Love M.D. (13 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Rohman

Tags: #new

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“I’m going to come again.”

“Good,” he responds with an evil grin,
kissing me. He kneels down before me; hooking my thighs into his arms, he
repeatedly thrusts my body into his, pounding my sweet spot repeatedly.

Sounds of our carnal sex fill the
room—my labored breaths, his exit and reentry and a groan that exudes his lips
every time he reaches deep inside me.

He slips out of me and places me in
front of him, lying on our sides—my back to his front. Then slowly, he enters
me from behind. His grip around me tightens with one hand, with the other, he
raises my leg and he continually buries his cock inside me, ravaging my lips. When
I circle my fingers above my clit, his groans increase, along with the
intensity and power with which he penetrates me.

“Yes, baby…yes, baby…fuck…that
feels amazing,” he exclaims while he explodes inside me, passionately kissing
my lips. Then his throbbing penis sets me off, and I have my second wash of release.

We lay kissing while we calm.

“You’re incredible. I’m going to
have a problem keeping my hands off you.”

“That was mind-blowing.”

He laughs, kissing me gently on my
lips. “Then imagine my hard cock inside of you and that little bullet you like
so much in the front. Next time we’ll have to put that to the test.”

I giggle as he slowly eases out of

“Come. Shower with me.”

He holds my hand, pulls me out of
bed and into the shower.

“I should be getting back home,” I
say to him.

“No way,” he says, pulling me in
his arms.

Warm water cascades over our naked

“Stay the night. I want to feel what
it’s like to sleep with you in my arms. I want to spend as much time as
possible with you before you leave on Monday.”

“I sleep in the nude you know.”

“In that case, you might not get
much sleep at all.”


The ringing phone
wakes us from our sleep. After a
short exchange, I realize it’s the hospital. There’s an emergency.

Glancing at the bedside table
clock, I realize it’s almost four in the morning.

“I’m sorry, baby. Go back to bed. A
patient of mine is having some problems,” he says, heading to the closet.

“Is there anything I can do?”

“No. Just sleep.”

“I can go home now.”

“No, get your rest. Your key ring
is in the bedside drawer. Stay as long as you want. Just lock up when you

“Will I see you later?”

“I’ll come by your house when I’m
done at the hospital.”

“Great. Call me.”

With that, he kisses me lightly on
the lips and heads out the door.


That evening,
I play my piano. Peaches barks and the doorbell
rings. Morgan must be here.

“Hey,” I say, opening the door. Kissing
me gently, he envelopes me in his arms. He holds me for an extraordinarily long
time in silence.

“What’s wrong?”

“I lost a patient today,” he

“I’m so sorry.” I pull away, looking
into his droopy eyes. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really. I spent the whole day
trying to figure out why with Deandre. I just need to think about something
else for now.”

“Would you like anything to eat or
drink?” I ask, leading him by the hand into the great room.

“No thanks. What were you doing?”
he asks, stopping to give Peaches some attention.

“I just finished packing, and I was
thinking about taking Peaches and Pixie out for a drive, maybe pick up some
dinner along the way, take them to a park or something.”

“I heard the piano.”

Laughing, I respond, “Come with me.
It will be fun.”

“Why don’t you play me something?”

I hold his hand and head for the
front door. “Not until I know you better.”


Half an hour
later, we stroll through the park with
both the cat and dog on a leash. I get some funny looks, I assume because of
the breed combination and possibly because my cat is on a leash in a dog park,
but they’re all in good fun.

“I thought you told me you and your
brother spent a lot of time together on Sundays?”

“That’s true, but I think that’s
all about to change. He got engaged yesterday while I was at your party.”

“You sound sad.”

“A tad, I suppose. It’s
bittersweet. I’m happy and really proud of him, but I know all the rituals we
share will change. He’s all I have. He’s the only constant in my life.”

“He doesn’t have to be.” Morgan
looks at me seriously. “You have me.”

“Don’t you think it’s a bit early
to label you that way?”

“No. I don’t. I’m here for you if
you ever need anything at all.”

“And here I was thinking that we
just had exclusive rights on each other’s private parts.”

He chuckles, “For now it may be
that way, but the ball is in your court. Once you change your mind and you
decide you’re ready for more, let me know.”

He wraps his arm around my shoulder
and kisses my head. All of this change is a little much for me to take in one
day. After we’re done at the park, we stop by a burger place nearby for dinner
and head home.

As we walk into the house, Morgan
holds my hand. He tugs me toward the piano.

“Play me something,” he says. “I
want to hear you play.”

“I’m not that good.”

“Why don’t I believe you?” he says,
sitting on the bench. “If that were true, why would you own this beautiful piece?”

It’s strange opening up like this,
even divulging the small details of my life.

“Zoë, you can trust me,” he says.

“It’s a very special piece. It used
to be the piano we had in our house when we were kids. My dad played for Zach
and me on this very piano just days before he died. Zach tracked it down years
ago and had it shipped up here. He gave it to me for my twenty-fifth birthday.”

“That’s amazing.”

“He’s amazing. Apparently, it was still
at our childhood home. The new owners didn’t play. When Zach wrote them and
told them our story, they gave it to him. He was willing to pay them for it,
but in the end he just paid the cost to get it from there to here.”

Looking into my eyes, Morgan says, “You’re
so afraid to share.”

I don’t want to go there, so I
figure the best way to distract him is to shut up and play something. I lower
myself beside him and play the melody of the lullaby
Clair de la Lune
. He sits in silence and listens as I play. When
I’m done, he chuckles.

“That was beautiful. Aren’t you going
to sing it, too?”

“Non Monsieur. Singing is not my forte,”
I laugh.

“Abby used to love singing that

He smiles when he says that, but he
has a distant look in his eye. I can tell he misses her.

“Did she know all the words?”

“No. She got a lot of it wrong. She’d
Au Clair de la lune Mon ami Pierrot
then she’d make up the rest.”

Talking about her makes us both
smile. “My dad would play this song, and my mom would sing. Now that I know and
understand as an adult, I think they were telling each other it was time to put
us to bed so they could get busy.”

He laughs heartily at my response.

“It sings like a lullaby, but it
has a sort of double meaning.”

He leans over, kisses me softly on
my cheek then my lips. “Thanks for sharing. I’ll back off for now, but one of
these days you’ll play me one of those remarkable pieces my instincts are
telling me you know how to play.”

I respond with a smile, hold his
hand and lead the way to the stairs and up to my room. We cuddle in bed and
watch old movies for the rest of the evening. He spends the night with me, but
later that night, my phone wakes me. I glance at the bedside clock. It’s close
to one in the morning. Only Zach would call me at this time.

“This better be good, Zach.”

“What? Am I interrupting? Are you with
your new lover?”

The voice isn’t Zach’s. It isn’t
entirely unfamiliar, either.

“Who is this?” I look at the
screen. “Todd, how the hell did you get my number?”

Morgan sits up and switches on the
bedside lamp next to him.

“I can be very resourceful when I
make up my mind.”

“You can take my number and your
resources and shove them up your ass. Lose my number, and don’t ever call me

“I’ll make you and that fucker pay
for embarrassing me.”

“You’re embarrassing yourself. Stay
away from me and forget my number, or I’ll file a restraining order against you.”
I end the call.

“How did he get your number?” asks Morgan.

“He didn’t say.”

“Why was he calling?”

“To threaten us for embarrassing
him. I don’t get it. For two and a half years I don’t see or hear from the man,
and all of a sudden, after one chance meeting, this crap starts again.”

The phone rings again. I check the
number. “It’s him.”

“Zoë, hand me the phone.”

“I’ll handle this.”

I answer the call on speaker, “What
the hell do you want?”

“I’ll make you two pay—”

Morgan angrily snatches the phone
from my hand. “Make her pay for what? You know this is harassment, right? You
want to end up in court again? Listen, Schmuck, do yourself a fucking favor and
don’t ever call this number again. Stay away from Zoë, you understand? Or I’ll
bury you in so much shit you won’t be able to dig yourself out.” He ends the
call and nonchalantly places the phone in my hand. “If he calls back, don’t
answer. That’s what he wants.”

“Thanks Morgan, but you know I
could have handled that myself.”

“I’m sure you could, baby. But you’d
be crazy to expect me to sit by and let him speak to you that way. I’ve seen
his type before. He’s dangerous. Now, we’ve both made our positions clear to him.”
He kisses me on my cheek and wraps his arms around me. “Come. Bed.”

I think of rebutting but decide to
put it aside and curl up in his arms. In the wee hours of the morning, before I
make my exit, we spend a few hours having some of the most intense goodbye sex
I’ve ever had.

We shower and get ready together as
I prepare to leave later that morning. For some reason, saying goodbye to him is

Cupping my face in his hands, he
says, “Call me before you take off, okay?”

“I will. Hopefully you won’t be in

“I miss you already.” He smiles.

“I’ll miss you, too.”

He kisses me goodbye, and my heart
aches a little as he drives away.

Moments later, Zach is here. I know
he must have seen Morgan, and I know he’s going to tease me. Right on cue, as
soon as he sees me, he says, “I know that must have been Morgan Drake that left
here. I know he didn’t stop by so early to say goodbye. We’ve graduated to
sleep overs now?”

“Tais-toi.” [Shut-up] I laugh,
heading to the vehicle with one of my bags. “Please, help me with my things.”

“You know he’s the type of guy
women’s panties just drop for.”

“Sort of like you?” I laugh. “Let’s
get out of here before I’m late for my flight,” I say, slipping into the car.

Our lives are changing. I want to
embrace the change. I suppose because I’m not sure how this change is going to
affect our blissfully happy lives, I’m a bit apprehensive. Zach senses that.

As we arrive at the airport, he
says, “Zoë, I promise you, nothing is going to change. We’ll still do Sunday
breakfast, you’re still going to see me at the office every day, and no matter
what, as usual, I’m just a phone call away. Soon things will solidify between
you and your doctor boyfriend, and I’ll be the last person on your mind. Come on,
give me my hug goodbye. Jada and the jet are waiting.”

“I love you much.”

“I love you more, sis.”

“Au revoir, mon chéri.”

He kisses my forehead. I hug him
one last time then head through security and onto the aircraft. As I sit and
get ready for takeoff, I glance out the window and watch him drive away.

While Jada’s on the phone with
Jonathan, I call Morgan.

I’m relieved when he answers, “Hey,
baby.” His voice brings some cheer to my face.

“Hi. We’ll be taking off in a
while. We’re just waiting for clearance.”

“Are you feeling any better?”

“I suppose. It’s good to hear your

“It’s good to hear yours. Try to
get some rest on the flight. You barely slept last night.”

“You know that’s your fault.” I

“I didn’t hear any complaints at
the time, and it’s not entirely my fault. Did you hear from him again?”

The pilot’s voice comes across the
speakers, and I know it’s time to get off the phone. “No. And who said I was
complaining? I have to go. Take care of you.”

“You too, baby. Call me when you

I end the call. Jada sits, staring
at me and smiling.

“What?” I’m not sure why I’m

“You’re in love with him,” she says.

“I am not.”

“Just because you deny it, it doesn’t
mean it’s not true.”

I giggle. “I have no clue what you’re
talking about.”

“Liar! You have it bad for this
man. You slut! You’ve been having hot sex all weekend haven’t you? The sex was hot,
wasn’t it?”

Laughing, I reply, “What would make
you say that?”

“Your body language has completely changed.
I’m happy for you. It’s about time you put down that stupid bullet. Unless of
course he’s using it on you.”

“Can I tell you something? You have
to promise to keep your mouth shut… not even Jonathan.”


“He has the biggest, most beautiful
penis I’ve ever seen, and he knows how to use it. That man made my body tingle in
parts I didn’t know existed. My thighs ache after the last two nights we’ve

Jada laughs enthusiastically. “You’re
glowing. I’m so happy to see you like this.”

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