Love Rules (27 page)

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Authors: Rita Hestand

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Love Rules
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The old man smiled and rubbed his hand together. “Well, I’m hungry, and I hear you got a whole calf on the fire.”

“Out back.” Jesse nodded.

“I’ll check on you later.”

As the party progressed, Maggie asked Tucker, “I don’t understand, the medal.

Who did this? I’ve never met President Johnson, nor General Grant.”


Tucker smiled and glanced about the room. He pointed to Constance, who was smiling at him. “She did.”

“Miss Constance?” Maggie gasped.

“She’s a member of the Historical Society of Bright Star. It’s a new thing for women, if you’re interested. She thought that it might be a very peaceful way of welcoming you to this part of the country.”

“I must thank her.” Maggie worked her way through the crowd of people and stood beside Miss Constance while she spoke with friends. Suddenly as they noticed her there, they all became quiet. Maggie couldn’t read the expression on their faces, but it no longer mattered. She had to thank her for the gesture. “I want to thank you for this,” Maggie said softly. “I’m told you are responsible.”

The woman touched her hand softly and smiled shyly. “Only partly, it had to be approved by General Grant first, then of course the President himself. You’ve been through quite a lot. And it’s time we all recognized that this great country is back together, and you are part of that. You are our first real heroine.” Constance smiled as Tucker walked closer. “We have plans for your picture in the paper, and we want you to join us with the historical society.”

Maggie took her hand. “It means so much to me, and I’d be honored to be a part of it.” Another tear escaped. “But your friendship means even more.”

Faced with acceptance she hadn’t expected, yet cherished all the same, Maggie’s heart grew light with happiness. As most of the people moved outside to see the huge sides of meat being carved, she went back to the bedroom to be with her husband. Paul had taken Abby outside. She looked at Jesse and sat beside him. “You could have been killed.”

Jesse smiled. “If he’d have killed you, he’d have had to kill me, too. I wouldn’t let you go to Heaven alone.”

“Oh, Jesse, I love you so.” She bent to hug him and kiss him.

“I love you too, but I’m not sure I can live with a war hero.” He laughed.

“I didn’t earn this medal,” Maggie cried, fingering the beautiful medal pinned to her dress.

“Yes, you did. It’s all a part of it, Maggie. To one side, you were the enemy, to the other, you were the heroine. Now, maybe you can forgive yourself a little and

go on. The war is over, baby, and this medal serves to remind us all. I’m proud of you, Maggie.”

“I don’t deserve it. I was merely trying to keep a roof over my head,” Maggie insisted.

“Doesn’t matter, honey. The reason doesn’t matter at all. And you did earn it.

You were one of the most famous spies this side of the Mississippi, even the president knows that. Still, I want you to know, it isn’t your medals that attract me to you, it’s your body.” He laughed.

She laughed too, and kissed him hard and long. She gasped, coming up for air.

His lips trailed over her face, and she closed her eyes and smiled. “We have company, honey.”

“Does it matter?” His lips began to wander.

“You’ve just been injured and all you can think about is making love?” she gasped.

“Hey, love rules this house.” He smiled as she touched her lips to his, sealing that promise.

The End



About the Author

Native Texan, puts stock in family, country and God. She likes

to fill her home with children and laughter. A grandmother of seven, she has one great grandson. Rita writes contemporaries, historical, and children's books. She dabbles in poetry and short stories. She had a variety of jobs, which has helped to build a rich background of things to write about. She loves old movies, westerns, Indian music, and bowling. Research to Rita is more than a little fun, as she learns new things to broaden her self-education.

Rita believes "If you want something bad enough, work hard, learn everything you can about it, and keep trying to achieve it. Don't ever give up!

If someone knocks you down, get back up. If someone says you can't do it, show them you can, even if it takes the rest of your life to do it. And God bless you."

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