Love LockDown (28 page)

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Authors: A.T. Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Love LockDown
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“Nu-Uh, I’m not finished yet. I want you to meet my two other favorite men in this world, meet Ben and Jerry baby. They’re going to join us in bed. I hope you don’t mind.” His eyes shimmer with excitement, with anticipation and downright lust.

“Now lay back hubby to be and let me see to this glorious body of yours. Close your eyes for me.” he obeys me, resting his head against the mountain of pillows, closing his deep aqua pools.

Taking the tub of slowly melting ice cream from the side, I take the lid off and scoop a hefty spoon out of it. “Open up baby,” Leighton’s perfect lips part and his tongue darts out to catch the ice cream offered. He wraps those lips around the spoon and sucks the majority of the cookie dough from it, with the remaining small bite I smear it down his chest, around his nipples and six packed stomach.

“Ahhh, cold.” He cries out.

“Oh no, I seem to have dropped some, oh that isn’t good now is it? I best clean that up for you right away Sir, bear with me it’ll be fixed in no time.” I over dramatise my little script, sounding rather like a porn star in a very cheap budget film.

I climb onto the bed, straddling his thighs. The warm wet heat of my arousal meets his toned legs as I lean forward, my tongue running across his warm flesh, collecting the spilled cream, when I meet his erected nipples, I lathe them with my wet tongue, closing my lips around them sucking lightly, and then nibbling gently on them. The throaty moans leaving his throat are clear answers to me. That he is enjoying this.

I reach for the tub again, scooping another spoonful, and repeating the process. This time the rest of the ice cream left on the spoon is spread over the hard iron length, prominent between my thighs.

Shuffling down his body a little I coat him from root to tip in ice cream, no Leighton skin left, just pure Ben and Jerry’s Cookie dough bliss. “Oh no, Sir, I seemed to have slipped and spilled my ice cream again, poor Leighton Junior is coated rather badly, he’s taken the worst of it I’m afraid. I’ll try and clean him as soon as possible, but he does look rather delicious all ice cream coated, I might have to take my time and enjoy the feast in front of me, hope you don’t mind sir, I’m sure you can manage, can’t you? Please don’t fire me; I’m trying my very hardest.”

Leighton’s throat growls at me as I lick the underneath of his dick, the vein throbbing against my tongue. When I reach the mushroomed head I don’t waste anytime teasing him further I thrust my mouth over him, taking him to the back of my throat, smothering my tonsils in ice cream, the sweet stickiness sliding over my tongue and cooling the heat in me as I swallow.

“Ahhh, fuck. That feels like heaven Angel. Keep going.” His encouragement causes me to attack him like a ferocious animal. My hand wraps around the base and slides up and down meeting my mouth as it works his proud length.

I don’t stop Leighton when his hand reaches into my hair pulling me down further onto him; I swallow him whole, gagging on his impressive beast. But when his hands pull my head away curiosity overcomes me. “What’s wrong baby. Am I doing something wrong?” I bat my eye lids at him, pretending to be offended.

“God no, it’s too right, too fucking good. But I need to taste you.” He sits up, circling my waist and lifting me. Moving me aside he turns on the bed, his head at the foot of the mattress. “Now sit on my face while you take my hard dick as deep as you can.”

I swallow the lump in my throat trying to control the impending self-combusting, panty soaking orgasm approaching. I climb over his head, straddling his face. His open mouth wanton and greedy, I lower myself down and immediately feel his tongue reach my wet and eager flesh.

“Oh God.” I cry out as a lightning bolt of pleasure zaps through me, Zeus must be here, attacking my system with his deadly shots.

“That’s it angel fuck my face, suck my dick now beautiful, I need to be in your throat.” I lower my body parallel to his, taking his hard cock in my mouth once again. As I begin to suck I feel Leighton separate my folds, his finger teasing at the sides of my clit, but never touching.

I firmly circle my hand around his impressive length, and then suck on him, my very own ice cream flavored dick. His teasing ceases as his fingers thrust inside both my holes, hard, his tongue spasming against my swollen nub. “Oh God Leighton, baby, keep doing that.” I demand of him, every time his tongue hits me, or his fingers penetrate me further I suck his dick harder and stroke him faster.

The give and take of our oral feast is causing my body to ignite in a way that it hasn’t done before. My peak nears faster and faster as every lick strikes me.

“Leighton, I’m going to fucking cum, I’m going to cum in your mouth. Fucking eat me Leighton.” I grind my pussy against his lips and tongue, stimulating my clit to a fierce burn.

My orgasm hits me with a white hot singe, first deep down inside my womb and spreading like a wild fire throughout me. My hand squeezes at the cock filling my mouth as my climax attacks me, my moans making me unable to suck anymore, but my hand carries on.

“Shit Abbi, baby.” I taste the hot semen as it coats my tongue, mingling with the cookie dough ice cream still lingering deep inside of my esophagus. Our moans and grunts of pleasure fill the room, bouncing from the walls and penetrating deep into my soul.

I turn myself around so I’m face to face with him, taking him in a hard kiss, his tongue probing my mouth.

“Leighton I want you inside me. I need you in me.” I tell him reaching down between my thighs to find his dick, already hard and waiting to penetrate me the way I love so much.

Feeding the length inside me, I lean back on my hands to let it spear me to my core. I lie down against him once again bathing in the feel of him inside me, my tight walls sheathing him.

Leighton wraps his strong muscular forearms around my back and gently rolls me over onto my back, careful to not squish our baby. His dick is still buried deep inside me as he begins to move in and out slowly, torturously, driving me closer to another climax.

“I love you Abigail Adams.” He leans in and kisses me, his tongue dancing with mine in a mating ritual as he slowly and passionately makes love to me, until I explode around him again, clenching my inner muscles around his cock. I feel his hot liquid spurt inside me, hitting my cervix and drowning my pussy in his delicious juice.

Leaning his forehead to mine, his hot breath on my face, he stares into my eyes with his own, sparkling in the afterglow of our lovemaking. “Wow,” he tries to catch his breath, “Just wow. I wasn’t expecting that when I said let’s go watch big bang theory,” he giggles and rolls off the bed, heading to the bathroom as usual to collect a wash cloth for me.

“No, neither was I. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed ice cream so much.” I take slow breaths to regulate my heart rate. I can feel it pounding against my sternum. Letting me know I just had the best sex of my life.

“Next time, it’s me who has a sundae, an Abigail sundae.” He smiles at me then climbs in the bed with me wrapping his strong arms around me. He leans down and gently kisses my forehead, pulling me into him.

His arms encircle me, shielding and protecting me and our baby. “Sleep now my beautiful girl. I love you.” I can’t reply as I can’t keep my eyes open longer. I meet my dreams pretty quick and boy do I like them.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I wake on Saturday morning, sated, happy and with a heart so full of love it could burst.

Leighton is asleep next to me, his slow breathing and quiet snores making me smile. The crease line in his forehead is slightly contorted. I wonder to myself what he is dreaming about.

I get my hippo butt from the bed and relieve myself in the bathroom, cleaning my face with a warm flannel and brushing my teeth.

When I return to the room Leighton is still sound asleep, the covers pool around his perfect V shaped hips and his morning wood raises the sheets just enough to make me quiver with need. His bronze chest, marked with beautiful black ink rises slowly up and down as he draws breath through those perfect lips of his.

I make my way to the kitchen, my silky dressing gown wrapped tightly around my body, but still not hiding the obvious stiffening of my nipples as the fresh air hits them.

Making some coffee, bacon, eggs, toast and fried tomato I return to the room, the food laden on a tray.

I place it on the nightstand, and then walk over to Leighton, stroking his cheek gently, “Leighton, baby, wake up.” his eyes move beneath his tightly closed lids, and then his eyelashes flutter, his lids slowly opening and closing.

“Abbi?” Leighton asks me as if he doesn’t think he would have seen me again.

“Yes, it’s me baby, I’ve brought you breakfast.” I smile tenderly at him, waiting for him to sit up before placing the tray on his lap.

His hand automatically clasps the cup of steaming coffee and he downs a third of it, releasing a massive sigh of contentment. “That’s good.” I wonder to myself how he doesn’t scold his mouth, my only assumption being he has a bloody asbestos mouth for sure.

“Leighton, did you have a bad dream or something?” I ask him, his whole being this morning is a little off.

“Yeah, you were gone, lost, I couldn’t find you. Seemed a little too real, I didn’t like it.” he tells me, no shyness or holding back. I love that he is so open with me and never holds back his true self.

“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I’m here for good.” I stroke my fingertips down his stubbly cheek again and look into his sad looking eyes.

“I know, it’s just one of those horrible dreams, that when you wake it seemed so real, so when I saw you I thought my mind was tricking me. Then I realised you being gone was a figment of my imagination.” He shrugs his shoulders as he slices into his runny egg.

“I’ve had a few of them, especially when I was on the streets, I would dream the sort of life I have now, then I’d wake up in the cold, alone and realise God wasn’t that nice. Then one day a very sexy man saved me in an alley way and now I’m going to marry him and have his beautiful baby and never ever leave his side. I don’t have those bad dreams anymore. He helped drive them away.” I smile at him and shuffle further into the bed, pulling the sheets around me.

“So Mr. Lock, What are we doing today?”

“I thought maybe we could hit London, do some clothes shopping for the baby. That’s the only thing we didn’t get for the room, thought you would like to choose. We also need a pram and car seat to bring the little squishy home. Sound good?” he asks me the keen interest in his eyes replacing the sadness I had just previously seen.

“Sounds absolutely perfect. I still can’t believe you managed to do that room, next to our bedroom without me even knowing anything was happening.” It astounds me and shocks me at how easily he had snuck around getting it done. Where was I when it was all happening?

“Was easy, I did most of it in one day, remember when you and Maria went out for lunch and shopping during the week?” I nod at him clearly remembering Maria’s over the top enthusiasm for me to accompany her to the shopping Centre. “Well Antonio came round, helped me paint, get the furniture together in time before you came home. Then the morning of the party I did the last few bits to finish off.”

“That’s so lovely Leighton. You can be a soppy old bastard, you know that?” I lean my head into the side of his arm and wrap my arms around his bicep, as he continues munching through the remainders of his breakfast.

“I know, just don’t tell anyone ‘kay? Could ruin my scary reputation you know?” his eyes go into mock seriousness.

“Your secret’s safe with me, my dangerous bad boy fiancé. I won’t tell a soul. Now hurry up and let’s get showered I want to go shopping, I’m so excited now. I want one of those silver cross prams they’re so nice. Ooh and the matching car seat.”  I jump from the bed in a dangerous level of excitement and rush to the bathroom. Stripping my gown from my body I turn the shower on and get in, refusing to wait for Leighton.

“Hey Mrs, wait for Me.” he shouts from the bedroom. I hear him place his tray on the side and then move from the mattress. His heavy feet pad across the room and then he stands in the doorway watching me in the open shower.

“You look so sexy all hot and flustered, rubbing that soap all over those glorious tits of yours.” His morning wood is once again out to welcome me.

“Mr. Lock enough of your horniness we need to leave. I’ll give you the best blow job in the world if you hurry your sexy arse up and join me in the shower pronto.” This sparks his interest and his feet move faster than I think I’ve ever seen them go.

His naked body closes in on me, pacing through the steam billowing from the shower. His face appears before me, his muscular arms caging me to the tiled wall. “Are you telling me what to do Abigail Adams? If so, the end result will not be pretty I assure you. You know better than that now, nobody, including your delectable arse, tells me what to do. Understand?” his hooded eyes roam over my naked body.

I gulp down the lump in my throat, my pussy throbbing, and clit pulsating between my soap covered thighs. My heart rate is spiking dangerously and my face is heating up to a feverish temperature. I stare at his big green eyes as they fuck me, his teeth nibbling violently at his lower lip.

His arms bend slightly bringing his face literally centimeters from mine. His warm breath is on my lips sending delicious tingles through me directly to my aching core. “So Abigail, are we clear?” I nod, my arousal escalating, his pure alpha dominance shining through violently, causing erotic shivers to plague my being.

“Good, I’m glad, now, Miss Adams, please do get to your knees, after all you did promise me, what was it you said ‘I’ll give you the best blow job in the world if you hurry your sexy arse up and join me in the shower pronto’, well I’m here along with my sexy arse and my dick wants sucking so get to it
.” He repeats my earlier command, making it ten times sexier, in that gruff, deep arousing tone.

“Yes Sir.” I reply, carefully dropping to my knees under the flowing torrent of water, the heat of the droplets warms my skin, dripping off of my swollen breasts onto the floor below. I take Leighton’s iron rod in both fists, pumping him up and down, working him into a sex fuelled frenzy.

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