Read Loved In Pieces Online

Authors: Carla J Hanna

Loved In Pieces (27 page)

BOOK: Loved In Pieces
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Manuel shrugged his shoulders, “I am Latino, even if I don’t look
it, and I do live in an apartment.”

“Yeah, an apartment complex your mom owns!”

“Technically, her trust owns it.”

“Whatever, Manny. You have to live with yourself. You just took away a scholarship
from someone who actually needed it.”

We all left the house
, said hello to Sashi, and
in the
stretch limo
. I sat between Manuel and Franz

immediately addressed Franz
, “Hey, Franz,
I know you guys both saw me roll my eyes last time you did Marie’s makeup. I’m sorry. I thought you were being overboard dramatic, and I don’t like Marie made up and revealing too much of her body. She’s more beautiful without the glop on her face. I’m sorry that insults you
. I
know that it’s your job to make her look sexy, but I’m just uncomfortable seeing Marie that way. Like right now, I mean, look, nothing is covering her legs all the way up. I’m modest and want her dresses to be longer. No one has a right to see
her body
through some tiny dress.”

Franz didn’t say anything.
Manuel noticed the silence and
“I just want to clea
r up the misunderstanding that’
s getting out of hand from the last couple times I’ve been around when you’ve gotten Marie ready. I like you. I don’t care that you’re gay. I don’t judge you. Marie thinks that because I’m
I don’t approve of your preferences.
My beliefs are my own.
I don’t put that on anybody. It’s my business, just like your choices are your business. You have to understand.
I’ve learned tolerance of people’s beliefs.
My dad’s an atheist and my mom changes all the time between some yoga ashram to some meditative Buddhist perspective based on how her body feels. My grandpa’s Jewish and
randma’s Catholic. I’m pro-life. Marie’s pro-choice. But it all works. You and Marie believe what you want. Do what you want. I’m not judging.
I’m not Mr. Holier-than-thou.”

Franz looked at Manuel, “Apology accepted
but the sooner you deal with the fact that your girlfriend has the best figure in Hollywood, the better. She’s a star and has an obligation to look larger than life. It’s my job to maintain her image so that she looks
in public.”

Manuel acknowledged him, “I know. I just wish it could be different. I wish she could just go as herself with me.
I wish she could wear more respectful clothing, leave more to the imagination.

I interrupted,

me, Manue
l. I have a mask on
but I’
m me.”

Manuel looked at me and smiled. “I know. I just wanted you guys to know that’s what bugs me.”

“Thanks for telling
, Man
. That was mature of you. You should know that I’ve been telling Marie that I like Evan better. But that’s cool you apologized to me
” Franz smiled. “I guess it won’t kill me if you walk with me when we get out of the car.”

Franz focused on Beth, “
re absolutely
What makes your skin glow?”

“I wash and moisturize with Cetaphil. I’m wearing lipstick and mascara.”

I just have to know
are you wearing?”

Without being embarrassed,
Beth answered with no emotion in her voice, “The bra is
built into
the dress. I’m
boy shorts
. You’re
in a position of power as a stylist and should make a point to abolish the thong, be a trend setter so women wouldn’t think they should have to wear butt floss

He begged
, “Can I be your

She answered coldly, “No thank you. I don’t want to
be an agent’s slave.

Franz didn’t understand, “But darling, you’ll be a swimsuit model when you swim for Poland in the Olympics. Your sponsors will own you. Your scholarship will own you, too. Just model and get the cash so you can pay your tuition at the school you want to attend.”

Beth glared at Franz.
did not want to be exploited as an Olympian as her mother and I were as actors. Martin met with Beth and her parents when she received her first endorsement
contract for swimming for Poland in the Olympics. They’d own her for four years and she’d get $300,000, but end up with $90,000 cash in the bank. She rejected the offer.

Manuel and Mitch looked at each other apprehensively. Franz looked down. 

I interrupted, “Beth, you really do look pretty. I
just wanted you to know that I love the clothes you always wear to school. I personally just wear the clothes Franz buys me, but I’d like to buy
clothes for myself that you wear. Where do you shop?”

Beth snickered and looked at me wearily
, “Target
, mostly
. When I splurge, like this dress, I go to REI.
It was on sale.
When my mom goes to an industry event
to promote her TV show
, she gets her dress from a second-hand store on
Wilshire Blvd
, probably something worn once by your mom.
You forget that ninety-nine percent of actors in the business scrape by financially.

glanced at Manuel
surely thinking I was a complete fake
and looked at me with tight lips.
“I think m
y look is pretty simple, Marie.
What do you like about it?”

explained, “I love to run. I like that you wear running tights and running shoes all the time and wear a sundress over it. I assume that’s so you can ride your bike everywhere and to work. It looks pretty but also comfortable. I also like the pants and shirts you wear, the hiking girl look.” I smiled at her. “Do you mind if I copy your signature look?”

Beth smiled, “
Please don’t bullshit me, Marie.”

“I’m not. I like you, respect you. It’s real.”

She looked at Manuel and asked him something with her eyes. He nodded his head.
“Marie, I’m
orry I said you were a fake.
I can’t stand Kate. She’s a bitch. I hated that Man
dated her.” She took a big breath. “I was also pissed at you. I thought you were playing Manny and Mitch.” She squeezed Mitch’s hand. “My boyfriend was completely
with you and I felt kind of second rate when he asked me to prom after you accepted and then rejected him.
The press had you dating Evan at the time, and it looked real
so I thought you were a two-timer.
Those times we double dated with you and Evan last summer, I thought you were an idiot not to like
more. He
seemed completely
And then there was Manny.
It was so obvious
that he was in love with you. Since power-hungry, selfish Kate was your best friend, I thought you were manipulative
, a tease
I was shocked when the guys explained that you have insecurities. I didn’t think about that.

“Thanks for explaining, Beth.” I shook my head. “I thought telling Manuel that I loved him would make him run for the door. All of Kate’s recordings had Manuel explaining to her how he only loved me as a sister and that he coul
dn’t possibly date his sister, t
hat it’d be gross.”

I looked at Mitch. “I thought you u
nderstood when I cancelled prom?

Mitch answered, “I did understand. That’s when I realized Manny
you. There’s no way I was going to steal my best buddy’s girl. We talked and I got the okay to ask Beth. I thought Manny had a claim on her,
not on you.

Beth added, “Yeah, I’m Manny’s second choice, too. Honestly, Marie,
you’ve had the easiest life, ever. Everyone loves you. My mom gets paid nothing for
being an actress after you factor in her expenses
. You’re just rolling in success.
It m
ust be nice.

I gulped and held those beautiful blue eyes of hers with my intense ones
“Yeah, it’s really nice to be alone
all the time
, suffer
from sever stage fright, starve
so I’m not criticized
or sued
for looking fat, have the responsibility for the succes
s of a business, and be an exploited brand
. I’d rather be able to say “no” to a modeling contract, swim
and run free.
I don’t feel sorry for myself—i
t is what it is

but y
ou’re the one who has it easy.”

Beth backpedaled, “Oh, Marie, I’m sorry.”

added, “I’m sorry, too. I know it’s been so hard for you. You’re incredible, Marie.”
Then he looked at Beth,
“You’re not my second choice. You’re amazing. I love you.”

“But you asked her first. Manny’s been in love with her forever
and Evan dated me only

I interrupted, “When did you
date Evan?

At that moment, Beth’s friendships with the men I loved threatened me. I no longer liked her.

looked at me innocently
, “Does that
bother you
, Marie?

“Yes!” I admitted. “I
love him.
, he was dating me. You we
re dating Mitch

Manuel interrupted
, “This is getting out of hand. They don’t want to hurt you. Can we drop this?

I looked at Manuel and Mitch. Franz looked as surprised as I was but the guys knew
. I demanded, “I want to know when you dated Evan.”

Manuel sighed, “Come on girls.
Marie, y
ou and Evan could never see each other with your schedules.
Nothing happened with Evan and Beth. He was uncomfortable dating someone in high school.
Beth got back together with Mitch.
” Manuel hugged me and raised my chin so I saw the sincerity in his eyes. He kissed me. “
You girls would be great friends if you got over your jealousy of each other. Please try.
Please don’t be like Kate.”

I looked around the limo and

Such the soap opera.”
Aware that there was much more I didn’t know,
I was on the verge of tears and scared of losing control of my fragile emotions

~  |  ~   

When we got
to the
, I
posed for pictures
did some
interviews. I wav
ed to Evan when I saw him
but didn’t interrupt his interviews
or autograph signing
We were working
. I was endorsing his film
and helping him build credibility
. I saw that Manuel
me the whole time and smiled at him often.
My last interview turned emotional when I admitted that Evan dumping me
hurt a ton and that finding out that he dated another girl while we were dating sucked.
The statement was true, the feelings were real, and
eyes watered.
I shared too much.
Sage saved me and escorted me to the lobby.

“I love that you’re here with me.” I smiled and hugged Manuel in the lobby.
I didn’t want to separate from him but we had to keep our distance.
He smiled back.

I love you so much, too, and am
in shock that you’re my girlfriend.
Ya know
really hot, right?
So don’t take this wrong, but you need to gain weight. You’re really tiny.”

BOOK: Loved In Pieces
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