Love's Dream Song (9 page)

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Authors: Sandra Leesmith

BOOK: Love's Dream Song
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His tension eased. Those weren’t speculations about the drug ring. Maybe she honestly believed the dealers hadn’t been involved. As he listened to her, he began to realize that it could be they hadn’t. Had Wayne and Connie set this up to gain national attention? Unfortunately, the public would be a lot more interested in the explosion than in the actual discovery.

Autumn continued her musings. “Riker was here last. He set this up. It would be just like him to be more interested in his own gain, than the significance of a major find.”

Jess considered Riker, but only briefly. The man didn’t have the drive to set up anything this elaborate. Wayne, however, was another matter. He stood on the other side of the rubble and lifted the detonator in the air. Jess hurried to reach him. Quickly he grabbed the box from Wayne’s hands.

“That settles one thing.” Jess inspected the contraption. “It wasn’t anyone from our group.”

“What do you mean?” Wayne asked.

“This explosion was detonated by hand—it’s not a timed device.” He showed them the handle and pushed it. “Someone had to be here when it went off.”

“We were all at the kiva,” Autumn swiped at her dust-streaked face. “Did you see anyone else in the canyon?” She shook her head, sending wisps of loosened hair flying in the breeze. “I hiked around the area this morning and there weren’t any tracks or signs of anyone passing through.”

“What about Arlo?” Wayne asked. “Do we know for sure he left for the ranch?”

“Arlo? Don’t tell me you think it’s him. He’d be the last one to do this.”

Jess agreed. Arlo hated the scientists plowing around the ruins, but he’d never consider destroying the cave. The act would rile the

Wayne bent and grabbed something out of the rock. The chink of metal echoed in the silence as he held out a link from a silver belt. Autumn gasped.

“Looks to me like it’s off Arlo’s belt.” Wayne handed it to Jess. “I found it here by the detonator.”

Jess took the piece and fingered the hand-beaten metal. A rough-cut chunk of turquoise was set in the middle. Definitely Arlo’s. Jess squinted as he looked up at the rim. Nothing moved. All was still. Whoever had set the explosion had left. Jess would have sensed someone watching.

Jess pocketed the silver and spoke to Wayne. “Go to the others. Tell Davidson what happened and tell them to stay put. I’m going to scout around.”

“What about Autumn?”

“I’d rather you go, Wayne. Autumn can help me look for more clues.”

Both stared at him expectantly, but Jess didn’t explain. He had his reasons for keeping her in his sight. At this moment, he didn’t trust either one of them enough to confide his theories.

For several minutes they waited for Wayne to pick his way across the loose rock. When he’d disappeared from sight, Autumn turned to Jess, an earnest expression set in her features.

“It wasn’t Arlo.”

He knew that. Arlo was his contact on the reservation. Someone had set him up.

“What makes you so sure it isn’t Arlo? You heard what he said to Riker yesterday.”

“I know what he said, but Arlo is too superstitious to ever destroy the ruins.”

“You know he was on a demolition team in the army?”

Surprise showed in her expression, and then dismay. “Someone’s trying to frame him.”

Right—and he’d bet the ranch it was the gang dealing drugs. With one blast of dynamite, they’d managed to ensure that the party of scientists would leave and had laid the blame on Arlo Ross—the one man within the reservation who could nail them, and therefore was a threat. Jess tightened his fingers around the rifle. If they had found out that Ross worked on the task force, they could know about him.

Autumn gripped his arm. “You believe me, don’t you? I
it wasn’t Arlo.”

Her certainty was genuine. If the gang found out about Arlo’s connection to the task force, they hadn’t told her. Maybe they hadn’t had a chance. He’d use that.

“Do you know who did it?” he asked as he studied her features.

“I have some ideas.”

Jess shifted and Autumn could feel the intensity of his stare. It should have given her confidence to know he respected her opinion. But for some reason, his interest in her theories made her nervous. It was almost as if he suspected her. It was absurd. She had no motive to destroy the ruins, and even though Arlo Ross presented problems for her, she certainly did not want to harm him.

“Riker was the last one here. We left him in the cave to guard it.”

“He’s a likely suspect, I agree. But I don’t see any motive. What would he gain?”

“What would anyone gain from this destruction?” She fought the lump in her throat that rose every time she looked at the gaping hole in the cliff and the pile of rubble under it.

“We need to approach this from that angle. This is too well thought out and planned to be a spur-of-the-moment attempt for attention.”

“I agree.” Someone had purposely destroyed a major historical discovery. Not only that, they’d ruined the professor’s work and hers. “They’re going to pay for this. I’m going to make them.” Angry now and determined, she glared at Jess. “You’ve got to help me find them. Will you?”

He nodded, but looked puzzled.

“Any ideas on how we should start?” she asked.

“The first item of business is getting rid of the crowd. I’ll get the mules back down here and we’ll pack these people up to the ranch where they’ll be safe.” He gestured toward camp and Autumn followed as he continued to talk. “With the tablets destroyed, they’ll probably go home anyway.”

“Some will, but they do have the photographs of the tablets. I’m sure they’ll want to stay with Dr. Davidson and study them.”

“They can do that at the university.”

“True, but don’t forget the kiva. Some are going to want to map out those artifacts.”

“They can forget that plan. I’m not taking the risk that whoever’s out there will continue this destruction.”

“You don’t mean you’re going to close off your land again?”

“That’s exactly what I mean. I never should have opened it in the first place.”

He muttered some more, but Autumn couldn’t make out what he said—something about listening to his grandmother.

Rocks slid underfoot as they worked their way back across the rubble. Dr. Davidson would not be happy about this. But then again, she could see Jess’s point of view. What a nightmare. It made her more determined than ever to find out how and what was behind this.

They spent another hour searching the area for clues, but found nothing. The camp had not been ransacked. Personal belongings were still in place inside and out of the tents. Dr. Davidson’s quarters, which were full of maps and valuable equipment, had not been disturbed. Theft was obviously not behind the vandalism.

Too bad they didn’t have a radio. The professor usually had one in camp, but since they were too deep in the canyon for reception, he hadn’t bothered. Autumn checked his tent again, just in case, but had no luck.

“I think it’s safe to bring everyone back to camp,” Jess said as they finished checking out the plateau. “Whoever is behind this made sure no one was round for the blast. I don’t think they mean to harm anyone.”

“I guess we have that to be thankful for. Do you want me to go get them?”

“We’ll both go. I want to secure the kiva.”

“Dr. Davidson was the only one who knew about the kiva. I don’t see how it can be in any danger.”

Jess started down the trail and Autumn followed.

“Whoever was here more than likely followed us to make sure we were clear of the blast. They’ll know.”

His words didn’t ease her apprehension. She grasped the turquoise nugget as the possible dangers played around in her head. One thing she felt certain of—they had to get the remaining artifacts to safety. The thought quickened her pace as she hurried the half-mile down the canyon to the kiva and Dr. Davidson.

As she rounded the last bend, her courage failed. How could she face the professor? All of his years of hard work were now gone with a blast of dynamite. The proof of his theories was buried under tons of rock.

Dr. Davidson sat on the ground with his head bowed, leaning against a rock. The rest of the group didn’t look much better. But they all straightened, alert and anxious, when she and Jess neared.

This is the worst moment of my life
, she thought as they approached. She understood the shock and disbelief of the group. She hadn’t believed the destruction herself, even when she had stood at the base of the cliff.

As expected, Dr. Davidson took it the hardest. Autumn wrapped her arm around the professor’s slumped shoulders. He remained silent, but a tear slid down his weathered cheek. No words of comfort came to mind. What could she say to a man whose dreams had been destroyed?

“We’ll find who did this,” she murmured, “if it’s the last thing I do. I promise.”

The professor didn’t speak, but merely patted her hand. They sat for several minutes, drawing from each other what comfort they could.

The others, in the meantime, were listening to Jess. After he informed them that he’d found nothing, they all started talking at once.

“How are we going to research this find?”

“Can the tablets be dug out?”

“Who did this?”


Putting his hands up to ward off the questions, Jess shouted for silence. Several grumbled, but most listened as he told them his plan.

“I’m going to leave tonight and get to the ranch. I’ll call the authorities. In the meantime, you people return to your camp and start organizing your gear. We’ll send the mules to pack you back out.”

Several protests arose. “You can’t cancel the dig. We still have this kiva.”

“What about our stories?” Connie spoke up. “We want to get them out today.”

Annoyed, Autumn refrained from interfering. She wanted to tell the woman to forget her story—they had more critical things to worry about. Real Tall Man’s patient look came to mind, and with considerable effort, Autumn regained control of her temper.

“You can use the radio at the ranch,” Jess assured the reporters.

“And photos? Can you take the film out with you?”

“Have it ready to go.”

The reporters moved quickly to begin writing their stories. Two of the network cameramen took off to get pictures of the site.

The crowd started to disperse, but Autumn quickly spoke up. “Wait. The artifacts are in danger. Why don’t we pack up the valuable pieces, and you can take them with you tonight? The baskets and pottery can be crated and picked up later. There are saddlebags and crates in camp, and we have the six mules Arlo left.”

Jess paused to consider.

Dr. Davidson roused himself and spoke. “No. We can’t do that. They have to be listed according to provenance in relation to one another. Scientific research requires…”

Jess interrupted. “There’s no time. You’ll be in less danger if the pieces are taken out of here. How long would it take you to pack them up?”

Dr. Davidson protested. He and Jess argued for several minutes while others from the team tossed in their opinions. Autumn could understand the professor’s reluctance to move the pieces, but she also realized they’d be safer at the ranch.

It was finally decided that Autumn and Wayne would photograph the artifacts in the kiva to record their location and then help Dr. Davidson wrap the pieces. Others were assigned to lift them out and carefully put them in the saddlebags.

The rest of the group returned to the campsite to begin their personal packing. Several assigned themselves to fix food. The group that brought the saddlebags and mules to the kiva brought sandwiches, which Autumn gladly ate. It had been a long and stressful day.

Finally, they were down to the last bags. Dr. Davidson came up to Autumn as she was packing the last mule.

“I’m going with Barron. I don’t want to let these out of my sight.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She couldn’t blame the professor for wanting to guard what was left of his discovery.

“What’s going on?” Jess shouted as he approached. Sweat streaked the layers of dirt covering his body.

“I’m going with you,” Dr. Davidson explained.

“I’d already planned to take Autumn.”

Autumn stared in surprise.

“You should select four others to go also. You’ll move faster with someone leading each mule,” Dr. Davidson advised.

“He’s right,” Autumn agreed.

“I’ll go,” Wayne volunteered.

Connie stepped up to the group. “Let me send Ken, my cameraman. He can take care of the film when you arrive.”

Jess considered for several minutes. “I don’t like it, but you’re probably right. He can go,” he finally told them. “I’ll take you, too.” He pointed to an anthropologist who’d been one of the many edging closer to hear what was going on.

While they waited for the men to pack their gear and grab a bite to eat, she worried about the trip. It was going to be a long, hard trek, most of it at night.

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