Love Under Three Titans (18 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

BOOK: Love Under Three Titans
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Rick stood by the doorway and watched Maggie sleep.

She’d taken their confession well, all things considered. She hadn’t pitched a fit nor gone all cold on them. She’d simply looked from him to his brothers, that one eyebrow of hers arched ever so slightly, and asked, “Can any of you be arrested for what you did to this prick?”

If he’d doubted before that moment Maggie was the one woman meant for them, he doubted no more.

“No, ma’am,” he’d replied smartly.

“You should know that our ‘payback’ wasn’t, however, without cost to us.” Trevor had announced that.

Maggie nodded and said, “And it shouldn’t be.”

And that had been the end of it. She hadn’t asked for details, and for all intents and purposes, the matter had been dropped.

Maggie Morrison, you’re one hell of a woman

They’d made fast work of finishing dinner, setting the kitchen to rights, and then indulging themselves in their woman, a dessert tastier than any pastry they’d ever nibbled on.

She’d fallen asleep before he’d left the bed. Now she lay snuggled in between his brothers. The wide empty space on the right-hand side of the bed beckoned to him. He’d already checked the time, so he knew it was just gone two a.m.

He was tired but for some reason felt wired, as if sleep was going to elude him tonight. It happened sometimes.

Mentally shrugging, he made a decision.

It took Rick only five minutes to pull on his pants and jog through the field to the Grandparents’ House. He grabbed his laptop and a Coke and headed back to Maggie’s.

He settled himself in the large armchair in the corner of the bedroom and turned on his computer. He’d just peruse his e-mails and see if anything important had happened since they’d left Houston earlier.

His gaze returned to the bed. When they’d set the thing up, he and his brothers had chosen the largest sized mattresses—the ones that were meant for four. Triplets weren’t overly common in the families, but they happened.

Some, when they married the same woman, chose to sleep all together in one bed. Some added another bed to the master suite, with the husbands rotating as sleeping partners for their wife, who’d be tucked in between them. Rick mentally shrugged. He’d have to see what his brothers—and Maggie—preferred.

Jumping the gun there, aren’t you, Romeo? You’re not a family yet.

Maybe he
getting ahead of himself. Or maybe, he’d just consider that he was keeping a positive outlook on their future.

That would certainly be a change for him.

He sipped his cola and ran through the e-mails, many of them just routine, mostly business associates “keeping in touch.” He tried not to let these relationships slide. A business titan he may be—and how he really
the pretentiousness of that moniker—but to himself he was just a guy who’d been lucky enough to be born into a phenomenal family with a lot of prime opportunities and options.

One e-mail snagged his attention, because it was an alert from the legal department. He opened it, not expecting anything earth-shattering. Sometimes lawyers could be a little too anal—even the lawyers working for Benedict International, some of whom were family.

Elwood Michaelson has exercised his option to recall the contract on the Michaelson Enterprises sale, citing a need to reconsider. We’ve returned the document, of course. We’ll await your instructions for future action.

. Rick forwarded the missive to his admin. He asked Janice if there’d been anything in the tone of her conversation with Michaelson’s secretary the other day that had seemed off.

Hell, he was supposed to meet with the man next week. He rechecked his e-mail in-box, to see if there was any kind of message from him postponing their meet. There wasn’t, and Rick wondered if the man wouldn’t as soon have his secretary call Janice to cancel on Monday.

Elwood Michaelson was not a businessman of the twenty-first century, which was why his company was in danger of going down the tubes.

He’d seemed happy with the proposed deal, which would give Benedict seventy-percent ownership and put Rick in the driver’s seat.

They could have offered to buy the business outright, but Michaelson had started his company from nothing and had prospered well. All he needed was some guidance and some upgrading to the new, ever-changing technologies of the day to become competitive again.

That’s what Rick loved doing, revamping businesses to make them vibrant again. Michaelson had no sons or daughters interested in taking over for him, but he had a grandson, and that young man had just entered college, aiming for a business degree.

Rick shook his head. He knew that if Michaelson turned Benedict International down, there were others waiting to step into the void. All the others were interested in a complete buyout, leaving Michaelson with a handful of cash—but not nearly the amount that the company could be worth. Of course, such a deal would leave nothing for his grandson to step into.

Not my problem

No, it wasn’t, but he could still look into the situation. He’d make some calls in the morning and see if he could figure out what was going on. He recalled that his father, Carson, knew Elwood Michaelson. Perhaps he’d get him to give the man a call.

Maybe Rick shouldn’t care if a prospective business partner suddenly wanted to quash a deal, but he did. It wasn’t about the money. Even if he never did another thing for the rest of his life, he’d have more than enough money to support his family and his family’s families.

No, what bothered Rick was that if Michaelson refused to do business, then that man’s life’s work would end up being another victim of modern-day slash-and-burn economics, and his legacy would thereby cease to exist.

Motion on the bed drew his attention. Maggie lay on her side, facing him, her eyes open, a soft smile on her lips. His cock began to stir, and he knew he’d get no more work done that night.

Rick made a vow that come the morning he’d do all he could to reach out to Michaelson. He couldn’t let someone make a mistake without doing all he could to prevent it.

That was the Benedict way.


Chapter 16

Maggie felt loose and limber and would have sworn she’d had her fill of exciting, electric orgasms for one night.

Then she turned her head, saw Richard Benedict sitting in that armchair looking so bookishly sexy, and felt every feminine hormone in her body go on lust-alert.

She thought it just might be possible that the brothers Benedict had turned her into a sex addict.


Richard looked up, met her gaze, and gave her that little half smile of his that she so loved. He went back to his work, but she waited, not at all surprised that in just a couple moments he closed his laptop and set it aside.

He started to get up out of the chair, but she shook her head “no” and then held one finger up against her lips.

Richard eased back down and spread his hands, palms up, telling her the ball was in her court.

Maggie nearly giggled. His balls would soon be in her hands, if she had anything to say about it.

She moved carefully, wanting to see if she could extricate herself from between two of her lovers without waking either one.

She cautiously sat up, looked at the two Benedicts sound asleep on either side of her, and then winked at the one who’d given her his absolute, rapt attention from the corner of the room.

Leaning forward, she slid out from under the blankets and crawled on her hands and knees to the end of the bed. The entire time the heat of Richard’s gaze never left her, making her feel sexy and sultry as hell. Her nipples beaded and her pussy became damp.

At the edge of the bed, she maneuvered so that she could lie down width-wise on the mattress, on her stomach. She got comfortable, rested her cheek on her hand and just looked at him. He was what she’d learned was referred to as Texas Prime. For the moment at least, he was hers. That thought alone made her smile.

He returned her smile and crooked his finger.

Maggie had never tapped this part of herself before, the part that wanted to flirt and seduce and, yes, play. Fun and games, they’d said. She felt wicked and wanton and sexy and beautiful as she finally got it.

In other words, she felt completely and vibrantly

Her movements graceful and fueled by desire, Maggie practically slithered off the bed and, totally naked, took a few small steps and came to a stop in front of him.

Thinking of the things he and his brothers had done to and with her, and the way they’d made her feel, she cupped her breasts. Using the thumb and forefinger of each hand, she pinched her nipples and pulled on them, willing them to pebble and elongate.

Arousal swirled through her, whether from the sensation of her own hands on her flesh or the heated scrutiny of the man before her, she couldn’t tell and didn’t care.

There could be no doubt Richard Benedict lusted for her, and she sure as hell wanted him right back.

Maggie gave him a hand signal that he had seemed to have no trouble understanding. She nodded and smiled when he laid his hands flat on the arms of the chair and parted his legs slightly.

He’d pulled on his boxers, or rather, since he hadn’t had the laptop earlier, he’d likely stripped back down
his boxers when he’d returned from his quick trip home.

His blond hair picked up a few glints of silvery moonlight that filtered through the lace curtains. The celestial light lent him a hint of the exotic, as if he’d been kissed by angels and sent to earth.

I’ve never been a fanciful woman before.

Maggie thought there were a lot of things she’d never been or done before that she could claim now—now that her femininity had finally been awakened.

She turned her gaze back to Richard’s and felt a lump form in her throat from the beauty of the expression on his face.

So that’s what tenderness looks like.

Emotions skittered through her, wrapping around the arousal that pooled in her stomach and tingled her flesh. She didn’t understand these emotions, and she sure didn’t want them getting in the way of the here and now.

Here and now she was going to indulge herself with one of her lovers. Sex, pure and physical, that’s what she wanted. That’s all that she wanted.

Maggie tilted her head as she considered the chair her lover sat in. Covered in a pretty chintz of beige with pink roses, the piece looked both sturdy and roomy. So he’d be comfortable, at least, while she drove him out of his mind.

Following instinct and the growing need inside her, Maggie straddled Richard. She wiggled her hips until she felt the hot ridge of his cotton-covered, engorged cock nestle against her pussy.

One more wiggle, and she felt her labia open and his cock settle even closer to her.

Her gaze met his, and she grinned in response to his grin. She loved the fact that while he lifted himself into her, a kind of mock thrust, he kept his hands where she’d asked him, wordlessly, to keep them.

She took a moment to look over her shoulder. The way she angled her body doing so brushed her left breast close to Richard’s mouth. She felt the passing caress of his tongue and gave him points for taking the opportunity. Behind her, in the bed, her two other lovers slept on.

She turned her attention back to the man she currently had pinned beneath her. The heat of his cock warmed far more than the flesh of her labia. The heat spread up inside her, curling around her womb and spreading throughout her body.

Leaning forward, she kissed him, letting him know with her mouth and her tongue how hungry she was for the taste of him.

He kissed her back, his lips meeting hers just as ardently, and Maggie lost herself in the flavor of him.

He flexed his cock beneath her, and she shivered because it felt so damn good. Her arousal shimmered inside her, feeling like a special energy, an energy that needed to grow. She needed more, and although Richard did indeed feel good against her, she wanted something other than what her position on him suggested.

Maggie lifted herself off him and then eased his boxers down and out of her way. She put her hands on his legs, and he spread them just a little for her. She slid to her knees on the floor before him and fisted his cock, giving him two firm strokes. Then she leaned forward and sucked that luscious organ into her mouth.

Richard hissed, closed his eyes, and pushed against her. “Christ, woman.” His voice came out ragged, just above a whisper. “You’re just asking for trouble, aren’t you?”

She wondered if he had any idea how tempted she’d been to straddle him, take him inside, and see if they could fuck each other senseless without a condom. It could be a risky proposition, because she wasn’t on the pill. But for one moment, she’d wanted just that, wanted to take a chance and take his seed into her womb.

Maggie used to shake her head in wonder when she’d hear of women getting carried away in the heat of the moment and ending up pregnant.

She’d never scoff again. Because this night she’d known one very real flash of desire, of wanting to take that chance, spin that roulette wheel, and see what happened.

Pushing the unwanted and unsettling thought aside, she pulled her lips off him and said, “I don’t mean to. Necessarily. I just wanted to feel your cock in my mouth.” She really wished she could cultivate the habit of keeping her thoughts to herself.

Richard responded by abandoning his docile pose. He clamped his hands on her head, and said, “Suck me, woman. I want to come in your mouth.”

Maggie whimpered as the heat of his cock enticed her. She felt her juices gather as she took him in her mouth and let him guide her, let him fuck her mouth, giving him complete control.

“I’m beginning to see the appeal in simply watching.” Trevor’s voice sounded strained.

Maggie met Richard’s gaze. His eyes sparkled with amusement. She once more slid his cock out of her mouth, then looked over her shoulder to the bed. This time, her two other lovers had awakened and arranged themselves on the bed so that they could both watch her with their brother.

“Trevor? Maggie needs your cock in her ass.”

She turned her attention back to Rick, whose softly spoken words nonetheless sounded like a command. He raised one eyebrow when he met her gaze.

Trevor’s voice sounded thick when he said, “Now there’s a coincidence.”

She heard the sound of movement, of a drawer opening and closing.

“I’m just going to lie here and enjoy the show. Where’s my camera when I need it most?”

Kevin’s words made Maggie want to giggle.

In the next moment Trevor stood beside them, holding a condom out to Maggie. When she took it, he reached down and cupped her right breast.

“Your body feels so hot, sweetheart—both literally and figuratively. Are you horny?”

“Mm, but not for long, I hope.” She made quick work of opening the small packet and then couldn’t resist giving his cock just a couple of hot, wet caresses with her mouth. She rolled the protection into place, then turned her head and gave Richard’s cock a lick from his balls to the bulbous, leaking head.

Richard growled and combed his fingers through her hair. “You’re killing me, love. Get your mouth back here, now!”

“Sorry.” Sex was a lot more fun than she’d ever imagined it to be. Since he was holding her head, she let him guide her once more. This time when she sucked him in she sucked him deep, shivering when his cock touched the back of her throat.

She’d put both hands on the floor but reached up for a moment and caressed Richard’s balls. Then she sucked, and smiled around his cock when he hissed and said, “Vixen.”

“Something cold, sweetheart.”

Maggie made a humming noise around the cock in her mouth, because the glide of gel against her anus felt so damn good.

Richard had kept his hands on her head, and as Trevor continued to apply the gel she eased her knees apart a little more.

That position gave Trevor easier access to her anus. On his next pass he inserted two fingers into her.

“Oh, God.” Her anus had opened for him as if eager to take him in. Trevor fucked his fingers in and out for only a moment, and then he got into position behind her.

Trevor bent close and kissed the shell of her ear. “Try to relax, Maggie. Tell me if it hurts.”

She didn’t care if it did hurt. She’d come to the conclusion there really was such a thing called erotic pain, and she wanted to experience more of it.

Trevor pressed his cock against her tiny rosebud, and she couldn’t hold back the shivers of delight racing over her.

He used his hands to spread her ass cheeks as he leaned into her. Maggie couldn’t hold back the whimper as she felt the burning sensation of her flesh stretching to admit him. The heat of his body warmed her, and the invasion of his flesh thrilled her. Trevor played with her right breast, tracing a pattern over it and her nipple. Then he slid one hand down her body to trail his fingers over her clit.

Richard tugged on her hair just a little. She’d stopped sucking his cock in order to focus on the sensation of Trevor’s cock sliding into her ass. Then he was seated to the hilt, and Maggie sucked Richard deep, moving her head up and down as she sucked rhythmically, and swirled her tongue along his shaft.

“Sweetheart, you have got a truly wonderful ass. You’re so hot and tight. I don’t think I’m going to last long.”

Unable to resist the urge, she pushed back against Trevor and then clenched her inner muscles to see if she could pleasure him with a squeeze the same way she did when he was in her cunt.

Trevor cursed and picked up his pace, thrusting into her and brushing her clit, and Maggie could only moan as her rapture neared.

“It gets better.” Richard began to move his hips, fucking her mouth, and Maggie knew she was close.

He’d said that before, that it would get better.
Much better and I really might die.
But at least, she thought whimsically, she’d die happy.

“Baby, you look so damn good with cock in your mouth and in your ass. You’ve got me hard as a rock.”

Kevin’s praise became another element of her arousal, pushing her even higher. Maggie shivered, unwilling to release Richard’s cock to talk, unwilling to stop moving back against Trevor’s cock to even think.

She wanted, needed, more. She wanted, needed, as she had earlier, to be taken.

“You’re so beautiful when you’re horny, baby.” Kevin’s voice got to her, and she reacted to his words as surely as she was reacting to his brothers’ cocks. She loved having him watch her, knowing that seeing her pleasure gave him pleasure. Trevor’s fingers tugged on her clit, and she felt her climax gather, begin to grow within her.

This was all so much more than she ever dreamed it could be. The muscles in her throat tightened. Her emotions seemed to be melding with the physical sensations again, mixing so thoroughly they very quickly became inseparable.

I am in deep, deep trouble

She wanted the physical, the pleasure, the thrill of exploration, but not the emotional. She’d believed she could claim it, indulge herself and these men with no emotional complications.


Something in Richard’s tone—a sense of urgency—pulled her gaze, and her attention, to him.

“It’s all right, love. What you’re feeling—you’re safe, love. Just let go and let us have you. Just let us pleasure you.”

She had no thought to answer him. Instead, she began to suck hard, cupping his balls and squeezing gently. She’d put off the emotional for the physical, and began to flex her ass in sync with the sucking of her mouth.

Trevor and Richard both swore, and they both let go, fucking her hard and fast.

This was what she wanted and needed. Maggie’s rapture exploded, wave upon wave of bliss. Richard began to ejaculate, and she sucked and swallowed, taking all he had to give. Trevor held himself deep inside her, and the pulsing of his cock told her that he, too, had climaxed. Maggie gave herself over completely—to these men and to whatever it was growing between them.

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