Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series)
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Caleb was heading out the door when he said...

“Can I bring you anything when I come back tomorrow?”

“No...  I have all that I need.”

He looked around the room, and he thought  ‘She has all that she needs and then some’; he kept this thought to himself because so few in the world had as much as the Delors and he still hadn’t come to terms with his sister being in this place.


Lucien stepped off the elevator exactly one hour after Caleb Zelle had left.  After being asked to leave not long after Ona had been transferred to his family’s wing; Lucien had been receiving daily updates informing him about Ona's progress.  He had stayed away out of respect until the nurses informed him that their patient was nothing like her brother. In fact, when Ona had been well enough to hear about the accident, her doctor had credited Lucien's intervention for her being alive.

Lucien passed the nurses station, and he paused to greet her.

"Good morning Rachel."

"Good morning Mr. Delors.  Your timing is perfect.  Her massage therapy is in thirty-minutes."

"Did the flowers arrive?"

Rachel rocked her head to the rear.

"They arrived just as her brother was leaving her room.  He stopped at the desk for a crash course on the use of the iPad."

"Did he see the flowers?"

Rachel shook her head.

"Imagine what he would have said had he seen the flowers.  With only one patient on the floor, I couldn't say that the flowers are for someone else--and he probably wouldn’t have believed that the flowers had come for me."

Rachel was an attractive woman, small boned, and light brown complexioned.  As far as he could see, any man would be foolish not to consider her date worthy.

He said...

“Please don’t take this the wrong way...and I’m not encouraging you to lie but; what makes you think that her brother wouldn’t accept that the flowers had been sent to you?”

She smirked when she said...

“Every last one of those flowers was greenhouse grown, out of season and the arrangement probably cost more than I earn in one week.”  When he didn’t appear persuaded, she added...

“Even if I were dating...most of my pursuits could barely afford the vase.”

He didn’t agree, but he wouldn’t argue the point.  Some people didn’t realize their worth, and Rachel seemed to be one of those people.  The first time he’d met her, Lucien had thought that she was a dead-ringer for a young Vanessa Williams.  Even now, if it weren’t for the difference in their ages, he would swear that she was Vanessa’s
doppelgänger but he couldn’t allow this to derail his thoughts.  Sending Ona Zelle a floral arrangement had been a gamble, and Lucien had considered this each passing hour.  In spite of his inner warnings, everyday he'd fought the urge prompting him to send her a truckload of flowers and when he'd decided to risk visiting her, he couldn’t fathom arriving empty handed.  

Rachel waved away his cares saying....

"Don't worry Mr. Delors...I understand this situation.  Her brother is a Samaritan but he wasn't born into the Sect.  He was adopted and he has a huge chip on his shoulder."

"Unless his chip concerns Ona’s care, or something that we’ve failed to do...his general annoyance isn’t our concern and I don’t want my staff involved in any acrimonious disputes.  Treat him like a guest.  Whatever he wants...see to it that he get's it.  We don't want to make this ordeal anymore stressful that it already is for her family."

"I agree sir...and don't worry.  I even told him that I’d sent out for a notepad because neither he nor his sister feels comfortable using the iPad."

"That's good Rachel."  He looked at the time, when he said...

"I should probably head down to her room.  I don't want to delay any of her treatments "

"I'll bring down the flowers...and we'll have to think of something to say when her brother arrives.  I can promise you...when he see’s that vase, and then the flowers...Caleb Zelle will have questions and he won’t leave until his curiosity has been satisfied "

"How about we just tell him the truth.  If he’s as stubborn as you nurses have reported, we don’t want to do anything that might lead to dissension."

In this case, Lucien thought that honesty was the best course of action.  He didn't want his staff getting caught in a lie and he didn't want Ona Zelle getting the wrong impression, especially since they hadn't been formally introduced.

Lucien walked the length of the hall, stopping midway. 

The door to her room had been left ajar, and he could hear what sounded like the TV news.  He knocked, tapping with his knuckle, and his world changed when he heard her serene voice.

"Come in really needn't knock."

Lucien cleared his throat, creating a masculine gruff sound.  The pitch in tenor established his sex and Ona promptly apologized, correcting herself, not giving her guest one-second to reply

"Oh, I'm sorry.  Is that you Dr. Norma?"

He'd impatiently waited for this day to finally come and now he'd begun to doubt the wisdom in ignoring propriety.  He forged on, because his silence was bordering on rude.

"Miss Zelle...this is Lucien Delors...I don't want to intrude, but would you mind if I come in to visit you?"

The reporter on the news was talking about a drought in another part of the world and when she didn’t respond he imagined that perhaps she’d been listening to the story.  Or maybe her hesitation had been her response.  Perhaps, the silence was her way of answering in the negative.  He'd leaned in, placing his ear near the doorframe.  His concentration had been so intent, he didn’t hear Rachel’s approach when she’d joined him.  She was holding the large vase beautifully arranged with a tasteful grouping of out of season flowers.  The aroma was heavenly.  Rachel whispered....

"She's really modest.  Maybe I should go in first.  She might feel underdressed."

"But wasn't her brother just here not more than an hour ago?"

She rolled her eyes...

"I get your point, but you're preaching to the choir...I know just about as much as you do when it comes to these people."

She winked her eye then spoke loud enough to be heard over the TV.

"'s just me...Rachel, your nurse.  I'm in the hall with Lucien Delors.  May we come in?"

A few nail biting seconds passed, then finally Ona said...

"Yes.  You both may enter."

Rachel gestured for him to allow her to enter the room first.  When she stepped into the room, the nurse met her patients eyes, and her quick professional assessment told her that all was well, and Ona didn't appear to be in any pain or distress.  Lucien entered the room slowly, standing off to the side.  His eyes took in every facet of her.  He'd read the reports but nothing was like seeing something firsthand.  The large surgical bandage that had covered most of her head; it had been replace with a bandage more than half its size.  He didn't see continuous running IVs or a patient controlled morphine pump.  His eyes were doing their rounds, noticing all the changes, when his thoughts were interrupted by Rachel.

"Aren't these flowers absolutely beautiful."

Ona's attention had been fixed on the man.  She'd never been in the company of any man alone outside of her Sect.  And she'd never seen a man more handsome than this man.  His face was clean shaven and looked as soft and flawless as a newborn babes behind.  He was impeccably dressed in a tailored ash grey designer suit.  Ona wanted to study him more, but after hearing her nurse referring to flowers, she had not noticed the floral extravaganza.

"Oh my!" Was her comment and Ona's remark sparked a chuckle out of her nurse.  Rachel addressed Lucien...

"I guess that means that she likes them."

Lucien said...

"Miss Zelle...I did some research, and I didn't find any information about you not being able to accept flowers as a get well gift. I hope I haven’t offended you in any way--and if I have, please accept my apology and I’ll instruct the nurse to remove them."

Actually, when it came to the Samaritan Sect, the internet had been a hollow hole.  Every article had been written from an outsiders point of view, and the sum of their impressions had been nothing more than inconsequential ramblings.  

Ona's lips parted because she didn't know what to say. Samaritan’s were givers and she’d never been on the receiving end.  She nodded, then said...

"Thank you Mr. Delors--and you needn’t concern yourself because you have not offended me.  The flowers are beautiful."

Ona could feel a warmth originating at the base of her neck, spreading up, then fanning out across her cheeks.  She was blushing, so she lowered her eyes to avoid his gaze.  Rachel caught sight of this, then she froze, stunned by this visual portrait.  Her sight volleyed, studiously observing Ona and Lucien with disbelieving eyes.  They appeared to be in another world; a universe where she didn’t exist to them.  But...was she misinterpreting this scene?  Perhaps, their probing eyes, and Ona’s shy aversion was a mixup, misread by her brain.  However, if she was right, then this would be a first for her.  Until now she had never considered that Samaritan women could be attracted to anyone outside of their tight-knit community.  On the other hand--Lucien Delors was a literal heartthrob and she recalled the first day she’d met him in person.  Rachel had dreamed about the man for weeks, and even now, she would force back girlish giggles whenever their paths crossed.  For all that, Rachel had not pegged Ona as the girlish type.  During her recovery, she’d appeared innocent and demure; lacking crucial information pertaining to the real world.  Yet, here she was with cheeks so red, if the force of nature could be bottled, her attraction could fuel a rocket bound for Mars.  In spite of her amazement, Rachel dismissed her musings because she had paved the way for Lucien to visit his guest.  Hence, she’d accomplished her goal, and she was free to return to the nurses station.

When she spoke, she ignored the elephant in the room. 

Rachel said...

"I'll leave you two alone, if that's all right with you Ona."

Ona stared at her nurse, but her expression was a duplicitous blur.  On one hand, she looked like she was begging Rachel to stay, then on the other hand, she looked like she didn't know what she wanted.  Of course, this was a no brainer for Rachel.

"If either of you need anything--press the call light."

With that said, the nurse crossed the floor, leaving them to talk alone.

Lucien said...

"Do you mind if I sit?"

"Oh no.  Where are my manners.  Please...sit.  I'm sorry for not offering you a chair."

"You are the shouldn't worry yourself over manners."

"But, it isn't polite not to be gracious when receiving guest."

He strode across the room, and along the edges of her cast, when her toes wiggled then curled; she could feel the plaster reminding her that both legs were broken.  She was nervous, mesmerize by his manner and there was something grand about his gestures.  His motions demanded a response and he held her, captivated by an emotion she couldn’t rightly define.   Each movement appeared to be finely tuned; almost as if he’d practiced or choreographed each gesticulation or wave of his body.  He walked with a self-assured glide.  He took paces that exuded his masculinity.  Ona felt compelled to watch him, and that made her feel like a butterfly, trapped in a sealed jar.  Safe from predators; all the while, craving a breath of wind beneath wings spread wide in flight.

Lucien chose a chair pushed beneath a desk, then he crossed the floor, placing the chair beside her bed.  He didn’t realize that he’d been ogled.  He adjusted his suit-coat to make himself comfortable before sitting.  While he did this, their eyes met, and an easy smile spread his lips.  She shyly smiled, because his straight white teeth tugged at her lips, demanding some form of acknowledgement.  There were so many wonderful features that made his smile gleam with perfection.  She was staring at him again, and in her head an inner voice reminded her that staring was rude.  But she couldn’t help herself, because in comparison she imagined that to him, she must look like a train-wreck.  Ona lowered her lids, feeling a rush of embarrassment. 

She appeared uncomfortable, and Lucien noticed this.  He wanted to put her at ease, so he said...

"So...have they been taking good care of you?"

Her lids popped up.

"Oh yes.  They've been absolutely wonderful.  Everyone."

When the nurses and doctors had emailed reports, giving him updates while Ona recovered; no one reported on her marriage status.  This thought had marched in his mind when he'd seen her on the street and on this occasion his singleminded fascination didn't fail him.  Here he was, wanting to ask her for himself. 

Lucien said...

“Good, good.  It’s always nice to hear good things about your staff.”

Ona was curious, so she asked...

“I hope you won’t think that this is an impertinent question you employ the staff on this unit, or are they employed by the hospital?”

His lips curled, framing his entertained expression.

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