Love me if you dare (18 page)

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: Love me if you dare
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swung to Samantha, glee and enjoyment on her face.  “At least I achieved one
thing!  You suffered, you still suffer.  Up to this day you believed he raped
you.  I saw you when you left that day, so defeated, so hurt, and being the
naïve, soft peach you were, I knew you would suffer.  That you would not be
able to forget what he did to you.  Thinking he raped you, living with that
memory, broke you, kept you from giving yourself to anyone!”

laughed as if possessed. “At least I destroyed that pleasure for you. Look at
you … still a virgin at twenty seven!”

turned to her and she started panting in fear.  The look of lust and excitement
in his eyes incinerated her and he pulled a pocket knife from his pocket and
she screamed again, desperately cringing against the headboard, trying to avoid
his hands.  He just laughed and looking into her eyes, he slowly pushed the
blunt side of the knife between her breasts and cut her bra in half. He used
the tip of the knife to push the cups from her breasts and uncovered her to his
lustful gaze.

cried and begged incoherently and Elaine screeched and scratched her nails down
Wieldman’s face.  “No!  Leave her be. Why do you think I prevented you from
having her before?  You are mine!  I do not share, especially not with HER!”

smirked at her.  “Why the hell did you think I wanted her here if not for

went crazy and Wieldman tried to hold her down, but she scratched and kicked
like a wildcat.  Samantha kept working on the rope and screamed in fear when he
threw Elaine against the wall and turned back towards her, not even noticing Elaine
slipping unconscious to the floor.  He reached for the zipper of his pants and
Samantha kicked and screamed when he closed in on her.

cursed when a vicious crash sounded from the next room and then snatched the
knife he had thrown down on the floor and turned towards the door. 

next moment the door crashed open and a savage Nicolas seized the hand with the
knife Wieldman stabbed at him in the same motion as he charged through the
door. Samantha screamed in fear.  His gaze swung to her and his eyes went black
with rage.  He twisted his hand sharply and a loud crack sounded; Wieldman
screamed in pain.  Nicolas had broken his wrist; the knife cluttered to the

stared at the silver eyes that blazed black at him and knew he stared death in
the face.  He screamed in fear.

didn’t rape her!  I never had her!  Not then and not now!”


stilled.  “What … how?”

is the woman I love and I faced first-hand the terror and pain she lived with
for six years. For that I am taking everything you worked your life for to
build.”  Nicolas’s voice was quiet, but as frosty as the Arctic sky.

rushed in and Nicolas told him to cover Samantha and untie her, his eyes never
leaving Wieldman’s.

… what do you mean?”

here felt guilty enough to tell me the truth and needed to fix what he did to
her.  We set you up.  Why do you think I offered Elaine the job at Global?  I
knew she was in cahoots with you.  I knew if I gave her enough rope she would
hang the both of you and she did.”

paled.  “The new R & D projects …”

forensic investigative team arrived at your offices just after you left and
they just phoned me with confirmation that they found evidence of industrial
espionage;  high level industrial espionage against Global. Enough to ensure
you will rot in jail and your company and every cent you own will belong to
Global soon.  You Wieldman … are done!”

lost all color in his face and suddenly looked ten years older.

tell me Wieldman, was your vendetta against Alexander worth losing everything? You
intended to rape her then as you did now.  For that … I will kill you!”

Nicolas!  Please, I need you!  Please!”  Samantha pleaded hoarsely, struggling
against Desmond’s arms holding her back, desperate to reach him.

I won’t, because I intent to spend the rest of my life making sure she never
think of you and what you did to her again.”

fist exploded in his face and blood spattered all over Wieldman’s face, his
eyes rolled in his eyes and he screamed in pain, then his breath hissed out as
another straight fist slammed into and broke his ribs, finally he crashed
against the wall as Nicolas’s fist crushed his jaw, just as he crushed his

stared at the whimpering man on the floor with an impassive face, heaving in
deep breaths to force the rage from his body.  Samantha tore from Desmond’s
arms and hurled herself at him.  He caught her in his arms and clutched her
against him, his face buried in her neck and her arms clenched him tight, her
nails dug into his back as sobs tore through her body.

lifted her in his arms and carried her all the way to his car.  He got in the
backseat with her still grasped in his arms, wishing he could take all the bad
memories from her and into him.

was nearly an hour later before Desmond joined them.  Samantha had cried
herself to sleep and a forlorn sob escaped her lips now and then.  Her body was
soft and relaxed in his arms. He watched unemotionally when the police took
Wieldman away and later Elaine in the ambulance.  He didn’t even spare her a
thought or any concern for her condition.  Whatever happened to her, she

drove them to the Ranch, Nicolas still clasping Samantha in his arms on the
backseat and accepted Nicolas’s invitation to spend the night.  Mary rushed out
and cried in shock when she noticed Samantha, but Nicolas waved her away.

prepare us something light for dinner, Mary and show Desmond to one of the
spare rooms. Get him some of my clothes and something to sleep in as well. I am
going to run Samantha a warm bath and then put her to bed.”

carried her upstairs to her room, which they now shared and placed her
carefully down on the bed.  She sighed and curled on her side.  He stood
looking at her; the love for her charged through him and nearly crippled him. 
His heart contracted at what could have happened if they had not arrived in

sighed and rolled his head back.  Thank God her ordeal was over.  Now their
future was all they needed to concentrate on.  He ran a hot bubble bath and
went back to wake her up.   He sat down at the edge of the bed and softly
stroked down her back, angry that the weasel saw her naked.  She moaned softly
and he leaned over to kiss her on her shoulder.

wake up.  I ran you a bath.”  She stretched and opened her eyes and immediately
fear filled them.  His eyes caught hers and she relaxed, love now shining at
him.  He tugged her up against him and kissed her with a desperation that
wrenched at his heart.

stroked her hands down his back, softly smoothing the tension and anger away,
until he gentled the kiss and ended it tenderly.  He picked her up and carried
her to the bathroom, dragging the sheet off that Desmond covered her with and
froze, noticing the cut edges of her bra for the first time.  His voice sounded
like death itself.

… used the knife on you!  God I should have killed him!”  Samantha took his
face in her hands and forced his agonized eyes to hers.

over, my love! He didn’t touch me this time, except to slap me and cut my bra. 
Please, let us not talk about it ever again.  I don’t even want to think of it
ever again, and I can only do that if you do too.”  She kissed him softly on
his lips and peeked at the inviting bubble bath.

said something about a bath?”  She looked up at him invitingly through her
eyelashes.  “Are you going to join me?  I remember you telling me you are an
expert at washing ba … eeekk.”  She screeched and then giggled when he ripped
her panties off and lifted her into the bath.   She watched him undress and
gasped when his full erection sprang free.  Her hand rose as off its own to
tenderly stroke down the velvet hardness and he gulped.

was the best bubble bath she ever had, and she made him promise to give her one
at least once a week for the rest of their lives!  He was only too happy to

Chapter Eighteen

social behavior most closely mirrors the antagonistic behavior of the
antisocial-narcissistic-borderline-histrionic cluster of personality disorders. 
In other words she has the triarchic psychopathic personality strain disorder.”

trembled so much she had to sit down.  Samantha stared at the specialist with

… why now all of a sudden?  She is twenty six years old.”

were told … six years ago that she was bipolar!  She has been on treatment
since then, but I knew something was wrong over the past few months.  She
changed, became cruel then at times totally withdrawn.  I just thought she had
stopped taking her medication.”  Shone cried out in near hysteria.

doctor nodded.  “The bipolar medication is probably what has kept her
psychopathy contained.  If she stopped taking it, let’s say eight to ten months
ago, it stands to reason that her disorder has now culminated so quickly to
this level. This type of strain is mainly hereditary … is there anyone in her
immediate family with a similar condition?”

complexion turned waxen.  Oh God, not that too!  She shook her head weakly and
the specialist frowned.

factors of her symptoms are dominant?” asked Nicolas, where he stood behind
Samantha with his arm around her waist.

am sorry, but the Triarchic strain is the worst of the disorder.  The factors
that drive it are boldness, a low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration
of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness.
Dis-inhibition that corresponds to impairments in frontal lobe systems and in
her case this one is the strongest, meanness. She lacks empathy and close
attachments with others, portrays a disdain of close attachments and uses cruelty
to gain empowerment and violence … she has lost total control, which is why we
keep her hands and feet strapped to the bed.”

do we treat it?  Will she ever be normal again?”  Samantha asked with sadness
in her heart.

psychiatric medications may alleviate conditions sometimes associated with TPSD,
or with symptoms such as aggression, including antipsychotic, antidepressant or
mood-stabilizing medications.  In Elaine’s case … it is ineffective on its own
at this point.  We’ll embark additionally with strong mental and electro
therapy, but she will have to be admitted to a psychiatric institution.”

God, my poor little girl!  How long?”

now … indefinitely.  I am sorry, but that’s the best I can do at this stage. 
You are welcome to see her for a while.  She is lucid, but I have to warn you,
she jumps between the ages of twelve and current.”

was smiling happily when they walked up to the bed.  She smiled broadly and her
voice sounded like a little girl’s.

sis, did you bring me chocolates?  Those one’s with the coconut around them?” 
Shona cried and ran out of the room.

chatted happily to Samantha about her pony and her naughty dog and she answered
and played along.  Then she fell silent for so long Nicolas indicated they
should leave.  She swung her eyes to him when she heard his voice, then glared
at Samantha.  Her voice was hard and brittle.

little slut!  Get your hands off him!  He is mine!  I will kill him before I
let you have him!” 

pulled Samantha with him to the door and the nurse rushed past them.  She
looked over her shoulder and winced at the sight of Elaine straining and
pulling at the restraints, screaming hysterically. 

mine!  Slut!  Whore!”  The injection the nurse gave her worked within seconds
and she slumped back on the pillows.

sat in the foyer, desolation evident in the slump of her shoulders.  She looked
up when they walked up to her.

is my punishment.  If I did not date both Alexander and Jason on varsity … I
was so young, so … so full of myself!  It felt so good to have two guys in love
with you!  But I knew from early on my heart belonged to Alexander.  I should
never have … none of this would have happened!”

sat down next to her and drew her into her arms.  “No Mom, it’s not your fault.
That man was the one to blame.  You can’t take responsibility for what he did.”

shook her head and looked at Samantha in despair.  “But I am.  When you were
born, your Dad was so happy.  You immediately crept into his heart and he
adored you … he always did.  It didn’t matter to him that you were not a boy …
I was livid, you should have been a boy!  A first borne should always be a boy!
All the scans said as much, clothes, your room, everything was for a boy.  I
was depressed, your father and I fought non-stop and four months later I walked
out on the both of you.”

froze. “You what?”  She still struggled to accept that her father adored her,
having believed most of her life he also resented her for not being a boy.

was an easy target then … Jason … he talked me in to moving in with him … and I
did.  I don’t know why!  To this day I don’t know why I did that.  He was in
the clouds.  He won; he had taken me away from Alexander.  When your father
found out he was furious, he came to fetch me a week later and the moment he
walked in I knew he was still the only man I loved.”

cried openly now and sobbed loudly.  “And you, when I took you in my arms and
looked at me with those big violet eyes … I hated myself!  The first baby to be
borne with violet eyes, according to the doctors, not the usual baby blue-grey
color … I loved you from that point … so much!  Then I found out … I was
pregnant, with Jason’s child.”

gasped, “No!”

father was in a rage, but forgave me. I wanted an abortion, but he refused. 
Said it was not the baby’s fault and he would accept it as his own, as long as
Jason never found out.”

is his daughter?”  Shona nodded at Nicolas and he winced, but decided not to
say anything about the relationship they now had.

turned to Samantha.  “What you overheard that day … I was referring to Elaine,
not you! At that time she had started to change, she was rude and mean and I
now know why, it was the early symptoms of this disease. But even that was
inexcusable, she carried no blame and I only realized it then.  That is why I
turned to her then, why I … favored her over you, because I felt guilty! Not
because I loved you less or still resented you for being a girl!”

shook her head and her eyes were sad.  “That is the reason your Dad and I
reacted so badly that night!  He could not take it that you slept with Jason,
the man that took me and gave us Elaine … I am so sorry!”

pulled his hands through his hair.  “She never slept with him, Shona.  Elaine
and he concocted a scheme to break Alexander.  They drugged her, tied her to
the bed and when she came to he had every intention of raping her, but then
Elaine had drugged him as well and he passed out.  Elaine set it up so Samantha
appeared to just have woken sexually satisfied.  She wanted to hurt Alexander,
make him suffer for Samantha being his favorite.”

shook her head in disbelief.  “That is when she became worse … it was just
after that we realized something was seriously wrong and took her to the
doctor.  He really didn’t … you really didn’t sleep with him?”

shook her head and Nicolas drew her in his arms. “No, he didn’t and I can
attest for that.  She was a virgin when we …”

… it’s my mother!”  He glanced at her with warmth in his eyes.

know honey, and it is time we told her.”  He lifted her hand and kissed the ring
on her finger.  Shona noticed the glittering diamond and jumped up.

and Nicolas?  Oh God, I am so glad.  Alexander can now rest in peace.  This is
exactly what he wanted.  He said from the day we met you, that you were
Samantha’s soul mate!  Oh, I am so happy.” 

jumped up and hugged Samantha, then pulled back, remembering her feelings
towards her.

smiled softly at her mother.  “I need some time, Mom.  This has all been too
much … it is like a movie with more twists than turns and I need to … just give
me some time.”

nodded and relief shone in her eyes.  There was hope for them yet.  She turned
to go to Elaine and asked over her shoulder, “Have you decided on a date yet?”


Samantha speared a glare at him.

when did we do that?”  He leaned down and gave her a hard kiss.

I have waited for you for ten years.  Enough already!   Saturday, the tenth, at
the Ranch.”

No, that is impossible!  We will never be able to arrange a wedding in three
weeks! No honey!  I want a big wedding, with all the trimmings!  Flowers,
bridesmaids, dancing and a white wedding dress!”

I’ll concede.  You can have your big wedding with all the trimmings.  As long
as you can arrange it in three weeks; and that is not negotiable!”

started arguing loudly, but he yanked her hard against him, stared deeply into
her passionate eyes.  He leaned down slowly but Samantha lost her patience and
reared up to reach his mouth.  The people walking around them smiled and
chuckled at the couple kissing so intensely and passionately at the hospital
entrance.  Shona watched them with tears in her eyes, clutching at her heart.

happy at last, Alexander.  Our Sammy is happy at last!”

read her father’s letter that night and Nicolas held her tenderly in his arms
when the tears of regret and loss fell down her cheeks.   He had regretted all
the words he threw at her the very next day and has been searching for her.  He
knew what really happened and about Elaine’s involvement.  That was what caused
his heart attack.  He regretted never having the opportunity to tell her how
much he loved her and apologizing for what he did to her.   He urged her to
open her heart and find the one true love … the one that would guide and
protect her for all her days.

smiled at Nicolas through her tears … softly whispering to Alexander …
did, Dad … I found my one true love!

forgot to breathe.  She took his breath away when she walked down the aisle on
Pops’ arm.  She looked like the most beautiful, sweetest angel and he could
have sworn she floated to him.

here, now again, where she leaned seductively against the door jam, wearing
only a tiny see thru purple teddy.  She couldn’t have been more alluring had
she been naked.  The see thru teddy hugged her breasts, her beautiful large
nipples clearly visible and straining against the lace.  He swallowed and his
eyes caressed down her body and groaned when she walked towards him; the teddy
had a slit in the front and opened from below her breasts as she walked, baring
her stomach and her naked mound to his hungry gaze – she wore no panties.

had seen her naked more times than he could remember, but tonight she took his
breath away as if it was the first time.  His body tightened painfully and
tented the sheet covering his hips; Samantha ripped it off and threw it to the
edge of the bed, her eyes and hands caressing up his legs to circle his
shaft.   He growled when her hands caressed his arousal slowly up and down,
raking her fingers up the length on one side, then down the other.

climbed on the bed and he reached for her, but she pressed him back down,
leaned in and kissed him feather soft on his lips.

just want to see you naked, baby.  Let me take off …”  She leaned back,
straddled his legs and pulled the teddy off slowly, inch by inch revealing her
beautiful body to him.  His eyes burned silver fire at her.  “God, you are so

smiled slowly, caressing down his torso to rake her nails up his shaft again;
his deep growl indicating his pleasure.

he forgot to breathe … again!  Samantha leaned down and her lips closed around
the tip of his shaft.  His whole body stiffened and he was scared to draw a
breath in fear of combusting.  She took him deeper and gently sucked the tip,
her tongue folding and caressing down his length.  He sucked air desperately in
his lungs and clutched at the sheets below him and when she scraped her teeth
upwards around his pulsing shaft he shouted in agony.

next moment she was flat on her back and he loomed over her, his face fierce in
his arousal. He panted and held himself above her with his hands on either side
of her.  His eyes glowed and he growled again when she opened her legs wider
and he settled deeper in between.  His face stiffened even more, and he shook
his head at her, grinding the words out.

wanted to make slow, tender love to you tonight … you just made that
impossible!  You should know better than to do this to me after a week of

plunged his shaft into her and the mewl she released was loud, husky and
animalistic.  Her tight walls closed around him so tightly he wheezed and
panted.  She started rotating and grinding her hips into his.

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