Love On The Brazos (10 page)

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Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton

BOOK: Love On The Brazos
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Jordy came awake slowly.  Sighing contentedly, she stretched her arm across the bed.  It was empty.  She sat up and was alone in the bedroom.  She went into the large bathroom and cleaned herself.  She took a quick shower, ran her comb through her hair and touched up her makeup.  She dressed and went into the kitchen.  She found Michael scrambling eggs and frying bacon.  “I thought perhaps you might need refueling,” he said with a grin.

“I definitely do,” she said as she poured herself a steaming cup of coffee.

Michael turned from the stove and said, “Things happened so fast in there; I didn’t have time to use any protection.”

“That’s okay.  I went back on the pill after the first time.  “You know, I need to get my own place now that Dad is doing better and out of danger. 
Then one of us wouldn’t have to go home”  I’m going to check that next week.”

“You could just move in here,” Michael said with a smile.

“I could, but I think that’s moving a little too far too fast.”

“Okay.  Whatever, we’ll work it out.”

Chapter 11   The Decision

Jordy and her dad felt as if they had been bored to death by professionals.  After they and their
new chief financial officer, Connie Perrone, formerly with Baker and Chatsworth, had met with representatives of three different banks, and sat through mind numbing PowerPoint presentations they felt they were ready to make a decision.  They were unanimous in the decision.  They would stay with First City; however, there were a couple of concessions they wanted.  First City would need to appoint a person as a designated point of contact with the responsibility of managing the Carlyle interests.  The individual would need to schedule a monthly meeting with Jordy and Connie Perrone to discuss the current status of Carlyle Enterprises holdings.  Any changes proposed in the portfolio of Carlyle would need prior approval of Connie.  Carlyle Estates would be considered apart from Carlyle Enterprises.

* * *

Michael’s secretary relayed a message to him asking him to call Jordy.

He punched in her direct line number which he used during business hours.  It was answered on the second ring with what had become his favorite
voice, “Hello, this is Jordy.  How may I help you?”

“Jordy this is Michael.  You called?”

“Yes I did.  We are ready to announce our decision and would like to schedule a meeting with Dad, Connie and me for tomorrow morning at ten unless that is too soon for you.  We would like for you, your father and anyone else you deem appropriate to attend.”

“I’ll have to check with Dad on his calendar
, but I think it will be okay.  By the way, who is Connie?”

“Connie is Constance Perrone, our new chief financial officer.”

“Oh, okay, I wasn’t aware you had named one.”

“I don’t tell you everything, Michael, just things I want you to know,” she said with a hint of laughter in her voice. 

“We’ll be there unless I get back to you otherwise.  What are you doing tonight?”

“I have to get my hair done, and I need a manicure.  My claws have dulled.”

Suggestively he said, “I can tell you based on recent experience they’re still pretty sharp.”

“You’d know wouldn’t you?”

Are you going to give me a hint about the meeting?”

Allowing sorrow to creep into her voice, she said, “I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

“You’re getting good at this, you know.  I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Goodbye, Michael.” She disconnected and prepared to call her Dad to tell him about the meeting.  He had been a part of the decision as had his father.

* * *

It is late spring in the greater Houston area (Which includes
Sugar Land.)  The trees are fully leafed out.  Temperatures are in the mid to upper 80's, and there is a bit more humidity in the air.  To make herself comfortable, Jordy has taken to wearing sleeveless blouses or dresses to work when the occasion permits.  Today is a dress type of day.  She has a meeting with the financial investments people from First City scheduled for 10:00.

She stopped at the bakery and bought some cookies for the meeting.  Her secretary would have the coffee.  She was ready and anxious to get on with business as 10:00 approached.  Michael and his father had arrived at 9:45.  Her father had shown up at 9:00 so he could catch up on office goings on.  Jordy called the meeting to order at 10:00.

“Gentlemen and lady,” she nodded and smiled at Connie as she started.  I think everyone knows everyone else except for the new chief financial officer of Carlyle Enterprises, Ms. Constance Perrone.  We all call her Connie.  She joins us from Baker and Chatsworth and is well versed in Carlyle.  Connie, this is Michael Simms, Vice President of Investments at First City, and this is Steve Simms, President of Investments.  We called you here today to inform you of our decision as to continuing our business relationship with First City.

We have decided to maintain the relationship with First City with a couple of conditions.  First off, Carlyle Estates is not part of the decision and will not be using First City.

As for the major part of the decision our requirements are:

First City would need to appoint a person as a designated point of contact with the responsibility of managing the Carlyle interests.  The individual would need to schedule a monthly meeting with Connie and
me to discuss the current status of Carlyle Enterprises. 

And secondly, a
ny changes proposed in the portfolio of Carlyle would need prior approval of Connie.

If First City agrees to these terms, then we can have a contract drawn up for signature.  Are there any questions?”

“If I may ask,” Steve Simms said, “Why did you choose to exclude Carlyle Estates? From any agreement?”

blushed, “That would be because of the developing relationship between Michael and me.  Carlyle Estates is my baby, and I don’t want Michael messing with it unless I ask, and that will be on a personal basis.  It may not be professional, but I feel strongly that way.  Incidentally, this is the first Michael has heard of any of the decisions.

“How much time will First City need before their decision on our terms?”

“I think we can give you a decision in the next day or so,” Steve said.

“Well, that’s all I have today.  Thank you for coming.”

“Now that the meeting is over, is there anything either of you would care to say about this relationship?”

“No sir.  That is personal.”

“I defer to the young lady’s decision,” said Michael.

“Wise move, son,” said Steve.  “Yes sir.  I have learned she has a fiery temper when she’s mad.”  His dad wandered off to talk to Connie.

“So I have a fiery temper when I’m mad?”

“I almost said when you were aroused and caught myself.”

“If you had, you would have seen an example,” she said.  “What did you think of the decision?”

“I thought it was fair and a smart business decision, especially the point of contact.”

“Then you think it will be accepted?”

“I do.  Now, what do you mean our ‘developing’ relationship?”

ll tell you tomorrow.  I’m going to College Station tomorrow, and I want to get an early start.”

“Okay.  See you about six.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Chapter 12   The Accident

Jordy finished her work with her mentor by 1:00, then had a light lunch and headed for home.  She left College Station, traveling on Texas SH6.  She then merged onto US290 South.  Just before the exit to Prairie View, she met face to face a car headed the wrong direction.  There was no room to her left so she swerved to the right sharply, left the pavement and flipped.  The car rolled over four times coming to rest on its wheels.  The airbags deployed and held her upright in her seat, with the seat belt fastened.  The top of her hardtop BMW was mashed level with the windows.  The windshield was smashed in.  Mercifully, Jordy was unconscious.  Cars stopped to render aid, but the doors were jammed shut.  Several drivers brought fire extinguishers in case a fire broke out.

The vehicle she near
ly hit continued northbound on the wrong side of the road and soon after, had a head-on collision with another car fatally injuring both occupants of the southbound car.  The drunken driver was barely scratched. 

A Prairie View EMT vehicle arrived with a Prairie View fire truck. 
They quickly decided it would be necessary to use the Jaws of Life in order to free Jordy.  She was bleeding from a head injury and, she had numerous cuts from the flying glass.  They put in a request for Life Flight from Houston.  The firemen asked for additional assistance and began cutting the wrecked BMW apart in order to free her.  Once free, she was placed on a stretcher and moved away from the car as a precaution against fire.  The Life Flight helicopter was still 10 minutes out as the EMT’s began treating Jordy.  They found she suffered a skull fracture, a broken right arm and possible internal injuries.  There was no question about it.  The airbags saved her life as did her quick reaction in avoiding the head-on collision.

Flite from Memorial Hermann Hospital of Houston arrived.  There was a Life Flite Nurse and a Paramedic aboard the chopper.  The EMT’s from Prairie View had stabilized her head with a hard cervical collar.  They had treated the visible cuts and bruises and splinted her arm.  Enroute to Memorial Hermann, the Flite Nurse and paramedic took vital signs and transmitted them ahead to the Hermann Trauma Center, along with an ETA.  They also transmitted her identity and blood type as determined by her driver’s license.  The paramedic started a saline drip in her arm.  When they arrived at the heliport atop Memorial Hermann, they were met by doctors and nurses from the trauma center.  She was rushed directly into the Emergency room where the need for X-Rays was determined.  It had been 37 minutes from the time the call went out for Life Flite and the entry into the ER.  In the ER, X-Rays were taken of the skull and her torso.  Her vital signs were weak but stable.  There was no indication of a compressed skull fracture.  By palpating, the doctors determined she had several fractured ribs, raising a risk of a punctured lung.  She was rushed to the operating room

One of the nurses, armed with Jordy’s
purse, and cell phone called the home number from the phone.  They reached Marian Carlyle, Jordy’s mother.  They informed her of the accident and Jordy’s whereabouts.  The nurse would only say she was in surgery and suggested they come to the hospital.

Torn between telling her husband about the accident or not, she chose to tell him.  He was a stroke victim, still with some paralysis on one side
, but Jordy was his pride and joy.  He would not have forgiven her had she kept the news from him.  It is 25 miles from Sugar Land to the Texas Medical Center and is generally plagued by heavy traffic on the busy Southwest Freeway.  They were blessed by an accident free highway.  Forty minutes after the call, Marian Carlyle turned her keys over to the valet and they rushed into the Emergency Room.  They were provided directions to the surgery waiting area where they checked in with the desk staff.  The desk staff checked with the circulating nurse in the surgical unit, and they were told someone would be out to see them shortly.  In less than 10 minutes, a nurse came out; her mask lowered from her mouth, and stethoscope around her neck met them.

“She is being treated by the surgeons as we speak.  Her vital signs are stable
, and she is in no immediate danger.  She is anesthetized and is in no pain.  The doctor will be out to see you as soon as he is finished.  In the meantime, please, have a seat.  Our surgeons are second to none.  She is getting the best treatment she could get. 

It is believed she swerved to avoid a head-on collision with a drunken driver.  Her car rolled several times
, and they had to use the jaws of life to cut her free.  I was told by the Life Flite crew the drunken driver was involved in a multiple fatality accident further down the highway.

Marian asked her husband, “Jim, do you think I should call Michael?”

“Yes, absolutely, do you have his number?  If you don’t, I have First City’s number.  I’ll call them.”

Using his wife’s iPhone, he called the number he had for the bank’s investment department.  He reached an operator and asked for Michael.  “This is Jim
Carlyle.  This is an emergency; I need to speak with Michael immediately.

Michael, this is Jordy’s dad.  Jordy’s been in an accident.  She was Life Flited to Hermann and
is in surgery.”  In response to a question, he said, “Yes, she’s alive, but that’s about all we know.  We just spoke with a nurse from surgery.  We’re in the surgical waiting room…

Okay, we’ll see you then.  Michael, be careful, we don’t need another.”

Michael made it to the medical center in much less time than Jordy’s parents had.  He rushed into the surgical waiting room and found her parents the only ones there other than the staff member.  Michael looked as if he had run through a car wash, brushes and all.  “How is she?  Do you have any word yet?”

, we don’t.  We’re still waiting for the surgeon.”

As she said that, the same nurse appeared at the doors to the surgical suite.  The doctor will be with you shortly.  They are closing now.  Your daughter will be taken to surgical recovery and then to the ICU.  The doctor should be out in just a few minutes. 
You can wait in conference room 2, just over there pointed to a small room on the side wall of the waiting room.  She turned and went back into the surgery area.

Carlyle, his wife Marian and Michael Simms sat in the small consultation room to wait for the surgeon. 

“Have they told you what happened
,” Michael asked?

“Jordy was on her way back from College Station
and was approaching the Prairie View exit on 290.  A car was in her lane going the wrong way.  She swerved to miss him, and her car went off the road and rolled several times.  The driver was drunk and had another accident just down the road, resulting in multiple fatalities.  He was not hurt.

Firemen from Prairie View cut her out of the car
, and she was Life Flited here.  We don’t know the details of her injuries yet.”

“A tired looking doctor walked in.  His mask was dangling by one string.  He was wearing green scrubs.  “Are you the parents of Jordan?”

Marion said yes we are, and this is Michael Simms, Jordy’s boyfriend.

“I’m Dr. James and I have been working on your daughter.  She has multiple injuries.  She has a skull fracture.  Fortunately it was not depressed. 
With the skull fracture, she has a concussion.  She will have to be watched closely in case of a swelling of the brain.  The fracture will most likely heal on its own.  She has several fractured ribs.  We were concerned about the possibility of the lung being punctured, but that was not the case.  She has a compound fracture of her left forearm and clavicle.  There were quite a few cuts from the glass but none of them serious.  There doesn’t appear to be internal bleeding such as we would see in a collision.

Because of the skull fractures, she will naturally be in ICU.  We will probably put her in a medically induced coma to give the brain the opportunity to recover from the trauma.

You will be able to see her when she is out of recovery and in the ICU.  She will not be awake.  My opinion is she will make a full recovery.  The ribs are going to be very painful, but that is treatable.  You just have to wait and see about the skull fractures and concussion.  She’s a fortunate girl in one way.  If she had collided with the other driver head-on at highway speeds, it would not have been survivable.  That’s all I can tell you now.  If you want to know her status, ask a nurse.  They operate under a policy where if you ask, you get the unvarnished truth.  If you don’t think you can handle it, don’t ask.  I will be monitoring her condition as long as I’m on service.” 

He shook hands and left the room.

Marian Carlyle was sobbing softly; her husband had a stricken look on his face, and his face was ashen.

Michael went to Mrs. Carlyle and whispered in her ear, “I think we should have someone look at your husband.  He appears to be in shock.  Would you like for me to handle it?”

“Would you please, Michael?”

Michael went to the staff member manning the desk and told her they were concerned about Mr. Carlyle, who was a recovering stroke victim.  She made a call and a nurse came hurrying in to check him.

“Was he treated here for the stroke,” she asked?  What about heart problems?”

“He was treated
at Methodist.  The stroke was caused by a clot.”  He is on medication for his blood pressure and cholesterol.  He is also on an aspirin regimen.  “We were just told the condition of our daughter, and he’s taking it hard.  She’s our only child.”

“His pulse is rapid, but steady, his BP is elevated.  Come with me and we’ll take him where he can lie down
, and I think he’ll be okay in a few minutes.”

They followed her to a lounge, where Jim was able to lie down, although not without protest.  “Jim, you have to relax and follow orders.  We have enough on our plate without you having another stroke.”

“I’m not going to have another stroke,” he said. 

“Jim, for once do as you’re told and be quiet.”

“Yes Marian.”

* * *

It was another hour before someone other than the nurse came in.  Then an orthopedic surgeon came in.  Mr. And Mrs. Carlyle? I’m Dr. Flores and I’ve been treating your daughter’s fractures.  The arm was problematic because it was compounded, with bone protruding through the skin.  Fortunately, it missed the major nerves and the blood vessels.  There was some damage to the muscle; I stitched the muscle, and I reduced the fracture and closed the wound.  Because of the clavicle, she is in a half body cast and will be for a few days; then we will just cast the forearm.  I don’t think there is any lasting damage, but she won’t be a pretty sight when you see her.  She will be taken to recovery within the next few minutes.  She will be in recovery for about two hours and then moved to ICU.  You will be able to see her in the ICU.  The attendant will give you a pager, so if you want to go to the cafeteria or such, just check out with the desk, and if there’s any change in condition, you can be paged.”  He shook hands, and acknowledged their thanks, then left the room.

Michael said, “Well, so we wait again.  Would you like to go to the cafeteria?  I can sign out with the desk.”

“I don’t think so, Michael.  Thanks anyway,” a distraught Marian said.

“What about coffee or tea?”

“No, I don’t want to leave.”

maybe later.”

Jim asked, “Michael, where are you on our new agreement.”

“We’re going to go for it, Jim.  We really don’t have a choice if we want to keep your business, and we do.  It’s a shame all of this came up because of that idiot Merriam.  Jordy was looking for an investor for her project, and he got carried away, and then insulted her with his sexist remark.”

“Jordy can be a terror when she gets her dander up.”

Ruefully, Michael said, “Tell me about it.”

“What are you two going to do?”

“Truthfully, I don’t know.  We had a dinner date tonight and planned to discuss it.”

* * *

A nurse came in and said, “Carlyle family?”

All three stood and walked to the nurse.  She said,
“Jordan is in the ICU.  You can go in now, but for ten minutes only.  She is not awake and won’t know you’re there.  This first time, all three of you can go in quietly.  After this, visits are allowed on the hour and for two visitors, ten minutes only.  We have a decontamination station just inside the ICU.  You will need to wash your hands before entering the unit.  Prepare yourself.  She is in a half cast, and you are going to see several lines coming from her body.  She has 2 IV lines for medication and rehydration.  She has a catheter.  She also has a breathing tube in her mouth and oxygen feed.  It is not a pleasant sight.  Come with me please.”  They followed the nurse into the ICU and into a patient area.  Little of Jordy’s skin could be seen due to dressings and the cast.  She somewhat resembled a mummy. 

Marian looked at her and fainted dead away.  Michael managed to catch her before she hit the floor.  He looked at the nurse questioning what should he do.  The nurse brought a
wheelchair into the room, and Michael eased Marian into it.  The nurse obtained a cloth dampened it and placed it on Marian’s forehead.  She was beginning to come around.  Jim was hovering over her.  “Thank you Michael,” he said.  “I couldn’t move fast enough.” 

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