Love, Lies & The D.A. (44 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Rohman

BOOK: Love, Lies & The D.A.
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his hold around me, he lies onto his back. I cover his body with mine. Locking
his lips onto mine, he envelopes me in his arms as he thrusts and rotates his
hips inside me. I circle his face in my hands and return his deep and penetrating
kisses as I rock my hips to meet his.

throwing some of the back cushions on the sofa onto the floor, he rolls over so
I now lie on my back. He’s no longer inside me. He kneels between my legs.

yourself,” he says.

blush and hesitate.

on, Baby… I know you’re not shy.”

laugh. I have no issue doing that. I sink my fingers into my mouth then caress
my swollen breasts. I extend my legs to both extremes then slowly circle my
middle and index fingers over my engorged clit.

right. I’m not shy. Now it’s your turn… you do the same.”

surprises me when he obliges. Then I am utterly shocked at how sexually
arousing the sight of him stroking his hardened, blood-filled shaft is making

I am
thoroughly wet and extremely horny. I’ve never shared something more erotic
with anyone. That, in itself, intensifies my feelings of desire for him, and I’m
dying for him to enter me.

look on my face must have said it all, because he hooks his arms under my
thighs and draws me toward him. He’s about to enter me, and I move my hand

don’t stop,” he whispers. “I love watching you pleasure yourself.”

enters me, repeatedly plunging his moving hips into mine. First slowly,
increasing with every single movement. I follow his guide as I rub myself. I am
nearing my peak, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t remain silent. I let out
a pleasurable cry. The mounting pressure begins dispersing through my body.

Yes. God Johnny, I’m coming.”

quickens his rhythm inside me. I sweetly release as he holds me tightly in his
arms. When our lips and tongues meet, I feel him wildly spasm repeatedly inside

the loud explosions of thunder, the only noise in the room is our heavy labored
breathing that rings through the space.

kissing me, he looks deeply into my eyes.

think I’m falling for you.

amazing,” he says then kisses me once more.

are you…”


the next
week, I spend much time with Jonathan, Megan, Cooper, and
Joshua at his office. The FBI hasn’t made an arrest yet, therefore, we have to
go through the process of getting prepared for my preliminary hearing, which is
in over a week.

We go
through all the known evidence of my case line by line, looking for
inconsistencies, holes, or anything that could give the judge any reason to
throw my case out.

the hearing, we will all know for sure what supposed evidence we are dealing
with, but frankly, if that day comes, I’m really hoping that the charges will
be thrown out and I’ll be a free woman.

the fact that Jonathan is now fully aware of all the details of my case, and he
oversees every minute detail, I still worry about my future.

chapter takes its toll. I’m stressed and anxious as the day draws nearer. Through
all this, Jonathan’s remarkable. He’s been patient with my mood swings,
supportive in my lowest moments and reassuring as my lawyer.

found ways to distract me on the weekends, helping me pass the time in a more
pleasant environment. From an unexpected getaway for Valentine’s weekend, to
surprising me with dinners or lunches he fixed himself, I couldn’t ask for
more. In every way that counts, he’s been there in ways I never experienced. He’s
become my best friend.

relationship we share is unparalleled to what I had with Richard. He and I were
together, but we lived very separate lives, except on the occasional long
weekend trip or vacation. Looking back, I wonder how I could have ever agreed
to marry him. I suppose, at the time, we complimented each other in our
professional lives, and I thought we loved and cared about each other, so I
agreed. But he must have felt something was missing, or he wouldn’t have been
with Koto.

and I are so involved in the day-to-day decisions in each other’s lives. On
many occasions, he asks my opinion on decisions he makes, from what he should
get his mom for her birthday to whether or not he should sell his father’s
shares in a business. He values my opinion, and I value his. I don’t know how I
would have made it this far without his support.

fallen in love with him, but I still haven’t told him. I often wonder if he
feels the same way. I think I can trust him with my heart, but for obvious
reasons, I’m afraid to take that final step. I suppose that when the time is
right, it will come naturally, and it would mean that I don’t have any doubts
or fears anymore.


A few
later, I’m driving from the dealer in my newly replaced car when my phone
rings. I’m surprised to see Charles’s number appear. Goose bumps cover my skin,
but I suppose someone in the family is using his old cell phone.


It’s Caroline.”

are you? I’m surprised to hear from you.”

well. Thank you.” She hesitates. “Listen, I wanted to talk to you about this
event on Saturday.”

Jonathan put you up to this?”

He spoke to me, but he has no idea I’m calling you.”

not a good idea for me to attend that dinner.”

agree with you. I was really calling to thank you.”

the fact that we’re on the same page, hearing her words, no matter how honest,
hurts. I know it’s not her intention, but I guess it would have been nice to
have her encouraging me to come. I remain silent and try to regain my
composure. Eventually, I blurt the words out of my mouth.

need to thank me. It was the right thing to do.”

think that your presence will be a major distraction. I want Charles’s legacy
to remain intact.”

remain silent. I’m not sure why she found it necessary to rub salt in a wound.
Frankly, it would have been better if she didn’t call at all. This decision was
hard enough, and I hate the fact that I can’t be there. Her reminding me of all
that after I thought we settled it over a week ago is not what I need.

I want the same thing… for Charles, your family, and especially Jonathan.”

phone beeps, and I am thankful that I have an honest excuse to get off the

for calling, Caroline. I have to go. I have another call coming in.”

We’ll have you over for dinner soon.”


I end
the call then pick up the other line and have a quick conversation with Ian. I
pull into one of my favorite cafés. I have a quick snack while I attempt to do
some work. I can’t seem to concentrate. Caroline’s call is bothering me. After
forty-five unproductive minutes, I give up.

the first time in a long time, I think of Koto. We used to come here together
all the time. On days like this, she would be the perfect person to call, and
we’d figure out something to do together that would get me back on track. However,
any such thought is just that, a thought. I could never trust her again.

I feel
down. I suppose today is one of those days where things seem bleak. More and
more, I find myself resenting a dead man for what he’s done to my life. And of
late, for what he’s taken away from me. I can only partially move on with my
life. There is so much that is unresolved, so much holding me back.

phone rings, interrupting my thoughts. I don’t recognize the number, but it’s a
Miami area code. I answer the call.


“Hi, Jada,
it’s Val.”

How are you?”

have some bad news.”


Chapter 1







As I
hear her words, my stomach turns, and I know the only bad news she could
possibly have must be regarding Bobby.


been admitted to the hospital. He was out having lunch with a client and
apparently he was exposed to something with peanuts…”

“Oh my
God. Is he going to be okay?”

“I don’t
know for sure. I just got the call. All I know is that he was losing
consciousness because he was having problems breathing. I’m on my way there now.”

“I can’t
be there. I’m not allowed to leave the state. Can you please call me as soon as
you know something?”

“I will…
the second I get some news.”

anxious and nervous. I need to be there for my brother. I run out of the café
after paying the bill. I call Jonathan, but there’s no answer.

office is round the corner from my location. I drive straight there. I am
relieved when I notice his parked vehicle. I pull into the empty space beside
his SUV and head up to his office. This is agonizing.

Kole’s office,” the woman answers the phone at reception. Then she looks up at

“Hi, I’m
Jada McLean. I’m here to see Jonathan, please?”

know who you are, Miss McLean.” She smiles. “He’s in with a client right now,
but I’ll be happy to send you up to his office where you can wait.”

Since he’s with a client, is Cooper there?”

sorry; he’s in court right now. Go ahead to his office. I’ll let his secretary
know you’re on your way and she’ll try to get him for you.”

I reply then nervously take the elevator up another six floors to his office.

secretary, Margaret, is now Jonathan’s. She greets me as I step out of the

McLean, it’s so nice to see you again.”

too,” I reply. My voice is edgy.

you alright?” she asks.

need to see Jonathan, please,” I reply softly.

a seat while I try to locate him,” she says then walks away.

I can
barely keep still. I pace the floors throughout the posh and modern waiting
area, not able to keep still for more than a few seconds at a time. I suddenly
feel nauseous, and before I know it, I run to the bathroom and I throw up
everything I’ve eaten for the day.

I need
to be there to support my brother; not once have we ever not been there for
each other. I need to find a way to see him. I feel so out of control. I shake
some water in my mouth and pop a mint in. I can’t seem to stop the tears from

I feel
like I’m hitting rock bottom today. My brother could be dying. Not being
allowed to leave to go see him is breaking my heart. I need to know what’s happening.
I need to be able to leave the state, and right now, these obstructions feel
like a hard mountain to climb.

I try
to collect myself, dry my tears, and head back to the waiting area. As I step
into the room, his back is to me.

you are,” Margaret says.

turns to me, kisses me on my lips, and pulls me in a warm embrace.

wrong? Are you okay?”

shake my head and whisper, “I know you’re busy, but it’s urgent that I talk to

not too busy for you.”

or six other lawyer-looking types are around. A few of them are staring. I hear
Megan excitedly calling out my name. I turn and give her a quick hug and a
gentle smile. I think she knows me well enough to know not all is right, and
she steps aside and talks to one of the men nearby.

holds my hand and escorts me to his office, closing the door behind us. It’s
strange, but all the times I’ve been here, I’ve never been in his office,
always the conference room.

what’s wrong?”

been admitted to the hospital. He’s allergic to nuts and somehow he was exposed
to them. He was losing consciousness because he could not breathe.”

“Is he
going to be okay?”

“I don’t
know… Val was on her way to the hospital when she called. Jonathan, I need to
be there. Can you get permission for me to leave the state? Please?”

me see what I can do. Can I get you some coffee or something?”

thanks. Please find a way to get me out of here legally.”

be right back. Make yourself comfortable.”

after he leaves the room, Margaret walks in with a tray with both hot and cold
beverages. I thank her as she leaves. I look through the large expanse of glass
windows and take in the view. I remember the first time I was in this building…
so much has changed…

sit across from his seat at his desk. A picture of us together sits on the
surface, and the
is in the charging station nearby.

wonder he didn’t answer.

I can’t
sit still. I’m up on my feet again, pacing the wall of windows.

walks back into his office. He’s on his cell phone.

can say whatever the hell he wants. He has an ironclad contract with us… Tell
him if he even thinks about it, I’ll sue him for breach of contract… If he
thinks that will stand in court, he has another thing coming. Look, I have to
go. Let me know as soon as you hear from the judge. That’s fine. Just do your
best. Later.”

wrong?” I ask when he ends the call.

just work stuff. Cooper is going to try to put a motion in and hopefully see
the judge this afternoon.”

they grant me permission?”

up to the judge. Try not to worry. Here, have some tea,” he says, handing me a

stands behind me as I look out the window.

tough. He’s going to make it through this,” he says, kissing me on my cheek.

so scared.”

know,” he replies, circling me in his arms.

you have clients that you need to see?”

have one more in about ten minutes, but I won’t be long.”


going to be fine.” He turns me to face him and kisses me lightly on my
forehead. “Try to relax. I’ll be back in a moment.”

minutes after he leaves the room, my phone rings.


he’s going to be fine. He’ll be in the hospital maybe for a couple days, but he’ll
be okay.”

“Is he
conscious?” I ask as Jonathan enters the room.

“Not fully.
I will call you as soon as he is.”

trying to see if the courts will allow me to leave. If they do, I’ll be there
as soon as I can.”

I’ll be in touch.”

I end
the call, sighing in relief.

Jonathan asks.

going to be okay,” I say. I am finally able to smile a little.

told you…” he replies, holding me in a warm embrace. “I have to go home for a
while. Would you like to come with me?”

today’s been rough. I can use a change of scenery.”

picks up his briefcase, holds my hand, and we head down the elevator to the
parking garage. As we approach our vehicles, I pick up some unusual movement
behind Jonathan’s SUV. I stop and remain. Jonathan hasn’t noticed because he’s
busy texting someone.


stops then walks towards me. “What’s up?”

hiding behind your vehicle.”

you sure?”

They’re wearing dark clothing.”

want you to get back in the elevator. Go back to my office. Call Phillip from

hairs on my neck stand erect.

not leaving you here alone. Either you come with me, or I’m staying here with

argue with me. Go. Now,” he mutters.

bossing me around.”

clenches his teeth. “Jada, now is not the time to fucking argue with me. Now

apprehensive and scared to leave him alone. I get into the elevator, but I only
close the doors. Quickly, I fish through my purse for my phone and call
Phillip. His phone goes straight to voice mail, so I call Douglas. He’s a few
minutes away, but he tells me he’ll get the agents who follow me around to come
over. Then I remember my necklace and repeatedly press the button.

I can
hear Jonathan and another man’s voice. They’re arguing. I refuse to leave him.
I can’t. I open the doors. It’s Chris Hostin, and the two are in a full-blown
fight. Jonathan rams his head into one of the concrete pillars, and he wails in
pain as he falls to the floor. Blood spews down his face.

warned you to stay the fuck away from Jada.”

off,” Chris shouts, practically debilitated on the concrete floors.

thought I’d seen Jonathan angry before. I was wrong. Chris Hostin is in the
fetal position on the floor, and Jonathan releases every ounce of energy he has
on him, kicking him repeatedly in his stomach.

stop,” I say, pulling him away. It’s only when he looks towards me I realize
there’s blood oozing through his white shirt on his chest.

“Oh my
God… Oh God, you’re bleeding. Are you okay?” I shout, running towards him. My
chest constricts. “Oh God, you’re hurt.”

fine. I told you to go back upstairs. It’s not safe for you to be here.”

called Douglas. He’s on his way. ”

go back upstairs.”

I am
about to answer when I hear the shouts of “Freeze.”

At the
same moment, Jonathan holds me and swiftly swings me to his side. I turn around
in time to see the agents. All guns are drawn and pointing directly at Chris
Hostin. He’s still, with a bloody crowbar in his hand that is up in the air. He
was about to strike me with it. They place him in handcuffs. By then, the
building security arrives. They say they noticed what was happening on the
cameras. Both Phillip and Douglas are also here.

a long line of questions, our vehicles are inspected thoroughly. They allow us
to leave. The FBI follows us both as we drive to my place. On the elevator ride
up, Jonathan is silent.

not speaking to me?”

I need to be alone for a minute,” he says, walking out of the elevator.

fine, but that’s a lot of blood. We have to see how badly you’re injured.”

please,” he says sternly. “Leave me alone for a minute.”

I reply. Then I head into the living room. I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong,
but he seems so furious with me. I give him his space.


*     *     *


stepped out of the shower five minutes ago, and I can’t get this wound to stop
bleeding. I can’t believe the son-of-a-bitch tried to hook me with that crowbar—literally.

I head
into the kitchen to get some ice. I can probably hear a pin drop in this place.
I look around, and through the glass rail in the mezzanine, I finally see Jada

can be a pain in the royal ass sometimes. Truthfully, I’m only slightly pissed
off at her. If she knew that Chris had threatened to ‘fuck her up’ in the same
way his brothers did that poor fifteen-year-old girl so he could get even with
me, she’d understand the rage that went through me.

the first time in my life, I felt I wanted to kill someone. I was so angry… and
the anger I felt so quickly turned into uncontrollable rage. I might have been
upset that she hadn’t gone upstairs as I asked her to, but truthfully, if she
hadn’t stopped me… I might have been the one behind bars right now.

cell phone skids across the island’s surface. It’s Phillip.


It looks like he’s the one responsible for those tracking devices. We found
another two on him. It looks like he was about to install them on your vehicles.
It’s the same type we found on the Evoque the other day.”

better keep him far away from her behind bars.”

sorry. His words came across loud and clear on the surveillance camera.”

I have to get to the hospital. This wound won’t stop bleeding. Jada’s asleep.
Please keep an eye on her for me.”

Let Douglas take you?”

take you up on that. Thanks.”


leaving Jada
a note on the kitchen island, I head out.

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