Love Like You've Never Been Hurt (11 page)

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“We can have cookouts on the beach!”

Pete laughed, enjoying seeing her happy again. “Yes, we can,
Em. I said you should stay up here and get your sparkle back, and
you’re already sparkling. The last few times I’ve seen
you in the city you’ve looked down.”

“All I needed was to get back here, but I didn’t

“What will you do in the fall? Do you think you’ll
stay on?”

“I really don’t know yet. I’m trying not to
think that far ahead. I want to see how it goes for a while before I
decide what’s next.”

“I can see that. Live the moment and enjoy it for what it

“Oh, I like that.”

“Perhaps you should try it with Jack then.”

“Oh, you!” She punched his arm. She really wished that
she dared do exactly that, but she’d been through too much pain
already. She couldn’t willingly set herself up for a whole
bunch more.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist I mean, it is a little
hypocritical of you isn’t it? That’s the one thing you
won’t even try.”

“Give it up, Pete.” She didn’t want to keep
going through all this.

“OK. Come on then. Help me walk this land and figure out
where I can get the best views without becoming an eyesore for you.”

Jack was enjoying driving the RV. It amused him greatly that his
little brother owned this huge vehicle. It was more like a rock star
coach than the simple motor home he’d been expecting. He’d
packed enough to last him a couple of weeks and hopped a flight to
San Jose where Dan had picked him up last night. He was so proud of
how Dan was doing these days. His software company was thriving and
he really seemed to have a handle on life. Jack smirked to himself,
well, other than the questionable decision to buy this RV!

“Tell me again what possessed you to buy such a monster?”

Dan laughed from his spot on the armchair-like passenger seat.

“Don’t mock it, big brother. You’ll be very
grateful for its creature comforts if you’re going to be
spending a few months out in the boonies. I bought it because me and
the guys like to go up to Yosemite when we can. It was getting to be
a pain packing ourselves and our gear into someone’s SUV then
staying in cabins or rental houses. Now we can all pile in here,
drive up in comfort and have everything we need to stay connected. We
have satellite internet with speeds you won’t find in a
vacation home, plus we’ve got servers loaded back there and a
wall full of monitors.”

Jack laughed, “Every geek’s dream.”

“You got it.”

“So you really don’t mind being without it for the

“We geeks do one-up-manship like no-one else. Steven’s
bought one that’s even bigger and has more and better
everything than this one. So this would no doubt have spent the
summer in storage anyway. Besides,” he looked over at Jack,
“it’s kinda cool for me to able to do something for you
for a change.”

Jack smiled. He knew that as well as being Dan’s protector,
he’d also been his hero since they were small. He knew it was
good for Dan to be able to make some gesture in return and could see
how pleased he was. “I appreciate it, Bro. More than you can

Jack couldn’t believe his luck when he’d called Dan
about going up to the lake this weekend. He’d thought that they
would meet up there. He’d also thought he’d be renting
one of the resort cabins from Ben for the summer. In the course of
telling Dan his plans, his little brother had offered the RV and now,
he grinned to himself, he would get to stay on site, which he liked
to do. Even better though, he’d be right next door to Emma,
which he liked even more.

“So,” said Dan, “tell me more about the kid. Is
he cool with me coming up to meet him? I’m not sure I’d
have been down with it at his age.”

“I think so. I didn’t get to talk to him much, just
watched him, and he reminds me of you so much. I really think you’ll
enjoy him. His mom, Missy, is so excited about this. I think you’ll
like her too.”

“She’s not one of those pushy moms is she?” Dan
looked wary.

“No way. She’s really down to earth and she adores the
kid. She’s had it tough, I think. Had him when she was
seventeen, raised him by herself. They’re close.”

“We’ll see. I hope this is going to work out like you
think and not leave him feeling like his mom’s brought someone
in to interfere.”

“Don’t sweat it, Dan. It’s all going to work out
great. In fact, when he sees this rig with all your servers and
monitors, I bet it’ll be hero worship at first sight.”

Dan smiled. “If he’s as smart as he sounds maybe I’ll
pull some of the kit out of here and let him work on it. It’s
not like you’d be using it.”

“I sure won’t. Listen, we should be there in an hour.
Want to stop for some lunch and prolong our little road trip?”
Much as he wanted to get to the lake, he was enjoying being with Dan
again. They rarely got together these days and he promised himself
that would change.

“That’d be great. I’m starving and they’re
not expecting us ‘til later are they?”

“I said not before three, so even if we stop for an hour
we’ll still be early.”

They pulled off into the next little town where Jack maneuvered
the huge vehicle around the tiny streets until they found a burger
joint with a parking lot big enough.

“My shout,” called Dan as they climbed down. Jack
smiled to himself, he was so proud of his little brother and loved
the way he was trying to prove he could stand on his own two feet

A few hours later Jack pulled the RV into the town square at
Summer Lake Resort. Dan waved as they passed Pete walking with Emma.

“Damn, she’s hot! Is that Pete’s new

Jack grimaced at the thought. “No, she is not,” he
said, a little too adamantly. “She’s one of his oldest

Dan smirked, “So, big brother’s got the hots for
Pete’s oldest friend, huh?”

Jack sighed; it wasn’t as if he was going to be able to hide
it. He turned off the ignition and turned to Dan. “You’re
going to enjoy this,” he smiled ruefully. “Big brother
has got so much more than the hots for that woman and she doesn’t
want to know.”

“But man, they all fall at your feet with their legs wide

“Don’t be crude!”

“Well, they do. What woman has ever said no to you?”

“That one. Repeatedly.”

“Ho hum, there’s plenty more fish in the sea, as they
say. Especially for a big cat like you.”

“I don’t want fish,” growled Jack. “I want
that Mouse right there.” He jerked his head to where she was
climbing the steps to the deck over the lake.

“Really?” Dan was surprised. “That much more
than the hots, huh?”

“‘Fraid so. You stick around here much this summer and
I think you’ll get to see your big brother make a fool of

“This should be good. I hope this Scott kid wants me around
because this I have to see.”

Pete appeared at the door and shook Dan’s hand as he hit the

“Good to see you, Dan.”

“And you. It’s been too long.”

“It has. I really appreciate you coming to see Scott.”

“No problem, man. I’m looking forward to it. He’s
your godson, right?”

“Yeah, his mom is one of my oldest friends.

Dan looked confused. “Was that her you were with just now?”

“No, that was Emma, another of my oldest friends. She’s
Scott’s godmother. His mom is Missy, and she’s going to
meet us at the Boathouse. And then there’s Ben.” He waved
as Ben approached from the lodge. He’s the other one of my
oldest friends. He completes our little gang of four and is Scott’s
final godparent.”

Ben came over and shook Dan’s hand.

With the introductions complete, Pete asked, “I thought you
were bringing an RV, not a mobile palace?”

Jack laughed. “So did I. Blame the boy genius here.”

“Hey, quit bitching about it. You’ve got everything
you need in there.”

“Everything I need and a whole lot more. Seriously, it’s
going to be great, thank you.”

Ben looked at the RV. “It’s like the one my folks
travel in, and much as it’s not to my taste, I think it’s
better equipped than my apartment.”

“See?” Dan looked at Jack. “You don’t have
to like it, just make the most of it. Anyway, shall we go and see
Scott? Figure out how this is going to work?”

“Yeah, come on,” said Ben, “I can only stop a
while, I’ve got to get back to work. The girls are out on the
deck already.”

They joined Missy, Scott and Emma at a big table around the back.
Emma was surprised how similar the Benson brothers were. Dan was a
little shorter and a little lighter built than Jack, but otherwise he
was like a carbon copy. She shook hands with him and liked him
immediately when he met her eyes directly with a shy smile. She
watched as he greeted Missy and Scott. Scott looked a little
uncomfortable and she realized this was probably quite an ordeal for
him. Missy was talking to Dan, thanking him for coming, so Emma went
and sat with Scott who had already moved to a smaller table by

“You managed to work your way through that gift card yet?”

“Not yet, Auntie Em, but I’m working on it. The
external hard drive I wanted was out of stock though so I’ve
got to wait two weeks, which is a bummer.”

“Where have you ordered it from?” asked Dan as he sat
down next to Emma.

“New Egg.”

“Good, that’s where I was going to recommend. Most
people still don’t know about them.”

“Auntie Em keeps me in gift cards with them.” Scott
smiled at her.

Dan laughed, “That’s the kind of godmother I need. How
many gigs is the one you ordered?”

“It’s a terabyte,” said Scott, his eyes big,
looking thoroughly impressed with himself.

“Wow, that’s cool! You’ve definitely got
yourself a good godmother there. Wanna come see if there’s
something we can fix you up with while you wait? I’ve got some
supplies in the van.” He stood and pointed to the RV. Scott
looked at Missy who nodded and smiled. With that the two of them
headed off.

“I think they’re going to hit it off just great,”
smiled Emma.

“I hope so,” said Missy and Jack in unison.

“I’ve got to get back to work,” said Ben.
“What’s everyone doing later?”

“I’m waiting to see how those two get on,” said

“Well, that’s all he came for,” said Jack. “So
I think they may be a while, but then with all the gear he’s
got in there I think we could roll them anywhere and they wouldn’t
even notice.”

“How about,” said Pete, looking at Emma, “we all
roll out to your place tonight. My truck is still there and we’ve
got to get the coach up that way anyway. We can leave those two doing
their thing in the back.”

“That’s a great idea,” said Emma. “I said
I wanted to cook out there for everyone. Steaks on the grill?”

“Mouse steaks?” asked Ben. “Hell yeah, I’m

“And me,” said Pete. “I don’t remember the
last time you cooked for us all.”

Missy looked at Jack. “She is the best cook you will ever
meet,” she explained. “If Emma offers to cook, anything,
ever, you say yes.”

“In that case, yes.”

“And since Mouse does the food, I’ll do the
beverages,” added Missy. “Is Scott OK to stay with you
and Dan while I run to the store? I need to pick up a few things and
I’m guessing beer, red wine and Mountain Dew will do?”

Jack laughed. “Mountain Dew and tech guys, what is it about

“Easy,” said Missy, “it’s loaded with
caffeine to help them stay awake all night tapping at keyboards.”

“Finally, I get it.”

“I’ll come out after work,” said Ben, “I’ve
got to go.”

“How about we hang down here and wait,” said Pete. “We
can all ride over in the coach when you’re done and that way
there are fewer cars to drive back tonight.”

“You know, you can all stay out there if you like,”
said Emma. “I’ve got five bedrooms and there’s that
thing as well,” she nodded towards the RV.

“Why not?” said Pete. “That way we can all have
a beer.”

“Sounds great,” nodded Ben. “I’ll catch
you guys back here when I’m done.”

Missy and Emma walked back to her car to head to the grocery

“I think Scott is going to do OK with Dan, don’t you?”
asked Missy.

“I really do. I like Dan already.”

“So do I,” Missy smiled.

“Oh. Now why didn’t I think of that?”

“Beats me,” laughed Missy, “I mean, he’s
like your Jack only sexier in a quieter sort of way.”

He is not

“Then you’re a fool,” Missy laughed.

“Oh, I do not need to hear this again,” sighed Emma as
they arrived at the store. “You, Madam, go and get our booze
supplies while I go and get the food. Come find me when you’re
done. We’ll need a lot with all those hungry men to feed.”

Chapter Nine

Emma smiled as she bustled around her kitchen. She was at her
happiest when was she was cooking and it was so much nicer to have
her friends to cook for. Missy sat at the counter with a glass of
wine, watching her work.

“OK,” said Missy, “two huge pies in the oven,
steaks marinating, potatoes baking on the grill, veggies doing their
thing and smelling wonderful already. You are a culinary demon!”

“Don’t forget Scott’s pizza ready to bang in
twenty minutes before zero hour too.”

“How could I forget? I feel so bad that you’re making
all this wonderful food and my kid is the only boy on the planet who
doesn’t eat steak, or even anything vaguely nutritious, just

“Oh, come on, Miss. He eats it, but he doesn’t enjoy
it, and since tonight is about everyone enjoying themselves, then why

“So why not store bought pizza? You have to go and make that
great big thing from scratch and make me feel even more inadequate.”

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