Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series) (31 page)

BOOK: Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series)
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“No.” She slid her hands up into the hair at his nape, finding it soft and silky to the touch. Her stomach flipped.

“Don’t be nervous,” he whispered.

“Why do you think I’m nervous?” she wondered out loud.

“I can feel you heart beating a mile a minute.” He removed his hands from her waist and threaded them into her hair, framing her face in his hands. “Relax, Red. Just follow my lead.” His warm breath ghosted across her lips right before his lips did. They were warm and firm and surprisingly gentle as he moved them against hers.

She felt…Nothing.

Well, almost nothing. He was a handsome, sexy guy after all. She did get tingly in certain places, but she didn’t feel at all consumed like she did whenever Marcus kissed her. Maybe she just wasn’t trying hard enough. She pressed tighter to Bryan.

“Mmm,” he murmured, picking up on her cue to deepen the kiss. His lips no longer gentle but insistent, he forced his tongue into her mouth.

She wanted to want it there. She wanted to want him. She wanted to erase Marcus from her mind, but…

Waaaah! Waaaah! Waaaah!

“What the fuck?” Bryan lifted his head.

“It’s the fire alarm,” Avery realized, the white flashing blinding her eyes when she looked up into it.

“Please proceed immediately to the nearest fire exit.” A voice came over the speaker out in the hall. “Do not use the elevators. This is not a drill.”

“Shitty timing,” Bryan muttered, taking her hand.

“Yeah,” she agreed, not quite truthfully, letting him lead her out of the room and down the stairs.

Avery scanned the crowded lobby, watching as people made their way out of the building. She noticed a few familiar faces milling around the indoor fountains and spotted the rest of the Tempest guys near the front desk.

“There’s War.” Bryan squeezed her hand. “I’m gonna see if he knows what’s going on.”

“Ok.” She watched him leave, grateful for a few moments alone to sort through her feelings. Suddenly, warm, strong arms enveloped her from behind. Familiar evergreen aftershave filled her nostrils. “Marcus.” She tried to pull away.

“Stay,” he breathed against her neck. “You’re cold.” He ran familiar hands against the chilled flesh of her arms.

She shivered, but not from the cold. And that made her mad. How could she let him affect her this way after all that he had done? She moved out of his embrace and spun around to face him. Her green eyes flashed. “I told you not to touch me anymore.”

He put his hands up in the air. “Just trying to help while your boy is occupied.” His lips curved up wickedly.

Avery’s eyes narrowed. “You!” She wagged an accusing finger. “You did this.”

He shrugged.

“You bastard. Stay. Out. Of. My. Life.” She punctuated each word with a push to his rock hard chest.

He glanced down at her hands where they rested on his pecs. She registered the warmth and the strength of him beneath her palms before he trapped her fingers with his own. His blue eyes locked on hers.

“No,” he refused without remorse. “I won’t.”

“Yes, Marcus,” she pleaded. “Let me go.”

“No, Ace. Not until the last breath leaves my body.” Holding her to him with only one hand, he pressed his thumb against her bottom lip, tugging her mouth open and brought his mouth down on hers. His tongue immediately slid between her parted lips. It was a hard kiss, a possessive kiss. His hot wet tongue repeatedly stroked hers, setting her on fire. Bryan’s kiss had been all smoke in comparison. Her hands fisted into his shirt, and she clutched him for balance as her knees weakened.

Marcus growled deep in this throat and lifted his head. “You taste like a fucking ashtray.” His eyes were dark and wild.

“Red? What’s going on?”

Avery took a guilty step back from Marcus and turned.

“What the fuck?” Bryan’s accusatory gaze skewered her.

She started toward him.

Bryan stopped her with a dismissive wave. “This alarm thing was your doing, wasn’t it?” He glared at Marcus.

“Now that would be against the law, wouldn’t it?” Marcus responded evasively.

“I’m taking that as a yes,” Bryan said, his quick shift of weight the only warning before his fist flashed, connecting with a loud crack against Marcus’ jaw.

When Marcus’ head came back around, he rubbed his jaw and gave Bryan a steely stare. “My turn, Pup.” The right cross that followed impacted with a sickening crunch.

Bryan staggered back, hand to his bleeding nose. Only momentarily stunned, then he flew back toward Marcus.

“Whoa, Bullet. Cool it man!” War came and grabbed Bryan by the shoulders, pulling him back.

Dwight appeared at the same time to restrain his brother. “Stand down, Marcus,” he ordered as Marcus struggled against his hold. “You ok, Avery?” he asked with concern.

“Stop it!” she demanded angrily. Her gaze ping ponged back and forth between the two rivals. “I’ve had enough. I want both of you to just leave me alone.”



Marcus stepped onto the plane. Avery had sent him a message through Sam telling him that the only contact she would allow would be during sound checks and at the concerts. Otherwise, he was to keep at least twenty feet away.

Eff that.

He strode across the lounge. “Get the hell out of my way!” he shouted as Trevor moved to block him.

“Let’s just settle down now,” the band manager persuaded.

“Don’t patronize me.” Marcus seethed. “Move the hell away from that door or I’m gonna move you forcibly.”

“She really doesn’t want to talk to you,” Trevor insisted.

“Boss,” Ray called, stepping between them. “Maybe it would be better if you give her some space. Let her regroup. She’s had a hard night.”

“Really?” he said sarcastically, rubbing his bruised jaw. “How the hell was her night hard? Hmm. Oh, yeah, I could see where it would be a hardship to have that walking ashtray’s tongue down her throat. Hard night or not, I don’t care.” He stepped around Ray and banged on the door with his fist. “She’s gonna talk to me right now.”

The door popped open, Avery stood there, emerald eyes flashing. “Thanks guys,” she said, allowing him access. “I’ve got it.” She took a step into the room after him and turned around, arms crossed over her chest. “Ok. You wanted to talk. Go ahead. Talk.”

He turned to shut the door.

“Oh no,” she said, moving past him and standing in the open space. “The door stays open.”

His eyes narrowed. Her pulse was beating rapidly at her neck and she was wringing her hands together like she did when she was really nervous. Was she afraid to be alone with him? Was that what all this twenty feet bullshit was about? Maybe he
give her a little space. But then how was he going to keep that asshole guitarist out of her pants? He blew out a breath and drew in a slow calming one.

“I’m sorry I lost my temper last night,” he said softly.

She glanced at him icily.

“I was kinda provoked though. Your boy threw the first punch.”

“After you kissed me.”

“I’d do it again, Ace,” he said and meant it. “Even knowing I’d get clocked again.”

“Marcus, please.” Her gaze dropped. “I can’t do this.”

“You know I love hearing my name on your lips.” He took a step closer, breathing in her familiar scent. He wanted to kiss her, but reminded himself to take it easy. He couldn’t push too hard. He had a long term goal and couldn’t afford to lose ground, not with Jackson lurking about. “But alright. If that’s what you want.”

“You’ll leave me alone?” she asked, disbelief evident in her tone.

“No.” He stroked a finger down the line of her jaw before she could move away. “But I’ll back off a little.” He showed her about an inch between his thumb and first finger. “But you gotta do something for me in return.”

“What?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Stay away from Jackson.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.” She put her hands on her hips.

“Maybe not. But I can attempt to coerce you.” He pulled back the collar of her shirt, lowered his head and pressed his lips against her soft fragrant skin, touched his tongue to the taut curve of her shoulder and started to make his way up the column of her neck.

“Ok.” Hands to his chest, she pushed him away. “You stop crowding me and I’ll keep my distance from Bryan. For now. For the day.” Her chest rose and fell with each rapid breath. “And only because that’s what I was planning to do anyway.”

“Holy crap.” Avery shut the door carefully and went into the tiny bathroom, staring at her flushed cheeks in the mirror before splashing cold water on her face. No doubt the man was a force to be reckoned with… intense and overwhelmingly sexy. Marcus in full pursuit mode was something she’d never dealt with before, and she had to admit it was turning her on.

She sighed, flopping down on the bed and throwing an arm over her eyes. She needed to try to get some rest before they landed in Chicago. She tossed around restlessly for over an hour, finally surrendering to sleep without being any further along in deciding what she was going to do.


“Huh?” She opened her eyes to find Sam standing next to the bed.

“What time is it?”


“What?” Had she really slept five hours? She sat up quickly, also realizing she wasn’t on the plane anymore. “How’d I get here?”

“Ray carried you. You were out like a light. On the ride over from the airport, I even put my hand near your lips to make sure you were still breathing.” She studied Avery’s face. “What’s going on with you?”

“I haven’t been sleeping well.”

“Not sleeping well?” Sam’s eyes narrowed. “Or not sleeping at all?”

“Pretty much the latter.”

“I’m sorry.” The petite woman wrapped her arms around Avery and squeezed tight. “You should have told me.”

“I didn’t want anybody to make a big deal about it. I’ll get over it…him…eventually.”

“You mean Marcus, right?” Sam gave her a searching look.

After being silent a moment, she nodded.

“So Bryan’s out?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure that he was ever really in,” Avery confessed. “I think he and I were just testing the chemistry between us. After kissing both of them last night, I gotta say there’s no comparison.”

“Both in the same night?” Sam interrupted raising her brows. “Gimme details.”

“It’s not as exciting as it sounds,” she admitted. “With Bryan, I just wasn’t feeling it. I mean all Marcus has to do is look at me and my pulse speeds up. Then there’s the way he kisses… so focused.” She blushed. “I still love him. I don’t agree with what he did, but in a strange way I get it. I understand him.” She knew desperation made you do things you normally wouldn’t. For instance, dressing up like a guy to get into a band. Marcus had forgiven her for that deception. How much different was what he had done? Shouldn’t she forgive his attempt to protect her, however misguided it had been? She twisted the comforter in her hands. “I’m just afraid to let him in again.”

“Yeah, I understand. I really do. You and I had a similar conversation a while back.” Sam’s brows drew together. “I think you need to get away from all the drama and clear your head. After the concert, we’ll have a girl’s night out. We can go to the Pier. We won’t talk about guys. We’ll get a Chicago dog, just be silly and have some fun, alright?”

“Sounds real good.” Avery sighed with relief, throwing back the heavy comforter. “How come no one woke me up for sound check? Marcus must have been pissed that I didn’t show.”

“No.” Sam tilted her head. “Actually it was his idea. He said to let you sleep.”

“He did, did he?”
Hmm, that was interesting

“So, I’ll meet you back here after the meet and greet?”

“Yeah,” Avery started toward the shower. “Wait a minute. Before I go get ready, I wanna get a closer look at that rock JR put on your finger!”

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