Read Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series)) Online

Authors: Renee Lee Fisher

Tags: #Romance

Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series)) (19 page)

BOOK: Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series))
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“Babe, I’m okay. My head hurts, but I’m going to be just fine.” The doctor said he needed to take some films of my head and told Rand he could head to the waiting room at the end of the corridor where Kent and Connor had gone. That was not going to happen.

“I’m not leaving her unless to have you work on her,” Rand stated.

The good news was my head checked out with only a huge lump. Rand still was not pacified and I could see the worry in his face. When I was cleared to go home hours later, Kent came in the emergency room and said, “Madison, you gave us quite a scare.” I smiled and then winced in pain. They made me ride out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Rand was pushing me at a snail’s pace. Could he go any slower? He was treating me like I was an egg he was afraid to break.

As I rode in Rand’s Hummer and glanced out the window, I had drifted to the memory of meeting of his father. I hoped that bad luck was not going to begin to follow us. At least I made it through this fall and would be okay. Rand gently took hold of my fingers and laced his through them. He pulled my hand to his lips. “Madison, you have to stop hitting your head. I love you so much! I can’t let anything happen to you.” I laid my head on his side as he drove us home.

Once home the phone lines began to burn up with everyone calling to make certain I was fine. Kent had called Cecile from the hospital and she called the world. My mother was getting ready to come stay with me but Rand told Kent to let everyone know I needed rest, quiet and he would update them later. He carried me up to our bed. In the middle of the night I awoke and vomited all over. Rand called the hospital and the doctor told him to keep me awake as I may have a concussion. Great, I feel totally lousy, weak, and sick—like my head is going to explode and the doctor tells Rand to keep me awake. I expected the worst in the hours that followed. They turned out to be the best moments of my entire life.

Rand propped me in the bed and turned on all the lights to keep the room bright. He went downstairs only for a few minutes. “Madison, don’t move and don’t sleep. I will be right back.” He kissed my nose and turned out the door. I heard voices downstairs and soon he returned with his guitar. “I told Kent and Connor you needed to rest. They hung out worried about you.”

“I didn’t want them to hang here all this time,” I said feeling like a burden.

“Madison they actually seem like they get along well, they were down there talking like they’re old friends.”

“Well, before you came to the hospital, Kent was really pissed off. He thought Connor was stepping in on your girl.”

“Oh did he? Well, he cares about you and I will have to thank him for looking out for you, for me.”

“Connor said Kent can crash at his place till the paint is done and the furniture you ordered is delivered. I could have had him stay here in the house with us, but I want peace and quiet for my girl.”

“So babe, why is your guitar up here?”

“Love, I am going to serenade you all night long to keep you up. I plan to play you all the songs that I’ve been working on for my solo album. I’m going to give you a very private concert.”

As he seated himself on the large chair off the side of the bed, his fingers slid down the chords. I was so captivated by how he played and how the music carried me away from the pain shooting through my temples and the nauseous feeling. I felt like the music was caressing me, holding me close to Rand. Rand playing his music calmed me. I never took my eyes from his. A few of the songs brought tears to my eyes. Rand paused, worried, “Are you in pain?”

“No only a good pain that comes from my heart.”

When mid morning came I still had not slept. Neither had Rand as I could see the redness in his eyes. He had cleaned up where I had gotten sick and brought up a tray of crackers and ginger ale to settle my stomach. As soon as I kept some of that down and time passed, I was able to take a pain pill to relieve my aching head and I also took my birth control pill. In the hospital, they performed a pregnancy test as part of the evaluation. They wanted to rule out pregnancy as a cause of my dizziness. The test was negative and I think I knew before they even took it that I wasn’t pregnant. Rand paced in the hospital room nervously while we waited for the results of that but he didn’t seem alarmed, more anxious than anything.

When the nurse came in later and told me I wasn’t pregnant. Rand came and kissed me and said, “If we were, I think it would have been great. Maybe I’d get you to set that wedding date…finally.” My eyes were so tired from the fall, the hospital visit and staying awake an entire day, so I couldn’t bring myself to answer. Rand climbed up next to me and tucked my head to his chest. He rubbed my temples and pushed the strands of my messy hair behind my ears. “I have never been more in love with you. I want to take care of you forever. You are my entire world, my lifeline,” he whispered softly with each caring stroke.

I was drifting off to sleep and this time I didn’t fight it. I welcomed it. I am not sure how long I was sleeping but when I stirred in the bed, Rand was right there with his arms wrapped around me tightly like he never wanted to let me go.

A soft tap sounded at the bedroom door. Rand released his hold on me and went to see who was there. As he opened it there were several bodies standing there. Kent and Cecile were there, my mother and uncle and Maxwell. I had my own little following. As they came in, they were relieved to see that I was doing well despite a giant lump on my head and slight bruising to the one side of my face. My mother climbed on the bed gently, “Madison we were all so worried. Do you want to come back and stay with Jake and me for a little while?”

“Mom, Rand took such good care of me, I’ll be fine.”

“Well, I made plenty of food and it’s downstairs when anyone wants anything to eat.”

“Thank you mom, and I am sorry everyone for scaring you. It was just a freak happening.”

Rand stood in the corner of the bedroom and when he saw me yawn and my eyes droop, he finally spoke. “Okay team Madison, time to leave and let her get her beauty sleep,” I kissed them goodbye.

Cecile leaned in as Kent headed out the door and she said, “Madison, Kent was so worried. He seems so big and strong but he was scared. Oh, and I hear he has a new friend, Connor. He said he thought Connor was hitting on you.”

I shook my head, “I am sorry I upset Kent. It looked like that when he first come in and saw us. But I am glad Kent was here and went with me to the hospital. He is going to be staying here for a while.”

“Yeah, that means that I will see him more and visit you even more,” Cecile kissed my cheek.

Maxwell took hold of my hand and said, “I’m so glad you are going to be okay. Please, take it easy or I will be here babysitting you.”

Alone in my bed I stared up at the ceiling and thought about how much everyone cared for me. I was exhausted and although I tried to stay awake knowing Rand would be up after he walked them out, I gave in and slept.

It was only two days later that my bump had gone down. The doctor said it was the quick thinking to get ice on it immediately that kept it from getting too large. The doctor told Rand if I experience any sort of head pain in the future to get me in to check my head for scar tissue or such as I now, in a span of several months, have had two head injuries. I was feeling more like myself as I came out of the shower. My fiancé was standing naked in front of me. He pulled me into his chest and I felt the heat begin to flame between us. I wanted him right now. He lifted me up and sat me on the bathroom counter wrapping my legs around him. He was hard and ready for me.

“Madison, I don’t want to do anything that will hurt you.”

“If you don’t take me back to bed now, I will be sexually frustrated and that alone will hurt me.” He carried me back to our bed. And put a pillow under my head. He was treating me like a delicate flower, but I really wanted to show him that I was doing fine. I sat up and told him to lie down and I climbed up over him. I rode him hard for the longest time. He filled me so completely and I watched his face and every expression as I pumped up and down his long, hard shaft. I told him to look at me when he came so I could see his release. I wanted and needed to see his face as I took care of him for once. It was a passionate look that then turned calm. I could see so deep into his eyes. I saw my reflection, how I needed this man more than he could ever imagine. His eyes were relaxed from my making him come undone. His relief was clear since he realized that I was really feeling much better.

By the end of the week, the suites were furnished and Kent was more than ready to move in. I sent Connor a thank you text.

Hey Connor thank you for accommodating Kent this week, we really appreciate it. We have your final payment for the construction so let me know if you want me to send it or if you want to visit and pick it up. We love the new spaces.

Madison I would love to visit and see that you’re doing much better. So if it’s alright, I can stop this afternoon?

Connor that works, so I will see you then.

Rand had some errands to run. He wanted to see if a benefit could be lined up at a local club to raise Kent’s family some money to rebuild. Although he didn’t want to leave me, I told him Cecile was coming over to go over my next writing project and then Kent was moving in today. Connor was also stopping by, so there would be a constant flow of visitors. He kissed me so softly, “Love, I will be back soon.”

I padded into the kitchen to make some coffee. I checked through my computer for the first time in days and passed time reading through many emails and messages. I heard the doorbell sound and knew it had to be Cecile. I was actually surprised she wasn’t here awhile ago. When I opened the door she was blushing. “What’s up? You look like the cat that ate the canary!”

“I just ran into Kent moving in your new space.”

“Oh, I see. Kind of ran into his lips maybe?”

“Yeah…that man has me hooked, I cave to his kisses.” As I let her in and told her to help herself to some coffee, I saw Connor pulling in by the barn. Kent was unloading some boxes, and I watched as Kent gave Connor a fist bump and Connor lifted a box to assist him with his things.

Cecile and I were seated in the sunroom and had many of our papers scattered about. She was talking about doing a book singing event with me. I told her that early spring would work, and that I wanted to stay close to home for the winter. I had work to do to begin planning our wedding for late in the spring. I heard Kent come in the front door, and as he came into the sunroom he placed his arms around Cecile and planted a kiss on her. “Hey sweetie, I am all settled in.” Kent grabbed the remote control and started to surf through the channels trying to find the music videos. “Madison, Connor showed up and helped me get everything in. The space is great!” Kent said and sounded happy to be settling in.

“Well isn’t that a nice of him,” Cecile said although she had yet to meet him. “And here I have a great guy.” Cecile pulled Kent back down to reach his lips.

I heard the knock at the front door and knew it was Connor so I hollered, “We’re all back here in the sunroom! Come on in.”

Connor entered the room. “Hey Madison, always nice to see you…” Connor froze. He was staring at Cecile when she looked up at him as she released her lip lock with Kent.

“Cabe?” Cecile asked softly, disbelievingly.

“Avery?” Connor uttered in slow motion almost unable to finish saying it.

“What the hell guys? Are we making up new names? Heck I’ll be Sedrick or Cole,” Kent joked. No one acknowledged Kent’s comment. No one moved and no one spoke.

“Are you guys alright?” Kent tried to break the ice again.

“Madison, how do you know him?” Cecile looked at me with loss and tears forming in her eyes.

“Cecile, this is Connor. He works with Thomas in the city and he did the construction for us here at the barn,” I explained, but I knew what was going on here and I couldn’t believe it.

“Guys what is this question game?” Kent was still trying to figure it out. I knew without saying it aloud. Cecile was Avery. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to speak out but she couldn’t. Cecile spoke in a soft voice that was hardly heard above the music playing on the television, “Avery Cecile Brookes.” Kent hadn’t heard her as he was focused on the video on the screen. Cecile nodded nervously when she spoke again, “My full name is Avery Cecile Brookes.”

“Sweetie, did you say something?” Kent questioned.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. Connor’s long lost love was Cecile. He knew her as Avery and Connor was Cecile’s first love, Cabe who had messed her up so much. I wondered if she took on her middle name to change her life after moving on from him. I thought back and remembered the very first evening I met him with Thomas at a bar in Philly how the guys shouted his name was Cabe. There were so many chances that they could have run into one another over the past few months. I was shocked and didn’t know what to say or do. Kent did not even know what was happening as he just stared at the television and was not really partaking in our immediate conversation. This was one of those great times when a man was smart in tuning out the woman as he watched his program.

Cecile reached for Kent’s hand and said, “Kent I want to be alone with you right now, can we leave?” Kent was all for that, he didn’t even bother to follow up on the earlier name game.

“Just one moment before you leave, I need a word with Cecile, it’s important.” I pulled her into the kitchen and glanced back as we left Kent and Connor together. It looked like Connor was still too shocked at seeing Cecile here. Kent started to talk to him and I think he was just nodding to be polite. I knew he probably wasn’t processing a single word.

In the kitchen, I turned to her, “Are you sure you want to do this and walk out of here right now with Kent? I can’t imagine what you are feeling, but I know that over these months, I made friends with Connor and he really needs to talk with you. He loves you.”

The upbeat mood that Cecile had moments earlier was gone. In her best businesslike, matter-of-fact tone, Cecile stated, “Madison, we’ll finish up all this writing stuff later.” She spoke loudly in case the guys were listening. “Madison he screwed up and screwed me up really bad. I cannot do this with him here right now,” she whispered to me. I had never seen such sadness in her. She reminded me of how broken I was when Thomas left me. Cecile looked torn. I saw her bright eyes fade to gray. I saw the struggle on her face. She walked back in the sunroom, reached directly in front of Connor and took hold of Kent’s hand and tugged him toward the front door. “Pleasure meeting you CONNOR,” Cecile said with the emphasis on his name.

BOOK: Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series))
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