Love's Embers (Canon City Series) (10 page)

Read Love's Embers (Canon City Series) Online

Authors: Lauren Marie

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BOOK: Love's Embers (Canon City Series)
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Chapter Fifteen

When they got back to Gran’s, Charlie saw the ladies into the house and then said goodnight. He told them he needed to take Breaker out for a walk, and left.

Lark and Gran took off their coats and moved into the kitchen.

“That was a nice dinner. Would you like a cup of tea, sweetheart?” Gran asked and started to fill the kettle.

Lark sat at the table. “Yeah, no, I’d rather have some cocoa. I want to sleep tonight.” She moved the sleeve on her arm a little and looked at her wrist. She saw a bruise forming and when Gran approached, she moved it back down. Her grandmother sat next to her and crossed her hands. “Gran, why did my mom call me the stupid name of Larkspur?”

“It isn’t stupid. It’s a beautiful, wild mountain flower. Your mom loved wild flowers so much. She said when she first saw you that you were so beautiful that Larkspur was the only name she could think of. I’m just glad she didn’t call you Bistort or Tansy Astor. Those would have been really strange names.”

The kettle started to whistle and Gran got back up and poured. She brought the cups over and set one in front of Lark.

“Thanks, Gran.” She picked up the cup and blew on it, taking a sip.

“Lark, what happened on your way to dinner? Did you and Thomas have an argument?”

Lark looked at her and wondered how much to tell. “Yeah, we had an argument. Gran, he hit me.” Her eyes welled up. “It was my fault. I smarted off to him and...”

“Lark, no.” Gran stood and wrapped her arms around her granddaughter. “Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”

She didn’t think she would cry, but she did and having Gran’s arms around her made her feel safe. She leaned forward and got a napkin out of the holder. “It’s not your fault either. There’s no reason for you to be sorry, Gran.” She sniffed and tried to get the waterworks stopped.

Gran sat back down and held onto Lark’s hand. She wished she hadn’t said anything, her grandmother looked so worried.

“Has he done that to you before?”

“Yes, a couple of times.” Lark hated telling this secret to her grandmother, but she didn’t want to lie to her either. She needed to be honest now that Thomas had done this on several occasions. “Gran,” she looked up, “I don’t think there’s going to be a wedding at the end of the month.” She blew her nose and wiped her cheeks again. “There’s been something brewing for a while now and I have to finally be honest with myself, I don’t love Thomas. I should never have accepted his proposal.”

“I’m glad, sweetheart. I have to be honest, too. I have never really cared for him all that much. He always seems fake and at times he’s treated me like I didn’t know which side the butter went on the toast.”

“Yeah, he did that to me, too.”

“Why did he hit you tonight?”

Lark took in a deep breath and felt warmth start in her cheeks and spread down her neck.

“Why are you blushing, sweetheart?”

Lark looked up and thought
Okay, she’s an adult, just tell her
. “On the trip back from the Gorge today, Charlie and I had a moment.” She didn’t want to go into too many details.

“A moment?” Gran’s eyebrows came together and then rose as her eyes opened wide. “Oh...a moment. Did you two make love?”

“No, we didn’t go that far, but we enjoyed an extremely hot moment and if Thomas hadn’t been here when we got home, we would have.”

Gran stood up and walked to her coat. She pulled Lark’s bra out of the pocket. “This got tangled under my boots when we left for dinner.” She handed it to Lark. “You may want to throw it into the wash.”

“Thanks. I wondered where it went. Thomas could tell I wasn’t wearing it and asked me why. Silly me, I wanted to be honest and he asked me some other questions that aren’t appropriate for normal people and I made a smart aleck remark.” She squeezed her grandmother’s hand. “Please, don’t tell Charlie. He went through so much with his parents and I don’t want him thinking about all that.”

“Sweetheart, I may be way out in left field, but I believe Charlie already knows.”

“What?” Lark sat up straight.

“He didn’t say as much, but during dinner he looked mad enough to eat bolts. I tried to talk to him and he said that he didn’t have anything to add to the conversation. I think he probably knew when you walked in the door with blood on your lip.”

“Yeah, and that’s more than likely why he walked Thomas to his car door.” She put her head into her hands and shook. Her eyes were closed and she thought she might have a mental

break down. “Damn. Poor Charlie. What have I gotten him involved with?”

“Lark, you know I love you very much, but there are times when you’re a little dense.”

She opened her eyes and looked up at Gran.

“Charlie has been nuts about you for years. Anything you asked of him, he’d do his utmost to accomplish. I also think he wants to protect both of us. He acted that way when he was a kid and it’s part of his nature, I think.”

Lark sat back in her chair. “I’ve got to get some sleep. Hopefully things will be clearer in the morning.” She stood up and kissed her grandmother’s head. “Night, Gran.”

“If you want to talk some more, I’ll be up for a while.”

She went up the stairs and started to take off her clothes. She looked at her breast. When Thomas stopped the car on their way to the restaurant she’d felt very scared. After he hit her in the face, he’d hit her chest, grabbed her breast and squeezed hard. It hurt so very badly and when she’d started hitting at him to release it, he’d grabbed her wrist and nearly pulled her arm off. The bruise on her wrist ran up her forearm and was almost to her elbow. The bruise on her chest seemed to have gotten bigger.

She shook her head and put on her fleece top. She crawled under the covers and clutched at one of her pillows. “Please, God, let me get a decent night’s sleep.”

Chapter Sixteen

Charlie walked up to Gran’s back door with Breaker at his side and knocked. When the door opened part way, Gran stood with a dish towel in her hand. He and Breaker just stood there and looked at her. He wasn’t sure what to say and cleared his throat.

“I want to apologize to you, Gran. I think I was a little rude at dinner and you didn’t deserve that. I’ll have to make it up to you and Lark.”

“Charlie, no apology is necessary. Why don’t you two come in out of the cold?” She opened the door all the way and the wolf strolled in.

“I still can’t get the fire started. Can we do one more night on your very warm and comfortable couch?” He said and closed the door behind him.

“Of course you can. I wouldn’t be happy if you caught pneumonia.”

Charlie took his coat off and hung it up. He looked at Breaker who danced around Gran’s legs.

“Hello, there Mr. Breaker. Would you like a treat?” Gran rubbed behind his ears and the wolf sat down on her foot. “I got on the Internet and found a recipe for doggy treats. I made a batch this afternoon.”

“Gran, I think you’ve made a friend for life.” Charlie smiled at her.

She walked back to the sink. “Breaker was a good wolf earlier, weren’t you? He protected me from that nasty mean man.” She looked up at Charlie. “Why don’t you go up and talk to Lark? She went up about ten minutes ago. I don’t think she’s asleep yet.”

“I don’t want to bug her, Gran. I’m sure she has a lot to think about.”

“Charlie.” She walked up to him and turned him toward the hallway. “Go on. I can tell by the look on your face, you want to check on her.”

“Am I that transparent?”

She laughed. “You’re a man in love, honey. It’s written all over your actions.”

He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you. Breaker, stay. Protect this fine lady,” he said to the wolf. Breaker woofed at him and sat next to Gran.

Charlie headed up the stairs and stopped in front of Lark’s door. He lightly knocked and heard her say, “What?” He opened the door and stepped into the dark room.

“Lou, if you want me to leave, I will,” he said. She was quiet for a moment and then he heard her move and turn on the bedside lamp. He watched her look up at the ceiling and shake her head.

He could tell she’d been crying and it made him want to put his arms around her and give her some comfort, but he didn’t know if that was what she needed.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I will be. What did you say to Thomas?”

Charlie nodded and sat on the foot of her bed. “The basics of it were that I enjoy attending funerals.”

Lark frowned at him. “You threatened him.”

“I made him a promise. I knew what happened the minute I saw you at the restaurant.

Sorry, Lou, but it’s not acceptable for people I care about to be treated so bad.”

“I appreciate that.” She pulled down the sheets on the other side of the bed and patted it. “Shoes off, Ducky. You’re too far away from me.”

Charlie took off his boots and flannel shirt. He wore a long-sleeved thermal undershirt.

“If you’re wearing long john’s you can take off your jeans, too.”

He stopped by the side of the bed and smiled. “Sorry, babe. I’m au natural. No drawers or anything. And” - he flopped onto the bed - “Gran would kill me.” He hoped she’d laugh, but he could tell she was being serious. He propped up on his elbow and crossed his legs under the sheet and comforter. “Do you feel like talking about it?”

She shrugged. “He hit me. I was honest that you and I had a hot moment this afternoon, but that nothing really happened. He asked me if I’d let you fuck me and I smirked at him and said no, but that I’d wanted you to. I told him it was the first time I’d felt anything for a man for a while. I should have kept my mouth shut.” She swallowed. “He’s done this a couple of times before and always found a reason it was my fault. I feel stupid enough that I let him manipulate me, in the past. This time it was a wake-up, though.” Their eyes locked. “I’m going to break off the engagement.”

Charlie took her hand and was going to kiss it, but could see darkness on her wrist. He sat up and moved the sleeve of her night shirt up her arm. “Oh, babe...”

“Charlie, look at me.”

He lifted his head and gazed into her beautiful blue eyes.

“It’s only a bruise. It will fade. The whole memory will fade to nothing, but it’ll take some time. I’ve still got a bunch of crap to unload.” She laughed. “It’s weird. A few days ago, I felt so angry with you and now I can’t lose you again. Not ever. Please be patient with me.”

“You just try to get rid of me, Lou,” he whispered. He put her hand on his cheek and kissed her bruised wrist.

“It’s not going to happen, ever.” She leaned back, smiled at him and reached up to run her fingers through his long hair. “After our first kiss thirteen years ago, I day-dreamed about you. I’d sit by the river and make up all these scenarios about you coming home. I’d sit on our stump and you’d walk up the river bed toward me. When I got older, the scenes stayed the same, but became much hotter and, no, I’m not giving you any details. I...well, I want to say something to you, but I’m afraid to, Ducky.”

He leaned forward and kissed her lightly. “Lou, don’t ever be afraid of me. I’ll never hurt you again; I swear it on my life. I’m yours no matter what happens.” He watched her lick her lips and look down at her hands.

“Charlie, I love you. I’ve always loved you, but now it’s more than friendship.”

He put his fingers under her chin and moved her head so she looked at him. “Say it again.”

“I love you.”

Charlie felt his throat tighten and knew his eyes were filling up. “This is without a doubt the happiest day of my life, Lou,” he whispered. “I never thought I’d hear those words and the fact that they’re coming from your lips makes me want to act really goofy.” He laughed and cleared his throat. “Would you like to know something really stupid?” She nodded. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He brushed it off and cleared his throat. “When I was little, I got to meet my grandmother. We spent the summer on her farm in Iowa. She was the only other person on the planet who ever said that to me.”

“Charlie, that’s not stupid.” She put her good hand up to his face and cupped his cheek. “I love you, Gran loves you and even Breaker loves you.”

“I love you, too. I was in love with you when we were kids and it’s never changed. You’ve always been my light at the end of the tunnel.” He looked at her sore wrist again and pulled the sleeve down. “Did the asshole hurt you anywhere else?”

Lark laughed. “Yeah. I’ll have another bruise on my chest and maybe one on my chin.”

“Babe, if I ever see him again, I’ll more than likely have to beat the shit out of him.”

She smiled at him and shook her head. “No, my daring knight. I appreciate your bravery, but Thomas would want revenge and there’s no way I’ll risk you either getting hurt or winding up in jail for assault.” She started to lean to kiss him, but stopped. “I also refuse for either one of us to lower ourselves to his level. You and I are much better than that.”

He felt her lips softly touch his. Her tongue worked its way into his mouth and moved along his gum line and teeth. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled in close. She nibbled at his bottom lip and chin.

Charlie sighed. “You know I want you more than I want to breathe right now, but...”

“Gran is downstairs watching TV and it would be embarrassing if I started to shout your name real loud and we banged the bed against the floor,” she finished his thought.

“Yep, that says it all.” He smiled at her.

“It’s okay. I’m kind of pooped.” She hugged him and kissed his neck.

“I will have a bed on Wednesday.” He moved her down and put the comforter around her.

“Hey that’s right. I think we have a date.” She smiled at him.

“It will be the three longest days in the history of the world.” He leaned over and kissed her lips. “Are you cold?”

“No, I’m quite warm just at the moment.” She reached up and turned off the bedside lamp.

Charlie scrunched down under the covers and lay on his side. “I don’t want to hurt you. If I put my arm over you like this is it all right?” He put his arm across her stomach and touched her other hand.

“Yes, it feels just right.”

“So since we are lying here together, you won’t mind if I maybe spoon you with my arms around you and protect you while you sleep?”

“Oh Ducky, that’s sounds wonderful and I would like to accept the offer.” She rolled onto her right side and he wiggled in close to her.

“You smell so good,” he said. She pulled his arm up under hers and kissed his fingers. “Goodnight, Lou.”

“I love you, Ducky. I think I’m going to like saying that to you.”

“I know I’ll love hearing it. I love you, too.”

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