Love Is All Around (36 page)

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Authors: Rae Davies

BOOK: Love Is All Around
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“I know.” She reached down and plucked a daisy from the ground. “It’s nice here. Not settle-down-and-raise-a-family nice, but nice.”

“Yeah, it is.” A bluebird landed on the birdbath that sat a few feet away. It dipped its beak in the water and looked up at them, as if listening.

They sat for minute in silence.

Cindy dragged the daisy down her lap, brushing the petals against her skirt. “You going to marry her?”

He didn’t answer.

“She loves you, you know. She didn’t say anything, but I could tell. And the pies. They were a message, weren’t they?” Cindy looked at him.

Cindy thought Patsy loved him; was she right? Not wanting to let his ex-fiancée know what he was thinking, he shrugged.

“They are. I could tell. You don’t bake green pies without a reason. I saw that basket of pies, and I knew. She knows you better than I ever could. I’m not the pie-baking type.” Cindy laughed. “If mine were green, it wouldn’t be on purpose.”

Reaching up, she tucked the daisy behind his ear. “You belong here, Will. Take care of yourself and your pie baker.” With a quick kiss on his cheek, she wandered inside. The bluebird pushed off the birdbath and disappeared over the roofline.

Will retrieved the daisy from behind his ear and twirled it between two fingers. His life in Chicago was over.

Time to really settle into Daisy Creek. Time to talk to Patsy.


 “I ain’t lying for you.” Granny tossed a dirty dish towel into the hamper. “That boy stops by here again, and you’re gonna have to deal with him.”

Tucking a piece of reed around the oak frame, Patsy ignored her grandmother.

“You hear me, sis? I ain’t lying for you. You can’t hide from that boy forever.” Granny yanked a clean towel out of the drawer and attacked the dishes in the drain board with such fervor, Patsy thought she might rub the glaze right off them.

Whipping around to face Patsy, she added, “Can’t hide from yourself neither. Not and be happy anyhow.” She snapped the towel like a lion tamer with a whip. “You listening to me? You been hiding too long. That’s what sent you to St. Louis to start with. You got a problem with the boy, you need to face it. Hiding here ain’t gonna solve nothing.” Tossing the clean towel in the hamper with the dirty one, she stomped out of the room.

Why couldn’t Granny mind her own business? Patsy was back in Daisy Creek, wasn’t she? She’d given up her dream of leaving, hadn’t she? Why wouldn’t her grandmother back off? There was no reason to face Will, not now, not ever. He and his fiancée wouldn’t be hanging around too long. Daisy Daze was tomorrow. Patsy couldn’t imagine they’d stay past that. She could hide that long.


Patsy hurried to unload the baskets and leave. Somehow Granny and Tilde had conned her into helping them set up the DaisyGal booth. It was seven a.m. The only people around right now were vendors and festival coordinators, and not many of them. No way Miss Perky Fiancée would be stirring around yet, and Will was probably still snuggled in next to her. Patsy threw a handful of soaps into a basket and kicked it under the table.

A bleary-eyed Ruthann, loaded down with boxes filled with wreaths and arrangements, wandered up to the table. “Where do you want these?”

Patsy motioned to an empty space on the table. “Where’s Randy and Dwayne?”

“How should I know?”

Patsy paused, a wreath of dried roses in her hands. “Trouble?”

Ruthann shook her head quickly, but Patsy could see the glimmer of tears in her eyes. “What happened?”

“Momma’s got a new boyfriend.”

Like that was a surprise. “So?”

“He’s married.”

Another shocker.

Ruthann sniffed loudly. “To… to Randy’s momma’s best friend.”

Now that was a problem. “Guess she knows about it?”

“Uh huh. She quit talking to me two days ago, and Randy hasn’t called either.”

Patsy had been so caught up in her own issues, hiding from Will, she’d completely neglected her friend. Feeling lower than a snake’s slither, she asked, “You seen her yet today?”

Ruthann nodded. “She’s setting up the First Baptist booth. They’re selling hot dogs. I was supposed to help, but now...”

“But now you’re going to haul your behind over there and steam some dogs. You’ve as much right to work that booth as anybody. Stand up for yourself. You aren’t going to get anywhere by hiding over here with me.”

“You think?”

Ignoring the nagging feeling that she’d heard that speech before, Patsy said, “I know. Go on.”

Ruthann glanced toward the area reserved for food vendors, but didn’t move.

“Come on. I’ll go with you.” Looping her arm through her friend’s, Patsy led her toward the First Baptist booth.

Randy stood near a truck, unloading boxes of buns and hot dogs. His mother was directing Dwayne, who had an orange extension cord wrapped around his arm.

“You know where to plug that in?” Mrs. Jensen fussed.

“Think I can figure it out,” he drawled.

“Get over there.” Patsy nudged Ruthann.

“I don’t know. What am I going to say to her?”

“You don’t have to say anything. You aren’t dating her best friend’s husband.”

“Yeah, but...”

“Is there a problem?” Will stood behind them, a cardboard box in his arms.

“No.” Patsy turned her back on him and tried to slow her heart, which was suddenly beating like she’d downed a pot of espresso, then run to Rolla and back.

“I’m glad to hear that. I thought there might have been some kind of misunderstanding. That happens, you know. People are told one thing, when something completely different is true.” He repositioned himself so he was again in her line of view.

As much as she wanted to, Patsy couldn’t run away. Ruthann needed her. She had no choice but to ignore him. Patsy nudged Ruthann toward the booth. “Get over there.”

Ruthann didn’t budge.

“I just hate misunderstandings,” Will said. His gaze drilled into Patsy. She again turned her back on him.

“Yes, misunderstandings, they can be a bad, bad thing.” His voice was closer. Where was he? Patsy refused to look, but it was clear he wasn’t leaving.

Over her pounding heart, Patsy muttered, “That a fact?”

“Fact.” The box hit the ground with a thump, and Will glided up next to them.

“How’re you doing, Ruthann?” He actually sounded interested.

“Okay.” Ruthann’s gaze was riveted on Randy’s mother, who ignored all of them.

“That didn’t sound okay. Is there a problem?” Will glanced at Randy, who was also pretending not to watch them.

“Not really.” Ruthann’s voice cracked.

“Remember our talk?”

What talk? What had Patsy missed?

Ruthann nodded. Intrigued by their interplay, Patsy forgot to run away.

Placing a hand on her shoulder, Will murmured in Ruthann’s ear. “Time to roar.”

When had Will started giving Ruthann advice? Patsy opened her mouth to object, but Will stopped her. “She has to do this herself.”

Patsy wanted to argue with him, but he was right. Ruthann had leaned on her long enough. This was a battle she had to win on her own.

Ruthann walked toward the booth like she was wearing iron-ore sandals. Randy’s mother made a point of snubbing her, turning to face the opposite direction as Ruthann approached. Randy paused, a box of buns in his arms.

Ruthann trailed a finger along the length of the table, looking about as comfortable as six-inch heels.

 Randy’s momma brushed past her. “Randy, you’re done. You might as well head home. There’s nothing here for you.”

Randy hesitated, looking from his mother to Ruthann.

“I said to get going. You got a son to get.” His mother pushed him toward the truck.

Ruthann glanced back at Patsy and Will. Seeing the moisture in her eyes, Patsy made a step toward her. Someone needed to straighten that old battleaxe out. Will’s hand on her arm stopped her.

He shook his head slightly at Patsy and mouthed to Ruthann, “Roar.”

Ruthann bit her lip, but turned to Randy. “How’ve you been, Randy? Good day for Daisy Daze, don’t you think? It’s warmed up nice after last week’s storm.”

Randy shuffled his feet. “Yeah.”

“You bringing Luke up later?” she asked.

Mrs. Jensen stepped between them. “Randy, you get going. There’s nothing left here for you.”

“I’m here,” Ruthann said.

“I said to get.” Randy’s mother looked a little desperate.

“I’m here, and I love him.”

“What?” Mrs. Jensen turned on her. “You what?”

“I love him.” Ruthann looked scared, but stood steady. “I know you don’t think I’m good enough for him. I know you don’t like my momma, but I love him and nothing’s more important than love.”

Mrs. Jensen pulled herself up to her full height and placed her hands on her hips. “Well, he don’t love you. He’s got a son to look after, to set an example for—that’s more important.”

“That true, Randy? You don’t love me?” Ruthann seemed stronger.

His mother jumped in. “No, he don’t. Now you just get on home before I say something unchristian I’ll regret later.”

Ruthann ignored her. “You gonna answer me?” she asked Randy. He maintained his place by the truck, his face three shades paler than normal.

“You don’t love me, I’ll leave, but you have to say it.” Ruthann bit her lip so hard, Patsy was afraid it might bleed.

“He don’t love you. Now get.” Mrs. Jensen grabbed Ruthann by the arm.

Randy stepped forward. “Let her go.”

“What?” Confusion clouded his mother’s face. “You can’t be choosing the daughter of that piece of...” She gritted her teeth. “...over me.”

“I’m not choosing anybody’s daughter. I’m choosing Ruthann, and I’m not choosing her over you. I love her and I love you. I reckon you’re the one with a choice to make.” He stepped past his mother and grabbed Ruthann’s hands. “I love you, Ruthann.”

As Ruthann slipped into his arms, Patsy relaxed against the warm chest behind her. She’d never seen her friend happier. It made Patsy happy too, and sad. Ruthann had something Patsy never would. Remembering whose chest she leaned against, she jumped away.

“Where are you going?” Will asked.

“Home.” Patsy stomped across the grass that made up the courthouse square. Will strode after her. “You’ve been avoiding me again.”

Patsy tried to remember where she’d parked the Jeep.

“Are you hiding from me?”

Where was that Jeep?

“You planning to run away?”

There it was. Patsy started toward her car just as the vehicle pulled away from the curb, her aunt Tilde at the wheel. Tilde was stealing her Jeep. Damn her finagling family.

“Again?” Will added.

The word stopped her, hit her hard—again? What did he mean again? She wasn’t running away from anything or anyone, especially a lying, no-good man.

Spinning on her heel, she attacked. “Just who do you think you are, playing all coy and cute, buying me pies, sucking up to my dog, sending me packages, making...” She couldn’t spit out the word. “ me, and all along you’ve had a fiancée pining away, waiting for you in Chicago.”

Will stood still, letting her rant.

“Do you know what I gave up for you? I could have gone to Australia, but no, I turned it all down. Came home—to what? Nothing. I came home to nothing.” She swallowed hard. She would not cry.

Will grasped her by the upper arms, gave her a little shake. “I wasn’t playing, and I don’t have a fiancée.”

There had to be another escape. Patsy turned to head back to where Dwayne still stood near the truck.

Will grabbed her again. “Listen to me.”

Patsy stared at him through tears she wouldn’t let fall.

“Cindy and I used to be engaged, but that was over before I came back to Daisy Creek. Before I bought you pies,” he smiled, “sucked up to your dog, sent you packages, or,” he paused, softening his grip on her arms, “made love to you.” His touch changed to a caress. “I love you, Patsy Lee Clark, and I’m not going away—no matter what you say or do.”

She blinked, a tear rolled down her cheek. He loved her?

“I wanted to tell you before you went to St. Louis, but when I saw you with the Celt, I thought...”

The Celt? “You mean Glenn?” she asked.

He made a dismissive motion with his hands.

He was jealous of Glenn? A tiny speck of joy began to break through. “Glenn’s just a friend. I don’t care about him. I don’t love him like I...” She stopped. Could she say it? Would she regret it if she did?

“Like you what?” Will gripped her arms again, giving her another little shake.

Glancing over to where Randy stood with his arm around Ruthann, his mother looking pale but resolved, Patsy swallowed. You didn’t get anything worth having without taking a risk. Tilting her face to Will’s, she said, “Like I love you.”

Will’s breath left his body in a pent-up whoosh. Tightening his hands on her arms, he jerked her against his chest. With his lips pressed to hers, he plunged his tongue into her mouth. As she grappled to get her hands behind his neck to pull him closer, the brief realization that they were giving a good portion of the town quite the show darted through her head.

Her brother’s uncouth whoop confirmed it.

Holding tight to Will’s neck, she hopped up and locked her legs around his waist. If she was going to give Daisy Creek something to talk about, might as well be something good.



Rae Davies is the pen name of multi-published author, Lori Devoti. As Rae she writes the Dusty Deals Mystery Series. Visit her website at

Lori is also the author dark paranormal fiction. Visit her Lori Devoti website at

Lori also teaches writing and blogs on writing. Look for her articles on the craft and business of writing at the How to Write Shop at


If you enjoyed Love is All Around, don’t miss Love is All You Need also by Rae Davies.

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