Loving Lucius (Werescape) (25 page)

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Authors: Skhye Moncrief

BOOK: Loving Lucius (Werescape)
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That Wolf of his couldn't think of anything but mating. Well, it isn't like I stand around heaving and throbbing. Maybe a Wolf does. My mind just recalls what he can do with his hands. Or paws. And sets my heart racing.


He stepped out of his pants and shoved the tickling human hairs of his furry knees along my inner thighs, spreading them wide with determination, kneeling on the rocking bed, running his palms like whispers down the insides of my thighs. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you this time?" He gurgled with a barely-audible growl.


Who cares?


The gentle touch of his gliding palms conjured up aching need in my sex.


Yes. He could do anything he wanted as long as it didn't involve pain. I'm ready.




Talk. Talk. Talk. "What?"


He leaned down until he pressed the heat of his body so close to mine that his presence made the air between us pulse, still watching me with those amber eyes, and trailed the tip of his tongue out to circle one of my nipples.


My cells trembled with anticipation.


The tease. "No teasing, Lucius."


He snarled a deep laugh and settled his hot hard chest down over my belly, pressing my lower back into the bed. "You, my sweet," he latched onto one nipple, sucked, and pulled with his taut lips until my nipple popped free of his pursed mouth, "you are going to writhe a hole in this bed," he promised with a deep throaty quasi-whisper. "And be thrilled with being teased."


Promises. Taunts. Whatever. "Hurry, Lucius."


Both of his hands clutched handfuls of my breasts.


Tightly. So damned forcefully. Squeezing. Both together as much as possible unbelievably. God. The amazing touch. I squirmed in his grasp.


His teeth raked along the length of one nipple as he suckled.


Jolting my soul with a shaft of need until my nipple popped loose again. Then he'd turn to the other. Grunting. Like the most content babe at its mother's breast.


My soul melted.


Rolling down my length. Pooling in my sex. Trapped inside my body beneath his weight. All I could do was knead his sexy hulking shoulders and try to keep him there. Working my soul into a deluge of magma.


But he didn't seem to care, abandoning the besiege of my soul, kissing tickles down my midline.


Down. Quickly marching with mind-numbing touches of suction. Pausing so his wily wet tongue could joust with my wits at the bottom of my navel. Then onward. Downward. But who'd complain? This kind of teasing wasn't so bad.


The weight of his torso shifted off of me.


Releasing me from where he'd splayed my thighs like the wings of a specimen butterfly. Moving toward the bed's edge. No. Don't leave. Come back. I closed my legs until they bumped into his shoulders and shoved onto my elbows.


"Be still," he growled, his golden eyes watching me from where he knelt between my thighs.


What is he doing?


He placed his palms on my thighs a few inches from my sex, pausing a moment, studying me, and then slid them down to the crook where my legs met my groin.


Whisper light. His touch. Barely there. Yet so chilling that I fell back against the soft bedding.


His fingers tickled through my groin's curls to the part between my nether lips and drew them wide like opening the curtains of my soul's window.


My heart thrashed.


He meant to touch me. Ruthlessly. There. Torture me.
Make me writhe a hole in through the bed
. Good. But he didn't use his fingertip like he'd done when he had me on all fours. No, his tongue and sharp teeth did the honors.






Chapter Eleven


Around and around the tip of my mate's glorious tongue glided, mapping out the tiniest lump of sensitive tissue a woman possessed. Making me hold my breath. Struggling to choke back my screams to let this last as long as possible. Anything to keep him there. Stroking my need.


When I'd wriggle my hips like his head was my stallion, he'd clamp the pearl between the edges of his teeth, pinch my thoughts into chaos, and suck until I'd grab the blanket with both hands, grit my teeth, and grind my hips again against his attentive dentition.


The satisfied growl he sent lumbering across the room pushed me down deeper into the hole.


Where I wallowed.


A fish flopping on the bank.


Gasping for a breath.


Hanging on for dear life.


Need shaking the core of every cell in my body until each burst simultaneously at his sucking noises.




Everything popped at once.


My body quaked and trembled.


Again and again. Because his doting attention didn't end with my orgasm. He nibbled and sucked until I'd danced a few more brief dances with the grappling bed. Trapped. I was stuck in the hole he'd made me writhe through the bed.


The heat of his mouth slipped away.


Leaving my sex cold. Humming. Crying out for more.


He shoved up, pushing over my groin, hand-over-hand along my sides, crawling, dragging his hot sinewy weight along my belly, and hovered, looking down at me for a moment.


Those yellow eyes full of knowing. Aching as if pleading for a reprieve.


Something else flickered in those golden orbs. Is his Wolf about to come out to bury me alive in this bed?


He snaked a hand along my side.


The phantom of a touch. Heading down to my throbbing sex. But didn't touch me. With his hand. No. The smooth head of his firm cock did. There. Locking into the mouth of my throbbing sex.


He thrust his hips.


Ramming along the length of my slick clenching inner channel. Wedging that engorged club deeply into my aching flesh. Trapping me, the lab specimen of a butterfly, upon his stake. Right where I'd always want to be pinned.


He began moving.


His pumping hips felt so astounding. Rocking my begging sex into another round of raw need. I had to wrap my legs around the flexing iron of his ass and lock my heels beneath his buttocks to hold him there. Revering my need with the doting motion of his hips. Just in case he decided to taunt me more by withdrawing.


To touch those magnificent muscles. Everywhere. They were all over me. Rubbing me with seductive friction. But nothing was as perfect as the turgid muscle inside me. Right there. Angling at the little spot I'd only permitted him to touch. Rubbing haphazardly. Just enough to make me gasp but leave me wondering if he toyed with me.


Two can play this game. I slid my palms along the undulating musculature of his arms bracing his body overhead, across the supple flesh of his sides, down the firm bend along his back, across his knifing lower back, and over his steely ass.


His head twisted, throwing his nose over his shoulder.


He watched me touch him.


For whatever reasons. I tried not to chuckle and spoil the sight of him being mesmerized.


Tried to lie silently at the brunt of his pumping adoration. But some little voice inside me told me to squeeze. I grabbed two handfuls of harder-than-stone ass.


His chin shot up, backward, and he released an ungodly howl.


A chill prickled across my skin.


But I liked him reacting to my touch. Especially when his body sprouted Wolfen hairs. Lots of scraping hairs that made me shiver with the friction they conjured from my flesh.


He leaned down, pressing those Wolfen hairs so close to me that they brushed my pearled nipples into iron points.


Over and over. Never unknotting them.


What his cock did inside me, I couldn't explain. Hadn't noticed before. Maybe he kept my thoughts busy last time he shifted. But now, his human face furring out, I had a moment to enjoy the ballooning thickness of his shaft. The strange sensation of it suddenly scraping along my inner channel.


How would that feel focused on my little internal bundle of nerves? I pulled his furred ass so hard that his enormous rod stopped gliding. His hips simply rocked mine wildly. Except for the tiniest of movements. Deep inside. Along the spot that sucked me breathless. Made me throw my head back. Made me scream.


He unleashed the most blood-curdling howl.


His cock flinched inside me.


Searing me with a molten heat. Maybe branding me. Definitely filling me with Wolf's seed.


Wolf shot out of Lucius' face, ragged out a growl, and pumped my tickling


The whole bed rocked like the mass hopped across the room.


The force knocking my grip free of Wolf's hairy ass.


Who cared? Wolf wasn't about to stop riding my soul until he'd finish raking his cock along my quivering channel and had wrung every drop of seed inflating his shaft.


His efforts weakened.


Dying. Rather, his enthusiasm. Until his presence slipped away from inside of me.


He groaned one sad little fizzling sound and buried the wiry hairs of his snout in the bedding at my ear. "Mine," he gasped in almost indescribable English.


His furred chest panted.


His whole length of wiry hairs brushed shivers from my skin.


Yet, slowly, the Wolfen coat vanished, leaving my mate behind in all his sculpted glory, finally breathing normally against my bare skin. "I told you so, Kitten." He chuckled, otherwise lying still, the chuckle muffled from where he laughed into the bedding.


Any other time, that comment would come off smug from a person. But I enjoyed writhing a hole in the bed. "Well, don't think I'll settle for just once."


His chuckle deepened. He snaked his arms around my waist and rolled us, stopping with my body draping his hard body's stickiness.


Something about this position made my sex ache again. But I was too tired to confess. Instead, I enjoyed the way he petted my back. One slow gentle brush of palm after another down to the top of the bulge of my buttocks.


He twisted his head, grabbed a pillow, and stuffed the plump material under his head.


Enough to prop his gaze up.


He watched his hand stroke along the length of my body. "Next time, I'll make you watch," he whispered.


Maybe he warned. "Oh?"


"You on top. Like this. But us in a chair. You can see yourself glide along my shaft. Watch as Wolf makes it grow." His twinkling conspiratorial gaze locked upon mine. "Oh, yes, sweetness. I'll teach you how to think dirty thoughts and make Wolf whip out his monster cock. Shifters claim a mate can't resist once she knows how to seduce the ridges from a Wolf cock." He winked.


Ridges? "That sounds painful."


"Then why do women always come back for more?"




Lucius had gone hunting the rest of the day, leaving me to wonder what his sire was doing with Violet. Until a young woman rode into camp. Not just any young woman either. Her long straight brown hair pulled back into a tail dangling along the length of the quiver she wore over her shoulder blades and the bow tossed across her chest. I'd have doubted the weapon useful in that she couldn't possibly disentangle it from her hair except for the determined expression on her beautiful face.


We could only see her blue eyes above the blue surgical mask she wore. But her declaration of a mysterious fever that killed members of a smaller Shifter outpost farther north in the Big Woods only made us want her to keep wearing the mask. She had enough sense about her to demand we stay at a distance. Just in case. Apparently, Augustus didn't scare easily. Even when Drea broke into nervous tears. Because the woman was her younger sister, Josie, and the news of the outposts' loss only drove Drea's sorrow. Until Drea's sister, Josie, demanded to have her blood tested.

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