Love's Sweet Discovery (2 page)

BOOK: Love's Sweet Discovery
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Chapter 4



Claire felt heat rise to her face as she realized that she was staring dumbstruck at her son’s best friend. “Oh, hello, Jacob. I am so sorry. You surprised me. I didn’t realize that Thomas was bringing anyone with him. Please call me Claire. I no longer go by Rockchester…not for a long time.”
She reached out her hand to shake his. The moment their skin connected, Claire felt a spark travel up her arm. Her nipples hardened even tighter and she felt an ache in her pussy.
Damn it!
She shouldn’t be feeling this way about one of Thomas’s friends. She was old enough to be Jacob’s mother.

Reluctantly, she pulled her hand out of his and glanced toward the water.
“Where’s Thomas? Is he out surfing?”

“He’s coming up a little later. He’s waiting on the bank to finalize the loan for our business.” He pointed to her sketch. “You’re really talented.”

“Thank you. It’s been years since I did any sketching or painting.”

“Are you into oils?”

“Yes, I prefer oils. Unfortunately my supply here is dried up, along with my good brushes.”

Claire sat down and realized that she was wearing a
short robe, so she stood back up again. “Let me go get dressed. I have to go to the grocery store to get some food.”

“I can come with you and help if you want.”

She couldn’t really say no without it sounding rude. “I would love the help, thank you.”

Dashing inside, she headed to her room. She closed the door and searched for her cell phone, then texted her son.

Why didn’t you tell me you invited Jacob to come up to the beach house?

Sorry, Mom. He needed some relax time, bad. I’ll be there soon.

She sighed.
Love you.

Luv u 2.

She was just going to have to suck it up. She was so embarrassed that she had been drooling over Thomas’s friend and he had caught that infatuation evident in her drawing.
She realized that she had left her sketch and tools outside.

Claire grabbed a red skirt and a short-sleeved blouse, slipped on her red sandals and put her hair up in a ponytail. A little blush and lipstick, and she was done. This was her normal casual style of dressing when she wasn’t working. She felt comfortable in it but it wasn’t sexy. Sexy wasn’t what she usually went for in her day-to-day life.

She left her bedroom and headed back outside. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Jacob standing in front of the drawing.

He was wearing a tight T-shirt and jeans that made his ass look so good. Why was she suddenly fantasizing about a younger man? She’d had a few lovers over the years since her divorce. The problem was she had never felt that all-encompassing desire for someone. Her ex always made her feel like a cold fish. She’d thought for a long time that maybe something was wrong with her because she didn’t feel the passion so many others felt.

When she looked at Jacob, her heart rate increased and it felt as if all the air had left her lungs. Her nipples were already tight little points. When he turned around to look at her, she felt a little dizzy. He reached for her, catching her arm to steady her.

“Are you okay, Claire?”

Say my name again.

She wanted his sexy deep voice to say her name over and over. He was so close to her she could feel the heat from his body. Oh boy, she was in trouble.

“Claire, are you feeling okay?”

What did he think of her? Maybe that she was a little flighty. “I’m fine. I definitely need to get some food.”

“Let’s have brunch first, then. I think I saw a little restaurant down the street.”

“Rosa’s. It’s a great restaurant. We used to go all the time—it’s very casual and the food is fantastic.”

“Then let’s go.”

“Let me bring these inside.” She pointed to her art supplies.

“I’ll help you.” He reached over and lifted the sketchpad while she gathered the other items.

Claire followed him inside the cottage. He was just so beautiful. Men didn’t like to be called that, though. She dumped her supplies on the kitchen bar. “You can just leave that here for now,” she said, nodding to the sketchpad in his arms while at the same time trying to avoid his eyes.

“Ready to go?” he asked as he walked to the front door and opened it for her.

“Let me grab my purse and keys.” Claire had left them on the kitchen table. She shivered when she passed him exiting the door. She had to get her reaction to him under control.





Chapter 5


Rosa’s was always Claire’s favorite place to go. They were seated next to a window, and she could guess what people were thinking. Probably that she was his mother or that if they were a couple that she was a sugar mama.

She snorted to herself. To be a sugar mama she would have to have a lot more money. She did okay with her job and her grandparents had left her some money. Most of that had been used to help raise Thomas because she hadn’t received any child support from her ex.

A young blond waitress with big boobs came to take their order. Ignoring Claire, she leaned over Jacob’s shoulder too close, brushing her breasts against his back. “What do you fancy?” she asked, giving him a sultry smirk.

To his credit, he didn’t respond to her overt flirting. Jacob moved away from her and placed his order. He was such a gentleman. Claire was impressed.

When the frustrated waitress had taken both orders and walked off to get their drinks, Claire smiled at him. “She seems…friendly.”

“She was being rude. She barely looked at you when she took your order.”

“Well, she’s not trying to get a date from me.” Claire laughed.

He smiled at her as he chuckled. “She won’t be getting one from me either. I’m not here to date. I’m here to relax.”

“Can’t you do both? A good-looking young man like you should be able to enjoy yourself and date whomever you want.” She could feel his eyes on her, and fiddled with her napkin.

“I am picky on who I spend my time with,” he whispered.

Claire took a sip of water. She liked what he had said. She was picky, too. Her friends often told her she was too picky.

She glanced up at him while he wasn’t looking. Jacob was someone she would love to spend time with if he was a little older and not her son’s best friend. He turned and caught her gaze with his. There was a spark there, an instant attraction. She felt her body heat up.

The waitress picked that moment to show up with their drinks and food, and Claire was grateful. They ate and talked about Jacob and Thomas’s business plans. Claire was proud of them for working so hard. They were both smart and driven.

Her thoughts drifted back to Jacob specifically and her body’s reaction to him. There was something very sexy about a man who knew what he wanted and did everything he could to achieve that.

“Would you like dessert?” the waitress asked Jacob.

Jacob glanced up at Claire. She should say no.
Say no, damn it!
“Do you have chocolate ice cream?”

The waitress rolled her eyes at Claire. “Yes.”

Jacob glared at the waitress. “Two bowls of chocolate ice cream.”

The waitress stomped off, attracting the attention of the manager. As a result it was Rosa, the owner of the restaurant, who brought their ice cream.

Claire looked up and smiled at the older lady. “Hi, Rosa. It’s been a long time.”

The owner leaned down to give her a hug. “Miss Claire, I have missed seeing your beautiful face here. Please tell me you are staying for more than a few days.”

“I am. Thomas is coming up soon and we’ll get to spend a little time together before he heads off to Japan.” She introduced Jacob. “Rosa, this is Thomas’s best friend and his business partner, Jacob Tanner. Jacob, this is Rosa Mendez, the owner of this restaurant, and a long-time friend.”

Jacob reached out to shake Rosa’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rosa. I love your restaurant. The food is amazing.”

Rosa blushed like a young woman. “You’re a charmer, aren’t you?”

He winked then gave Claire a sexy smile. Claire shook her head and smiled back. Jacob was dangerous to women the world over. All he had to do was smile and show those amazing dimples and women were drooling over him.

Rosa hugged her again. “Enjoy your ice cream and come back again with Thomas.”

“I will.”

Claire took a spoonful of dessert and closed her eyes. “Mmm…I love Rosa’s homemade ice cream.” She opened her eyes to find Jacob staring at her intently. He licked his lips and she licked hers in automatic response. “Jacob…”

He cleared his throat. “Let’s finish this up. We have some shopping to do.”

She excused herself to go to the bathroom. Claire felt a sexual connection with Jacob. If Thomas didn’t show up soon, something could happen. Was she ready for that?

Claire looked in the mirror and frowned. There were streaks of silver through her hair. Her best friend and boss, Lydia, always said it made her look distinguished. In comparison to the pretty waitress, it made her feel old and frumpy. Claire did have striking facial features, like her cheekbones and her pretty green eyes. Her lips were full and her body was fit because she had been doing yoga for years. She wished she were less curvy, but that was just her body type. She had learned to accept and appreciate it years ago.

She straightened her shoulders. Yes, she was older, but she was a confident woman. Jacob might be younger than she was, but he was an adult and made his own decisions. She worried that this might affect her relationship with her son and Thomas’s relationship with Jacob. There were so many factors to consider. If she listed all the pros and cons she could find things on both sides. There were plenty of reasons for her not to pursue something with Jacob. They just couldn’t outweigh this building need to feel alive. Jacob awoke something in her, making her want to not just get through life but to live it. Bottom line, Claire and Jacob were two consenting adults and if they wanted to do something more together, then that was their right.
I want this. I want Jacob.


Jacob wiped the sweat from his forehead while he waited for Claire to come out of the bathroom. He adjusted himself in his jeans. They were so tight now that he had the hard-on from hell. He should feel guilty for having the hots for Tom’s mother, but he didn’t think of her that way at all when he looked at her. All he could see was a sexy, beautiful woman named Claire. She was smart, funny, elegant, and an amazing artist. She was easy to talk to. Claire was someone he wanted to spend more time with. Could he allow something to happen between them? When she came back to the table and smiled at him, his answer was clear. He wanted her.

“Ready?” he asked, taking her hand.



To save time, she and Jacob separated in the grocery store to get the items on the long list that Claire had written. When she came out at the end of the aisle, she looked over to see Jacob next to the pharmacy, where they kept the condoms.
Oh my God!

She rushed to a checkout counter and didn’t look up for Jacob again. Was this really going to happen? Were they going to go there?

She could feel him behind her. When he touched her shoulder, she felt the spark all the way down to her toes.

“Are we ready to head back to the cottage?” he asked.

She turned to look up at him and knew she was blushing, but she couldn’t look away. “Yes, I think we are.”




Chapter 6


Claire and Jacob took the groceries back to the cottage and put the food away. They were silent while they worked.

When she opened the last bag, she pulled something out that surprised her. In her hand she held a new set of oil paints and paint brushes. “Where did these come from?”

“I went down the office supply aisle. It’s not good quality, but it was all I could find at the time. Maybe I can find a real arts and crafts store…”

She placed the items on the bar and walked over to give him a hug. “Thank you, Jacob.”

It was supposed to be a simple, friendly hug, but her libido skyrocketed when he held on to her, not letting her go. He cupped her cheek and stared into her eyes. She felt all her resistance fading away.

No man had ever made her feel so thoroughly desired. “Jacob.”

“I know you feel it, this attraction and desire. I’m not the only one to feel this, am I?”

She shook her head and whispered, “I feel it, too.” Then she couldn’t speak at all as he lowered his head and kissed her.


Damn good. Claire’s lips tasted damn good. They were plump and soft. Jacob couldn’t get enough of her.

He had fantasized when she was eating her ice cream about those lips wrapping around his cock. It had him ready to throw her onto the restaurant table. He couldn’t do that then, but nothing was holding him back now.

Claire gasped when he lifted her, carried her over to the kitchen table, and sat her down. He worried for just a moment that his passion scared her until he felt her hands trying to rip his shirt off. He helped her then practically ripped her blouse down the front. Jacob hoped she wasn’t attached to that blouse.

He looked down at her breasts showcased in a light blue lace bra. She wasn’t overly big, but she was definitely more than a handful. He unhooked her bra, nibbling on her chin and her neck. Then Jacob pulled the thin material off, baring her glorious body. When she tried to cover herself with her hands, he pulled them away. “You are so fucking hot.”



Claire moaned when Jacob cupped her breasts. She could feel the wetness between her legs. The way he touched her lit a fire so deep within her it was almost scary, but it felt so damn good.

“Oh God.” She tilted her head up as he suckled her breast. His hands were busy moving the skirt up her legs. He pulled her panties off and she felt his thick fingers enter her. Yes, he knew how to tweak her in just the right spots. She wanted more, needed more.

She tried to fumble with his jeans but couldn’t get the buttons undone. He chuckled, reaching down to help her. They got his pants pushed down and his cock sprang free. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and she was excited about that.

Claire reached for his manhood and took him in her hand. He was a big, strapping guy all over. It had been a while since she had been with anyone, and she couldn’t wait to get him inside her.

“Easy, honey. Let me grab a condom.”

Jacob must have had them close by because he quickly put one on and was already prepped and ready at her entrance. She felt him easing himself inside her slowly, stretching her. All other thoughts flew from her mind.

Claire wrapped her legs around his waist. She looked up into his face and their eyes locked. She couldn’t look away. They were connected physically and emotionally. He pumped harder and harder, faster and deeper, taking her breath away. She clawed at his back, wanting more of him. Claire knew he was holding back a little, but she didn’t want that.

“Please, Jacob.”

Something snapped and his thrusts became wilder and fiercer. It was painful and blissful all at the same time. She felt the fire that he had sparked inside her growing and growing, trying to break out. He found her sweet spot and began to pound hard against it, and she couldn’t hold that spark inside. She erupted in pleasure and fire.



He pumped a few more times as her inner walls gripped him. Finally, he found his own release. “Claire!”

They were both breathing really hard. He lifted himself off her, worried he was hurting her. Did he just take her on the table? Damn, he should have more control than that. He stared down at her beautiful glowing face. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip.

“Are you okay?”

She opened her beautiful green eyes and he felt himself harden again. No woman had ever made him feel this way.

“That was…amazing.” Claire gasped, obviously feeling his cock stir while still inside her. He tried not to laugh when she looked down between their bodies in surprise. “Again?”

“Yes, but I would like to take you in a bed this time, and I need to change my condom.” He reluctantly pulled out of her, removed the condom, and threw it in the trashcan. He finished kicking off his jeans and laughed.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, trying to pull her clothes back on.

“I’m still wearing my shoes.”

Claire laughed, too. Then he watched as she noticed that he was now completely naked. She blushed when she was caught checking him out. Jacob had to have her again. He took her hand and started walking her down the hallway.

“I want to taste every inch of you,” he whispered against her ear.

“Yes, please.”





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