Love Wears A Stetson "Wyatt" (6 page)

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Authors: Anne Marie Beck

BOOK: Love Wears A Stetson "Wyatt"
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Chapter 12


was driving me absolutely wild. I just couldn’t get enough of her lush mouth. She was so responsive to my every touch and caress. I took my time learning her beautiful body.

I eased her t-shirt up her body to expose her soft and full breasts. I took my time worshiping every square inch of them as she rewarded me with moans of pleasure. Her body started to move beneath me as her body begged for more.

I pulled her shirt over her head and crawled down her body to take care of the little piece of material that she called panties. I painted a red hot trail of kisses across her stomach and the small triangle of chocolate brown hair between her thighs.

’s body arched off the bed in response to my attention. Using both hands, I separated her soft and warm female folds and I lowered my head to suck in her over sensitive female bud. She cried out, before her hands found my hair and she laced her fingers through the strands. With every nibbled and lick her body bucked against me. I knew she need more much more.

When I entered her female opening with two fingers she rode them for all she was worth until I gentle bit down on her harden bud. She screamed out her release as her whole body shook and contracted around my finger, but I didn’t stop, I sucked and nibble and pumped her with my fingers until I had wrung every last quiver out of her body.

My rock hard
was screaming for its own release. I had to have her. I had to have her now. I reached over to where I had place the box of condoms and removed the foil package. I sat up and unrolled the condom down my aching shaft.

I positioned myself between her thighs, the head of my shaft resting against her opening. I lowered my head and took possession of her lips and her body at the same time.

At first I moved slowly within her tight heat, but soon I lost the battle as I felt the first tightening of her body. She wrapped her slender legs around my waist and met me stroke for stroke. I knew the battle I was fighting was lost, when I felt her inner muscled squeeze my hard shaft and I felt her nails dig into my back, just moments before she screamed out my name. This sent me into a sexual frenzy, as I lost control, I was pumping in to her faster and faster, until my release hit me. It was the most intense release of my life. I loudly groaned out her name, a split second before I grabbed her hips slamming into her, until her body had milked every last drop of pleasure out of me.

My arms were shaky and I collapsed on top of her. Both of us were trying to catch our breath. I rolled over to the side and pulled her into my arms. I kissed her head just as felt her lips kiss my sweat dampened chest.

I knew, at that moment, I had lost my heart to this woman. I knew that my life would never be the same again.

’s breathing slowed and leveled out, letting me know she had fallen asleep. Within what seemed like seconds I joined her.

Chapter 13


Last night had been the most wonderful night of my life. Making love to Wyatt had been amazing. He had totally rocked my world. In fact he rocked my world three times.

I was rewarded just then to a kiss on the nose. I turned my head and looked at the sweetest kindest man in the world and he was all mine. He took a finger and moved my messy hair out of my face.

“Good morning darlin, did you get enough sleep?”

“Who needs sleep, when they have someone like

He rewarded me with a gentle kiss on the lips, before he detangled himself from me and went to stand. He stood and went to his duffle bag and removed a pair of sweats and long sleeved t-shirt. I laid on the bed frozen in place by the sight of Wyatt’s naked body. He was gorgeous with his broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips. His skin looked like it had been kissed by the sun. He turned and caught me staring at him.


“You’re beautiful.”

I swear he blushed as he slipped on his sweat pants. I proceed to pout as I lost the best looking view in all of Glacier National Park. He laughed and put on his t-shirt.

pouting, you
’re going to
see a lot more me from now on.”

“Mmmm, good. Where you’re going?”

“Well nature calls, then I’m going to fix you, my sweet, breakfast.”




We spent most of the day hiking, playing around in the river that ran next to our camp and talking lots and lots of talking. I learned that Wyatt in his spare time, like to make furniture. I found out that he had a wood shop set up behind the barn. He said it had worked into quite a side business and that was how he earned most of his money. He promised to give me the grand tour when we got back.

We spent the night making love and curled into each other’s arms, until we fell asleep from pure exhaustion. I knew, I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t fall in love with Wyatt. That, I would guard myself for the heartache and pain that love brought with it. But against the better judgment of my brain, my heart took the leap into love.

Chapter 14


It was a wonderful weekend and it was sad when Wyatt took the turn that lead to my dad’s driveway. I could see another vehicle ahead of us heading for my dad’s house. We got closer to the car and I noticed it was a rental. Who in the world could that be? The car pulled up in front of house and we parked right behind it. Wyatt turned to me and gave me a
who’s that look
, I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

The door to the car open and a familiar male figure stepped out. I wanted to scream in horror. No, this can’t be happening to me, not now, not ever. Wyatt looked over at me with concern.

, what’s wrong? Who is that?”

I looked at him and just shook my head as tears rolled down my face.

, talk to me, what is going on?”

Just then Dad and Carson walked out on to the porch.

I took a deep breath, before I spoke the name, I never wanted to speak again.

“It’s Mason Jeffers, my ex from California.”

I saw on Wyatt’s face the moment that my word’s registered. His face turned red and he was out the door, before I could stop him. He stomped over to Mason and got right in his face. I scrambled out of the truck and screamed for Carson to help me stop Wyatt from assaulting Mason. That is when the shouting started.

“You son of a bitch, you have a lot of nerve, showing your face around here?”

“I came here to bring
home with me where she belongs, my divorce is final and I want her to come home.”

Wyatt took a swing at Mason, but Carson grabbed him
around the
waist and pulled him back, so it didn’t connect.

Mason, I’m not going anywhere with you. You need to leave and you need to do it right now.

, you don’t mean that. I love you and I’m sorry for what happened. I can give everything that you want, houses cars, you name it,
and it’s
yours. I brought the divorce papers, it’s legal. I’m not leaving Montana,
, until you come home with me where you belong.

“She is not going anywhere with you. She is right where she belongs.”

“And just who do think you are?”

“My name is Wyatt Walker and I’m the man, who truly loves her.”

My mouth dropped open at the declaration of love from Wyatt.

Cowboy, I don’t care who you are or what you think. I’m the right person for her. I can give her anything she wants. What can you offer her, a life in this hell

I saw the last statement had hit a nerve.

Wyatt took a step back before he removed his hat and shook his head. He walked over to me standing next to the truck.

“He’s right, I can’t offer you anything.”

“No Wyatt he’s not.”

Wyatt shook his head again, stepped back with his hat in his hand and looked at me. He walked around his truck, got in and drove away leaving me standing there.




As soon as the words were said, I knew he was right. What did I have to offer
I lived at home with my mom, worked on a ranch that some years barely broke even. I made furniture. He was right, why
I should
condemn her to a life like this, when she can have whatever she wanted when she wanted it from Mason.

I pulled into
driveway and walked through the front door and went straight to my room. What was I thinking? I took off my hat and threw it across the room. I kicked off my boots and I flopped down on my bed. I never want to get up from it again.

A knock sounded on the door. I ignored it. The knock sounded again more forcefully this time.

“Wyatt dear, are you okay? Carson is on the phone and he wants to talk to you.”

“Tell him, I’ll talk to him tomorrow. I’m not in the mood right now.”

The door opened slowly, as mom cautiously entered my room. She looked at me with a concerned expression.

“Dear, what happened, didn’t you have a good time? Tell me what’s going, Wyatt.”

“We had a wonderful time mom, the best of my life. When we returned her ex from California was waiting for her. He wants to take her back to California.”

“And, she wants to go?”

“I don’t know, but she needs too. He pointed out something that, I just never thought about. I’ve gotten all wound up in the moment, where
is concerned, but now, now, I know that I’m not what she needs. He can give her, whatever she wants. I don’t have a damn thing, not even a roof over my head that belongs to me.”

“Awww son, don’t give up….”

“No mom, it’s done. She needs to go back to California.”

Mom stepped back out of my room and closed the door behind her. I heard her footsteps going back down stairs.

Chapter 15


I woke up to a pounding headache and sun screaming through the window. I lifted my head and I could feel that my eyes were swollen from crying myself to sleep. How could Wyatt, just leave me like that, telling me I needed to go back to California with Mason, Was he nuts? He just got into his truck and left. Carson said he wouldn’t take his call last night, but he would try again today.

It had taken calling the sheriff, to get Mason to leave. I told him, if he ever came back, I would get a restraining order taken out on him. How dare he come here and just expect me just to coming running into his arms, all happy to see him. The sheriff and my dad, made it quite clear to him, he was not welcome here,
and that
he was trespassing. I never wanted to see his cheating face again, but I knew the damage had been done. With just a few words, he had ruined my whole life.

A knock on my door sounded and my dad cracked open my door.

“How you doing hon, Do you want some breakfast?”

“No thanks dad, but thank you anyway.”

Dad walked in the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. He took my hand in his two rough callused ones.

“Hon, he’ll be back. Emotions were really high last night. He just wasn’t thinking clearly, is
You’ll see.”

“I don’t think so dad, Wyatt’s a proud man. I could see it in his face that he thought he wasn’t good enough for me. I could just beat Mason, for saying that. Wyatt and I, we had such a wonderful time this weekend and Mason ruined it and my whole life, dad.”

My dad wrapped his arms around me and let me cry out as much pain as I could. When I w
as done, he handed me his
that he always carried.

“Come on down and get something to eat and then we’ll figure this out.”

“But dad…..”

“No but’s young lady you get up from that bed and eat. I won’t let you make yourself sick.”


“That’s better. I’ll see you in a few.”

I grudgingly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out of the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. I really looked like crap. I put on a change of clothes and brushed my hair. Reluctantly, I walked down to the kitchen.

I was about to walk into the kitchen, when I heard my dad say.

“He said what! That is just plan ass stupid, why would he think that.”

I stepped through the doorway, looking at my dad.

“Who are you talking about? Did Wyatt call? What did he say?”

My dad looked down at the floor, then at Carson. Carson cleared his throat and answered for my father.

“I called Wyatt this morning and we talked for a while. He has got something stuck in his head and I just couldn’t get him to see reason.”

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