Read Loving the Bastard Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #romance

Loving the Bastard (9 page)

BOOK: Loving the Bastard
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Chapter Seventeen


The Y was especially crowded as Max escorted Zeta inside, his hand possessively on her lower back. Being near her was as necessary to him as the blood running through his veins. He’d wanted to keep his distance, but it just wasn’t physically possible. Emotionally, it was getting harder and harder. He was so preoccupied with his turbulent emotions he didn’t pick up on the undercurrent sizzling through the place.

Zeta had gone to her kids, going on with the lessons she’d done the other two times he’d been with her. At first, he didn’t see anything amiss and chalked it to his mind being pulled in too many directions. Then he noticed Trevor and Shani shrinking into the corner, Shani keeping Trevor behind her. Zeta seemed oblivious to the shift in the atmosphere around her. She was absorbed in her work and the children and didn’t notice how several of them were shrinking into their work, the normal hustle and bustle conspicuously absent. His gaze roaming the large room, Maximilian went on the alert. True, violence wasn’t his normal environment, but if violence was needed to combat violence, Max had no doubt he was up for the challenge.

Taking out his phone, he tapped out a quick message to Samson in case he needed backup. Given the numbers of young men eyeing the children—and Zeta—Max thought it likely backup would be essential. Though Max certainly knew how to use a gun, carrying one just wasn’t necessary in his world. That was what Samson was for. However, this was one time he would have felt more comfortable knowing he had the means to protect himself, Zeta, and the children.

As he tried to make his way to the area where Zeta had set up her work tables, it seemed like more and more of the rough-looking teenagers got between him and his target. If he didn’t know better, Max would have thought they were deliberately trying to stay between him and Zeta, as if knowing Max was there to protect one person and one person only. It was in that moment Max realized that, while Zeta was the most important person in that room to him, he could have taken care of her by himself. He’d felt the need to call in Samson to help him protect everyone else because, God help him, these kids—all of them, not just Trevor and Shani—had found a place in his heart simply because they looked at his Zeta with such affection. They offered him nothing, but they meant everything to Zeta.

Damn her! This was all Zeta’s fault! Max didn’t care about anyone or anything beyond himself. Never had. In a desperate bid to deny his feelings, he justified his emotions by telling himself Zeta cared about these kids and that not protecting them would adversely affect his relationship with her. That was all. He absolutely did not feel a protective streak inside for these kids. None. Whatsoever.

There were several older boys in Trevor ad Shani’s area, all of them part of a group working on a project. None of them seemed to notice the gang stalking toward them. And it was obvious the outside group was headed toward that table. The whole scene was just…wrong. Too many undercurrents swirled around the room. Too many fearful glances from the kids who did notice them.

Then he saw it. A glint of metal from the jacket pocket of one of the teens before he took out the gun. Holding it sideways, gangster style, he pointed the weapon straight at little Trevor’s group. Max couldn’t tell which child was the target, but he had no doubt blood was about to be spilled. Oblivious to the chaos about to rain down on them, Zeta unknowingly stepped between the gunman and his intended target.

Instantly, Max charged for the boy—and he truly was a boy of no more than fifteen or sixteen. Before the kid could take his shot, Max tackled him with a full-body smash that sent the gun flying from the kid’s hands. How he’d managed to get through the crowd, Max had no idea. He was sure he’d knocked down more than one or two but Max only had eyes for Zeta. Fear such as he’d never known assailed him, leaving a bitter taste. Hell, he wanted to throw up, but the guy he’d knocked the wind out of was beginning to fight him.

The next thing Max knew, Samson was there. The big man lifted the kid to his feet with one hand, death in his eyes. All the fight went out of the boy, his friends having scattered at some point—Max had no idea when. Honestly, Max couldn’t blame the kid for not fighting Samson. The man was damned scary on the best of days. This…wasn’t the best of days.

Max glanced at Zeta, and their gazes met. Fear and gratitude colored her deep brown eyes. While the fear made him want to double over with pain like a knife had sliced through his gut, the gratitude made him want to thump his chest in pride. Protecting Zeta had felt right, like he’d been born to do just that. In a dog-eat-dog world, Max knew he was meant to protect Zeta…

From men like him.

“The police are on the way,” Samson said, still holding the gunman by the scruff of the neck, not restraining him, but not letting him go either. “I’ll tell them your woman was hurt and you’re getting her medical attention. I’ll be vague but promise them you’ll both give a statement later today.” That was Samson. The man thought on his feet better than anyone Max knew, looking at every angle, manipulating the situation until he got the desired action. In a way, Samson and Max were very much alike. The only difference was Max dealt in money, Samson in violence.

“Thanks. Have them stop by the estate later tonight. Tell them I’ll be there to give a full account even if Zeta isn’t. Was anyone hurt?”

“No. You tackled the guy before he got off a shot. You knocked a few people down and a few got jostled when everyone scattered, but nothing serious.”

“Good. Take Trevor and Shani somewhere safe until their mother gets off work. She’s working in the east wing today. Maybe take them to the gym at the estate. Cade can watch them. He’s always doing sports stuff with kids. Tell him I’ll pay double if he comes in today.”

“Yes, sir.” Samson gave him a small salute before going to the children. He watched as Trevor stood in front of his sister, his shoulders back, head up, but Max noticed the subtle quiver of his lower lip. Shani was visibly cringing, hugging herself while Zeta tried her best to soothe both children, as well as the others huddled around her. After a questioning look at Max, Zeta urged Trevor and Shani to go with Samson. Several adults from the Y conversed with Zeta briefly before they took the rest of the children back to the gym to wait the police.

“What the hell was that?” Max demanded as Zeta approached him, her hands nervously twisting together. “Did you know those kids?”

“No, but I think they were part of a local gang who’s been harassing a few of the kids here.” She spoke quietly, her gaze darting around the room as if she expected more trouble. “These kids are here to get an education and keep out of the gangs. It’s easier here than in the bigger cities like Chicago or Los Angeles, but gangs are still a big problem in Louisville. It’s likely either this gang or a rival gang has been trying to recruit some of these boys. If so either side could want to send a message. Join and die or…”

“Don’t join and die.” Max couldn’t help himself. He pulled Zeta into his arms and squeezed her to him hard. “Did you ever think they could have been after you for keeping out their new recruits?” When she jerked and looked up at him with wide, watery eyes, he could see she hadn’t. “Seriously?” He pushed her back to arm’s length, keeping a hold on her shoulders to give her a little shake. “You’re so smart but you have no common sense!” When her face nearly crumpled into tears, Max pulled her close again, this time lifting her into his arms and storming out the door of the Y. His chest ached abominably, and the thought that strong, independent Zeta might dissolve into fearful tears was the last straw. He was getting her home where she belonged. If she were lucky, he
let her back out into the world…at some point.

Chapter Eighteen


The ride back to Max’s estate had been excruciating and the longest ride of Zeta’s life. Once they’d gotten there, he’d dragged her back to her suite. He’d seemed to pause at the stairs leading to the third floor where Zeta knew his suite was situated, but with a harsh growl, he veered away and back to her rooms. Once there, he couldn’t get her to bed fast enough. Couldn’t get her undressed quickly enough.

“Were you hurt?” he asked roughly. “Did anyone touch you?” Max sounded almost angry, as if this were somehow all her fault. Pressing her down on the mattress, he skimmed his hands over her body in a gentle caress that belied his harsh tone and gruff manner. To Zeta, it seemed as if he couldn’t help himself either way, his need to punish her for an imagined indiscretion warring with his need to be gentle with her.

“No. I’m fine. Max…what’s wrong?”

something like this could happen yet you continued to go to that place anyway?” He sat back on his heels, raking his hands through his dark hair in agitation. “Have you lost your goddamned mind?”

“Someone has to care about these kids, Max,” she said hastily, knowing things were likely to turn violently erotic rather quickly if the look in his eyes was any indication.

“No one said it had to be
,” he snarled, then took her mouth in a fierce kiss that set her blood on fire. How Max could manage to turn her mind and body to goo was beyond her. All he had to do was look at her with that possessive dominance and she entered into a fantasy world where she belonged to him and loved every second of it. Unfortunately, the reality was all too different.

Max would rule her. He’d wrap her up so tightly in pleasure and passion that she would forget who she was. Even now, Zeta longed to give Max what he needed. She wanted to promise never to put herself in harm’s way again but knew she’d do anything to help her kids. She wanted to think she had Max caring for her. Those kids had nobody for the most part. If they did, it simply wasn’t enough for all they had to deal with. She needed to be that buffer for the children, but knew Max simply didn’t see it as her problem. If he was going to be the man she needed him to be, he had to see beyond his own little world.

Pushing at Max, Zeta tried to put some space between them, but he only brushed his lips down the sensitive column of her throat to graze the swell of her breast. “Max, stop,” she breathed, but her fingers seemed to tunnel through his hair to hold him to her.

“I don’t think you want me to stop,” he countered, knowing her too well. The bastard knew how he affected her and used it shamelessly to his advantage. “I think you never want me to stop.”

“Max!” He traced an excruciating path to her nipple until he took the stiff peak into his mouth and nipped sharply with his teeth. Zeta was helpless to do anything other than scream, forgetting all the reasons why this wasn’t in her best interest. When he made love to her, all Zeta wanted was to belong to Max.

“Give yourself to me, Zeta,” he whispered weakly. “Belong to me.
to me.”

“You know I can’t…”

Max silenced her with another scorching kiss, covering her naked body with his fully clothed one. “You will,” he growled, his voice still barely above a whisper, but the change in him when she tried to deny him was unmistakable.

His hands seemed to be everywhere; not an inch of her body was left untouched. It was as if he needed to see for himself that she’d been unharmed, which was perfectly all right with Zeta. Except this was the Max she could easily fall in love with—the gruff but tender Max. Maximilian the bastard was more the reality no matter how much she wished it were otherwise.

Just when she thought she couldn’t stand anymore, Max hastily unbuttoned his jeans, shrugging them down his hips just enough to free his cock. Without preamble, he shoved inside her, filling her, stretching deliciously. That fast, Zeta’s world narrowed to the man loving her so expertly with her body. The reasons why ceased to matter. All that she could process was the pleasure he gave her. And, God help her, she wasn’t going to survive it.


* * *


Something inside Max…broke. Or maybe things just finally clicked into place. Gone were the self-discipline and determination to keep his heart out of this relationship. When he’d realized just how much danger Zeta had been in, he’d been pissed as hell, but the ramifications hadn’t really sunk in until the adrenaline had left his system. Everything built until the moment he surged inside her body. That was when it had fully hit him he could have lost her. Not only did it bother him, Max found himself near panic. That hadn’t happened since he was a boy. If then.

Even now, while he was deep inside her body, surging hotly into her silken heat, Max felt dismay at the prospect of a life without her in it. Never had he needed another person with him the way he was beginning to need Zeta. Staying away from her hadn’t helped; it had only made him realize how empty he was without her presence. She’d caught his attention when she’d slapped him in his office, then wormed her way into his heart with her gentle song. Everything else had combined to draw him more fully under her spell until he was so completely ensnared he wasn’t certain he wanted out.

All that creamy chocolate skin beckoned him like a moth to a flame. Resisting the temptation to taste wasn’t even an option at this point. Lowering his head to her chest, Max took one nipple between his lips. His arms seemed to wind around her slim body of their own accord and before he knew it, Max had her wrapped up in…him. Zeta’s soft body felt so right cocooned in his arms. Max certainly felt more secure in the knowledge she couldn’t get away from him. All he could do was continue to touch and kiss her, rocking against her sex with his jeans-clad thigh.

Then it wasn’t enough.

With growing impatience, Max pulled his shirt over his head in one swift. Getting his jeans completely off simply wasn’t going to happen so he shoved them down his hips to free his shaft. If he didn’t get inside her soon, Max knew he’d go mad. With one swift move, he shoved himself inside her, parting silken folds to fill her completely. The relief was immediate and tremendous but soon fed the hunger inside him once again to possess her completely. The skin-to-skin contact settled him somewhat, but it still wasn’t enough. Max needed Zeta to surrender to him, to know she would forever belong to him.

Shifting his position over her slightly, Max pulled one of her legs over his shoulder, surging deep. Zeta cried out sharply, arching her back and digging her nails into his shoulders. Music…such beautiful music…

“You’re mine, Zeta,” he whispered next to her ear as he continued to thrust into her. “Always. Now and forever.”

“Max!” Her voice was the sweetest plea, one last protest before she gave in to him, and Max was alpha enough to recognize it. It was now or never. He had to tie her to him or risk losing her.

“Say it, Zeta! Say it now!”

“I…Max, please!”

He went deep, holding himself still as deep as he could get inside her. “You’re. Mine,” he snarled. “Only mine, Zeta. You belong to me. Say it. Now!”

“I can’t, Max,” she whimpered, her resolve cracking. He could see it in her face.

Reaching between them, he found her clit and pressed, rubbing insistently, purposely driving her over the edge into madness. “Say! It!”

“Yes!” she finally screamed. “Yours, Max! Yours! Yours!”

With a satisfied roar, Max emptied himself inside her as Zeta milked him for everything he had. She’d surrendered herself, just like he wanted. The only problem was, he’d surrendered himself to her as well. God help him when she realized it.

BOOK: Loving the Bastard
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