Read Love of a Lifetime Online

Authors: Emma Delaney

Love of a Lifetime (6 page)

BOOK: Love of a Lifetime
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Stepping back, Carla wiped her eyes and took a deep breath to regain control of her emotions.  Up until this point, she hadn’t quite figured out how to approach the subject.  Now that he already knew something was wrong, she just needed to come out and ask.

Straightening her spine, she looked him directly in the eye and asked.  “Are you having an affair?”

She watched as his expression went from surprise to incredulity to anger.  No one could fake the emotions that quickly played across his face as he processed her question.  Maybe asking him outright was a bad idea after all. 

“How could you ask me such a question?”  His voice was low and alarmingly calm considering that anger that continued to simmer in his eyes.  “How could you….”  He sighed and looked away from her, but not before she saw just how much her question had hurt him.

“I’m sorry, but I had to ask.”  She whispered.  “I was told by a complete stranger tonight that you were having an affair with Patricia Wilson.  That the two of you have been spending so much time together that it was becoming quite obvious…”  She shrugged her shoulders.  “I didn’t
to believe it, so here I am allowing you the opportunity to explain what is going on and why
Ms. Wilson
herself would hint around that she is having an affair with you.”

Bill stood frozen at her words.  “Who did you talk to?”

“You didn’t answer my question.  Are you having an affair?”

He stood in front of her within two long strides.  Lifting his hands to capture her face he implored her with his eyes to believe him.

“I would never,
, seek out another woman as long as I have you.
  You are the only woman in this world that I want in my life and in my bed.”

Carla’s lips quivered and tears ran down her cheeks.  “I had planned this big elaborate scene in order to seduce you after you took me out for my birthday.  It had been so long since you had paid any attention to me that I actually feared that maybe you might have found someone else.  Then tonight Margaret spoke my worst fears and I just shattered.”

Bill pulled her into him as she began to sob anew.  He didn’t know who this Margaret was or why she would make such claims, but he knew he would get to the bottom of it.  There were enough troubles within their marriage without an outsider creating more negativity.

Wiping her tears away, Bill gently kissed her cheek and looked her in the eyes.  His own heart constricted at the misery he saw, the dullness that had overtaken her normally vibrant glow.  He was willing to do anything take that pain away.

“I love you, Carla.  You know that right?”

She nodded her head and buried her face into his chest.  As much as he loved feeling her body against his, the warm comfort he retained from it, he had to make sure she understood,
, that his entire world only existed because of her.

“Come home, Carla.  I miss you so much there are days I can barely breathe from it.  I miss having you as a constant in my life, your warm body in my bed.  I miss smelling you on my clothes.”  His eyes burned from the truth of it.  “The house doesn’t even have the same feel of home since you have been gone.”

Carla pushed away from him and placed her palms flat on the island.  This was killing her.  She was literally dying inside from the turmoil.  She wanted to come home just as much as he wanted her to, but she feared the consequences would be disastrous.

“I love you too, Billy, but I can’t come home.  Not when there are obviously so many issues left to address.  I think I’ve proven tonight that I’m not secure enough with our relationship to do it any justice.  If I come home now there will always be a black cloud lingering over us.”

His fault
  Bill was the reason she was so insecure.  He was the one who ignored her for so long that she no longer trusted in his commitment to her.  Now, because of some unknown person’s malice, the progress they have made has had a setback. 

“Who did you talk to tonight?”

Carla shook her head.  “It doesn’t matter, Billy.”

He couldn’t tamp back the anger that ignited.  “The hell is doesn’t matter.  I need to put a stop to these rumors.  I want to make sure that nothing like this happens again.”

“I don’t know who she was.  She came into Claire’s restaurant with
this evening.  She said she was Patricia Wilson’s assistant and that she had overheard Patricia mention an affair with you during a private conversation with the PA.”

Bill growled deep in his throat and wiped his hands down his face.  “God, that’s just what I need.” 

Carla startled when he suddenly barked out a laugh.  “What is so funny?”

Shaking his head, he chuckled.  “Have you ever seen Patricia Wilson?”

When she shook her head no he smiled.  “She is about twenty years older than me.”  He cocked his head to side in thought. 
“Picture Mrs. Titus, only without the hunch back and standing a foot taller.”

She laughed.  Mrs. Titus was there economics professor in college.  The woman was ancient.  She was hunched over from age and had wrinkles to rival a
Pei.  Billy once teased that she always worn her hair back in a severe bun in order to give
a face lift.

“I guess I don’t have anything to worry about then.”

Bill sobered.  “You wouldn’t have anything to worry about even if she was young and beautiful.  I mean it when I say that you are the only woman for me and I’m sorry I have given you reason to doubt me.”


This man.
This wonderful man.
  He always made her feel special.  Even when they were angry and
he always let her know that he wouldn’t trade her for the world.  It is why she wouldn’t allow herself to believe the worst, even when it was thrown in her face.

Their separation was meant to be an eye opener. 
A way to get him to realize his mistakes.
  It wasn’t until she was gone that she started to really wonder if he even wanted her there.  Because of his prior absence in her life, being away from her home had been the only change she had to adjust to.

It had been an eye opener for her as well.  Not seeing him was already so
that she doubted he even noticed
absence in his life.  It was a major hit to her self-esteem.  She began questioning her desirability as woman, her capability of pleasing her husband.

“Why?” she whispered.

Lifting his hand, he toyed with a lock of hair that had slipped from her ponytail. 

“Why what, sweetheart?”

“Why did you distance yourself from me for so long?”

Bill sighed.  How to answer this question?

“Honestly?  It was purely lack of attention for anything other than my career.  It knew that if I just worked hard enough now then I could be a little more selective on my cases later.  I was so focused on winning that I lost my wife.  The worst part about the whole thing is that I didn’t realize I had lost you until you were already gone.”

He kissed her cheek, the corner of her mouth.

“I went crazy.  I couldn’t sleep so I poured myself into my cases, but I couldn’t even do that right either.  If it weren’t for Atayla keeping me straight I would have lost a lot of clients.  All because I was selfish and didn’t take your feelings into account.”

He brushed his lips up the side of her jaw and when he reached her ear he tugged the tender lobe with his teeth.

“I won’t make that mistake again, Carla.  I promise.”

Seduction, pure and simple, and she was of a mind to be seduced.  Tilting her head to the side, she gave him room to nibble his way down her neck.  He knew all her sensitive areas and used them to his advantage.

Nipping at her collar bone, the fingers of one hand deftly unbuttoned her blouse.  His mouth lowered with each button unbuttoned until he reached the front closure of her bra.  With a quick flick, the two halves parted revealing her breasts.

, so pretty.”

His lips traveled a delicious curve, his nose brushing against her nipple.  Teasingly he rubbed his nose back and forth against the sensitive bud before engulfing it in the wet heat of his mouth.  Carla arched back at the exquisite pleasure, forcing more of her breast in his mouth.

Bill chuckled. 
“Greedy tonight, huh?
  Don’t worry, baby, I plan to devour you.”

Picking her up, he turned and walked her towards the bedroom.  Placing her gently on the bed, he divested her of her clothes before quickly doffing his own.  Bill crawled up the foot of the bed and rested his hips between her thighs.

Reverently, he kissed down her throat to her breasts.  He nipped and suckled until each nipple was red and swollen, until Carla squirmed erotically beneath him.  Only then did he travel further down her body, using his tongue to trace her ribs, her hip bones.

The smell of her arousal went to his head, her scent alluring him to the juncture of her thighs.  Pushing her knees forward, he teasingly ran his tongue around the folds of her pussy until he could see he juices flowing from within.

Her excitement revved him up in ways that were indescribable.  Only she could do this to him.  Only she could satisfy him with her pleasure alone.  Her moans were music to his ears, her taste ambrosia.

Using his thumbs, he parted the lips of her pussy, exposing her most private place to his view.  She was so sexy, so pretty.   He loved fucking her with his mouth. 
Loved when she lost control and fucked her pussy against his face.

When it was over her cheeks would be tinged pink from the embarrassment of her bold actions, and he would purposely destroy control just to see it happen.  The woman was such a contradiction.  Sexy siren and innocent sensibilities all rolled up in to one irresistible package. 

Smiling, he decided it was time to test that control.  His tongue burrowed in her entrance, causing her hips to thrust forward with the first plunge.  He could see her fingers contract, fisting the sheets underneath her body.

He knew if he teased her just right those fingers would be fisting in his hair, and he had every intention of feeling that bite of pain.  Replacing his tongue with his finger, he slowly fucked in and out as his tongue explored her inner folds.

Circling the tip around her clit, he found it stiff and throbbing.  Poor baby, he couldn’t have her lying there in such need.  He pursed his lips and sucked her clit into mouth while fucking her harder and faster with two fingers.

Immediately she cried out and fisted his hair as he knew she would.  The pleasure-pain sent electrical impulses all the way to his balls as her release coated them both with her honey.  He continued to manipulate her sex until her shudders subsided.

Bill moved up her body to look into her eyes as she slowly came back to reality.  Yup, pretty pink and
damn sexy as always.  He wanted to push her tonight, test her boundaries a little.  He managed to loosen up her sexual inhibitions over the years of their marriage.  She is always willing to experiment with him, but there still are some walls he hasn’t been able to raze.

“Sit up here pretty baby, I need to see those lips surrounding my cock.”

Carla moaned as she complied with his order.  It really turned her on when he got all bossy and demanding in bed.  With each command he gave her, her insides liquefied and her juices flowed like molten lava.

She licked her way up the underside of his cock before sucking away the pre cum beading at the tip.  The growl he emitted vibrated through her body, throbbing in her nipples and clit.  She smiled as she circled her tongue around the head, never giving him what he sought.

Wrapping his hand around her ponytail, Bill held her head still as he worked his cock in and out of her mouth.  He watched with hooded eyes as her cheeks hollowed with suction.  It felt so damn good he was sure he was in heaven and when she moaned, it was all he could do  keep from exploding.

“Hold up there, sweetheart.  You have to stop or I’m going to cum down your throat instead of in your pussy.”

He pulled away from her hungry mouth and helped her roll over onto her hands and knees.  After rubbing a few comforting strokes along her spine, he pushed firmly between her shoulder blades until her upper body rested on the bed.

Seeing her ass up in the air was more temptation than he could resist.  Carla yelped as he gave her a few good swats with his hands.  Caressing the sting away, he admired the slight red marks he left behind on her creamy skin.

Reaching his hand between her legs, he petted her pussy and kissed her offended cheeks.

“So fucking sexy.
  You are the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Guiding his cock to her entrance, he entered her with one quick stroke.  They both cried out at the feel of her pussy convulsing around his girth.  Nothing could compare to being inside of this woman. 
  Hips thrusting, cock shuttling in and out of her tight depths, he couldn’t prevent his inner caveman from surging forth.

BOOK: Love of a Lifetime
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