Love on the Range: A Looking Glass Lake Prequel (20 page)

BOOK: Love on the Range: A Looking Glass Lake Prequel
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Curious about the letter Jett wrote for Marlee? It's all

Plus, Marlee celebrates her wedding in this secret deleted scene.

Marlee's wedding is so romantic, Fern Aimstock and Crazy Hoss are already working on another matchmaking scheme.

Who is their target, and who else will find love in Looking Glass Lake?





Rebecca Nightsong






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Rebecca Nightsong grew up under the wide-open skies of Idaho, where she spent long days in fluffy petticoats and lace, chasing geese and riding goats (since sadly, she had no horses).

As a bossy sister in a large family of all boys, she may or may not be guilty of making her three-year old brother lie down on a hard strip of lumber in the middle of the pasture to take a pretend nap when playing “pioneer families.”

Today, Rebecca lives with her husband, who is a constant source of inspiration. She spends her time in her quirky fictional world of Looking Glass Lake, bossing around characters who frequently boss back.

You can connect with Rebecca at:


Thank you to my
, for always making me sit on the kitchen stool to read my English papers aloud and for giving me my first feedback. People always say family won’t give honest criticism of writing, but I know that’s not true with you.

, for letting me talk your ear off about anything at anytime. I love our talks.

Thank you to
Jana Hillsberry
, for listening to early scenes and laughing in all the right spots. Your laugh is inspiring!

Thank you to
Kayde and Addy
, for loving my stories. No, I don’t have the bus-driver beauty-queen story done yet, because I’m working on the stow-away story. ;)

Thank you to
Steve, Dan, Andrew and Jesse Hillsberry
, and to
Chris Harada
, for challenging me and being the kind of brothers I have to work to keep up with...and for letting me practice my storytelling skills on you.

Thank you to
Rachel Ault
at for the talented graphics and artwork. We’re a dream team because it’s so much fun to dream up stuff together. And as a friend, you make life a little more crazy and a little more sane all at once.

Thank you to
Heather Woodhaven
, author extrodinaire and faithful friend. You are so encouraging and your advice is always spot-on. Getting a beta-read from you is like getting ready for prom together…I know you’ll always grab me and slap on a pair of dangly earrings if I need them, and you’d never let me go outside with a curler stuck in my hair!

Thank you to my writing pals in Idaho:
Becky Avella, Hilarey Johnson, Kristine McCord, Lisa Phillips, Angela Ruth Strong and Heather Woodhaven
. Girls, we’ve got something special, and I can’t wait to get back to Idaho to jump back into brainstorming sessions and prayer together and other writerly fun.

Thank you to my writing pals in Virginia:
C.j. Chase, Cynthia Howerter, Luana Hugel, Carrie Fancett-Pagels, Anne Payne
Dina Sleiman
. You were the best part about being away from home for so long.

Thank you to
Larry Hayhurst
for being a great mentor and inspiration, and being willing to connect me with people for research. I never went wrong listening to your advice, and I always felt stronger knowing you were in my corner.

Thank you to
Ardie Noyes
, for your encouragement. I keep my “that was easy” button dusted off and I punch it after each chapter!

Thank you to
Richard Garner
Fish Tail Bar G
ranch in Virginia. You gave me a true cowboy’s welcome, made me feel at home, and were generous with your time and knowledge. I can’t wait to write more about mustangs in future books. (P.S. Please note: No horses were given treats in the making of this book!)

Thank you to
Al Blank
Jane Newby
. You gave freedom and encouragement…what every girl needs, sometimes more than anything else.

Thank you to
David Hillsberry
, for giving me the “be your own boss” bug.

Thank you to
Kristin Bailey
Hannah Eaton
, and
Camille Hammond
, for being the kind of friends I’ll never grow out of, no matter how long we’ve known each other or how far away we live from one another…I wish we could all live in Looking Glass Lake next door to each other.

Thank you to
Vincent Muli Wa Kituku
, for treating me like a real writer before I believed it myself.

Thank you to
Judy Tinney
, for sharing your heart and that sunny corner in your office in Denver.

Thank you to
Pat Shaw
, who spurred me to just quit my job and write.

And thank you to
. My best friend and the one who has blessed me with such richness in friends and family. Every good and perfect gift comes from You.





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