have to
wait for him to let her in. Turning around, she saw that he watched her
completely oblivious to the deluge of freezing rain that beat down on him.

“Josh, you’re getting soaked again.”

As though her words snapped him out of his trancelike state, he walked
towards her with a slow deliberation that immediately set her nerves on edge.
Each step he took was as though he was sizing her up; readying himself to

She recognized the look or something very like it. He’d used it on her
before and she remembered what usually came next. Now it seemed he’d perfected
it and her heart picked up speed. Her breath shallowed and the moisture on her
skin had nothing to do with her short time spent in the rain.

“Josh!”  She called, extending an arm as though to stop his

He ignored her and kept coming.

Jesus, Lux thought, he looked as hot as hell. All six foot six of
nothing but raw power advancing towards her as though he wanted to devour her;
and God help her she wanted to let him. Shaking her head, she attempted to
dispel the thought. But it was too late, he was already aware of her reaction
to him, and he was standing right before her.


“I love the way you say my name, Luxie. When you say it with that
breathy little voice, it passes all the way through my body and lodges in my
cock.” Pushing her against the front door, he pressed his body against her so
she could feel the truth of his words. “Do you feel that Luxandria, this is what
you do to me. What do I do to you?”

“Nothing,” she gasped wanting to pull him even closer but somehow

“Liar! If you’re immune to my touch, why are you trembling?” Josh asked
as he ran his nose up the side of her neck.

“Cold... I’m cold.”

The breath of his laughter passed over her skin and Lux sucked in a gasp
to hold in the groan that almost escaped her.

“Umm, do you know what I think, Luxandria, I think you need to be
fucked. I think you need it hard and fast. You need to have me buried deep
inside you. Is that what you want, my little Luxie? All you have to do is take
it out and put it where you want it.”

Lux fought the heat of his words that were sending little darts of
pleasure through her body, all of which were culminating in her core.

“Do you need help, Lux?”

“Keep quiet, Joshua!”

“Damn little coward, if you want to fuck me all you have to do is say so
and I’ll oblige,” he continued to goad.

In desperation, Lux shoved at the massive wall of his upper body. As her
hands touched his chest a current shot through her. One minute she was
attempting to push him away, and the next she held his sodden coat in her fists
and was pulling him towards her. Fastening her lips against his, Lux ate at his
mouth as though she were starving for the taste of him.

It took a few moments for her to realize Josh remained unresponsive and
she pulled back. Keeping eye contact, Josh leaned forwards and extended a hand.
Lux pulled in a breath in anticipation of his touch. His hand kept going as he
inserted the key into the lock and turned the handle. Surprised at his actions,
she stumbled backward.

“Careful there, Luxandria.”

The smile on his too handsome face made her want to punch him. He was
toying with her and if he wanted to play, she’d play. Flailing her arms as
though attempting to regain her balance, Lux reached out and locked her arms
around his neck. Plastering her body against his, she raised up on her toes
ensuring she made full contact with his erection. Rotating her hips once, she
pulled away and clutched at her chest. The hiss that exploded from him was all
the reaction she needed. “Oh my goodness! Thank you, Joshua, for a moment there
I thought I was going to fall.”


“Oh, stop your noise, you want to play, let’s play!” Lux said with as
much attitude as she could manage.

“Are you thinking about taking me on, Lux?” He asked, hooking an arm
around her waist.

“I’ll take you on, no problem, so why don’t you show me what you’ve

“With pleasure,” Josh returned backing her further into the house and
kicking the door closed with his foot. Releasing her, he shrugged out of his
wet coat and dropped it to the floor. Without pause, he pulled his sweater over
his head and it joined the coat on the wooden floor. His hand reached for the
belt of his pants and Lux followed his every move. Lord help her, she wanted
him to remove every last stitch of his clothing, and he obliged. Before she
knew it, he was naked.

“This is what I’ve got, Luxandria,
how about you, what have you got?”

Lux was nervous, this was what she had wanted since the moment she’d
seen him standing in her kitchen. Now that the moment was here, she hesitated.
She knew Josh well enough to understand the results of daring him. It was going
down. Only with him, there may well still be a twist. But in the meantime she
had the upper hand and she was holding on to it.

Tossing her braids over her shoulder, Lux took her time looking him up
and down, finally focusing all her attention on his jutting cock. When it
twitched at all the attention she was paying it, she licked her lips and
smiled. She knew she was playing with fire and relished it. How often did a
woman have the perfect specimen of manliness standing completely naked before
her; waiting for her next move.

“Really Joshua, when did you become so literal?”

“The minute you said you needed to be reminded of what I have.”

“Well, from what I can see nothing’s changed, and honestly, I don’t know
if I’m interested.” How she managed not to spontaneously combust from the bare
faced lie, Lux would never know. The sight of his body turned her on so much it
was all she could do not to rush him.

Seeing a change overtake him, she took a step back. Josh took a larger
step forward. Her eyes flashed up to meet his. They were black and they bore
straight through her telegraphing his intent.

His predatory look was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. There
was nowhere for her to hide, and she knew she didn’t want to. There was
something about the chase; about the look a man gave a woman when he was intent
on having her. Parts of the Josh, she knew years ago remained, but somehow he
was changed. He appeared bigger and infinitely more dangerous.

Lux sucked in a breath ready to run. He read her intention and countered
it. Unsure of how it happened, she was over his shoulder and he was taking the
stairs two at a time.

By the time they reached the upper landing, she’d recovered from her
surprise at his caveman tactics. Needing to slow him down, she reached around
his body and pulled the hair under his arm. The smack on her backside was so
swift, she yelped at the stinging smart that burned her ass.

“You hit me!” Lux cried incredulously.

“Damn right I smacked your ass, what do you think, I like you attempting
to rip the hairs from under my arm?!”

“If you know what’s best for you, you better put me down this minute!”

When he ignored her, Lux lost her temper. “You dumb oversized blockhead,
didn’t you hear me?!”

“Jeez, Lux, you really know how to cuss a guy out don’t you,” Josh
laughed. Pushing open her bedroom door, he unceremoniously dumped her on the
bed. As he watched her and the seconds ticked by, Lux wondered what was running
through his mind. The last thing she expected was for him to turn and leave
without comment.

Somewhere between her big mouth and her temper, she managed to turn him
off, and she didn’t know if she was elated or sorry.





Josh wasn’t bothered about Lux and her antics. He knew she wanted him as
much as he wanted her. All she needed was time to openly admit it. In the
meantime, he wasn’t about to over think the subject. He’d seen the way she
looked at him. It was killing him, but she still wasn’t ready. The important
thing was she was here, with him; everything else would fall into place.

When she’d mentioned the word
, for a moment, he’d
panicked. He’d lived through seven years of separation because never once had
she contacted him with the request to make it permanent.

One cold shower later, Josh settled into his lonely bed. Throwing an arm
over his head, he attempted to push all thoughts from his mind. It must have
worked as the next time consciousness pulled him into awareness, he felt
someone sitting on his chest – Lux.

Reaching for her, he was astonished when he realized he couldn’t move
his arms. Panic set in. Something was holding him immobile. Shocked at how
someone had managed to sneak up on him, Josh fought against his bonds.

His eyes popped open to darkness. Focusing his mind and using all his
strength, he pushed upwards, nothing happened. Drugged, someone had used drugs
on him. His thoughts scattered and he struggled to maintain rational thought
even as they fragmented. Just before being pulled into darkness an image of Lux
moved across his mind.


He knew the disjointed voice, he recognized it but he couldn’t hold on
to it.


There, it was again. Attempting to focus, Josh managed to crack open his
eyes to see Lux sitting beside him. Seeing her made him happy, at least nobody held
her against her will. That was his final thought as the blackness claimed him
once more.

Someone was attempting to roll his body and the hands that pushed at him
were getting on his nerves; but he didn’t have the strength to protest. A
soothing cloth placed against his forehead was like a little touch of heaven.

Something ran gently over his lips and his head moved to follow the cold
wetness that flowed down his parched throat.

“Josh, can you hear me?”

He tried to nod, but the slight movement caused a cacophony of drums to
resound through his skull.

“Don’t move, just try to open your eyes.”

It took a while before he was finally able to prise his eyelids apart.
The room was in semi-darkness and Lux sat beside him on the bed. The sight she
presented shocked him. She looked as though she hadn’t slept in days, her
beautiful brown eyes shadowed with worry.

“Okay Luxie?” Josh was shocked at the sound that emerged from his
throat. He knew he spoke, but the distortion of his voice stopped him from
attempting to say anything else.

Watching her as she reached for a glass, Lux moved until she sat near
his head. She then lifted it and placed the glass against his lips. When water
had begun to taste so good, he couldn’t remember. He was parched, needing more
he grew frustrated when she removed the glass and placed it back on the side


“Not right now. The Internet says a little at a time or you’ll bring it
all back up.”

“How long?” He asked, finally understanding.

“A couple of days.”


“... for causing so much trouble...”

“... I never get sick.”

Josh was looking at her and he couldn’t understand why she was laughing.
“What’s so funny?”

“You are. You just took four hours to complete one sentence. You’d say a
few words, fall asleep, then wake up and continue exactly where you left off.”

“I feel like shit!”

“I’m sure you do, but I bet it’s much better than the way you felt two
days ago. You had me worried there for a while.”

Josh closed his eyes as she began to run her hand over his face. He
liked the way she touched him. He would have continued basking in her affection
if his body weren't demanding attention.

Instinctively knowing he was in big trouble, Josh knew he had to move
fast. Surging up from his prone position, he swung his legs over the side of
the bed. Ignoring her gasp, he braced his hands beside his thighs and pushed to
his feet; and nearly passed out.

Instantaneously, Lux was by his side, an arm around his waist. Placing
one of his arms over her shoulders, she struggled to keep him upright. Her
actions were ridiculous of course, but he appreciated them. One step later and
he was glad for what little support she offered.

By the time they arrived before the toilet, Josh was operating on
willpower alone.

“Maybe you should sit down on the–”

“Get out!”

“I’m just trying to help. If you don’t want to sit down, I can always
hold it for–”

“Get out!” He demanded.

At the sound of her laughter, he knew her outrageous suggestions were
deliberately made for her own amusement.

His business taken care of, Josh managed to brush his teeth and splash
some water on his face. Forgoing the use of a towel which he decided was too
far away; he shuffled back to the door that opened before he could grasp the

Sure she’d been listening to his every move, Josh didn’t spare her a
glance. Doing so would use up too much of the energy he didn’t have. Weaving
towards the bed, he collapsed feeling like a total fool. Here he was, butt
naked wondering how he was going to raise his legs back onto the mattress.

He didn’t have to worry, Lux was there for him even before he’d finished
the thought.

“Thank you,” he whispered with the last of his strength.

“You’re welcome, my darling,” she whispered back as darkness again
pulled him under.

The next time he awoke, it was to find Lux on top of the covers beside
him, sound asleep. Pulling her closer, he closed his eyes and drifted off.


His eyes opened to find Lux gone and a gnawing in his stomach he
couldn’t ignore. He didn’t know how long he’d slept, but he felt better and he
was as hungry as hell.

Cautiously sitting up, Josh waited for his head to start spinning. When
nothing happened, he moved his legs over the side of the bed and pushed to his
feet. He was a bit wobbly but apart from that, he felt fine. Extending his arms
above his head, he flexed the muscles in his back. That’s when it hit him; the
perfect plan. Hearing footsteps, he dove back into the bed and feigned sleep.

“Josh,” came the soft call.

Turning his head towards her, he slowly opened his eyes.

“How are you feeling?”


“Are you hungry? I have some broth going. The Internet said once the
fever passes, you could have a light broth as it wouldn’t upset your stomach.”

, the fever hadn’t managed to take him out, but
her reading of the damn Internet might. Somehow he was going to have to think
of a way to get her to give him some real food.

Knowing his acting skills were crap, Josh maintained a show of weakness
as he attempted to sit up. Lux was immediately by his side, her arms supporting
him. His pillows fluffed and he was propped up to her liking; Josh realized she
was holding her breath as she took a massive step backward. Not understanding
what was going on, he turned his head and was hit full force by the smell of
his armpits.

“Pretty bad, huh?”

“It’s understandable, you’ve been ill.”

“I need to take a shower.”

“How about a bed bath?”

Josh considered the merits of her suggestion and dismissed them. She
probably already had a technique to cleanse his body without looking at him
courtesy of all her damn Internet reading.

“No, but thank you. I need to wash my hair as well as get rid of this
stench.” His line delivered, he waited to see what she would do next. She
looked worried, and so she should.

“Okay, you sound a lot more lucid. But if you’re not strong enough,
you’re just going to have to settle for a bed bath and you can wash your hair
later. Just take your time. I’ll help you to the bathroom.”

Josh nodded his agreement as she approached him. Pulling back the
covers, her gaze landed on his cock that rewarded her with a twitch. When she
hurriedly averted her eyes, he only just managed to withhold his laughter.
Things were just heating up and if he weren't careful he would blow his cover
before he’d even begun.

“Call me when you’re finished,” Lux said as she closed the door once he
was standing beside the shower cubicle.

Accepting her withdrawal, he used the bathroom and brushed his teeth.
Josh then looked around to see what he could use to capture her attention. If
she played true to form, her ear should be plastered to the door, so it
wouldn’t take much for her to come running.

Deciding on his shaving kit, he swept it off the counter and onto the
marble floor. Just as he thought, the door flung open and she rushed inside.

Remembering his lack of acting skills, he prepared himself for the
performance of his life. “I don’t think I can manage the shower on my own,

“I thought as much. Sit down while I turn on the water for you.” Leading
him over to the side of the bathtub, Lux helped him to sit before going to the
shower and adjusting the dials. When she was satisfied with the temperature,
she returned. “I’ll wait right here in case you need me.”

Attempting to rise to his feet, Josh shook his head giving every
indication he couldn’t manage on his own. Lux gave him a skeptical look and he
wondered if he was overplaying his part. Up to his neck, he knew it was too
late to change tactics.

“I’ll be fine, Luxie. I just need a moment to catch my breath.”

Seeming to accept that he was in need of assistance, she curled an arm
around his waist and helped him to his feet. Taking advantage of her nearness,
Josh placed more of his body weight against her than was necessary. Together
they moved towards the now steam encased shower cubical.

Opening the door, Lux aided him until he stepped inside. When she was
about to remove her arm, Josh swayed on his feet. Her gasp at his near mishap,
and a sharp pull from him, ostensibly to correct his balance and Lux was inside
the shower with him, fully clothed.


“God, I’m sorry, Luxie,” Josh apologized, hoping his show of contrition
carried enough regret.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it, it’s just a robe.”

“I know, I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” Josh assured her. “You’re
going to have to help me get through this shower though.”

As he spoke, Josh ensured he stumbled back so the full impact of the
water had nowhere to go except directly down the front of her terry robe. In
moments, the material was a sopping heavy mass hanging from her body. Just
managing to hold in his triumph at his maneuver, Josh kept his ploy going
swaying in the hopes of
reinforcing his lack of strength.

Without question, he didn’t need anyone to tell him he’d taken things
one step too far. For God’s sake, he’d just brushed the back of his hand across
his forehead, not unlike those lame ass chick flicks she liked to watch, when a
woman was about to faint.

Cracking open his eyes, he looked at her through the steam that surrounded
them and nearly bit his tongue.

“Stay right there darling, don’t move a muscle, I’ve got you.”

Josh was elated; sure his acting skills had improved. Untying the band
of her robe, Lux peeled back the sodden material with such slowness, his toes
curled. He could tell nothing from her expression. But something deep within
told him she was on to him. But for the life of him, he couldn’t muster enough
remorse to care.

The truth was, he’d been playing with her before, but now he had very
little strength left. His ploy had become a reality. He was going to have to
rely on her help for a while longer if he didn’t want to keep smelling like a
desert bog rat.

When she finally dropped the sodden bathrobe, nothing could stop him
from devouring her semi-nakedness. The white underwear set she wore was also
soaked and he wondered if she would remove it. His mind screamed yes, but he
was uncertain if she would.

He had his answer. Her hands moved to her back and unhooked the clasp
that held her bra in place. The material sagged for a moment before she bent
her body at the waist and performed some form of roll that had the garment
falling down her arms to join the robe.

His temperature rose another level and even if his life depended on it,
he couldn’t stop his gaze from dropping to her panties, he wanted them off. As
though reading his mind, she obliged, as she rolled them down her toned dancer
legs. When she stepped out of them, Josh found he was a little short of breath
and it had nothing to do with his illness.

“Don’t you worry, my darling,” she told him. “I’m going to take care of
you.” Reaching both hands behind her back, Lux gathered up her long braids.
With each movement of her body, her muscles elongated and glistened as the
water continued to cascade down her brown skin. By the time she finished
coiling the braids on the top of her head, the evidence of his arousal almost
touched his belly.

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