Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (28 page)

Read Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Online

Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

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Inside the club, he put a warm hand on her back and led her to a secluded circular booth in the corner. She started to get uneasy when he tried to coax her into drinking something stronger than her usual club soda.

She glanced down at her phone to check the time, wondering how long she needed to stay to appease Mary when she heard his voice, the voice that had torn her heart apart and had the power to piece it together.

“Ladies and Gentlemen.” Marcus Anthony stood center stage behind the microphone. “I owe someone here an apology. But since she knows me better than anyone else, she knows that I’m not very good with fancy words. Music is the language of my heart anyway. So I’m going to let this song express how I feel.”

Avery’s heart started to flutter, her greedy eyes drinking in every beloved detail of Marcus’ appearance. He looked wonderful to her. Unpretentious. Himself. Long brown hair loose and tousled, wearing his usual jeans and t-shirt combination. She leaned forward expectantly when he picked up his acoustic and began to sing with a vulnerability in his gaze that she’d only glimpsed before.


My life was empty before you came along

You filled my soul with passion, helped me sing my song

I grew within while struggling deep in my heart

The changes in me were only the start


Avery’s eyes filled, her trek to the stage a blur, but she still made it there before he finished the first verse of “
Love Evolution
.” She snagged the Les Paul someone had conveniently left on a stand, strapped it on, and joined him in the chorus.

Marcus’ eyes locked on her. She looked stunning. His head had been filled with thoughts of her all day, but the reality of her eclipsed them all.

Their intermingled voices rose and fell in a flirtatious dance between the two of them—would be lovers baring their souls to one another in an emotion laden offering…


This is the making of Love Evolution

Love stages, love changes, love grows

Love evolving that is Love Evolution


Audibly unwrapping her heart, Avery sang…


Passion so strong you have to see

The journey we took consumed me with fear

Heart pounding how can you not hear?

Knew it was wrong but felt so right

Felt love grow for you each day and night

I had to wait and rightly so

Knowing soon you’d know


Their bodies slid intimately close as Avery joined him at the mic. She could feel the warmth of his breath. The attraction between the two of them was a palpable thing, nerves resonating, hearts burning bright.

Marcus’ eyes were heavy lidded as he inhaled her sweet fragrance. She was close, but not close enough. He wanted to put down his guitar, wrap his arms around her, and never let her go. Only the mic separated her lips from where he wanted them to rest. He stared longingly at her, and it took every ounce of his self- control to finish singing the final chorus…


This is the making of Love Evolution

Love stages, love changes, love grows

Love evolving that is love evolution

Love must endure all that life makes

Because that is what a love evolution takes


Marcus strummed the last chords on his guitar, and the applause began. “Kiss him Avery!” someone in the club shouted.

“Avery,” Marcus said low and away from the mic so she alone could hear. “I acted like a real ass. I was mad. I’ve got a helluva temper, this you know. But I should have stayed and worked things out with you back in LA. After all the time we’ve spent together and considering how well I know you, I should have been more understanding. I let you down and my only excuse is that I was just so messed up in the head.”

He slid his hands down to capture hers. “I’ve been a fool. I hope you can forgive me.” Her lip trembled, and he could feel the emotion burning in his eyes. “All I can say in my defense is… Avery, I love you. I can’t imagine, and I don’t want to live even one more day without you.”

“Then don’t,” Avery said gently, tears brimming.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t live without me. Don’t think. Just kiss me.”

“Oh, Avery, babe.” He tipped her face up toward his, her eyes reflecting the intensity in his own. Running his knuckles lightly down her smooth cheek, he stopped at her mouth. He traced his roughened fingertip softly over her top lip, and then his thumb reverentially over the bottom one. Her mouth parted open with a soft sigh. “Beautiful. You’re beautiful, Avery,” he whispered.

Stepping forward, he adjusted his stance so their bodies were flush. Her hands came up to rest flat on his rock hard chest. His long fingers splayed out over the curve of her hips, holding her close.

He lowered his head. Like a perfectly choreographed song, she eagerly slanted her head one way and he the other. His mouth covered hers, the bliss both had longed for finally achieved. His lips were everything she had imagined, firm yet yielding, warm and wet. Hers were full and soft, so perfect he had to nip and nibble on them. Her hands slid up to tangle in the soft silky texture of his hair, using it as leverage to pull him even closer.

Avery let out a needy moan, and the kiss deepened, taking them to a pleasure filled place both wanted to go. Lips danced together and tongues tasted, the audience all but forgotten, until one camera flashed, then two, and then too many to count.

Marcus pulled back slightly, arms still around Avery’s waist.

Avery whimpered. “Don’t stop…”

“We’ve got an audience, babe.” Marcus had already known, even before he saw her again tonight, that she was the perfect one for him. She shifted and realigned something deep inside him, making him a better man. And now she was finally here in his arms. Where she belonged. With no more barriers between them.

Some people might say he was rushing things, but Marcus had no doubts, not about her. He wanted her. Time wouldn’t change that. He was certain. No one made him feel like she did. She was like the missing piece to a puzzle. His solace. His peace. No matter the outward wrapping, his heart had always known. There was no way having found her that he was going to let her go now. He wanted her to know that he was one hundred percent committed to her, and deep down he wanted everyone else to know that she was his…if she’d have him.

Marcus reached into his pocket and pulled out his grandmother’s wedding ring. Going down on one knee in front of the woman he loved, he said, “Avery Jones. I love you. I believe in you and me. I want you for forever. Will you have me?”

“Oh, yes,” Avery raggedly gasped without a moment’s hesitation. Her expression was one of pure joy as Marcus stood, gathered her close, and slid the ring onto her finger. His attempt to kiss her again was interrupted mid-descent by a clap on the back.

“Congratulations, little brother.”

Marcus groaned and Avery smiled as Dwight kissed her cheek. Lisa was next, and then Don stepped forward to give her and Marcus a big hug.

Rheta beamed as she told her, “I told you it would all work out. Welcome to the family, Avery.”

Joy filled Avery’s heart. She wanted to freeze this moment so she could savor it forever. She had Marcus and a family. Avery was touched deeply that each one of them had come tonight. The entire Anthony clan. Obviously, the whole thing had been set up beforehand.

Peeking out from behind the stage curtain, Mary Timmons smiled. “Looks like our job here is done.”

Beth looked out over her shoulder. “I feel sorry for Chris, though.”

Mary turned back to her. “Oh, don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine. She wasn’t right for him, anyway. I’ve already got someone else in mind.”

Beth arched a brow. “You’ve really taken to the matchmaking business. I didn’t realize you were such a romantic.”

“Keep that bit of insight under wraps. It would screw with my hardass image.” She sighed. “We’d better go outside and handle the press before they go all cannibal on each other.”




William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night




“ACE, C’MON.” HIS plea was warm in her ear, and she giggled as he pulled on her arm. He went completely still and stared at her face as though seeing her for the first time. She didn’t know what that was all about, but she said goodbye to his mom and turned to him to find out. “What is it?” she asked. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because I’ve never heard you giggle before in all the time I’ve known you.”

Yeah, she guessed he hadn’t. Didn’t go along with being a guy. Emotion clogged her throat.

“I like it. It’s my new favorite sound.”

She smirked. “Aren’t you forgetting your Korg Kronos 88 keyboard synthesizer?”

He smiled. Widely. “Ok, good point, but your giggle is a close second.”

As they gazed into each other’s eyes, She understood what he was saying without words being spoken. She felt it, too, this joy that she could hardly contain. She was with her best friend. No one knew her better than him. No place felt more right than this. But she felt something else, too. An excitement that sizzled along every single nerve ending, an anticipation that made her breathless because very soon her best friend would also become her lover.

“Did Ray drive you?” she asked.

“Yeah, why?”

She went up on her toes and pressed her lips to his perfect ones. “Because I want to be with you.”

“Me, too.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her through the club without any further ado. She caught a knowing twinkle in his mother’s eyes as they left.

“I think you’re mom’s onto us.”

“Heck, yeah.” He gave her a wicked smile that made her toes curl inside her shoes. “Not going to be able to hold off touching you until we’re in private.”

And he didn’t.

And she didn’t care.

He had his mouth on hers as soon as the Mercedes exited the Commodore’s parking garage.

“Marcus,” she breathed neck thrown back to give him better access to rain his fevered kisses down her throat. “That feels so good.”

For a time they lost themselves in each other and their newfound freedom.

“Better slow it down, Ace,” Marcus cautioned, his breathing as ragged as her own. “Don’t wanna embarrass my bodyguard.”

Ray chuckled from the driver’s seat. She’d forgotten all about him. His eyes met hers in the rearview mirror. “Don’t mind me. It doesn’t matter anyway.” Ray clicked on the blinker and steered the Mercedes into the garage for Marcus’ building. “You’re already home.”


With Marcus.

She loved the sound of that.



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