Read Love Under Two Cowboys Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

Love Under Two Cowboys (20 page)

BOOK: Love Under Two Cowboys
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He stripped off his own clothes and got onto the bed. It took no trouble at all for him to recall how it had been, that first time with his Carolyn. He found he could block out the moment he was living and go back to that wonderful moment when he had claimed his woman for the first time. For the next little while he was there with her again, claiming her, teaching her how to give him what he wanted, and putting his seed in her womb. He relived how it had been when he turned her over, when he exerted his dominance of her, showing her that she was meant to be his.

George blinked as the soft sound of weeping brought him back to the present. The sound was the same quiet sound his Carolyn had made. He felt good, refreshed, renewed. He felt better than he had in a long, long time.

He gathered his clothes and took a very quick shower. Then he dressed and began a systematic search of the house. In the pastor’s office he found a wall safe behind an ugly oil portrait.

Not very original, are you, Pastor Jack?

Looking at the contraption for a few moments, he imagined the man using the thing to hide the alms he likely bilked from the poor. Now, to open it, that was the problem. He searched the desk and then chuckled when, right under the man’s desk blotter, he found a slip of paper with three numbers written neatly upon it.

He got the safe open on the first try. His eyes widened when he saw the contents. “My, my, Pastor Jack, you have been a bad boy.” George helped himself to the two large stacks of money he found there. He’d need a duffel bag or backpack to carry it all. He laughed as he found one and began to load it up with the cash. “No, Jackie won’t be calling the cops on me, that’s for certain.”

He needed to get a move on. He stopped in the kitchen just long enough to make a couple of sandwiches for the road. He scooped up the duffel bag full of cash and his laptop computer. Then he grabbed the pastor’s car keys, right where the man had left them on the entranceway table.

In case someone was looking, he waved toward the house as he got into the man’s car. He’d memorized the map he’d looked up on Everywhere Earth, and knew he had a drive ahead of him. He’d hacked into the DMV database and found her, of course. He’d known it was her when he saw her driver’s license photo. She’d cut her hair short. George smirked. She’d grow it back. He would see to it.

George had her address, and had even scoped out a no-tell motel not far from where she lived. He’d find the nearest Internet hot spot, too, so he could continue to monitor Carolyn, and any alerts issued for him—though he really didn’t think, with the caseload the cops had these days, they’d spend much time or effort looking for him.

So he’d get to Dallas, ditch this car, get himself another, thanks to the bounty of Pastor Jack. Then he’d wait for his moment.

He’d need to rest for a couple of days, gather his strength. Perhaps he’d pick up a few supplies.

And then he’d wait until dark, and go and get his woman.

Chapter 13


She wanted their hands on her so badly she thought she just might scream if they didn’t start to do her in the next few minutes.

Carrie sighed. She really
happy her sister had agreed to spend the night here at the ranch. She’d enjoyed their time together tonight. Of course, she’d been totally blindsided not only to learn that Chloe had figured out what had happened to her in Abilene, but by the fact her sister was worried that she may not have seen the last of George Lockwood.

Carrie really didn’t want to think about that possibility.

Tomorrow she would show Chloe around town and, because her sister had insisted on
continuing to intrude on her and the cowboys, Carrie would get her set up in her own apartment in the afternoon and let her get her bearings there. Chloe intended to stay for a few days, but Carrie was hoping she’d decide to move to Lusty, permanently.

She thought part of the reason Chloe said she didn’t want to intrude was the fact that she and the cowboys were so obviously happy. Chloe still felt guilty for having broken Beck’s heart. She’d said tonight that the last thing Carrie needed was her depressed older sister tagging along and being a complete wet blanket.

Chloe wasn’t as tough as she sometimes pretended to be. Her older sister was hurting and Carrie wished she could do something to make her feel better.

“Everything’s going to be okay, darlin’.” Brian came up behind her and squeezed her shoulders. The nearness of him pulled her out of her musings, right back into delicious reality. “We’ll protect you. Never doubt it.”

The sound of their bedroom door closing sent a delicious shiver down her back. Then Chase shot the lock.
Oh, goodie, naked time

Carrie shook her head. She didn’t want these good men to think she was afraid for herself. “I wasn’t worried for myself. I was thinking about Chloe, and about how, without intending to, she ended up hurting someone she cared about.”

“This is where we confess that we overheard some of what she said to you out on the patio. We didn’t mean to, Carrie. The fact that she’s so broken up about having to turn that fellow down speaks well of her character.” Chase walked away from the door, and came to stand in front of her. “I think she’ll be fine. She just needs a bit of time—and maybe a change of address. Did you ask her to move here, to Lusty?”

Carrie leaned back against Brian and looked up at Chase. “She told me she’s thinking about it. I guess I should do just that—let Chloe think about it. I should just set it all aside, for now.”

Chase reached out and gently stroked her face. She hadn’t realized she’d let her gaze drop. She met his again and returned his smile. He bent over and laid his lips on hers. She opened wide to him, sliding her tongue against his, drinking in the flavor of coffee and man. Carrie groaned when he eased back. “The fact that you’re having trouble putting your sister’s sorrow aside speaks well of
, sugar.”

Brian reached around from behind and gently turned her face toward him. She opened her mouth to him, sucking his tongue inside, stroking it with her own. She loved the taste of each of these sexy men, but her favorite flavor was the combination of them both on her tongue at the same time.

Brian released her lips and slid both arms around her, hugging her to him. “Never regret your emotions, sweet Carrie, and
hesitate to share anything you want to with us. If it’s important to you, then it’s important to us.” Brian kissed the shell of her ear and ran his tongue along it.

That always sent a quiver racing through her. She sighed with the soul-comforting pleasure of knowing that these men had learned her in just a few short weeks. She had no doubt whatsoever that they did care for and about her. One more thing she knew as well—their caring ran deep.

“Maybe,” Brian whispered loudly, “we can help you get your mind off things. Maybe we can

Carrie grinned. “There’s no maybe about that, cowboy. You both
manage to distract me. All I ever have to do is
about you, and my focus is shot all to hell.” Gratitude filled her because they could, and they did.

They’d been lovers for such a short time. She could admit to herself that she’d been worried at first that the extreme passion she’d experienced with them that first night would fade after they’d made love a few times.

Instead, she’d been surprised and relieved to discover the exact opposite. Far from fading, the passion they inspired in her and shared with her just got hotter and better, every time.

“That’s about the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.” Chase lifted her chin gently and kissed her lips, a fleeting, almost chaste kiss. “Brian and I couldn’t help but notice you seem to enjoy having your ass played with, sugar. So we thought tonight might be a good time to start getting that sweet little bottom of yours ready to take our cocks.”

Oh, God
. How could they turn her on so much, so fast, with just their words? And if the words they used were sexy and dirty, why, she got positively

“I do love having you play with my ass.” Certainly no one had been more surprised by that fact than she was. “Just talking about it right now is getting me horny.”

“Mm, we know.” Brian ran his hands up and down her arms.

Chase began to pull the hem of her T-shirt out of her shorts. “Did you know, sugar, that when you get wet, like you are right now, we can both smell your arousal? It’s a musky, sultry woman-scent that goes straight to our cocks. And when you do that? When you stick that sweet little pink tongue of yours out and lick your lips just like that, it just makes us even harder and maybe even just a little bit desperate to have you.”

Carrie rather liked the idea she could drive both of these virile men to the point of desperation—since
could send her there so easily themselves with just their words.

In fact, at the moment she thought she might be moving beyond desperate. As far as she was concerned, at least right now, talking was vastly overrated. The time had come for action. “So how do you want me?” Both men had shown a real talent for picking different positions and places when it came to loving her. She kind of liked the variety, and she was certainly always ready to try new things.

“How do we want you? We want you wet, wanton, and waiting,” Brian said. “We want you naked, splayed out before us, ours to touch and tease and taste as we please.” He used his lips on her neck, and Carrie was helpless to do anything but tilt her head to the side and moan in pleasure as he licked her, kissed her, and shot her arousal to incredible heights.

Brian eased back and took her hands in his and then raised her arms over her head. Chase worked her shirt up her body. Brian released her hands so Chase could get the garment off her completely. He then unfastened the hooks at the back of her bra, and Chase plucked that from her body, too.

This was her favorite way to get naked—leaning against one lover, facing the other, and letting them simply remove the clothes from her body.

Topless, Carrie once more leaned against Brian. Chase’s gaze focused on her nipples, which had already beaded to hard little points. He reached out and ran the back of his hand along the underside of her right breast, back and forth, and then repeated the gesture on her left.

Carrie gasped as her nipples drew up into even tighter points. She could have sworn at that moment that a single nerve ran from her nipples to her clit, because that tiny nubbin of flesh between her legs seemed to tingle in response to Chase’s petting.

“Maybe, what we really want is for you to be completely submissive to our wills.” Chase’s voice sounded as if it had just dropped an entire octave. She felt it rumble in her stomach. She flexed her inner muscles, an almost instinctive response to the sexual stimulation. Her pussy equated that deep bass sound with cock, and it wanted some right
. Then his words penetrated.

They wanted her to be
submissive? Carrie felt her left eyebrow arch. “Like I’m not already?”

Chase grinned. “Well, now, we were thinking of an entirely new level of ‘submissiveness.’ Robbie, David, and Jillian are members of a private club in Houston. Maybe we’ll see if we can get a guest pass and make a night of it there, the three of us.”

Carrie was
going to admit that she had heard a little something about that, or that she’d been wondering about what she’d heard herself. Nor was she going to tell them just the thought of going to such a place had the immediate effect of making her even hornier than she had already been.

These men did
need their egos to become inflated any more than they already were.

“Mmm, our woman liked that idea,” Brian said. He reached around and opened the snap and zipper on her shorts. “Do you know what kind of a club they belong to, darlin’? It’s called the
Lyon’s Den
. Has Jillian told you about her collar and her shackles and her…

Carrie was a little too triggered to answer that question using actual words. So instead, she shook her head.

Jillian hadn’t really told her all that much about where it was she and the Drs. Jessop went from time to time. What little the medical receptionist had alluded to had only served to stir Carrie’s curiosity. So she’d done some surfing on the web. Lo and behold, the
Lyon’s Den
actually had a website. Carrie now had a pretty good idea of
what kind of place the club was.

She’d been blessed with an active imagination, and right now she was imagining plenty.
Oh, God, I’m going to get myself into all kinds of delicious trouble, I just know it

“That’s for another time,” Chase said. “Now that we know the thought of going there turns you on, you can bet your very fine ass we’ll be visiting the place.” Chase bent over, took her right nipple between his lips, and sucked it into his mouth. He released her almost immediately. Carrie whimpered, and thrust her breasts toward him.

Chase’s eyes looked full of the devil as he grinned. “Tonight is for playing
that very fine ass of yours.” He set his hands on her hips and then slipped them under not only the waistband of the shorts his brother had just opened, but what she wore beneath them as well. Once he pushed shorts and panties past her hips, the garments fell straight to the floor.

BOOK: Love Under Two Cowboys
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