Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series)
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ir kissing sessions left both of them breathless.  One evening, they were sitting on her sofa after she had prepared dinner for the two of them.  The TV on, and Chip had his arm draped over her shoulder.  He pulled her closer and she looked into his eyes expectantly.  He lowered his lips to hers.  The kiss became intense.  Her lips parted, allowing him entry.  His tongue explored the roughness of her tongue and the ridges and contours of her mouth.  His hand moved inside her vee neck blouse.  When his fingers touched her breast, she gasped audibly.  She didn’t move it but placed hers atop his.  The fingers moved over the smooth sensitive skin.  A wave of excitement washed over her.  His fingers rubbed the nubs of the nipple.  It grew tight and erect.  They sat this way, kissing and his hand continued massaging the mound that was her breast.  She liked the feel of his hand.  She had a strong urge in her most private place, the moisture wet her panties. 

She removed her lips from his, but she left his hand where it was.  “Chip,
I really like you, but I’m not ready for this to go any further,” she said, her voice barely over a whisper.

“You’re right,” he said, huskily, and removed his hand.  They watched the rest of the TV movie, interrupting it periodically with
a a tightening of his arm about her shoulders and a kiss.

She fixed each of them a dish of ice cream, which was eaten in silence.  “Are you mad at me?” she asked, the emotion affecting her voice.

“Mad at you?  How could I be mad at you? You’re the nicest girl I’ve met.”

Thunderstruck, she stared at him intently.  The vulnerability that showed on his face touched her.  She threw her arms around his neck
and hugged him tightly.

“I want you to meet my parents.  Tomorrow is family night.  Can you go then?”

“Yes, the thought scares me, but I want to.”

“You shouldn’t be afraid of my parents.  It’s my sister you’ve got to watch out for.”

* * * 

The day crept by the next day at work, but it finally ended. She left thirty minutes early so she would have time to shower. Promptly at five minutes before six, there was a sharp rap on the door.


Checking the port, Carrie saw Chip and opened the door. Taking in the image before him, he said, “You look beautiful.  Dad’s going to love you and Mom loves everybody, so you’re home free. What’s the fragrance you’re wearing? I really like it.”


“It’s J’adore by Dior. I’m glad you like it. It’s my favorite. You wear Halston After Shave, don’t you?”


“It’s all I own. I used to wear English Leather but not in a long time.”


“I like Halston. One of the men at the station wears it. Okay, I’m ready to go.”


“Let’s do it.”


Had they gone in Carrie’s car, they might have seen Nathan lurking in the shadows. He finally made bail that day.


Chip had called his mother to tell her he was bringing someone. In answer to her expected question, he said, “No Mom, you don’t know her. I met her about two weeks ago. I think you’ll like her. She’s really pretty and works at WFAA.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re seeing someone.”


* * *

He held the door for her and then called out, “Mom, Dad, come meet Carrie.”


“Come in the kitchen. I have to watch something on the stove.”


“Carrie, this is my mother, Ellie.   Mom, Carrie Evans.”


“It’s a pleasure meeting you Mrs. Reynolds. Thank you for having me on such short notice. I hope it’s not too much trouble.”


“No trouble. My mother used to say, you can always add water to the soup.”


“Chip, your Dad’s in the back yard. Carrie, are you from around here? Yes ma’am. I was born and raised in Denton. I graduated from SMU.”


“You’re the first girl Chip has brought home in quite a while. He must like you.”


“Mom”, said Chip who had come back in from outside.


“Well she is, isn’t she, Tom?”


“Yes she is and she’s mighty pretty if you ask me. Introduce us Chip.”


“Carrie, this old codger is my Dad, Tom. He loves to embarrass me.


Dad, this is Carrie. She’s a baseball fan and has a brother in the Cardinal’s chain.”


“Well, so what do you think of the Rangers chances this year?”


“If they don’t have any crippling injuries, I think they will go to the World Series again.”


“A girl after my own heart.”


“Chip’s taking me to Saturday’s game against the Red Sox.”


“See, I told you Dad would like you.”


“You really have a nice family.”

“Yeah, well just wait until you meet my brother and my bossy sister.”


After dinner, Carrie helped Mrs. Reynolds clear the dishes. “How did you come to meet Chip?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.


“Not the usual way, that’s for sure.
My ex-boyfriend started a fire in my living room one night. The smoke alarm woke me and I pulled the alarm in the hallway. Chip was the first responder. He took me to the EMT’s and they took me to Baylor Med. He came to the hospital the next day for followup questions. He was going to take me home once they discharged since Mom was on a shift. She’s a nurse at Parkland.   A friend gave me a ride home but he called with some more questions and the rest is history.”


Mrs. Reynolds chuckled and said, “That isn’t the way an arson investigation is done. This is house full of firefighters and he just wanted to get to know you better.”


“Well, I’m glad he did. He’s a nice guy and very shy.”

“There’s nothing shy about Chip.
He’s playing it very carefully. He must like you a lot.”


Chip wandered into the kitchen, “What are you guys talking about?”


“Just girl talk. Are you ready to go?”


“I think so. I start a 24 tomorrow morning. That means I work 24 hours straight and then get four days off.”


“I’m ready. Mrs. Reynolds, thank you so much for having me. The meal was delicious and I really appreciated the girl talk.”


“Mom, what did you tell her? Now you know why I never bring anybody here.”


“Well, look who’s got the big ego. He thinks we were talking about him. We were just talking about clothes and perfumes and stuff.”


“You like her fragrance? It’s J’Adore.”


“I’m impressed, and how did you come across that bit of information?”


“When you’re on 24 straight hours, guys talk too you know.” He winked at Carrie.


His mother saw the wink and said, “You’re full of it. Now kiss me goodbye and take this girl home. Goodbye, Carrie. It was nice meeting you. Keep your guard up with him. Be careful son. I love you.”


“Love you too, Mom.”


“Wait, I want to say goodbye to your dad.”


Chip walked with her back a small den. “Dad, we’re leaving.” He embraced his dad, with no awkwardness. “I love you, Dad.”


“Me too son, and be careful on your shift.”


“I will.”


“Wait, I want to see the pictures.  Are you in any?”


“A few.”


“These are commendations aren’t they?”

  We’ve had a lot of fires in the family.”


“You didn’t tell me you had anything like these.”

“It sounds like bragging when you talk about it.  It’s part of the job.”


“The mayor of Dallas doesn’t give you an award for just doing your job.”  She looked at his face.  He was embarrassed.  She didn’t apologize.

“Mr. Reynolds spoke up.  “Carrie, firefighting is a dangerous job.  All of us are family and an individual does not like to take credit.  We’re a team and we do what has to be done.  If you go looking to do something just for recognition, you could get someone killed.”


“Chip, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to embarrass you.  I can see awards here for everyone in the family.  You shouldn’t be ashamed.  I appreciate what you do.” Good bye, Mr. Reynolds. It was nice meeting you. I enjoyed the evening.”


“Goodbye Carrie. Come back sometime when you can give him the slip.”


She laughed and said, “You’ve got a date.”

* * *

About 4:00PM, one afternoon, Mrs. Tompkins called Carrie and asked her to meet with her in her office at 4:15.

Wondering what this was all about,
Carrie was there at the set time. 

“Have a seat
, Carrie,” and indicated the chair in front of the desk.  “Your work and the way you approach it has come to the attention of the producers.  I’m really going to miss the research you do for us.”  She noted the stricken look on Carrie’s face and said, “It’s nothing like that.  The station needs a field reporter and we think you would be great in the position.  It would mean a substantial increase in salary and you would also be getting some camera time.  Are you interested?”

“Am I interested?  It’s a dream come true
for me.  I can’t believe it’s coming now the way my luck has been lately.  When would I start?”

  We will start you off in human interest until you get comfortable with it.  Incidentally, your salary will be increased this pay period to $104,900 annual.”

Carrie’s jaw dropped.  “This is incredible.  I can’t tell you how grateful I am and I won’t let you down.”

“We wouldn’t have made the move if we didn’t think you could do it.  Now get out of here and go home.”


Chapter 8

Carrie didn’t want to call Chip since he was working and he might be on a run, so she waited for him to call her.  He finally did at 8:17PM.  She picked up the phone on the first ring.  “Have you had a quiet day today?” she asked.”

“Yes we have. Haven’t had a single run all day.  That’s the way I like it too.  What about you?”

“I was hoping you’d ask.  I’m changing jobs.  I’m going to be a field reporter and will be getting on-air time.  They asked if I was interested this afternoon.  I start tomorrow.  It doubles my salary.  I’ll be able to move from this place to a real apartment or town home.”

“I’m really proud of you and so happy for you honey.”

“That’s twice.”

“What’s twice?” 

That’s twice you’ve called me honey.  I’m walking on air right now.  This is a big step toward my dream.  If you’ll let me, I’d like to take you to dinner tomorrow night.  How about it?”

“Sounds like a plan.  You will let me drive?”

“Of course.  I love your truck.  It beats my Toyota any day.”  There was a loud, blaring sound in the background.  “What’s that sound?”

“We’ve got a call
”.  I have to go.  “Seven okay tomorrow?”

“Yes, and be careful.”

She watched the news, hoping not to see any reports of a major fire.  She couldn’t stand it if anything happened to Chip now.

The next day

At 6:55 on the dot, there was a knock at the front door.  Looking through the port, Carrie could see it was Chip.  She opened the door and was in his arms as soon as he walked in the door.  “Hey, what is this?”

“I’m just really glad to see you.  Now kiss me before I put lipstick on.  I wouldn’t want to get it on your shirt.”

“Well, I think I can handle that chore with pleasure.”  He kissed her softly on the lips.  At least it started softly.  She molded her body against his, entwined her arms about his neck and kissed him back…hard.  She broke away, and said, “Let me get some lipstick on and I’ll be good to go.”

“Can I watch?”

“You really want to?”

“I do.  I’ve never watched a TV star do makeup.”

“Oh you,” and she playfully hit him on the shoulder.  “Come on then.”

He stood in the doorway and watched her
.  When she finished, he said, “That was sexy.  You’re sexy, and you’re beautiful too.”

“You’ve n
ever said that before.”

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