Love's Autograph (19 page)

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Authors: Michele M. Reynolds

BOOK: Love's Autograph
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She's a lesbian icon, every lesbian knows who she is,” Gwen said.

Obviously not every lesbian,” Ria said.

Ellie walked down the hall to Maggie's room.
“I'm heading out kiddo,” Ellie said.

Are you leaving because they are fighting over you?” Maggie asked.

Mostly, yes.”

I'm coming with you,” Maggie said as she got up, grabbed her backpack and guitar.

Whoa, you would need your mother's permission,” Ellie said. “And now isn't a good time.”

Clearly, it’s not a good time to ask her,” Maggie said. “Text her,” Maggie added. Ellie shrugged and took direction from an eleven year old.

Ellie texted Ria,
Sorry about the trouble. I'm going to go. Maggie wants to come with me?

She heard the text reach Ria's phone.

“Hold on a second Gwen,” Ria said. The door opened to Ria's room and Ellie glanced in and saw Gwen pulling the mattress back onto the box spring. “You leaving? Not sure if it’s a great idea for you to bring Maggie.”

And why not?” Maggie made her way to Ellie's side with a backpack on her back and guitar in hand.

Ria continued to talk to Ellie,
“It seems like a reward after last night’s episode,” Ria made quote marks with her fingers when she said episode.

Okay that’s fine. Whatever you want,” Ellie said. “I thought it would be appropriate to get her away from the arguing.” Ellie pointed to Ria's bedroom.

Yeah, okay, but I don't want it to be a reward,” Ria said.

We won't do anything fun,” Ellie said. “I promise.”

Okay, I'll call you when Gwen and I have hashed things out,” Ria said. “You better behave Miss Maggie. And you too, EJ Way.” Ellie nodded at her stage name. “We have a lot to talk about.”

Nothing fun,” Maggie said. “I promise.”

Well, maybe a little fun,” Ria said as she kissed Maggie on the forehead. “But we still need to talk.”

I know,” Maggie answered.

Ellie, I'll call you,” Ria said. “What should I call you? Should I call you Ellie?”

Please, it's my name,” Ellie said. Ellie moved in to hug Ria, but then Ria countered with a handshake. Ellie glanced at the closed door to Ria's room. She pulled Ria into a hug and whispered, “Give her hell.”





Jazzie was waiting for Ellie around the corner. She stood at attention and furrowed her brow when she spotted Maggie.

Hello,” Jazzie said.

Maggie, Jazzie. Jazzie, Maggie,” Ellie introduced the two as she sat back in the car seat. “Aaah.” Ellie sighed.

Hello, Jazzie. It's nice to meet you,” Maggie said.

Hello, Maggie,” Jazzie said. “No Ria?”

No Ria,” Ellie said.

She is fighting with Gwen. Gwen is her girlfriend who moved in. I did not get to help make that decision because I am not the adult in the house,” Maggie said.

Oh, live-in girlfriend,” Jazzie said. “I see.”

They are fighting because Mom didn't tell Gwen that Ellie was EJ Way. That is not fair because Mom did not know this. They are also fighting about Gwen leaving last night. Gwen is also mad that Ellie and Mom slept together last night,” Maggie said.

Oh,” Jazzie said as she looked in the rear view mirror at Ellie. Ellie's eyes widened and her face started to turn red.

We slept in the same bed, on the floor, in Maggie's room,” Ellie clarified. “Nothing happened.”

You held hands and cuddled,” Maggie said. “I saw. Is that something Gwen should be mad about?”

Okay, enough about this. Don't get excited,” Ellie said. “Can you bring us home?”

I get to see where you live?” Maggie asked.

Yup, it's nothing fancy,” Ellie said.

Congratulations on your award last night,” Jazzie said. “Too bad you couldn't be there. Robert did a horrible job accepting it. I recorded it and watched it last night.”

Thanks,” Ellie said.

He did do a horrible job, didn't he Jazzie? I told her the same thing,” Maggie said. “I’m sorry you couldn't be there. That was all my fault.”

It’s okay,” Ellie said. “I'm just glad you’re safe. You owe me one.”

Anything you want,” Maggie said. “Let me know.”

I know what she wants,” Jazzie said as she winked at Ellie through the rear view mirror. Ellie shot Jazzie a stern look.

What?” Maggie asked. “Oh, I know—Mom. That would be my wish. I want you two to be together.”

Enough about that,” Ellie said. “You don't owe me anything. Anything else happen at the awards ceremony? What's the celebrity gossip?”

Oh, good ol' Jenny left the awards with Emma Stanford on her arm,” Jazzie said.

Of course,” Ellie laughed.

I don't like Jenny,” Maggie said. “How did you date her for twenty-seven months?” Jazzie looked at Ellie in the mirror again.

Cyber freak,” Ellie said as she pointed her thumb at Maggie. Maggie laughed. Ellie thought Maggie probably reserved this level of comfort and laughter for few people.

They got to Ellie's apartment building and the building was surrounded by paparazzi. Ellie
guessed her exit at the awards had stirred the nest of reporters. Jazzie went through the parking garage, where only tenants of the building could enter, and they took the elevator to Ellie's apartment. Maggie got the grand tour and, despite it being only 9:30 a.m., they made popcorn and watched the American Music Awards ceremony that Ellie had set her DVR to record before she left.

Ellie got a text from Jazzie,
Robert and the paparazzi keep calling and texting me trying to find out what happened last night. You're in the limelight. For a small fee I won't tell them anything. ;)
a commercial break, Ellie went and showered. She left Ria's t-shirt on her pillow and put on fresh clothes. She walked out into the living room and Maggie was asleep. The sound of rain pelting the windows invaded the apartment. Ellie sat on the couch and watched the rest of the awards ceremony. She fast-forwarded through the boring parts. There were a lot of presenters poking fun and mentioning Ellie's exit. Robert's acceptance speech was unrehearsed and awkward.

Ellie's phone buzzed.
I'm on my way to pick up Maggie. What is your address?
Ria texted.

I can send a car,
Ellie responded.

Already on my way,
Ria said. Ellie looked out her window. Most of the reporters had left, but there were still some lingering.

Okay, it is
544 Park Street. Go through the parking garage. I'll give your name to security. Apartment 630. Maggie's sleeping.

C U Soon,
Ria said.

Ellie checked her apartment to make sure it was tidy for Ria. The housekeeper had been there in the last few days, so the place was clean. She went to the bedroom and shoved Ria's shirt under her pillow. She called security at the parking garage and gave them Ria's name. She paced, paced
, and paced some more. She heard the elevator doors open and, looking through the door peephole, saw Ria exit the elevator. She was carrying flowers.





Ellie unlocked and opened the door before Ria could knock. Ellie put her fingers to her own lips and waved Ria into the apartment.

For you,” Ria whispered.

For me?” Ellie asked.

For last night,” Ria said. “For...” Just then Ria noticed a sleeping Maggie. “Can we go somewhere else and talk? I never know when she’s listening. She's a master of fake sleeping.”

Umm, yeah,” Ellie accepted the flowers, inhaled their sweet fragrance, and placed them on the kitchen counter. “Thanks,” she whispered. She walked down the hall away from the living room leaving Maggie asleep on the couch with the AMA playing on the television.

This is gorgeous,” Ria said.

Thanks,” Ellie said. “I actually like your place better. This is too rich and stuffy for me, but it's the cheapest one that has sufficient security for people who need some space from fans.”

Ellie passed her bedroom, the bathroom, and stopped at the recording studio. The two stepped into the room. There was a black leather couch against one wall,
a sound board against another wall, and a keyboard, bass guitars and guitars scattered around the room. A microphone sat in the middle of the room with a stool sat next to it.

Gwen is moving out as we speak,” Ria said.

Oh,” Ellie said. “You okay?”

So, you're a rock star. You're really, really actually famous,” Ria started. “Wait, back up. I wanted to say it with the flowers. Well, actually, umm, what I wanted…”

Wait, are you actually nervous?” Ellie asked. “I’m the same Ellie. I’m the same person.”

Ria half smiled,
“I first wanted to congratulate you on your award. I didn't get to properly do that this morning.”

Well,” Ellie started, but Ria held up her hand signaling she wasn’t done speaking.

And I wanted to thank you for coming over last night. You actually left New York to fly up here? Thank you for being with me for Maggie.” Ellie looked at Ria to make sure she was done speaking. Ria nodded.

You're welcome,” Ellie said.

Why? Why did you do that? You had Jenny on your arm, and you get a call from Maggie. You're walking the red carpet, and you hop a plane back here. Why? You were on the red carpet.”

Maggie means a lot to me. I'd do it again,” Ellie said.

You missed getting your award,” Ria said. “The media said this was your biggest award.”

Yeah, so?” Ellie said.

What the heck? Why?” Ria asked. “That's a big sacrifice.”

It’s just an award. I can win others. I can't replace important people in my life,” Ellie said as she sat on the stool and Ria stood above her with her arms crossed. “Maggie's that important to me. She's one of the most important people in my life.”


And?” Ellie asked.

And what about me? What am I?” Ria asked.

It still stands. I'm in love with you. You're all I think about,” Ellie put her head down and looked at her hands on her lap. “I love you. I can't help it...”

Ellie looked up and Ria had already moved in and had her lips on Ellie's. A surge went through Ellie's body.
Ria put her hands on each side of Ellie's face. Ria's hands felt warm and soft. They continued to kiss as Ellie stood and slid her hands around Ria's neck. Ellie's tongue found its way between Ria's parted lips and into her warm mouth. Ria's lips were soft and moved perfectly against her own lips.

She is kissing me. This is finally happening.

Ellie held onto Ria and felt dizzy. Their kiss deepened as their need for each other intensified. Ria walked Ellie backwards and with one hand on the back of Ellie's head, guided her down onto the couch. Ria fell on top of her.

Ellie finally dared to open her eyes,
finding Ria's brown eyes looking back at her. Ria smiled down at her. Ellie smiled back and pulled Ria's head down to her and kissed her again. Ellie's hands moved up and down Ria's sides as their bodies pressed harder and harder against each other. Ria pulled away from the kiss. Ria grabbed both of Ellie's arms and slowly moved them above Ellie’s head and pinned them there. She kissed Ellie one more time and then continued to pin her arms in place. The only sound to be heard was their heavy breathing.

So, Ms. EJ Way,” Ria started. “How many groupies have you made out with on this couch?”

None, you're the first,” Ellie answered.

No seriously, how many women have you made out with here?” Ria asked.

None,” Ellie answered. “Seriously, none of them have made it into my apartment.”

Really?” Ria asked as she released Ellie's hands and sat at the end of the couch. “I read that you've sold millions of albums and have millions of fans.”

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