Read Love of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 4) Online

Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

Love of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 4) (19 page)

BOOK: Love of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 4)
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“Is that a challenge, Zoah?”

He lifted his eyes; she could drown in the desire no longer hidden there. “I wish I could turn time forward so that we could go to the Moon Altar now,” he admitted.

She cupped his face in her hand. “No more teasing, Zoah. This is hard for both of us. But we need to get this right. So much has gone wrong between us. But tonight is going to be right. It’s going to be perfect.”

“That’s why I wanted to give you this gift.” He went into his room and she hesitated in the doorway. Before she entered, she wanted to take in the place he slept. The place he had dreamed of her in the same way she dreamed of him.

There was a four-poster bed, with drapes hanging down, swept up and tied out of the way. The posts were ornately carved, with dragons, of course. She smiled and went to feel the smooth wood and study the intricate details.

“I had it specially made. Do you like it?”

She grinned at him. “Only you could wish to be constantly reminded of the fact you are a dragon.”

“I figured that when I eventually found a mate, she should be reminded how privileged she is to have a dragon beside her.”

“You’re joking.”

His face fell. “I am now. Now they will be a constant reminder of what I’ve lost.”

“Zoah, that’s what I need to talk to you about.”

“You’re having second thoughts.”

“No!” She shook her head furiously. “Never. It makes no difference to me, Zoah. But it does to you.”

He held his hand out. “Can we drop it for a moment while I give you this? I have waited a long time to give it to you.”

“What is it?”

“Nothing expensive,” he cut in quickly.

“I wasn’t expecting it to be.”

“I know. It’s just that you could have been expecting a diamond ring or something.”

“Show me.” She glanced at the uncertainty on his face. It made her even more intrigued.

He opened his hand and dropped a pendant into her hand. Looking at it closely, she gasped. Hanging on a leather cord was a blue jade dragon.

“It’s not exactly the same as I ... used to be. I couldn't exactly show the person who carved it. But I think I managed to describe it quite well.”

“It’s wonderful.”

“The blue jade represents you. It symbolises wisdom and the ability to temper anger. The dragon is meant to be me...”

She went to him and flung her arms around his neck. “It is you, Zoah. Your dragon is inside you. We just have to find it.”

“I told you I can’t bear to look. It’s gone.”

“Together we can find it. There is a way. Will you let me help you? Can we do this thing together?”

He buried his face in her shoulder and said, “I would give anything to be whole again.”



Chapter Forty Four - Zoah

Like a child, she led him back to the kitchen, the pendant he had given her now in place around her neck. She swore she would never remove it, in the same way he would never be able to remove her from his heart. Why he had ever tried, he couldn’t fathom.

“I don’t see what we can do,” he said.

“Tara has an idea.”

“You spoke to Tara about this?” he asked, his voice edged with anger.

Charlotte turned to face him. “You might not be able to find your dragon, but you sound more and more like your old self every minute.”

“I’m sorry. I don't mean to be cross. But it’s private.”

“Nothing is private with Tara. And if it makes you feel better, I was going to speak to her, but she already knew. So she left a note.”

“A note?” He was already beginning to believe this was some sort of trick. Trying to make him believe his dragon was there in the hope he would miraculously reappear.

“Yes.” Charlotte fetched the potion and then showed him a jar, which contained Azure. Her face was etched in pain as she looked at the little dragon.

“What are you doing?” He could see how seriously she was taking this. “Charlotte?”

She wiped a tear away. “Tara left a potion and a spell. It has to do with Azure. He was made by your blood, with a strand of my hair around his neck so that he will always follow me. She believes that if we return this dragon to you, your dragon will return.”

“Charlotte. You don’t have to.”

“I already took my hair from him. He doesn’t follow me anymore.” She took a shuddering breath and looked once more at the dragon sitting patiently in the glass jar. “He is yours.”

She handed Zoah the jar. He looked at it closely. It truly was an amazing replica of his dragon. Looking at the pain in Charlotte’s face, he knew it had taken a huge effort to give up the creature. “What do I have to do?”

“Drink this. And hold Azure in your hand, over your chest. I have to say this spell.” She held up the note. “Then Azure will return to you. As will your dragon.”

He went to Charlotte, taking the potion from her hand. Then he bent and kissed her. “Are you sure? He means a lot to you.”

“Not as much as your happiness does.” She stood stiffly, wiping a tear away. “I’ll be fine. I just want this to work.

“So do I.” He took the lid of the potion and tipped his head back, gulping it down. Then he held the dragon next to his chest while Charlotte spoke.

The sensation was similar to when he changed into a dragon. The electricity sparked around him and he felt a sharp pain where the dragon was fluttering against his chest. Then the fluttering stopped, replaced by a dull ache. He opened his hand and the dragon had gone. In its place a tattoo had appeared. A dragon. Could it be anything else?

She trailed her fingers over it. “Azure.”

“I feel it,” he said. He could. He swore it wasn’t his imagination.

“Come on.” He grabbed her hand and raced through the hallways. Heading towards the small, enclosed garden in the middle of the house. A courtyard that could only be seen from within the house or directly above.

Charlotte laughed, her sorrow over the dragon charm already fading as she was swept along by his excitement. They burst out of the house, the sun warm on his skin. He loosed her hand and she stood back out of the way, while he carried on to the middle of the courtyard.

The flowers were just starting to bloom, the garden looking beautiful. He knew he would most likely ruin it, but he would put it back together, just as Charlotte had put him back together. He couldn’t wait for the cover of darkness; he needed to know if he was whole again right now.

For one long moment, he stood and looked at Charlotte. He took in her radiant smile, her genuine joy at seeing him so happy again. He loved her with every fibre of his being. This was the thought he held in his mind when he searched for the dragon inside him. It gave him the strength to face the emptiness that had taken its place.

Only this time he wasn’t empty. The big strong presence that had always dwelled within him was there waiting. Well, his dragon didn’t need to wait any longer. Zoah let his mind flow into the dragon. He felt his human form disappear; for an instant neither man nor dragon occupied space or time. Then the dragon swelled, becoming filled with his essence, until it took over. His consciousness expanded and, with it, so did his body. It grew larger, blood pumping hot in his veins. Fire in his belly danced and flared in its bid to escape. He held it inside. Taming the beast with his consciousness until they were whole, they were one.

If dragons could cry, there would have been hot, salty tears, enough to flood the courtyard. Tears of joy and relief. He was whole. The Moon Rite would be completed as it should be, he wouldn’t have to fear it not working. And afterwards… They would fly. He knew what he wanted to do. Once they were bonded, he would take her on a honeymoon she would never forget.


Chapter Forty Five - Charlotte

Zoah had been busy for the rest of the day, leaving Charlotte to amuse herself. In a way, it hurt that he had found things to do that didn't involve her. At this time, after so long apart, she would have liked to have his company and support. Maybe it had been because he didn't want to risk one of them losing their self-control before the Moon Rite. Or maybe now his dragon had returned, his feelings towards her had changed.

Did he resent being pinned down by a mundane like her, now his dragon had returned? It was not easy to have your wings clipped by your mate when you were a fire-breathing dragon.

Checking her watch again, she sighed. For no other reason, than to occupy herself, she went to the bathroom and decided to start getting ready. First, she ran a bath, pouring scent into it, trying to ignore the way her hand trembled. Making sure it wasn't too hot, otherwise she would simply look red and blotchy, she stepped in, sliding down to let the warmth soothe her body. Closing her eyes, she thought about Serena and Spellholm. After tonight, she would have to think of how she could persuade Zoah to live there.

If he hadn't found the dragon inside him, it wouldn't have been a problem. No dragon, no swearing your oath to the Dragon Lord. Now, would Zoah's ego prevent him from kneeling in Dòmhnall’s presence and swearing allegiance? She suspected it would.

The waiting was impossible to bear; even the warm bath gave her no comfort. So she washed her hair and then dried it with a towel. Dressed only in a robe, she lay on her bed with a book she had borrowed from Zoah's extensive library. Wuthering Heights. At least Heathcliff made Zoah look like a puppy. Who would want to live with such a man? Although Zoah could be as dark and brooding as Heathcliff, he wasn’t as cruel.

Another look at her watch. Still too early, so she went out of her room and walked to the kitchen. The chances of her actually eating something was slim, but she would make a cup of black tea and take it to the courtyard. She could amuse herself tidying up the mess Zoah had made, although that would mean getting her hands dirty. Not that he would notice; he would be too interested in other parts of her body.

The sensations he had evoked in her earlier returned. By the time she reached the kitchen, she struggled to look at the table without thinking of his mouth on her...

“There you are.”

She jumped, his voice throwing her out of her fantasy. Blushing, she wondered if he knew what she had been thinking about. Looking at his face, it was obvious he wouldn’t have given it a moment’s thought; he was too preoccupied.

“Where have you been, Zoah?”

“Here and there,” he answered elusively.

“You do know we aren’t supposed to keep secrets from each other?”

“It’s not a secret.”

“Then you’ll tell me?”

“No. It’s a surprise.”

“A surprise? For me?”

“Yes. And I’m just about ready.”

“Shall I go and get dressed?”

“No need.”

She looked at her watch. “But it’s getting late.”

He came to her, looking young and excited. It still took her breath away to think of him as hers. But when he slid his hand into her robe and cupped her breast, she needed no further confirmation. He kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “You are perfectly dressed. For what I have in mind.”

“But it’s not time.” Her lips quivered and she felt so unsure of herself.

He took her hand and pulled her into his arms, kissing her lips before murmuring, “It’s time.”

She looked into his eyes and he nodded, encouraging her to follow him. “OK,” she said and summoned her courage. She trusted him, she loved him. There was no need to be frightened. He would take care of her.

They didn’t speak as he led her to the room where the Moon Altar awaited her blood. That was all she could think of, how this ancient rite was about to be fulfilled once more. The mystery of it intrigued her. Where did the bond originate and how were mates chosen? Although her burning question had always been, do they ever make mistakes?

If she were destined to spend her life with Zoah, would they love each other for eternity?

“Close your eyes.”

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to make this special for you.”

“Zoah, you didn’t have to.”

“Yes. I did. Now indulge me. Close your eyes.”

She did as he asked, although the impulse to peek was strong. He took her hand and led her forward, pausing to open the door. Five more paces forward; they were well inside the room, when he stopped.

“OK. Open them.”

She did, gasping at the sight before her. The room was filled with candles, all flickering and dancing to their own rhythm. Big vases, which she recognised from her explorations of the house, were filled with red roses and placed around the room. It took the stark plainness off the stone walls. So, too, did the soft cushions and throws he had brought to place upon the Moon Altar.

“It’s perfect,” she said. “Thank you, Zoah.”

“My pleasure,” he kissed her hand and then left her. “Wine?”

“Yes, please.”

He handed her a silver goblet filled with red wine. She sipped it, allowing the liquid to warm her. Zoah drank his, his eyes never leaving her face. The sensations spreading through her body were not just from the wine. In his eyes, she could read what he wanted, and she couldn’t help but look up to the moon window to see how long they had to wait.

Not long. She took another gulp of her wine, trying to calm her nerves. The moon was full and bright and soon its light would begin to illuminate the edges of the room. As it continued its unerring course, it would light the whole room with its eerie glow; at this time their bond would be forged. The ritual, once complete, which would leave them bound together for life.

“Shall we begin?” he asked, taking her wine from her and placing it on a small table.

She didn’t answer, not with words at least. Instead, she went to him, kissing his chest, her hands sliding over his smooth skin. He tilted her chin upwards and captured her lips, his tongue sliding into her mouth, tracing the inside of her lower lip, sending shivers along her spine. Charlotte slipped her arms around his neck, standing on tiptoe as she pressed her body against his.

The hardness of his arousal against her thigh made her tremble in anticipation. He wanted her; he had waited his whole life for this moment, thousands of years without his mate by his side. It made her feel so special. Out of the millions of women that had lived in the past, present, or even those in the future, she was the one this dragon was destined to be with. As a child, she would never have guessed she had any kind of destiny other than to be miserable. He had changed that.

BOOK: Love of the Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 4)
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