Love's Blazing Ecstasy (6 page)

Read Love's Blazing Ecstasy Online

Authors: Kathryn Kramer

Tags: #Ancient Britian, #Ancient World Romance, #Celtic, #Druids, #Historical Romance, #Love Story, #Roman Soldiers, #Romance

BOOK: Love's Blazing Ecstasy
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“Three days,” he repeated. “If only I had a horse!” He clenched his fist. “But they took everything away from me.”

She sensed his distress, though she didn’t understand all his words.  His duty lay with his people, she did know that.  The danger they would both be in if he stayed in hiding much longer was also a grave concern. Gently she touched his shoulder and this time he did not move away from her.  “I will help,” she whispered.

“You already have,” he said looking at her, feeling a sensual attraction as he gazed into her blue eyes. “I am deeply grateful.  I will never forget you. Never!”

“Wynne will remember Valerian also,” she answered shyly.

Again, the sexual attraction between them was almost tangible and it took all the restraint he had ever possessed not to take her in his arms right then and there. Instead, however, he managed to move away from her once more, finding his voice. “I will need a horse.”

a horse,” she said with a smile.

“I have a horse? Did you find my mare running loose in the woods?” He gripped her shoulders in his excitement.

Wynne did not move away from him, though his hands seemed to brand her with their heat and strength, making her tremble.  “Sloan,” she said, fighting the tears. The animal was very dear to her, almost like a part of her, yet she would give him to Valerian in order to save his life.

Valerian had noticed the affection she showed the horse, had seen the expression  in her eyes when she had looked the animal’s way.  He knew how much she loved her black stallion, and the thought that she would give the horse to him overwhelmed him. No one had ever given him anything before without strings attached, not even his own father.
He was touched by her gift but could not take it from her.

“No.  I couldn’t.  Not when you treasure Sloan so much.”  He shook his head.  “You love that horse.”

Eu te amo
.” She touched her heart.

He didn’t understand her.  “What are you saying?”

She tried to make him understand. “Take Sloan!” she insisted. “I…love…Sloan.  I…I love you too.” She had difficulty in saying all the words that needed to be said because of her emotions.  “Danger for you…if..if you…if you stay.”

He understood and her words made his senses whirl.  She had said that she loved Sloan and she loved him.  “I care very deeply for you, too.” His mouth descended upon hers, full of passion, drinking in the taste of her lips. He picked her up and carried her in his arms to the pile of
furs which had become his bed. She offered no resistance as they both moved as if in a dream—touching, tasting, exploring each other, wrapped in each other’s arms.

With trembling, fumbling fingers Valerian began to undress her, untying the drawstring which held up her skirt and slipping it down over her hips. He removed the short over
-tunic and caressed the soft warmth of her skin. Venus herself could not have been more beautiful to his eyes. Impatiently he removed his own clothing, and held her in his arms.

Valerian bent his head to the crest of her breast, suckling it with his tongue. “You taste as sweet as honey,” he whispered, looking into her large blue eyes. She smiled at the loving sound of his voice. He molded his mouth to hers, and instinctively Wynne wound her arms around him, holding him tight against her, lost in the cloud of contentment which swept over her. His tongue thrust against hers as their mouths explored.

By the light of the moon shining down upon them, Valerian admired her body—her smooth  and pale breasts. He bent down and kissed them, again running his tongue over their tips until she shuddered.

“I care so very  much about you.  I’ve never felt this way before,” he said softly.

Wynne closed her eyes and allowed herself to be consumed by his warm, soft mouth as he explored every inch of her being. When he touched her most secret place, stroking her velvety softness, she gave a start of surprise at the torment of longing she felt, wanting something, but not knowing what. Remembering the ceremony she had undergone, the pain as the Druid had severed her maidenhead to make her a woman, she tensed with fright. Would he hurt her too, this man she scarcely knew? She drew away slightly, and her eyes swept over him; his manhood was erect with passion—a large menacing sight. Sensing her fear, he held her tightly against him. She tried to push away from him.

“No,” she murmured, eyes wide with apprehension.

“I won’t hurt you, I promise,” he whispered. His kisses soothed her, made her quiver beneath his touch. His body was warm and hard and the feel of his arousal filled her with a sense of excitement. Any fears she had were now forgotten as her body responded with a will of its own. Instinct took over as she returned his caresses, exploring his body, feeling joy at his groans of desire.

Kneeling beside her, he kissed her stomach, his mouth traveling down to the golden hair nestled between her thighs. Oh, how he longed to bury himself deep within her, but he would hold back his passion until he was certain she was as filled with
as much fire and longing as he.

Wynne moaned at his touch, feeling herself give way to a wild abandon. He opened her legs with gentle probing fingers, stroking the very core of her being. Again, Wynne felt the longing in her loins, and her hips writhed at his touch.

“You are a  passionate one, my lovely golden haired goddess,” Valerian breathed in her ear. Sensing that she was ready for him, he replaced his hand with his hardened staff. Slowly he began to thrust, igniting such a searing pleasure that she was shaken by an explosion of rapture that sent her into an abandoned frenzy. Their bodies seemed to blend, to become one.

“Val…” she cried out as an aching sweetness became a shattering explosion of pleasure, the warmth spreading to the very core of her being.


Valerian gazed down upon her face, gently brushing back the hair from her eyes. From this moment on she was his. He would never share her with anyone. If only they could be together like this forever. The sadness of their parting gripped his heart.

Wynne opened her eyes and looked up at him, smiling. It had ended too soon, that exquisite blending together. She hadn’t wanted him to leave her body…not yet.  She felt that she had found the other half of herself, her mate for life. Reaching up, she traced the cleft in his chin with her finger. In answer he bent down to kiss her, his desire for her again building.

“So, you enjoy our lovemaking,” he whispered. “I swear by the gods that you were meant just for me.”

He began to kiss and caress her, bringing back the now familiar fire as his hot, moist mouth traced a path from one breast to the other, leaving her weak with desire. Suddenly he was inside her once more and she felt a throbbing ecstasy. This time Valerian held himself back, for he wanted Wynne to experience the full joy of her newfound womanhood. He was amply rewarded for his patience as she dropped all inhibitions, giving herself to him fully, in joy and wonder. At last a spasm shook her whole being and she seemed to be thrown into the very heavens.

Through the night they held each other, and made love again and again. It was with a heavy heart that they waited for the dawn.





Chapter Seven



When the two young lovers parted the next morning, both knew that their lives would never be quite the same again.

Valerian kissed Wynne good-bye, holding her close and fighting to hold back unmanly tears as he brushed away the moisture from her cheeks.  “I care very deeply for you.  I will come back. I swear that I will!” he vowed. “If the gods are merciful, we will meet again.

Walk in sunshine,” she said in her own language, parting from him. Her heart seemed to be bursting inside her chest; the pain seemed to be almost too much to bear. She had the impulse to run to him again, to throw her arms around him and beg him to stay, but she could not be so selfish. Perhaps someday when the animosity between their peoples was past, he would return and they could be together just as he had promised.

Valerian mounted the black stallion, who pawed the earth, unused to this man on his back. Wynne hurried over to whisper to t
he horse, to pat his head and assure him that all was well. The animal understood what she wanted and became gentle once more.

Then the horse and rider galloped away. Wynne watched Valerian through the haze of her tears until he was completely out of sight. Feeling as if the end of the world had come, she sat down upon a rock and sobbed her heart out. When at last her emotions were spent, she stood up and began to walk the path which would take her back to her father’s lodge.


Valerian raced through the forest on Sloan’s back, marveling at the animal’s beauty and strength. Not even the finest horses of
Rome were the black horse’s match. Sloan’s mane and tail streamed in the wind like a royal banner; his eyes flashed fire in the sunlight, muscles rippling under his silky hide. The Roman had no doubt that he would be able to catch up to his companions if he rode day and night, pausing only to let the animal rest when necessary. He realized that his senses must always be alert to any danger. He would never again be taken as easily as he had been that fateful night after becoming separated from his legion.

His thoughts were at war as he rode on, anxious to catch up with his legion, yet yearning to look upon Wynne’s lovely face again, to hold her in his arms. She would  be branded forever on his heart and soul. No other woman could ever take her place.

“Wynne!” he cried aloud. The blending of their bodies had been a forging of their hearts as well, strengthening them both in the process.

Onward the horse and rider traveled, Sloan’s hooves thundering upon the ground, taking Valerian farther and farther away from the woman he had grown to love.

Chapter Eight



With his powerful arms folded across his chest, Adair greeted his daughter upon her return to the lodge. “And where have you been, my daughter?” he asked sternly. His blue eyes, so similar to her own, stared at her. “Your bed was not disturbed last night. Brenna tells me that when the fire was banked you were nowhere in sight. Is this true?” His expression told her that he wanted her to tell him that Brenna was wrong.

Wynne looked up into the face she dearly loved and she could not lie. “It’s true, Father. I was not in the lodge last night.”

Anger flamed across his face. “Where were you?” he asked, his brows furrowed in fury.

Before she could answer, Brenna seemed to come out of nowhere, her face set in a treacherous smile. “Adair, I’m sure Wynne has a reason. After all, this is not the first time she did not sleep with us in the lodge. There was another night as well.” She swept toward her husband’s daughter, standing between Wynne and her father.

“So, you disobey my laws and shame me before the entire tribe!” Adair growled.

Wynne shook her head, devastated by her father’s scolding. “No, Father. It was not like that. I did not willfully disobey you. I had to do what I did.” She could only hope that he would understand.

“For what reason?” He looked into Wynne’s eyes, compelling her to bare her very soul to him.

At that moment Wynne knew that she must tell him everything and hopefully make him understand her feelings. Hadn’t they always been of like mind? Didn’t her father also abhor unnecessary killing? And yet something made her hold back her words from him, a voice inside her head that warned her to keep silent.

“I believe your Wynne has become a woman,” Brenna whispered. “No doubt it was to meet her lover that she stole out into the night.”

Remembering the passionate night she had shared with her Roman lover, Wynne blushed a deep crimson.

“A lover!” Adair sputtered, grabbing his daughter’s arm. “But you have been promised to Edan, son of Cedric, our chieftain. Tell me that it is not so. Tell me that you would not bring such dishonor to your father.”

Wynne could not answer, for she could not lie to her father, thus her silence betrayed her.

Brenna walked over to where her husband’s clothing chest stood and slowly lifted the lid. “My husband, where are your ceremonial crys and your favorite tunic? Did you take them with you to hunt?” Her eyes were all innocence.

This time Wynne could not remain silent. “I took them, Father, along with your
and your foot coverings.”

He looked at her a long time before he spoke, his eyes full of misery. “Ah, Wynne…Wynne, thus you would steal from me too, you whom I have
loved beyond reason--my golden-haired child.”

His voice held such sadness that Wynne’s heart
ached. “I did no wrong. I only meant to give help to one who was in great need of aid. Father, I have seen the evil darkness cult at the edge of the forest. They sought to offer human sacrifice to their hungry god.” Her eyes pleaded with him to believe her and his eyes stared back at her as he thought long and hard about what she had said—weighing her words carefully..

Brenna’s shrill laughter broke the spell as Adair took his eyes from his daughter’s face to look upon his wife.
“Darkness cult? They have long been gone from this land. Now I fear that Wynne ahs been partaking of the yarrow leaf, for what else would bring such fantasies to her mind?”

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