Love Inspired June 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: The Cowboy's Homecoming\The Amish Widow's Secret\Safe in the Fireman's Arms (20 page)

BOOK: Love Inspired June 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: The Cowboy's Homecoming\The Amish Widow's Secret\Safe in the Fireman's Arms
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“Th-thank you, Rema. Hopefully we'll have another friendly neighbor in the house for sale down the street.”

“I hope so.” She put her hand on the doorknob. “I'm sure we'll be best friends soon enough.”

Angie didn't know what to say, and when Rema stepped outside, Angie closed the door and caught her breath. She wanted to be neighborly without coffee klatches or hanging over the fence. She preferred being with her friends, people who meant something to her.

Rick's image filled her mind. Their friendship had blossomed without effort. If not for her lack of confidence in relationships, she might have given thought to him as more than a friend a couple of years earlier. Lately her feelings had strengthened even more since they'd been spending more time together outside work.

The images flying into her mind throughout the day had got out of hand. She'd never known a man so thoughtful and caring. Although they were friends, he treated her like someone significant in his life. He made her feel like a woman and not a commodity. Yet her hope fell flat when she thought about the corporation where they worked. The company didn't tolerate employee romances. She tried to forget the work awaiting her. She pulled back her shoulders and forced herself to head for the boxes. If nothing more, they would be a distraction. She hoped.

* * *

Rick folded the completed file and slid it into his desk drawer before turning off his computer. The clock hadn't alerted him of the time, but his stomach had. He rose and rolled his chair under the desk, his hunger guiding him to the company lunchroom. Although restaurants were nearby, he usually brought a lunch, finding it more economical.

As he entered he grinned to find Angie already seated. He'd learned that her stomach and his were often in sync. That wasn't the only way they were in sync, either. He faced that more and more. She'd grown as a friend and even more as someone he wanted to be with. So often she remained in his thoughts, and he liked thinking about her.

She gave him a wave as he headed to the refrigerator. With his lunch bag in hand, he settled beside her at the table, noting her sandwich of meat rolled in a lettuce leaf and a delicious-looking muffin that dripped with icing. The incongruity made him chuckle.

“What's funny?” She grinned at her lettuce wrap and muffin as her eyebrow arched. “A welcome-to-Lilac-Circle gift from a neighbor. I can't let them go to waste.” She tilted her head toward the refrigerator. “And if you don't think it's too hysterical, you might enjoy the one I brought you.”

This time his brows lifted. “You did?”

She smirked. “You know I did.”

He hurried back to the fridge and found the muffin in a lunch bag with his name on it. He was touched that she'd also thought of him.

With the treasure in hand he settled beside her and sipped from a juice box from his lunch bag. “I know. I was desperate.” He held up the container. “It's Carly's, but I'll have another supply in the house before this weekend.”

“You're a good dad, Rick.” She took the last bite of her lettuce wrap, her focus shifting toward the muffin. “I think I'll get a coffee.”

She slid back the chair and headed around the corner to the counter that held the coffee urn. As she hurried away, he admired her. He understood how she stayed trim. She lived like a rabbit, eating veggies and lettuce sandwiches. The occasional sweet treat was rare for Angie.

The odor of strong coffee surrounded him before she set it on the table and sat back down. “Smells like that stuff was left over from yesterday.”

She took a careful sip, and her nose wrinkled. “The day before, I suspect.”

They both grinned while she pulled the wrapper off the muffin. He bit into his sandwich, watching her take a bite of the luscious-looking treat. “That's from a neighbor?”

She nodded, taking a moment to swallow. “Rema, to be exact. It was very sweet of her on one hand, but not convenient.” She lowered her head and brushed away her comment. “Anyway, the muffins are delicious.” She swiped a bit of icing from the edge. “You may have seen her as you pulled away.”

He shook his head, recalling he'd seen only Angie standing on the porch, her eyes on him.

“The problem was the piles of boxes, and the house was a mess. And she was a bit odd.”

“Odd? In what way?” Because Angie was so rarely judgmental, her comment surprised him.

“She was pleasant enough but seemed sort of sad. More like depressed.” Angie's face sank to concern.

He wanted to cheer her. “Some people are sadder than others.”

“And blunt.”

His grin grew. “Sometimes you're—”

“No, I'm not.” She gave him a coy look. “Maybe a bit, but not like this. She asked me why I wasn't married.”

He drew back, agreeing it was a very personal question. “How did she know you weren't married?” He glanced at her finger, aware she'd never worn a ring as long as he'd known her.

An uneasy expression slipped across her face. “She thought you were my husband.”

“Why would she think that?”

She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “We hugged on the porch, I guess. But from her other comment, I still wonder.”

“Huh?” She'd stumped him, though he did recall her hug. He admired Angie's open affection, so different from Glenda's. She'd become cool after they'd married, and he'd never understood why.

“When I told her I wasn't married, she said I probably made a good decision.” Her eyes widened. “Don't you think that's odd to tell a stranger?”

He did, but he sought an explanation. “I suppose it's not if she's divorced or in a bad marriage.”

“You're right.” She thought a moment. “Anyway, I didn't pursue the conversation.”

“You didn't? What happened to your inquisitiveness?” His own was piqued, curious how Angie had explained she was still single. He'd asked himself the same question.

She rested her elbow on the table and leaned closer. “Don't worry. I'm sure I'll learn why. She told me we would be great friends.”

They both grinned, and she let the conversation slide. He didn't like seeing Angie on edge. Her upbeat spirit had won his heart, and he'd befriended her for that reason, along with her ability to make the best of even bad situations. She found something positive in most everything. “Seeing your grin gave me an inspiring idea.” An idea that was sort of one-sided, but she might like it. “Can you use any more help this weekend?”

“Hard to tell, but I know I want to do some things in the yard once I'm done emptying the boxes.” Her expression shifted to what appeared to be interest. “Why? Are you volunteering?”

“With an ulterior motive.” A guilty nudge hit his chest. He loved spending time with Angie, but he couldn't tell her that. “I have Carly this weekend, and you've never met her. Since you're out of the apartment now and in a house, I thought Carly might enjoy a yard to play in. I like to take her places, but I can never think of anything.”

“Rick, I'd love to meet her, and if we plant some flowers, she could help.”

“Are you sure? She's only five.”

“Give her credit, Dad. Five-year-olds can do lots of things when you teach them.”

“I suppose.” He took his finger and dug into a hunk of the muffin. “This smells wonderful.”

“It is, but my hands are sticky, and I need to get back to my desk.” She jumped up, slipped her chair under the table and grabbed the lunch trash. As she passed him, she gave him an elbow and leaned close to his ear. “See you tomorrow, and, Rick, I'm really looking forward to meeting Carly on Saturday.”

Since others were in the room he only nodded. He sensed that a couple of the guys figured he and Angie were a thing, even though the higher-ups discouraged coworker dating. If they only understood that a man and a woman could actually be friends without romance. The thought shivered down his back. Right now romance was off the list, but could he and Angie remain friends? And even more, did he want to be only a friend?

As the question struck him, reality sneaked in. Their work made it nearly impossible, but if he did get involved with a woman, Angie would be the only one who would interest him. No one could get to his heart as she seemed to do.

Get to his heart? Adrenaline shot through him with the impact of his thoughts. Speculation like that had to end. Between company policy and a friendship he valued, impractical emotions could put their relationship in jeopardy. And now he'd involved Carly.

He closed his eyes. It might be impractical and chancy, but the feelings were there. He had to back off or slow down. A weight struck his chest. Or throw caution to the wind and let things happen. He'd messed up by allowing himself to get involved outside work. There they could be friends. In the world, friendships could grow and burst into something wonderful.

Carly might be his guide. If she appeared uncomfortable with Angie, then he would have little choice. His daughter needed security right now and, as her father, he had to listen.

As his thoughts sank deep, the weight grew heavier on his heart.

Copyright © 2015 by Gail Gaymer Martin

ISBN-13: 9781460383094

The Cowboy's Homecoming

Copyright © 2015 by Carolyne Aarsen

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Second Chance at Love

Widow Sarah Nolt never expected another marriage proposal. She hardly knows the handsome Amish man who's come to help with her barn raising. Besides, they're both still mourning the loss of their spouses. But Mose Fischer needs a caretaker for his daughters, and Sarah needs to escape her father's oppressive rule. They agree to a marriage of convenience, but when Sarah moves to Mose's Amish community in Florida, she can't help falling for the strong, kind widower and his little girls. To create a family, they'll have to come to terms with their pasts…and the secret Sarah is unknowingly carrying.

Mose looked up and saw Sarah hurry into the shop, her dress spotted with fat drops of rain.

Sarah looked young and happy. Mose's heartbeat quickened as he walked toward her. “You picked a fine time to be out. It's about to storm, from the looks of you.”

Sarah whirled at the sound of his voice and rushed over to him. “Mose, the cart ride was wonderful. I felt like a child again, the rain hitting me in the face and the golf cart sliding on the pavement.”

He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped her face dry, her eyes sky blue and shining at him. He fought down the urge to kiss her; his feelings for her were becoming more obvious to him every day.

“I'm sorry I dampened your handkerchief,” she apologized.

“Silly girl. That's why I carry the rag. To help beautiful damsels in distress.” He heard himself flirting, like he might have done as a young man of nineteen.

Sarah was turning him into a schoolboy again. And he liked it.

Cheryl Williford
and her veteran husband, Henry, live in South Texas, where they've raised three children, numerous foster children, alongside a menagerie of rescued cats, dogs and hamsters. Her love for writing began in a literature class and now her characters keep her grabbing for paper and pen. She is a member of her local ACFW and CWA chapters, and is a seamstress, watercolorist and loving grandmother. Her website is

Books by Cheryl Williford

Love Inspired

The Amish Widow's Secret


By Cheryl Williford

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