Loverboy (12 page)

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Authors: Trista Jaszczak

BOOK: Loverboy
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“You know,” I start as we head for the ticket stand. “We don’t have to see another chick flick. You can always pick something else.”

He shakes his head. “It’s okay. I don’t really keep up with the movies and you do. I wouldn’t know what to pick anyway.”

“I could always pick another one making fun of cops.”

He shakes his head. “The guy in the shorts from Reno nine-one-one is more than enough. Thank you very much.”

I laugh. “It could always be worse,” I note, as he pulls his wallet from his pocket and requests two tickets for
An Affair to Remember

“So, is this another crying chick flick?” He asks as we walk inside.

If I thought it was amazing on the outside, I’m nearly blown away at how immaculate it is on the inside. The smell of theater popcorn hits me hard, and I find myself sighing. It’s then I realize that Nick is staring at me, waiting for my reply. I feel my cheeks flush. “More than likely.” I tell him, as he orders a large popcorn and two drinks.

“Why do women cry at movies?” He asks.

I shrug and laugh. “We just do. Don’t men cry at movies?”

He laughs. “I don’t know. I can’t remember the last time I cried.”

“You were probably still in diapers, right?” I tease.

“More than likely,” he says with a sarcastic chuckle.

I laugh as he passes me my drink. “Because tough men don’t cry, am I right?”

“I think men do cry,” he admits. “They just keep it hidden.”

I laugh. “One more reason to prove that women are completely different from men,” I tell him. “This is embarrassing, but I remember I went to see
P.S. I Love You
with a group of girlfriends. Before the end of the movie we had all caused a sobbing scene in the middle of this theater. It was bad.”

“P.S. I Love You?” He asks.

“A movie with Gerard Butler,” I say.

“Now, that guy I know,” he says. “Law Abiding Citizen.”

I laugh. “That’s right.”

“He was in a chick flick?” He asks as we make our way to the theater.

I nod. “He sure was.”

“But, he’s Mister Tough Guy,” he tells me.

“But, he’s sexy, and women like him.” I admit.

“Oh God, does Charlie have a crush?” He asks, pushing the viewing room door open for me.

I nod. “I sure do, on some of the Backstreet Boys, too,” I openly admit.

“Please tell me you’re joking,” he says as we climb the steps into the back rows of seating.

I shake my head. “Nope. Your turn. Who’s your crush?”

“It used to be Kate Hudson,” he says. “But, right now, I don’t know.” He gives me an odd look, one that I’m not used to seeing, combined with a little smirk that makes me have to think about how to speak again for some reason.

“You know, some men don’t like her simply because she’s lacking in some departments.” I laugh.

“Aren’t most of the model types lacking in places because they starve?” He asks.

“Point made,” I say, taking off my jacket and giving it a toss onto the empty seat next to me.

“Some guys do like
women, you know,” he tells me, settling into a seat next to me. “We don’t all want models or movie stars. Sometimes we think some women are more beautiful than that.”

“Well, I would like to know where they are, because I have yet to meet one,” I tell him, sneaking a piece of popcorn from the top of the bucket.

He smiles and moves his eyes to glance at me from the corners of them. “I’m one of those guys.”

“You’ve surprised me again,” I say.
“I thought for sure you’d be one of the guys with one of the vegetarian models on his arm.”

“Please, don’t make me laugh,” he says. “I need someone who can at least help me cook. We’d both starve then, because I can barely toss a salad.”

I laugh and push my hair from my eyes. “And you do need protein to keep up your strength for work.”

He grins wide. “You see my point well.”

I take a moment to glance around as the lights begin to dim and the screen lights up brighter than before. I’m shocked to see that Nick and I are the only ones in the theater. “Looks like everyone else went to see
Ben Hur
.” I let out a little laugh as it’s no surprise really. People today usually go for the new releases.

He laughs and has a small bite of popcorn. “Gives me a chance to ask stupid man questions during the movie.”

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that there is no such thing as a stupid question?” I ask.

“Teachers in high school, but do you really think I paid attention?” He asks.

I shake my head. “Probably not. You know I had a teacher who wouldn’t take ‘I don’t know’ for an answer.”

“So, you had to make stuff up?” He asks.

I laugh. “He expected you to know.”

“I would not have been in that class, that’s for sure,” he admits.

“Oh come on; I think you’re smarter than what you let on.”

“I graduated from high school with a three-point-two grade point average,” he admits. “But, I was one of those guys who just breezed through and didn’t try. Not like you, Miss Genius.”

“Please, I’m far from it,” I say. “Remember, I was the one kidnapped because I was walking though Central Park in the middle of the night. Alone.”

“Hey, that wasn’t your fault,” he tells me in my ear. “
nd, you’re certainly not stupid. You’re human. Humans make mistakes.”

I feel his warm breath on my ear, and I feel a chill run down my body. I feel my stomach tie up as I fight a little bit of nervousness as I try to look forward at the screen. I glance over from the corners of my eyes and let out a little sigh. 

“You know I’m right.”

I nod. “I know, but I can’t help but feel like it was my fault.”

He shakes his head. “Please don’t think like that.”             

I finally look over at him as I prop my feet up on the back of the seat in front of me. “You know, you did just pay twenty dollars to watch this.” I laugh as I feel something beginning to flutter in the pit of my stomach. It’s enough of a shock to make me look away from him.

“I know you’re just changing the subject,” he states.

I nod, though I’m not sure I’m changing the subject for the reason he thinks. I attempt to collect my thoughts and think my words through before I reply. “Because I do feel dumb. I left a party, alone, and went through Central Park, knowing full well what was going on out there.”

“So, you made a mistake; everyone does. Like the time when I took my parents car without their permission and ended up wrecking it.”

I stifle a laugh as I feel my nerves ease a little. “How was it coming home that night?”

“I was grounded for six months,” he tells me.

Oooh, ouch. But, you do the crime, you do the time,” I say.

“But, that’s how we learn,” he tells me. “We make
mistakes.” He brings his hand down tenderly on mine, and I feel my body jolt again. I can barely look at him as the wild fluttering in my belly starts up again.

“Thank you.”

He nods. “Now I’ll let you watch the movie.”

“Now that I’ve missed the first twenty minutes.”

He laughs. “I missed it too.”

“But, you didn’t want to see it in the first place.” I laugh.

“Now, that is not entirely true,” he tells me, turning to face the screen. “See, I want to watch it.”

I can’t help but to laugh despite my nerves being all over the place. We turn our attention to the movie for a while. I take in Deborah’s beautiful clothes, that gorgeous diamond pinky ring, and her love of pink champagne. I try to focus on every single detail of the movie. Everything, other than Nick sitting right next to me. I feel the fluttering deep in my belly, and then another wave of nervousness. I shake it off and stare at the screen for a few moments before I feel Nick’s fingertips as he gently taps
my hand to get my attention.

“Is it just me or are they technically both cheating on their significant others?” He asks.

I laugh softly. “Technically, yes.”

“How is this romantic?” He asks. “Wouldn’t you be upset if the man you were supposed to marry went for someone else?”

I giggle again. “Point made. But, I guess since it’s just a movie we look at how perfect they are for each other.”

Mhm,” he says. “Thank God it’s just a movie. If this happened other women would be killing a lot of men, or busting the hell out of a whole lot of cars.”

I nod. “Probably right.” I turn my full attention back to the movie for a moment until I hear Nick’s voice in my ear again. His warm breath on my ear sends that wild jolt coursing through by body that nearly makes me jump. I quickly turn my head to face him to find his face a mere inch or two away from mine. I swallow and take a breath. “I’m sorry.”

“I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat after this,” he asks.

I swallow hard again as I feel a lump beginning to form in my throat as I realize that he has yet to move his face. “I can always whip something up. I just hate over doing it outdoors,” I explain.

He nods. “Understandable, but you are doing great. This is a huge deal.”

I give a nod as I try to talk again. I think through my words carefully. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, I moved my appointments to Doctor Larson’s office. It‘s better than the phone, I guess.”

“Charlie, that’s great!” He exclaims.

“It’s just once a week, but it’s something, right?” I lick my lips and suddenly feel how hard my heart is beating, and this time it doesn’t feel like a panic attack that I’m used to. I close my eyes and let out a breath of air.

“You okay?” He asks.

I nod. “I am, I’m sorry; I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” A shiver runs up my spine as goose bumps rise on my arms. My heart continues to race as I try to control
my thoughts. Nick. This is all about Nick. I stare at him, confused. Not because I’m truly scared or having a panic attack, but because he’s…Nick; the man who can’t cook to save his life, who loves sports, and who would do anything to protect me right now. He is ridiculously handsome with his brown-blonde hybrid hair that he loves to spike up and mess up. His bright green eyes that would probably make my stomach flip if I could see the color in the dark. And, that adorable smile, that I
see in the dark and
make my stomach flip. I begin to feel a little unsure of things. A little unsteady as I shiver again. How could I possibly want…after all that’s happened to me?


I shake my head. “No, I’m fine. I just feel,” I stop. “Well, I just feel like I…” I feel my cheeks flush with color. “I’m so sorry. I’m kind of embarrassed.”

I feel Nick’s warm breath push closer to me as heat from his body begins to surround mine. I feel another shiver run down my body as Nick’s nose nuzzles mine, and I quickly realize that I’m not the only one thinking about doing something. I feel my heart rate pick up again;
not from fear, but out of nerves. Like I’m some fourteen year-old who is experiencing her first kiss.

“Nick, I might be really bad at this.”

“I really doubt that,” he tells me as he touches my face.

“I think I’ve forgotten how,” I tell him as I bring a hand up to his clean shaven face and into his hair for a moment.

“That’s not true; no one forgets.” He smiles as I feel his fingertips gingerly brush along my cheek. “Charlie, I think I’m about to kiss you.”

Before I can say another word, his warm lips brush with mine, the fear and panic I expect isn’t there at all as his lips leave a small peck on mine. I feel my heart beat steady, and my shaky hands relax as he plants another soft peck kiss on my lips. I sigh as his nose nuzzles against mine and his hand runs up and into my hair. I slowly push my lips against his, this time for a softer, lingering kiss.

When we pull away I feel myself sigh as I close my eyes and press my forehead to his. “Are you okay?” He asks.

“I’m fine. No,” I say. “I’m great. I just thought that I shouldn’t or wouldn’t want to do that ever again,” I tell him. “And, when I wanted to with you, I got embarrassed.”

“I would say you’re perfectly normal,” he says, smiling.

“I can only hope.”

“You know, it’s okay to look at me,” he says, laughing slightly as he rubs my nose with his again in an attempt to make me look at him.

“I know that,” I say, laughing nervously, “I’m just.”

“Embarrassed,” he finishes, finally adjusting me to look him in the eyes.

“It just happened really quickly,” I say. “But, I really wanted to.”

He smiles. “Obviously, I did too.”

I feel my cheeks heat up. I know it’s more than likely wrong. No, not “more than likely,” I’m sure it is wrong. They sent Nick to watch over me and they kept me in my home to make healing easier. They put their trust in him and in me that nothing would happen. Given the circumstances, I really believed nothing would happen. But, here I am…falling for the cop sent to protect me. “I cannot believe this.”

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