Lover Eternal: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood (58 page)

Read Lover Eternal: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood Online

Authors: J. R. Ward

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction - Romance, #Vampires, #Suspense, #Man-woman relationships, #Romance: Gothic, #Romance - Fantasy, #Love stories, #Fantasy fiction, #Romance - Suspense, #Electronic books

BOOK: Lover Eternal: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
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"You are really huge, you know that?" She kept her voice low as she approached it slowly, remembering how Rhage liked her to talk to him. "And you did an excellent job keeping those
from me. Thank you."

When she was right next to the beast, the jaws opened and it called out to the sky while keeping its eyes on her. Abruptly the great head lowered, as if it were seeking her touch. She reached out, stroking smooth scales, feeling the great tensile strength in the thickness of its neck and shoulder.

"You are scary as hell up close, you really are. But you feel nice. I didn't think your skin would be so soft or warm."


Those white eyes flickered to the left and narrowed, its lips curling up into a snarl.


'Tell me someone isn't coming closer," she said without varying her tone or turning away. She kept her eyes locked on that huge face.


"Butch, hang back, man," V muttered. "She's talking him down."


The beast growled low in its throat.


"Hey, now, don't bother with them," she said. "They're not going to do anything to either one of us. Besides, haven't you had enough tonight?"


The creature heaved a great breath.


"Yeah, you're done," she murmured, stroking under the mane. Heavy muscles ran in great ropes under the skin. There was no fat, nothing but power.


It eyed the vampires once again.


"No, they're nothing you and I need to worry about. You just stand right here with me and—"


Without warning, the beast whirled around and knocked her to ground with its tail. It leaped into the air at her house, crashing its upper body through a window.


was pulled out into the night, and the beast's roar of outrage was cut off as it took the slayer between its jaws.


Mary tucked into a ball, shielding herself from the tail's barbs. She covered her ears and closed her eyes, cutting off the juicy sounds and the horrible sight of the killing.


Moments later she felt her body being nudged. The beast was pushing at her with its nose.


She rolled over and looked up into its white eyes. "I'm fine. But we're going to have to work on your table manners."

The beast purred and stretched out on the ground next to her, resting its head between its forelegs. There was a brilliant flash of light and then Rhage appeared in the same position. Covered in black blood, he shivered in the cold.

She shrugged out of her coat as the brothers ran over. Each one of the men took their jackets off and laid them down on Rhage, too.


"Mary?" he croaked. "I'm right here. Everyone's fine. The two of you saved me."
Chapter Forty-seven
Butch wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen the whole thing for himself. Mary had turned that raging beast into a pet.

Jesus, that woman had some kind of way about her. And courage, too. After seeing that nasty-looking piece of work
those slayers in front of her, she'd stood up in front of the damn thing and actually touched it. He wouldn't have had those kind of

Mary looked up from Rhage's body. "Will some of you help me get him to the car?"


Butch went right over, taking Rhage's legs while V and Zsadist each picked up an arm. They carried him around to the Mercedes and muscled the brother into the backseat.


"I can't drive him home," Mary said. "I don't know the way."


V went to the driver's-side door. "I'll take you guys. Cop, I'll be back in twenty."


"Be careful with them," Butch murmured. When he turned, Phury and Tohr were staring at him with an expectation he was used to.


Without even noticing, he slid right back into homicide detective land and took control.

"Let me tell you what I know so far." He led the two to the back of Mary's house and pointed at a pattern of black patches on the ground. "You see these burned marks in the turf? Bella was taken by the
and carried across the field from her place to here. She was bleeding, and when the sun came out her trail of blood incinerated and left this pattern on the ground. And why did he have to take her through the meadow? I think the slayer came looking for Mary and somehow ran into Bella on this piece of property. Bella tore off for her house and he had to bring her back, probably because he'd parked his car here. Follow me, boys."

He went around the side of the house and down to the street where there was a Ford Explorer parked at the curb.

"Bella was, for them, a lucky mistake, and they came back tonight to finish the job by getting Mary. V, I want you to run this car's plates, okay?" Butch eyed the sky. Light snow flurries were coming down. "With this shit falling, the integrity of the outdoor scenes is disintegrating, but I think we know what we can from the exteriors. Let me go through the SUV while you boys clean up the bodies of those
. I don't need to tell you to take anything you can off them, wallets, BlackBerrys, cell phones. Give it all to V when he comes back so he can take the stuff to the Pit. And stay out of both houses until I clear the scenes."

As the brothers got to work, Butch went through the Explorer with a fine-toothed comb. By the time he was finished, the vampires had finished poofing the

"SUV's clean as a whistle, but it's registered to a guy named Ustead." He handed the registration card to Phury. "Probably a false identity, but would one of you boys check out the address anyway? I'm heading back to Bella's to finish up there."

Tohr checked his watch. "We'll check this Ustead's place out, then go do our civilian sweeps. Unless you need help?"


"No, it's better if I go it alone."

The brother paused. "What about some cover, cop? Because the
might show up again. None of the ones here got away, but when those boys don't check in, some of their buddies could come back for a look-see."

"I can handle myself." He took out his gun and checked it. "But I spent my clip. Can I borrow another?"


Phury held out a Beretta. 'Take this and start fresh."


And Tohr wouldn't leave until Butch accepted one of his docks as well.

Tucking one gun into his holster and keeping the other in his hand, Butch took off across the meadow at a jog. His body was primed and pumped, and he covered the distance in no time at all, barely breaking a sweat. As he ran, his mind was sharp as the night air, churning over lists of things to follow up on and theories about where Bella might have been taken.

As he ran up to the back of the farmhouse, he caught a flash of movement inside. He flattened against the wall next to the broken French door and eased the Beretta's safety off. From inside the kitchen there was the sound of crunching glass, like popcorn on a stove. Someone was walking around. Someone big.

Butch waited until whoever it was got closer; then he jumped into the doorway, aiming the gun at chest level.


"It's just me, cop," Z muttered.


Butch swung the muzzle to the ceiling. "Christ, I could have shot you."


But Z didn't seem to care that he'd almost been plugged. He just leaned down and fished around some dish shards with his fingertip.

Butch took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. He wasn't going to ask Zsadist to leave. There was no point in getting into an argument with him, and besides, the brother was acting totally weird, kind of like he was in a stupor. The dead calm in him was eerie as hell.

Z picked something off the floor.


"What is it?" Butch asked.




"Try not to disturb the scene, okay?"


As Butch looked around, he cursed to himself. He wanted his old partner from the force, Jose. He wanted his whole Homicide team. He wanted his CSI folks back in the lab.


He allowed himself a couple seconds of black frustration and then got to work. Starting at the busted French doors, he was prepared to go through every inch of the house, even if it took him until dawn.


Mary brought out another round of Alka-Seltzer from the bathroom. Rhage was lying on their bed, breathing slowly, more than a little green around the gills.


After he drank the stuff, he looked up at her. His face tensed and his eyes grew leery, worried.


"Mary… I wish you hadn't seen all that."


"Shh. Just rest for a little while, okay? There's time to talk later."


She got undressed and slid in next to him. The moment she was between the sheets, he curled himself around her, his big body a living blanket.


Lying next to him, all safe and secure, made her think of Bella.


Mary's chest constricted and her eyes squeezed shut. If she believed in God at all, she would have prayed right now. Instead she just hoped as hard as she could.


Sleep came eventually. Until hours later, when Rhage let out a mighty yell.


"Mary! Mary, run! "


He began flailing around with his arms. With a lunge, she dove between them, putting herself against his chest, holding him down, talking to him. When his hands still scrambled, she captured them and put his palms to her face. "I'm okay. I'm right here."


"Oh, thank God… Mary." He stroked her cheeks. "I can't see very well."


In the candlelight, she looked down into his unfocused eyes.


"How long does the recovery take?" she asked.


"Day or two." He frowned and then stretched his legs. "Actually, I'm not as stiff as I usually am. Stomach's a mess, but the aches aren't bad at all. After I change—"


He stopped, jaw going rigid. Then he loosened his hold on her as if he didn't want her to feel trapped.


"Don't worry," she murmured. "I'm not afraid of you even though I know what's in you."


"Hell, Mary… I didn't want you to ever see it" He shook his head. "It's just so awful. The whole thing is awful."


"I'm not so sure about that. I went right up to it, actually. The beast. I was as close as you and I are now."


Rhage's eyes shut "Shit, Mary, you shouldn't have done that."


"Yeah, well, either I did or the creature would have eaten V and Zsadist. Literally. But don't worry, your beast and I get along just fine."


"Don't do that again."


"The hell I won't. You can't control it The brothers can't handle it. But that thing listens to me. Like it or not, the two of you need me."


"But isn't it… ugly?"

"No. Not to me." She pressed a kiss to his chest. "It's fearsome and terrifying and powerful and awe-inspiring. And if anyone ever tried to get at me, that thing would wipe out a neighborhood. How could a girl not be charmed? Besides, after seeing those
in action, I'm grateful for it. I feel safe. Between you and the dragon, I don't have to worry."

When she looked up at him with a smile, Rhage was blinking rapidly.


"Oh, Rhage… it's okay. Don't be—"


"I thought if you knew what it looked like," he said hoarsely, "you wouldn't be able to see me anymore. All you'd remember is some horrible monster."

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