Love Me Always (11 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Love Me Always
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Catherine’s smile disappeared and a frown crossed her brow. “But,
Grant? I have no idea how to attire myself in such a way.”

“My dear, do not worry your pretty little head about that. Nick has agreed to take you into town tomorrow and help you get what you need.”

Nick waited for Catherine’s eyes to meet his, and when they did, they widened. Color darkened her cheeks.

“Nicholas is going to take me?”

“Yes, my dear.” Grant grasped her hand and patted it. “I would, but I’m still too weak, and I don’t want to postpone your trip any longer. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No,” she answered, keeping her eyes on Nick. “Just as long as I’m not a bother.”

Nick stood and moved to the window. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he told her over his shoulder. “You won’t be a bother.”

“Very well, then. Tomorrow will be fine.”

“Good. Everything is settled,” Grant replied. “So, Catherine, how was your morning ride?”

Nick leaned against the window as he studied Catherine. Her smile and eyes widened as she proceeded to tell Grant about the ride around the estate and how it turned into a horse race instead of a tour. Because she had won the first race, Gregg and Ian challenged her to another, and another, until they could finally beat her. Poor Mrs. Berkley was left behind, more upset than an irritated mule.

The longer Nick kept his eyes on her and listened to Catherine’s sweet voice, the angrier he became. The thought of her becoming his uncle’s wife bore in his gut like an infection, eating away his very will to breathe. Everyone loved her, but he couldn’t – not the way he wanted. His two idiotic brothers gazed upon her with such admiration written all over their spellbound faces, and Nick’s uncle...well, the duke had been smitten from the very beginning when she was only fourteen years old.

“Catherine, my dear, I’m in the mood for a ride in my carriage. Would you come with me?” Grant asked.

She hesitated briefly then nodded. “I need to freshen myself a little
first. Do you mind waiting a few minutes?”

“Of course not.”

“Besides that, you’d better send a servant to find Mrs. Berkley. I fear she must have lost her way.”

Everyone laughed except Nick. She turned and her dress swished with her hurried steps. When she was out of hearing distance, he asked his uncle, “Do you really think going for a drive is a good idea? You are still very exhausted from last night.”

“Nonsense.” Grant waved his hand through the air, shoeing him away as he stood. “I would like some private time with her, and that my dear boy, is worth an outing.”

Nick didn’t argue, only because it wouldn’t do him any good. Once Grant made up his mind that was the end of their conversation.

The duke put all his support on his cane as he walked out of the room. Nick hurried to his side to help him out of the house and to await the carriage. Excitement danced in his uncle’s eyes, and this worried Nick. What if Grant became too wound up and his heart couldn’t take it? Any normal man would be overly anxious to be alone with Catherine. Look at the way Nick had reacted last night.

It surprised Nick when Catherine came outside not more than fifteen minutes later. He’d never seen a woman take less than an hour to ready herself. In the small amount of time, Catherine’s hair had been taken out of her thick braid and combed, then pulled away from her face with a ribbon. She still wore her riding habit, but it looked like it had been brushed clean.

Because they had yet to find Mrs. Berkley, Catherine’s maid went along. Nick helped his uncle into the buggy first, then turned and aided Catherine. When a whiff of her rose scent touched his senses, his stomach flipped.

“Please be careful,” he whispered in her ear. “The duke is still very fragile.”

She pulled away and sat, giving him a confusing stare. Nick hoped the more she thought about what he whispered to her, the more she could understand what he

Nick stood back with his brothers as his uncle, Catherine, and her maid drove off together, Catherine doing the driving.

Gregg chuckled. “You know, I think Catherine will be good for Uncle Grant’s health. She has already brightened up our home. We have been too long without a female around here.”

Nick’s answer to that was a loud, angry laugh, then he turned sharply on his heels and stomped back inside the house to his study where he slammed the door for better emphasis. The echoing of his brother’s laughter only made him more irate.


Chapter Six


A leisurely wind blew through the trees, gently caressing the overhead branches that shaded the desolate country road. The afternoon weather was perfect for the ride. The air had warmed slightly since morning, making the outdoors a little easier for Catherine to take. Even her visit with Grant wasn’t as nerve-wracking as she’d thought it would be. She talked to him like she used to as a child, and not once did she feel uneasy.

Since Grant couldn’t guide the horses, she handled the reins in the two-seat buggy and led them down the road. At Grant’s request, she pulled over, under the shade of a hickory tree. Her maid climbed out, but didn’t wander away, giving her and Grant a little more privacy.

“I have always favored this part of the estate,” he commented, squinting as he scanned the area. “I came here as a lad many times. Occasionally, your father joined me in a game of rock skipping in the pond over yonder.” He pointed in the direction.

She laughed. “It sounds like such cherished memories. How long have you known my father?”

His attention moved back to her and he smiled. “Since I was very young. As you know, your father was our Pastor’s son, but he didn’t always follow the straight and narrow path as his father had wanted. Although Henry is more disciplined now, there were many days both of us received a good scolding from our mothers.”

“When did you meet my mother?”

For a moment, Catherine detected a solemn look in his light blue eyes, his mouth turned down in a frown. As quickly as it came, it disappeared and he smiled. “I met your mother when I was in my fifteenth year.”

“How did you meet her?”

“She was the daughter of a farmer. Sophia didn’t come from a noble family. Your father actually met her first, and then he brought her to meet me, here at this very spot.” His gaze lifted to the sky.

“Tell me more,” Catherine urged.

He chuckled, turning his attention back to her. “You are full of questions today.”

She shrugged. “I have always known you and my parents were friends, but they rarely talked about their youth.”

His smile softened the longer he held her stare and unease began to take root inside her. She glanced at Emily. Would her maid be of assistance if Catherine needed her? But would Grant do anything improper with her maid so close?

“You know,” he said, reaching out to stroke her cheek, “you resemble your mother quite a bit.”

She nodded, hands clasped tight against her stomach.

“Your mother was just as beautiful in her younger years.” He dropped his hand. “You have taken after her quite a bit that sometimes I think I’m looking at her when she was your age.”

Exactly what I expected,
Catherine inwardly seethed
“Your words are most kind, Grant.”

He remained silent as he kept his narrowed gaze on her. His attention roamed over her, from the top of her head, over her eyes and nose, coming to rest on her mouth. She tightened her hands around the reins, praying he wasn’t thinking of kissing her. She wouldn’t be able to handle that right now.

“Catherine, my dear, you will make a perfect duchess.”

She took a deep inhale before answering, “I thank you, again, but I fear I will not know the first thing about being a duchess.”

“Oh, I assure you, you will know what to do when the time arrives.”

Nodding, she forced herself to smile, all the while trying to calm the turbulent wave rolling in her stomach. She never wanted that time to arrive. As before, fright consumed her, making her want to run far away.

The discussion she’d had with Nick popped in her mind, reassuring her Grant was an understanding man. If she’d open up her feelings to him, would he truly understand? But she couldn’t bring herself to say anything.

His hand moved behind her and he stroked her hair. The faraway look in his eyes bothered her and she wanted to slap his hand away.

“Oh, Sophia,” he muttered.

She jerked away from him, and at the same time she pulled on the reins. The horses skirted in a half-circle, neighing out a protest. Suddenly, they lurched, and she slid on the seat, bumping into Grant. Emily ran over and grabbed the bridle of one horse, trying to keep it from running. She cooed the animals until they stilled.

Grant fell against Catherine and the pallor of his face caught her attention. A deathly gray colored his skin and his eyes rolled back in his head. Against her, he was dead weight and his head rolled across her shoulder and chest, onto her lap.

“Grant?” Her voice came out unsteady. She shook his shoulders, but he lay very still. “
” she screamed, but he made no sound.

Emily ran to her with wide eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know.”
I killed him.
She quickly pushed him off her lap. Bending over him, she placed her ear to his chest, praying she’d hear a heartbeat. She detected a very weak pound. He might not live much longer. She had to get him back home.

Jumping out of the open carriage, she hurried to the horses. “Emily, help me untie this.” She’d ridden bareback before, although it was many years ago. Once they had the animal untied, she pulled herself on his back. “Stay with the duke. I’m riding to the house to get help.”

Kicking her heels into his flanks, she pushed the animal to a run. She arrived at the house within minutes.

“Nick,” she yelled as she jumped down from the horse. She ran toward the front door. As she reached it, Nick pulled it open.

“Nick. Oh, Nick.” She sobbed with relief as she grasped hold of his shirt at his chest.

Nick’s body stiffened. “Catherine? What’s happened? Where’s my uncle?”

“Oh, Nick. I don’t know what happened. The horses were out of control...then he lost consciousness.” She let go of his shirt and grabbed his hands. “Come. You have to help. Quick, get your horse and follow me.”

He ran to the stable and within minutes was atop his horse. Catherine mounted and led the way to the spot where his uncle lay slumped in the vehicle. Once the buggy was in view, Nick raced ahead and reached the duke before she did. He stopped his horse and jumped off, then rushed to Grant.

Nick pressed his ear to his uncle’s chest. Several seconds passed when all she heard were her own uncontrolled breaths. Finally, Nick left Grant’s side and harnessed his horse to the carriage.

“Catherine?” he yelled over his shoulder. “You and Emily ride back home and send someone to fetch the doctor.”

With her own heart beating wildly, she helped her maid mount behind her, then turned the horse and bolted back to the house.

* * * *

Taking great care to push his uncle on the seat, Nick moved in beside him. Once he was able to adjust Grant’s weight to lean upon him, Nick whipped the reins, urging the horse forward, pushing his stallion as fast as it would run. When he reached home, he gently lifted the older man out and carried him into the house, taking two steps at a time toward the bedroom. Catherine, her maid, and his uncle’s servant stood close to assist. The sheets on the bed had been pulled down.

“Gregg has gone for the doctor,” Catherine told him.

Nick didn’t say a word, but laid his uncle on the mattress. He removed Grant’s over-jacket and loosened his neck-cloth. Catherine stood beside him to help, slipping off Grant’s shoes and stockings.

“What happened?” Nick asked. “What made him lose consciousness?”

“I don’t know for certain. He was telling me about how he met my parents, and the next thing I knew we were talking about marriage.”

Catherine clutched her hands against her chest. It was then that Nick noticed her state of dress. The top button of her riding jacket was undone, and wrinkles creased her front. Now he had an idea why his uncle had an attack. Anger flowed through him like a fast running stream. “How could you?”

Catherine jumped. “What?”

“How can you stand there so innocently, knowing you were the reason my uncle had an attack? Did I not remind you how fragile he was?” He swept his gaze over her wrinkled clothes again.

Tears gathered in her eyes and she slowly shook her head. “Why are you saying this to me? Why would I want him to have an attack? I don’t want him to die.”

“Of course you do. You don’t want to be tied down to an older, sick man, so you tuned on your charm, knowing his heart wouldn’t be able to take it.” He raked his gaze over her again. “Did you let him kiss you as well?”

Tears streamed down her face. “No, Nick. It wasn’t like that. I didn’t—”

“Quiet! I refuse to hear your lies.”

“I’m not lying.”

Turning back to his uncle, he tried ignoring her, but she grabbed hold of his arm. He pierced her with his angry stare.

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