Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories (37 page)

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Authors: L.C. Giroux

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories
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    "Tiger, this is not what I had in mind."

    "No, but trust me you'll like this. You feel so good inside me like this, so deep."

    Her eyes had that faraway look of a woman completely aroused. She had started grinding her hips against his. Her arms went up as she tossed her head back. The movement lifted her breasts. It was like she was performing some sensual dance just for him. His mouth went dry with desire as she worked him deep inside her. He could feel the rub of her cervix against the head of his cock. He reached up and caught her breasts in his hands, molding them, making her nipples even harder. She stared down at him without altering her movement but the corners of her mouth turned up in a half smile.

    She brought her arms down but arched her back. Reaching one hand behind her she started touching him. The extra sensation pushed him too far too fast and he gritted his teeth against the need for release. He squeezed her breasts to get her attention back to him. When she didn't get the response she had expected, she pouted and her red lips looked good enough to eat.

    "You may be on top, but I'm still in charge."

    "Please, may I get you off?" He hadn't been expecting that. He figured she was going to put up a fight but she sounded so pliant and soft.

    "Beg for it."

    Her eyes flashed at him. Okay, maybe not as submissive as he thought. She seemed to consider it and then she said, "You'll have to teach me how to beg." Between the way she said the words and the sexy pout with her nibbling the end of her finger, he was done. The words were like catnip to the dominant male animal in him. She chose that moment to lean forward, pushing her glorious tits right in front of him.

    "Please." It came out of her as a half sigh, half moan. That would have to do because he couldn't hold back against the pictures she painted in his head. She was torturing him and there was a good chance she knew it. He let go like a bull out of a gate and she rode him like a pro. When she lay next to him, he realized she still hadn't gotten any satisfaction yet.

    "Um, you must have had some lousy lovers if you think we're done yet." He didn't know if he could move; the last two orgasms had been so strong. Damn, she really did push his buttons.  While he tried to focus on getting out of bed to clean up, he stroked her skin with his fingertips. It wasn't even particularly sexual; he just craved the feel of her.

    After a minute or two he went to the bathroom and then came back to bed. Her eyes were open but she looked lost in some dream world. That wouldn't do at all. If he was in the room with her, he wanted all of her attention. When he got to the end of the bed and she still hadn't looked at him, he reached over and grabbed her ankles, pulling her half off the bed. She squealed but stopped abruptly when he dropped down between her legs.

    "Now is when you'll learn to beg." Jonah didn't miss her gasp. "I'm gonna make you come so many times and so hard you'll be begging for me to stop." Jonah laughed at the look on her face and then bent down and nipped her inner thigh. He didn't bother to look up when she gasped again; he had already pinned her on the edge of the bed and she would just have to scream all she wanted. He'd quit when he was good and ready. "My little tiger has been hiding this sweet pussy from me and I think I need to make up for lost time. No more talking. Lay back and remember you wanted all of this." After the third orgasm, she stopped screaming; by the fifth, she could only grunt. Jonah had always liked pleasuring a woman like this. All of their attention focused on what he was doing, the immediate action and response loop. He loved how women tasted and the sensual slide of their pussies. This was different somehow: great as always, but so much better than usual. He had been half kidding about not stopping but she really was fried now and he didn't want her to ache, well, not too much anyway. He cleaned up again, looking down at his semi-erection and shook his head. No more tonight. He went back to the bed and curled up around her. Again, as if he couldn't help himself, he started stroking her. They were just the lightest of touches but they seemed to soothe her and him. She was on the edge of sleep but she turned over to face him.

    "They never mentioned this."


    "I knew you were dominating, sexually assertive, even that you liked to go down on a woman, but no one mentioned this stroking thing you're doing. It is wonderful and hypnotic." She sounded like she was purring against his chest.

    Had he really never touched any other women like this? It seemed absurd there wasn't one he'd felt this tenderly toward after sex. He couldn't think of any but that didn't mean there weren't. He didn't know what to make of it, if it was true. When in doubt, make a joke out of it. "It is a new service I'm thinking of adding to the menu. You're the first to get to try it. So it’s a keeper?"

    "Only if you want the woman in question to fall in love with you."

    He was in shock for a minute and then wondered if Delia could fall in love with him. He was tempted to ask her but she had snuggled up against him and fallen asleep. He knew that hadn't happened very often, usually because he didn't stick around long after he'd reduced a woman to a quivering mass of jelly. Maybe that was why he did it. They couldn't complain about him leaving if they could barely speak.

    When she woke up it was pitch dark out and Jonah was snoring like a man deeply satisfied. She smiled to herself and then snuck out of bed to use the bathroom. When she came back he was half awake. She lay down on with her chest on his and her hands tucked under her chin staring down at him.

    "What?" he mumbled. "Was I drooling?"

    "Like the big bad wolf. I know we missed dinner but I'm hungry. Wanna get room service and eat on the balcony?"

    "We could just eat here." She could see his eyes glazing over in that way that made her turn to mush but she really was hungry.

    "I think if I am actually going to get to eat anything then I need to get out of this bed. Got any requests?" She rummaged through the drawers till she found the late night menu. "Hey, this is a swanky place. You can get fondue after ten o'clock. Hmm, would you like to be covered in warm cheese sauce and I could lick it off of you?" She quirked an eyebrow at him and then started laughing at his shocked expression. "Jonah Hutchinson, who knew you were such a prude?"

    "I'm not a prude. Look, it’s just... I'm still in shock that you have been hiding in plain sight for the last four years. You've made me doubt my babe-finder skills."

    "I was going to school and there weren't a heck of a lot of girls in my major so looking like I was one of the guys was sort of self-defense. Do you have any idea what it would have been like if I had showed those idiots the real me? Half of them would have taken one look at my tits and thought I was there to sleep with them and the other half would have thought I was stupid just because I have girly parts. Either way not a single one of them would have listened to a word I said."

    "Hmm, I'm sorry, did you say something? I can't really have a conversation with you when you're naked."

    "And the prosecution rests!" She whacked him with a pillow, hard. "Call in food. Unless you want to split the fondue, I'll just get the bacon cheeseburger." She got back out of bed and grabbed her panties and his shirt off the floor on her way to the bathroom. When she got out of the shower and finished drying off, she heard Jonah yell the food was there.

    "Mmmm, I must be hungry ’cause that smells delicious." Jonah just stood there with one of the food service covers in his hand. Delia tried not to smile too wide. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights; his mouth was moving but nothing was coming out. In her sweetest, most seductive voice she teased him. "Jonah, honey, you okay? You look a little pale."

    Pale, she thought he looked pale. Dumbstruck, flummoxed, in way over his head is the way he would have put it. Geez, he was becoming pathetic, her standing there with her dark hair down and those cherry lips, wearing the lace panties, his shirt, and a smile. All the blood left his brain and moved south. Fuck, if he didn't watch himself she was going to lead him around by his nose. That thought made him think about leashes, which made him think about tying her to the bed, which made it even harder to breathe.


    She walked over and pulled a long French fry from the plate and put it in her mouth, hanging on to the other end. She took a bite and then licked the flaked salt off her lips.

    "Mmm, yummy. You wanna eat out on the balcony?" She picked up her plate and moved to the sliding glass door. He still hadn't moved; he just stared at her. He needed to do something - his freakin' manhood was at stake.

    "No. You can't eat on the balcony like that. I won't let you."

    "There's nothing out there but the water and we're fifteen stories up. We could have sex out there and no one would know."

    Jonah started coughing, like he hadn't thought that himself just minutes before. This girl was going to be the death of him. Work; they were here to work, he reminded himself.

    "Why don't we eat in here and I can go over what I need you to do for the plan."

    "I love it when you get all serious," she cooed at him as she walked back to the bar counter. As if she didn't already have his undivided attention, she ran her hand over his bare chest as she walked past him. He flinched; it felt like 10,000 volts jumped from her fingers to his chest. What the hell was wrong with him? He shook his head to clear the cobwebs she'd put there. After these three weeks he was going to need to go hunt something and kill it to retain his man card or give up in defeat and spend the rest of his life making love to her. He looked at her perched on the tall bar stool, grinning at him, and thought maybe that second option wouldn't be so bad. Argh! Snap out of it! She's just pushing your buttons and like every other woman you've ever known she'll start wanting things you can't give her like conversations, and security. Not things he was any good at.

    "Okay boss, what is the plan?" She took a big bite of burger and ate it, looking a little like a chipmunk in the process. He kinda loved how she liked food and wasn't one of those women that had you spend a fortune on dinner and then picked at it because they didn't want you to see them eating. The burger was really juicy and as she was holding it, it started dripping down her hand and wrist. When she put it down to clean herself up, she realized she hadn't grabbed a napkin. Before she could get up to get one, Jonah took her hand and licked the juice from her palm and arm. When he looked her in the eye he grinned a little; now she was the one with her mouth open. He took that as an invitation and sucked each of her fingers clean, swirling his tongue around each of them in turn. He watched as the pulse in her neck sped up. Maybe he wasn't the only one dumbstruck. He let his silent gaze stretch out till she was squirming in her seat.

    "I got it for you." Her next breath shuddered in her chest. "Now about this job." He could think clearly again knowing what ever insanity gripped him, it had her just as confused. At least if he was going to make a fool of himself he wasn't the only fool in over his head.


    Delia got up and put her bikini on, not that she'd ever get near the beach while it was daylight but she could pretend. For the last week and a half she had spent all day staring at the monitors Jonah had set up. As much as she could have stared at Jonah in the flesh, the grainy black and white images of him and the other guys at the card game gave boring a whole new meaning. Hmm, could she move them closer to the deck? Then at least she could lie out and get a tan while she did her spying. Hell, there was no way they'd reach and just turning them wasn't going to do it either. Jonah walked out of the bedroom as she was trying to figure out how to make this work.

    "Hey, doll." He caught her up in his arms. The feel of him wrapped around her was so good she ached from that alone. He bent down and nuzzled the back of her neck and then found her ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth. God help her she wanted this; not just now but longer, a lot longer. Jonah didn't do longer. That he still wanted to sleep with her made this the longest relationship she had ever known him to have. Last night when he took her to dinner and then dancing, like it was an actual date, made her want to burst into tears. Then when they had made love, scratch that they weren't lovers, they had sex, they  had really good, breathtaking sex, but the way he had held her afterwards, like she was something precious and he couldn't get enough of her made her think maybe, just maybe there was more to this.

    She had to stop torturing herself. They had both been very clear on the boundaries. Three weeks, half of which was gone already, and then back to reality and this would just be a pleasant memory. Yeah, and she was going to sit in her bed with two of her favorite guys, one named Ben and the other Jerry, crying her eyes out.

    "Don't you need to get downstairs?"

    "Nobody will care if I'm a little late." He was nibbling down her neck when she felt her top give.

    "Jonah!" His hands came up to sweep the top away and cup her breasts.

    "Mmm, I love the feel of these in my hands." He spun her around. "But I like the way they feel on my tongue even more." He dropped to his knees and took one of her nipples in his mouth while one of his hands caressed its mate. Liquid heat raced through her veins; his hands moved to her back to steady her when her knees started to buckle. He pulled away from her and smiled up at her through the valley of her chest.

    "But my favorite," he hooked his thumbs in the bikini bottoms and slid them slowly off her hips and over her thighs, "is this piece of heaven here."

    "Oh God." She groaned as he opened her up to him and licked at her deeply. She grabbed his shoulders to stay standing, fisting his shirt, trying to bite back her scream of pleasure. He wedged his shoulder between her thighs and held her at the small of her back, pulling her down so he could reach even deeper. When her orgasm raced through her, her knees finally gave out and he guided her down to the couch. Instead of becoming used to how he made her feel, she seemed to come apart when he so much as touched her. At this rate, by the end of the three weeks all he was going to have to do was look at her to make her collapse. In her daze she realized he was seeking his own release now. He teased her by gliding over her outer lips. She reached up to pull him close as he arched in to her. She loved the feel of him inside her.

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