Love or Justice (8 page)

Read Love or Justice Online

Authors: Rachel Mannino

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Love or Justice
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“Does he switch moods often?”

“Not really, no.”

“Hmmm.” Laurie stared at Dante.

He stared at the newspaper on the table, eating his breakfast, but she could tell he wasn’t reading anything. His eyes weren’t even moving on the page. Dante flipped the page, his brow furrowing in concentration.

“How long have you and Cheyn worked together?”

“Three years.”

“How long have you been in the Marshals Service?”

“Five years last May.” He looked up at her, taking a sip of his coffee. Okay, so he apparently didn’t want to talk about Cheyn.

“Wow, five years. What did you do before that?”

“I was in the police department in San Diego, and before that the Marines.”

“Is that where your dad was? The Marines?”

“Sort of.”

“You said that last time.” Laurie smiled into her coffee cup.

“He worked for the government.”

“I think you said that too.” She leaned forward over the table on her elbows.

Dante smiled at her. They stared at each other over their coffee.

Laurie could feel the tight, exhilarating current that ran between them as they sat in silence. Laurie looked away, her nerves jangling. He defeated her in more ways than one. She sighed.

“All right, fine.”

Dante laughed.

“Will you tell me about your mom then?”

“She was a secretary and a very good mother.”

“What made her a good mother?”

He flicked his eyes up at her with a grin.

“She made me French toast for breakfast.”

Laurie laughed. They heard a car door slam. His smiled faded, and his eyes snapped toward the front door. Every muscle in his neck and shoulders tensed.

“Stay here.” He walked toward the front door, and looked out the window.

“Who is it, boss?” David entered the kitchen. He reached for his gun, and Laurie held her breath.

“God damn it. It’s Evan James.” Dante turned to David. “It’s fine, David. I’ll take care of this.”

Dante opened the door and left, banging it shut behind him. David relaxed. He smiled nervously at Laurie.

She smiled back, releasing her grip on the table. Laurie picked up the plates and put them in the dishwasher. She tried not to notice her hand as it shook.

David went back to his usual spot in the living room.






Outside, Dante ambled toward the two men advancing on him from the car. On the right was Dante’s boss. Middle-aged and gaining new girth, Rick had aged himself out of fieldwork. He had gone bald long ago. His rotund face was very pasty given the number of years he had worked and lived in Hawaii. The man on the left couldn’t have been more different. Evan James was tall and lean, wearing a full suit, contrasting with Rick’s haphazard, stained, white button-down shirt. Evan’s brown hair was combed to the side, touched with grey. His face was still boyish, but his blue eyes were all steel. As Dante stopped in front of them, he took a wide stance crossing his arms over his chest.

“Rick. I didn’t realize you be dropping by today. Mr. James.” Dante nodded to him.

“Mr. Stark. Is the girl inside?” Evan buttoned his suit jacket.

“Laurie is inside, yes.” Dante tried to keep the irritation from his voice.

“Dante is the best man in the Marshals Service, Mr. James.” Rick put a hand on Evan James’ shoulder. “Dante will keep her safe.”

“I’d like to speak to her.” He addressed Dante, dismissing Rick entirely.

Dante shot Rick a look, but Rick looked back at him with a helpless shrug.

“I don’t think that’s advisable, Mr. James. Laurie is the only witness we have. This visit is highly unorthodox.”

“I realize that. I would still like to speak to her. Director Hilton approved the visit.” Evan James pulled himself up straight.

Dante looked at Rick.

“It’s true. The director confirmed it to me by phone himself.” Rick nodded.

Dante fought to keep his face expressionless and his exasperation in check.

“I need to enter first, then. It’s protocol so one of my men doesn’t shoot you.” Dante turned and led them toward the house.

He clenched his jaw. He did not like this one bit. When he opened the door to the house, Dante was relieved. Laurie wasn’t in the kitchen. He prayed she went up to take a shower, but he knew it wasn’t a realistic wish. He walked into the living room to find her reading on the sofa. David, recognizing Rick, stood up stick straight.

“Mr. James, this is David. I’ve been training him as a new team member. This is Laurie.”

Laurie got up off the couch and came to the side of it. She gazed at the man, hesitant. She flipped her book from hand to hand and back again.

“Mr. James, I’m very sorry about your wife and son. Have they been found?”

“No, not yet.” Evan removed his sunglasses and peered down his long nose at Laurie.

He regarded her warily. He didn’t offer her his hand, or smile at her. He stood there, his eyes burning holes into her. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, dark shadows were wedged up under his eyes.

“Oh.” Laurie looked away. “And Kaimi?”

“No sign of him yet.”

Rick stepped closer to Laurie.

Laurie nodded.

Mr. James stern expression tightened. A muscle in his jaw twitched.

“Laurie.” Dante touched her elbow, pulling her toward him. “This is my boss, Rick. Rick, this is Laurie.”

She gave a wan smile.

Rick stepped forward, offering her his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you. They’ve been taking good care of me here.”

“Good, good.” Rick shook her hand like a well pump. “Dante’s one of the best men I have. I knew you’d be in good hands. Fantastic team here.”

Laurie’s smile turned from tepid to genuine, and she looked up at Dante.

A smile tugged at the corners of Dante’s mouth.

“Ms. Shelton, I would like to speak with you for a few minutes,” Evan interjected.

“Of course.” Her smile disappeared.

Laurie sat down on one end of the couch.

Evan James sat beside her in an armchair.

Dante stood behind Evan, settling himself against the mantel in a pose of feigned relaxation.

Rick sat down in the chair opposite the couch.

Laurie ran her hands over the hard cover book in her lap.

“You saw my wife and son, can you tell me about that?” He leaned forward in his chair.

“Sure.” Laurie looked away as she gathered her thoughts. “I was told Kaimi had checked out of his room—well, the guest in that room. I don’t remember what name he used but it wasn’t his own. I went up there to clean. No one answered when I knocked. I went in, and…”

She faltered, and looked up at Dante, unsure. He nodded yes to her. Laurie’s eyes dropped down to meet Evan’s level gaze. She proceeded to tell Evan everything from the time she entered the penthouse suite to the moment she ran down the stairs.

“Do you know where he was going after he left the hotel?” Evan asked when she finished her story.

“No, he only threatened me. That’s all he said while I was in the room.” She shook her head.

“Did you clean the room on any other days?” Evan clenched his fists on the ends of the arm rests.

“They didn’t want housekeeping service.”

“So during this incident you conveniently escaped from, you didn’t see or hear any indication of where he took my wife and child?”

Dante closed his hands into fists. He didn’t like this turn of conversation. He tried to catch Rick’s attention, but Rick was too busy staring at Evan James in shock.

“No, sir.” Laurie swallowed hard.

“If you did, would you even report it?” Evan gave her a pointed look.

“Mr. James, that’s uncalled for!” Dante pushed away from the fireplace. A stack of DVD’s sitting on the corner of the mantel clattered to the floor, spilling their contents. Dante didn’t care.

Evan James got up from his chair to turn on Dante, his eyes blazing.

“Well, I don’t know. I think it’s called for. This witness conveniently escaped from a known murderer, while my wife and son are carted off to God knows where. I think it raises some questions. I intend to get to the truth.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. James…I’m truly sorry.” The color drained from her face.

Evan James turned toward her. He got down in her face, inches from her nose. He grabbed her by the shoulders, his fingers biting into her flesh.

“Are you? How can I be sure you don’t know where they are? Are you working with Kaimi? Answer me!”

Dante grabbed Evan by the collar and yanked him back so hard the man lost his balance. He fell straight on his ass, and Dante was momentarily satisfied. Until Dante noticed Laurie’s tear filled eyes. For that alone, he wanted to tear the man limb from limb. Instead, he yelled at him while he scrambled to his feet.

“She told you she didn’t know. There is no reason for Kaimi to have told her. She reported the incident to police and hotel security immediately. I confirmed those reports after I had her under protection. There is no reason to believe Laurie has ever had contact with Kaimi other than the day she walked into that penthouse suite. There is no proof, whatsoever, she knew him. But perhaps you don’t care so much for innocent until proven guilty anymore.” Dante stepped between Evan and Laurie.

Evan James straightened his rumpled suit, adjusting his tie. He rolled his shoulders back, and turned his cold eyes on Laurie.

“You know where he took my wife and child, and you need to start talking!” Evan craned his neck to look at her.

“I don’t, Mr. James. I swear, on my life!” Laurie raised her hands, palms out.

“If I have you expelled from protective custody, perhaps you’ll change your answer!” Evan took a step in her direction, wagging a finger at her.

Laurie’s eyes, luminous with fear, turned to Dante. Dante’s boiling temper overflowed. He reached over and picked Evan James up by the collar of his shirt once more.

“Dante! Dante!” Rick hefted himself out of his chair.

Dante didn’t care what his boss had to say.

Evan James’ boney fingers wrapped around his arm.

He grabbed Evan James’ wrist and twisted his arm behind his back. He shoved him forward, steering him through the house to the front door.

Evan cried out in pain.

Dante heard Max and Cheyn thundering down the stairs.

“Mr. Stark you are treading on dangerous ground. I’ll call Director Hilton the moment I leave.” Evan struggled against Dante’s hold.

“Good.” Dante pinned him up against the kitchen wall. With one hand now free, he flung open the front door, then grabbed the prosecutor’s collar, and pushed him outside. “I’ll tell the director you interfered in a federal case, badgered a key witness with unfounded accusations, and threatened the woman’s life.”

Dante lifted Evan as he tripped down the steps.

Rick was right behind them, shaking the wooden stairs with his weighty footfalls.

“Dante, don’t do anything foolish. Mr. James is clearly distraught!” Rick chased after him.

Dante pushed Evan James out to the parking lot, shoving him up against the hood of the car. As Evan James wiggled under Dante, trying to break free, Dante leaned down and whispered into his ear.

“I understand your wife and child are missing. I know you want to find them. That woman had nothing to do with their disappearance. She was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Moreover, if it were not for her being in the wrong place at the wrong time, then we wouldn’t have even known your wife and child were in Hawaii. Thanks to Laurie, we know where they were last seen alive. The fact that you would come here, as a federal prosecutor, and threaten my witness is out of bounds. The fact that you would threaten me with calling Director Hilton is even more ridiculous. I’m glad you two are friends, but Director Hilton is also very good friends with my father and he insists I refer to him as uncle. So if you think a man who saw me grow up is going to choose you over me, after the stunt you just pulled, you have lost your mind.”

Dante paused to see if anything he said sank in.

Evan James stopped struggling against him and went limp, melting over the hood of the car.

Dante pulled him off the car, released his arm, and spun him around. Dante put his face inches from Evan’s.

“If you ever say anything to Laurie ever again, if you so much as breathe on her, I will arrest you for tampering with a federal witness and impeding a criminal investigation. If you ever threaten her again…well, I protect the witness. I don’t care who’s threatening her. If it’s Kaimi or you, it makes no difference to me. Do you understand me?”

Evan winced.

“Do you understand me?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

“Good. Have a nice drive back to your hotel.” Dante turned, heading back toward the house.

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