Love LockDown (27 page)

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Authors: A.T. Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Love LockDown
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“Abigail, it’s no problem. I’m just glad your family is now complete.” He pulls my head up and kisses my eyes, then my cheeks, my nose and then my swollen lips. “Now enough with the tears, I don’t want to see any more of them ever again okay.” I nod to him and force a happy smile from my lips “So now everyone is here can we tell them our good news?” he begs me, his excitement simmering just below the surface.

“We can. You do the honors.” I point to the eagerly waiting audience.

Leighton is a natural and once again takes his position to talk to the people in front of us.

“I am thoroughly happy that you all got to witness the reunion of my beautiful fiancée with her parents. It took me a month to find them but I eventually did, and here they are. In this world, family isn’t about blood; it’s about the connection, the love and the selflessness of the people around you, that’s true family. There are two reasons to why I found them; firstly because, I wanted my beautiful girl to have her parents back, and secondly, Abigail and I have some amazing news for you all and we wanted everyone important in our lives present. So now that our family is complete, we would like you all to know it is about to become even more complete as we are expecting our first child in January. I hope you can all raise a glass and toast to my fiancée Abigail, our beautiful baby and our wonderful Family.” He raises his crystal Champagne Flute towards the crowd. “To Abigail, her parents and Baby Lock.” Then he turns to me, leaning down and kissing me “I love you baby, you’ve made me totally complete.”

Everybody mimics his toast and cheers roar through the room as Leighton takes me in a heated kiss.

“Thank you Leighton, I will spend every day proving to you I am worth every ounce of effort you have put into us. I love you so much.” I kiss him back.

For the last time this evening Leighton talks, “Happy birthday to my beautiful Abigail,” the crowd raises their glasses and shout ‘Happy birthday Abbi’ “Now let’s get this party really going.” The music pounds from the speakers and people dissipate in different directions. Some remaining on the dance floor, to bump and grind against one another, others heading to the bar for alcoholic beverages and some others take seats inside and outside my fairytale haven.

I can’t help but catch the death glares from Kalina every time I look her way but I wasn’t going to let her ruin my night or life. She can act like this immature brat as much as she likes it won’t affect me anymore.




By one o’clock in the morning, my feet hurt, my head is pounding, my skin is sweaty and sticky from the heat, but my heart is whole and my spirit is so bloody full that I’m sure you could see my halo of light from space.

I have spent the last hour catching up with my foster parents and their lives, telling them about how Leighton found me and how we came together. They have congratulated me on my baby, rubbed my tummy and repeatedly kissed my head and hugged me. They are going to be staying in the mansion for the next week so we can continue to rebuild our relationship.

Leighton carries me, somehow, to the bedroom at a little past one and plants my feet to the plush carpet, throwing my heels somewhere to the side. He kisses my face and stares into my eyes. “Happy birthday baby.” He tells me for umpteenth time this evening.

He begins to unlace my dress at the back and then works the zip down. Sliding the off shoulder straps from my arms he lets the layers of lace pool to the floor at my feet leaving me naked, my prominent baby bump on show.

He wraps one of his strong arms around my waist and lifts me, then proceeds to kick the dress away and plants me back down on the ground.

Leighton then drops to the floor in front of me, his face level with my stomach, placing a loud kiss to my bump.

Standing to full height he picks me up once more and takes me to the bed, the covers already drawn back and lowers me onto the lush mattress. I release another loud sigh as my body is captured in the heaven of it.

I lie and watch as Leighton strips his beautiful tuxedo from his sexy body. The little strip tease awakening every nerve ending in my body, the exhaustion I was feeling spontaneously dissipating. I bite my lower lip and watch as his flaccid dick becomes instantly rock hard.

I move my hand down my swollen breasts, over my tummy and in-between my thighs. Skimming across the shaven skin of my mound and diving in between my wet folds I allow myself to feel the pleasure. Circling my forefinger over my clit, my body arches off the bed.

“Rub that sexy pussy for me baby, get it nice and ready for me.” Leighton strokes his hard steel from root to tip, smearing the pre-cum built up over the head of his stealthy length.

“Leighton I need you in me.” I beg him, my body desperately craving and needing him.

“I wanted to take my time with you tonight, cherishing and loving every soft and delectable inch of you, but I just want to feel you around me, your tight heat sheathing me.” I feel Leighton’s weight upon me, his erection teasing my soaked entrance.

I clasp his face and lean up to kiss him, releasing him I stare into his eyes, gasping as I feel him breach the barrier of wet heat.

“Always so good.” he tells me as he clenches his eyes shut.

“Look at me baby, I need to look at you when I cum around you.” He nods, and begins to move in and out of me getting faster, harder and fiercer with every push.

“I love you Abigail, my beautiful fiancée” Leighton picks up speed, his satiny hard dick sliding in deep and withdrawing from my sodden depths.

“Abbi, at the same time baby, cum around Me.” his deep growling tone has my orgasm approaching faster by the nanosecond.

“Yes Leighton, I’m going to cum, harder baby, fuck me harder.” He pulls out and then slams into me, igniting a spark so fierce it could wipe a small country from the map.

“Abbi, I’m fucking coming angel.” His face screws up in pleasure, his mouth opening and releasing an animalistic cry.

“Leighton, Leighton, Baby, oh God baby, that feels good.” I exclaim as I ride my orgasm to the end.

Leighton collapses on top of me, refraining from letting his full weight onto my stomach.

“You make me so happy, and so complete Abbi. I love you, and I will always love you.” Leighton tells me after a few minutes. He pulls out from within me, his cock now flaccid against his thigh. He moves from the bed and across the room to the en-suite returning a few seconds later with a warm, damp cloth. Cleaning between my thighs, and then cleaning his glistening wet dick before he takes the flannel back to the bathroom.

Before climbing back into bed with me, he switches the main light off and puts the lamp on, leaving some light on for me; remembering my fear of the dark. The fear has eased over the months; I am now able to sleep with the low lamp light instead of the bright main light. Just another thing Leighton has done for me.

“Thank you for the most
birthday Leighton. I love you.” I kiss his mouth and forehead and then roll around so he can spoon me from behind.

His large hands reach around from behind me and splay against my stomach. His lips press to my shoulder, his naked body warming me.

“Sweet dreams Abigail. Sleep well angel.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


The week following my birthday, the bliss I was feeling inside continued, it doesn’t deteriorate or dampen at all.

My parents are here with me, we spend time getting know each other again. They had managed to adopt a baby a year after I left, a little girl named Lily. She is now three years old, four in March and by looking at the pictures, she is the most precious thing I have ever seen in my life. My excitement at meeting my own child grows.

Leighton has bonded with both Lisa and Carl a substantial amount, taking us all for dinner a few times, playing card games and having days out.

When it comes to the time for them to leave I feel heartbroken again, like a piece of me is leaving the mansion with them. It is horrible. I don’t want them to leave; I fear that I will never see them again, that they will be torn from me.

“Abbi, calm down sweetheart, we’ll be back sooner than you know. Carl and I will visit at least once a month. I’m not losing you again baby girl. You take care of yourself and that wonderful man of yours and my grandbaby.” Lisa kisses me on my cheek and pulls me into a heartfelt hug; her warmth embraces me and calms my pounding heart.

Carl approaches me after shaking Leighton’s hand and thanking him for his hospitality. “Come here little lady.” he gestures for me to come to him, his huge fatherly arms open wide, inviting me.

I curl myself into his embrace, as well as I can with my rapidly growing bump. “You are simply glowing Abbi, I’m so glad we finally have you back sweetheart. You keep in touch and we will see you soon, I promise you. We both love you darling, we never stopped.” He places a hard kiss to my temple and then releases me returning to his wife’s side.

They wave to me and then walk the huge driveway to their parked Audi. Getting in the car, turning on the ignition and driving away round the grand circular drive, I watch my parents leave, but I know it’s not for good, I know I now have everything I ever needed and wanted in my life.

“Come here beautiful, let me treat you to lunch.” I take hold of my future husbands hand and relish in the warmth and strength he gives me.




Returning home a few hours later after enjoying a steak lunch, well done of course, due to the little human in me, Leighton and I snuggle onto the couch spending the entire afternoon watching film after film on the TV.

Watching this week’s episode of Downtown Abbey, I feel the baby kick, hard.

“Oh,” I grab Leighton’s hand startling him from enjoying the show. Leighton hasn’t managed to feel it moving yet, every time I can feel it, he either can’t or the bubba stops moving as soon as he comes close.

Squishy kicks hard again twice, his foot leaving a clear impression in my stomach.

“Wow, that’s our baby, our little squishy. This is so incredible; I can feel our child moving.” Leighton moves his hand over slightly then lowers his head to my stomach, kissing it once and then resting his ear to it, his excitement emanating from him “Hey little monster, daddy here. You’re very excited today aren’t you? I hope you’re being good for your mummy; we both love you so much squishy. I can’t wait for you to get here, I want to hold your little hands and kiss your little nose. You stay healthy in there, we will see you soon my beautiful baby.” He kisses my tummy again once and then sits up and strokes his calloused fingers across my cheek, reaching in and kissing me, deep, soft and so lovingly that I melt a little inside.

“I’m so whole right now it’s unreal.” He tells me, beaming his beautiful smile my way, letting me know it’s because of me and because of our little mite.

“I know how you feel baby, but now we’re missing Downtown, I need to find out what has happened with the whole Bates, Anna situation, it’s kind of intense.” I kick into drama mode, needing my fix of the historical program.

“Alright, alright, I’ll be quiet.” He sits back against the sofa chuckling at me, he gestures for me. I lie down the length of the sofa and rest my head on his lap. His hand reaches around my side and rests on my actively kicking baby filled stomach.

An hour later the program finishes and I’m left wanting to know what happens in the next episode. I pout, wishing Leighton could ask the creators to give me a special viewing.

“What’s wrong Angel?” he questions me, my pout obviously very visible.

I point to the screen, “It’s finished. I want to know what happens.”

“Aww poor baby, well how about we switch over to E4, the new season of Big Bang Theory started this week. I’ve been waiting a long time for that, not just a week. Come on let’s go up to bed, snuggle up and watch it. How does that sound?” he always knows the right things to say, only thing better than Downtown, was Big Bang.

I nod enthusiastically, attempting to lift my elephant arse from the sofa.

“And, how about I grab the Ben and Jerry’s and a spoon so I can feed you the cookie dough goodness to make you feel all better, huh?”

My eyes widen further than humanly possible, “Marry me now Mr. Lock.” I command him, wanting to own him ASAP if this was to be the treatment I was going to be getting. “You are truly, like the most amazing man on this planet. I love you, you big old Softy.” I reach up kiss his lips and then drag my sorry arse up the stairs to our room.

Passing my baby’s bedroom again, I stop at the open doorway and glance at the incredibleness of it.

“You like it?” I feel Leighton shift behind me and lean his head on my shoulder looking into the room with me.

“I bloody love it, it’s perfect, you’re perfect, and my whole life is just fucking perfect.” I turn around circling his neck with my fingers, lacing them through his disarray of brown silky strands.

“I know something else we could do with that ice cream, something a little messier than eating it.” I raise my eyebrows wiggling them at him. I walk past him leaving him groaning and readjusting in the hallway.

Reaching our room, I rid myself of clothes and then place the tub of ice cream I had taken from his grasp onto the bedside table.

“Clothes off Mr. Lock and get on the bed.” I order him, waiting patiently by the bed for him to obey me. The shit eating grin on his face, and the growing erection tenting his boxer shorts, is a clear message to me that he is thoroughly enjoying what is happening.

I watch as he expertly climbs onto the bed and spreads out in all his naked glory, his impressive length jutting forward, begging for attention.

“Now what am I to do about this Mr. Lock,” I point to his dick, throbbing against his toned abdomen, “should I appease your big friend here, should I kiss him better, he looks a little swollen?” I tease him, lightly tickling my fingers up the veiny shaft and reaching the head, I roll my finger around the pre-cum seeping from the tip and smear it over the swelling flesh.

“Please, he is very poorly he needs kissing,” I kiss the tip delicately “and licking,” I lick from root to tip, one long, drawn out swipe, causing his body to jolt a little “and sucking,” I take him as far as I can in my mouth, my hand surrounding the remaining length “and…,” he shudders as I slowly drag my mouth off of him, my teeth very gently scraping the velvet encased steel on retreat, “Jesus Christ baby, just fuck me. Ride me now.” He tries to pull me onto him but I manage to escape his grasp.

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