Read Love Me Forever Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #historical romance, #highlanders

Love Me Forever (27 page)

BOOK: Love Me Forever
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Arran tempered his emotions and hung his
head as though saddened by the news. Then he raised his head and
looked to Royce. “I will raise your child as if he were my

Silence fell in the great hall, and many who
stood nearby stepped back in fear of Royce’s reaction.

Royce was calm and confident when he spoke.
“If Ian does not kill you, I will.”

Arran actually paled and moved back several
steps. “I wish you no harm.”

Royce released Brianna, nudging her to
Moira’s side.

She went reluctantly. He moved forward
toward Arran. “You are a coward.”

Arran’s face turned scarlet at the obvious
challenge. “I have behaved cowardly, but I am not a coward. I wish
only to love my wife even if she carries your child.”

“You will not have
my wife or my

“Brianna is legally mine.” Arran’s patience
was beginning to wane. “Therefore, the child is legally mine if I
so choose.”

Royce almost reached out to choke him, but
he stopped himself, his fists tightening at his sides. He would not
allow himself to think that this coward would have any right to
Brianna or his child. He would see him dead first.

“You can choose nothing. Ian will decide
your fate.”

Arran visibly cringed. “I know Ian to be a
fair man.”

He spoke loudly for all to hear and for many
to sympathize with his plight. “I pray that he will be fair in his
judgment. That is why I returned to meet my fate and extend my
regret for my foolish actions. I have suffered much while I was
gone, and I will suffer more if necessary.

I only ask for mercy and a chance to make

Royce moved forward with such speed that
Arran had no chance to move. They finally stood face to face.

Royce spoke for only Arran to hear. “No
matter what Ian decides, you will eventually face me and me alone.
I will have no mercy.”

Arran shook with fear no matter how hard he
attempted to control his tremble. “You have no right to

“I have every right, for she loves me.”

Arran whispered harshly, “Brianna does not
know how to love a man.”

Royce did not stop himself. His hand flew to
Arran’s throat, grabbed a hard hold, lifted him off the floor, and
held him there, his feet dangling. “Speak ill of my wife and I will
snap your worthless neck,” Royce threatened.

Arran choked and fought, grabbing at Royce’s
hand and attempting to break his hold. His strength was that of
many men; there was no breaking free.

Ian stepped forward and Royce’s men
converged around him before Ian could gain on them. Blair moved to
Ian’s side and the hall looked about ready to fight, and all for
the sake of a coward.

“Enough,” Ian said, his voice thundering in
the hall. “His fate is mine to decide.”

Royce lowered Arran to the ground, but
before releasing him he whispered, “You and I shall settle

Ian stepped past Royce’s men, shoving those
aside that would not move. When he reached Arran, he spoke loud
enough for the entire hall to hear. “You will be held in the rooms
beneath the keep until your fate is decided.”

Arran appeared relieved. “As you wish,
though I beg you to let me speak with my wife.”

“Nay,” Royce said. “She has nothing to say
to you.”

“I have things I must say to her,” Arran
said, looking to Ian.

“It is my sister’s choice,” Ian said.

“Nay, it is mine,” Royce said forcefully.

My wife
will not speak to him.”

“I will speak with my wife!” Arran shouted
for all to hear, especially Brianna.

Brianna shivered at the thought. She had no
desire to speak with him or be near him. She wanted nothing to do
with him and feared that as his wife she would have no choice. She
remained close to Moira, grabbing hold of her hand for support.

“You need not speak to him,” Moira assured
her. “You heard your brother. It is your choice.”

“Brianna, please talk with me. I am sorry,”
Arran begged.

Brianna wanted to cover her ears and drown
his pleas, but she would appear a coward, and she wished to show

Ian finally settled it. “You will not
disturb my sister now. If she wishes she will speak to you;
otherwise you will remain silent.” Ian then looked to Royce.
“Please see to Brianna while I finish dealing with him.”

Royce understood that Ian felt that his
sister had seen enough and that he and Brianna required time alone
to discuss this unexpected situation.

“I will speak with you later.”

Royce nodded to Ian, knowing that it was
necessary for them to talk alone. What would be decided, Royce did
not know. He only knew that Brianna would remain his; he would not
surrender her.

Royce took Brianna in his arms, and together
they left the hall, the celebration at an end.

Brianna hurried out of Royce’s arms when
they entered her bedchamber and rushed to the fireplace, holding
her hands out to warm them. The chill would not leave her; she felt
the cold down to her bones and she could not get warm. She rubbed
her hands together and then rubbed her arms.

Royce came up behind her, pressed his body
against hers, and rubbed at her arms.

They spoke not a word, both attempting to
understand their circumstances.

Royce made it known how he felt. “You are
mine and I will not let you go.”

Brianna shared her fear. “I am married to
Arran. What choice do I really have?”

“The choice is yours,” he assured her. ‘To
me we are wed, and I will take you from here at this moment if you

She pulled away from him, yanking the wreath
from her head and tossing it on the table. “We are not wed, and how
can I leave while my husband awaits his fate?”

“You owe him nothing.”

“My vows say otherwise.”

“His vows meant nothing to him,” Royce said,
attempting to make her see reason.

She shook her head. “He is my husband and I
do not want to be his wife, but what do I do?”

“Come away with me,” he urged, taking a step
toward her.

She moved away from him. “I cannot continue
to run from my fears. This must be settled between him and me.

“He lies and will continue to lie.”

“I know,” she admitted. “That is why this
must be settled now.”

“Your brother will settle it, and if not
him, then I.”

She feared what both men would do, and yet,
had not Arran caused his own fate? “I must speak to my brother
about this.”

Royce objected. “Nay, I will speak with

“Do what you must, but so must I.”

Royce took a slow step toward her, and she
did not retreat from him. “I love you and will not let you go.”

“I love you and do not wish to leave you,
but I am another man’s wife and that must be settled first.”

“You carry my child,” he reminded, his hand
settling over her stomach.

She covered his hand with hers.

“Both of you are mine.”

She did not know how to respond. What did
she do when she carried the child of the man she loved and was
married to a man she despised? And what if her brother imprisoned
Arran for his crimes? She remained legally wed to him and was not a
free woman. Did she go with Royce and live in sin?

“There is much to be discussed and decided,”
she said, hoping that somehow a satisfying conclusion could be

“The only discussion necessary is when you
will be ready for departure.”

“I cannot run away.”

“We have a right to be together.” He sounded
angry, but Brianna knew he suffered.

“Until this is settled you and I have no
right. Please, Royce, be patient. I fear losing you.”

He took her in his arms and held her close.
“You will not lose me; this I promise you.”

A knock on the door interrupted them. Moira
peeked around the edge. “I do not wish to disturb you, but Ian
wishes to speak with Royce.”

“Not me?” Brianna asked.

Moira entered, shaking her head. “He feels
you have been through enough for today and that tomorrow is soon
enough to speak with you.”

“Your brother is right,” Royce said,
reluctantly releasing her. “This has been upsetting for you. Relax.
I will return when I am done.”

Brianna voiced her irritation. “This is my
life, my decision.”

Royce disagreed. “You are my wife and my
responsibility. I will see to this.”

His command did not sit well with her. For
too long decisions had been made for her and always in her best
interest. Not until she was free of Arran and on her own did she
realize how much she enjoyed her independence. She did not wish to
lose that now, not after it had taken her so long to regain it.

“This is for me to decide.” She was firm. No
tremble or shiver threatened to weaken her.

Royce wisely chose patience over anger. “We
love each other, Brianna; therefore, it requires a mutual decision
between us and us alone.”

He was right; this decision would affect
them both and their child. She could not be selfish about it, but
then, she should not be disregarded.

“That is all the more reason why I should be
present when you and Ian speak.”

A sensible retort but one Royce did not
agree with, though he remained patient. “Allow me to speak with
your brother, and then we both will speak with him together.”

“If you speak with him alone, then I speak
with him alone. We are either together or not.”

His patience was beginning to thin. “There
are some things men discuss that are not for women to hear.”

“If it concerns me, I wish to hear it.”

Moira had remained silent until now. “I
agree with you, Brianna. If a woman does not speak and demand, her
life will never be hers.”

Royce knew when he was outnumbered. “Let me
speak with Ian and—”

“Let us all join Ian,” Moira said, walking
over to Brianna and hooking her arm with hers.

He was wise enough to realize he had lost
the skirmish and wondered if Ian would be more victorious, though
having grown to know Moira, he doubted it.

Royce walked to the door and held it open.
“After you, ladies.”

Arm in arm and with satisfied smiles Moira
and Brianna preceded Royce out the door.

Ian looked passed his wife and sister as
they entered his solar to Royce, who followed behind them.

Royce grinned, shrugged, and cast an eye
toward Moira.

Ian shook his head, accepting defeat.

Brianna spoke up. “I have a right to be
here, Ian.”

“I suppose you do, so I will not argue with
you, since it would be pointless, especially since my wife stands
beside you.”

“That I do,” Moira said, as if anyone should
doubt it.

“Arran rests more comfortably than he
deserves in the keep’s dungeon,” Ian said, knowing it was useless
to disagree with the two women and wanting to settle this matter as
quickly as possible. “He insists on speaking with you,

Royce answered for her. “She will not speak
with him.”

“It is up to Brianna,” Ian reminded.

Royce looked to Brianna, and she understood
that what he had said was true, this was a matter that required
consideration between them and she could not do that standing
beside Moira. She should be standing by the man she truly
considered her husband.

She walked over to Royce and slipped her
hand in his. “It is something that Royce and I must decide

Royce raised their joined hands to kiss
hers. “I am proud you are mine.”

His words stirred her heart. It had been
many years since anyone had told her they were proud of her, and
she thrilled at the thought that he took pride in her.

Ian was glad to see them unite over this.
“Then you do not wish to speak with him?”

“I truly do not know what I would say to
him. He stirs old memories and fears I thought I had laid to

“You have nothing to fear,” Royce said
harshly, angry that another caused her fear. “I will always protect

“I know,” Brianna said with a soft smile. “I
have no doubt of that, but a small part of me wonders . . .”

Royce understood and it did not sit well
with him.

“You wonder if I truly can protect you.”

“Arran is my husband.” Brianna’s voice
trembled. “He has rights with me that you do not. He is deceptive
and he charms without most realizing it.”

“Your brother is not ignorant,” Royce
insisted. “He will see that he is made to pay for his crimes. He
will sentence him to death and be done with this matter.”

“He cannot,” Brianna said, turning to her
brother. “If you order his execution, all will say that you did so
only so that Royce and I could wed.”

“You understand my dilemma,” Ian said with a
sense of relief.

Royce shook his head. “I do not understand.
Ian leads the clan and his decision is law. Arran attempted to take
Moira’s life. That is a crime punishable by death. He should get
what he deserves.”

“I have shown mercy before and Arran knows
this,” Ian explained.

“You cannot think of letting him go without
punishment?” Royce asked incredulously.

“Nay, I would not do that,” Ian assured him.
“He deserves imprisonment, but my sister does not and there lay my
dilemma. If I sentence him to imprisonment, my sister remains his
wife and is not free to wed you. If I sentence him to death,
Brianna is right; many will talk and doubt my fairness as a

Royce understood all too well the difficulty
of leading a clan. “A leader cannot always be fair; he must do what
is right and oftentimes difficult.”

Ian agreed. “Aye, you are right and this is
a difficult decision.”

Royce lost all patience. “Do as you will
with Arran, but Brianna leaves here tonight with me.”

“That is not wise,” Ian said firmly. “Until
this is settled, Brianna should remain here.”

BOOK: Love Me Forever
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