Love in the City, an erotic romance novel (4 page)

BOOK: Love in the City, an erotic romance novel
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gio pulled out a chair for her.

She sat down. She straightened out her
slim-fitting skirt that had ridden up her legs a little.

He stole a glance at her shapely legs as she adjusted her
black skirt and then placed her workbag on an extra chair. He slid the other chair a bit closer to hers and sat down. “We haven’t been formally introduced.” He stretched out a hand to her. “I’m Giorgio Tsarkopolis.”

She took his hand. It was
big and warm. “Anabelle. Anabelle Parker.” She felt electric being this close to him.

He squeezed her hand just a touch
, holding onto it. “Nice to formally meet you, Anabelle Parker.”

She blushed again. “You, too.” She
reluctantly took her hand back and wrapped both hands around her coffee, trying to calm her nerves. His tousled, thick dark hair just begged to have fingers run through it.

“So, I have a confession to make,” he said, leaning in towards her. His full lips curved into a mischievous smile. “Before George over there outs me.”

She looked over at the coffee counter. George was grinning at them, but then quickly looked away when he saw her looking at him. She looked back at Giorgio. “What is it?” her heart started beating faster.

“I’m not here by accident,” he said. “I’ve actually been coming here every morning for the last week.”

“Oh, okay?” she said, confused.

Silence for a moment.

“To meet you,” he said, looking at her intently, his deep blue eyes pools of sensual promise.

She could have fallen off her chair. She
blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. “Why? Do I need to pay your dry cleaning bill?” She wanted to kick herself.

He laughed. “You’re funny. And pretty. And you have an adorable way about you.
I’m rather captivated. That’s why.”

She was speechless.
I must be dreaming,
she thought,
did he just say those things to me?
She glanced down at his hands. No ring.

He grinned. “I’m not married,” he said, picking up on her look.

“Oh,” she said, embarrassed. Words failed her.

“I didn’t see a ring on your finger the day we
met. Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, uh, no, I don’t,” she said, fidgeting in her chair. She realized the significance of the fact that he had thought to check for a ring when they first met.

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asked. “I’m sorry if this is too forward.”

“No, it’s just…this is just…unexpected, that’s all.”

“But hopefully not unwelcome,” he said, flashing that killer smile again.

She melted. “No, not unwelcome.
Not at all. I’m just…surprised.”

“Well, I hope it’s a good surprise.”

She nodded as she blushed and unsuccessfully tried to restrain a giant grin.

“I’m glad,
” he said, his voice smooth as silk. He leaned back in his chair, his legs parted, his knee very close to her leg. “Do you come here most mornings?” He exuded confidence, but not in an arrogant way.

She found herself holding her breath.
She couldn’t help but take in his form. Her eyes seemed to have a mind of their own as they glanced down his frame, then back up again. His tailored suit was showing off a great body and she was sure he was purposely inching closer to her. “Um…yes, though lately I’ve been working late and was too tired to come here and make it to work on time, which sucks because the coffee at my office tastes like burnt rubber.”

He laughed. As he did, his knee
brushed her thigh for a moment.

She felt her temperature spike
at the touch.

“See,” he said, “I told you that you should have come in to my office for coffee that day. We’re a couple of steps above burnt rubber.”

She giggled and smiled shyly, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing once again.

“I gather you work close to here?” he asked, pleased that he made her smile.

She immediately thought of his family’s name across the entrance to that tall skyscraper. Her insecurities crept back. Considering who he was she didn’t want to admit she was rather low on the totem pole in the advertising world. She wished she could say something fabulous. But fabulous wasn’t her. “I do, yes,” is all she said.

“Is my building on the way
to work for you?”

She shook her head. “No, I had worked all weekend, so I was trying to squeeze an errand i
n before work. I stopped at Cappi’s Bodega for stamps. I was running late and rushing around, hence my unfortunate coffee handling.” She gave him an endearing smile.

He laughed.
“So, then I guess I won’t see you in front of my building passing by regularly?”

“Um, well, not r
eally. But I do pop over to Cappi’s from time to time.”

He nodded, his expression curious and warm. “What business are you in, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“I-uh just work in an office nearby,” she said.

He let her evasive answer
s pass in case she had any safety concerns about a man she didn’t know approaching her. “What do you like to do in your spare time?”

She thought for a moment. “I like to listen to music, go out for dinner
or drinks, hang out with friends or just at home, watch movies, see off-Broadway plays, walks in the park. The usual. Nothing too fancy.”

“I like those things, too,” he said. “Maybe we could do one
or two of them together sometime?”

“A date?” she asked, her heart nearly stopping. She wanted to punch herself.
Smooth, Anabelle, real smooth.

“Unless that makes you uncomfortable,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “We could just call it a friend
ly get-together if you prefer.”

She shook her head. “It’s all good,” she said, trying to play it cool. She was certain that her red face was betraying her

,” he replied, his expression brightening. “Can I call you sometime then?” he asked, leaning an elbow on the table.

She caught another whiff of his cologne. It was a very sexy scent. Very appealing. Her mind went momentarily blank. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It felt like a dream. Like something out of a movie. “Sure, that would be really nice,”
she said, slightly breathless.

He pulled out a couple of business cards and a silver pen from his blazer pocket. He handed them to her. “Why don’t you write your number on the one card for me, and keep the other one.”

She took the business cards. They looked impressive. She still had no idea why a man like that was interested in a girl like her. She wrote her cell number down and handed it to him, along with his pen.

you, Anabelle. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, hopefully soon, and getting to know you better.” He had an adorable look to him with his dark hair, long eyelashes framing striking blue eyes, totally kissable full lips and perfect cheekbones.

Anabelle was taken with how incredibly good-looking he was. She had never met a man so powerfully alluring.
“Me too,” she said.

I’m glad to hear you say that,” he said. He looked over her hair, her face, his eyes settling on the flower-shaped silver pendant that rested just above her womanly décolletage, his gaze lingering for a moment, wanting to drop down lower, but restraining himself.

She watched him watch her, her heart beating faster. He oozed masculine sex appeal. She wanted him to check her out, but at the same time she didn’t. He made her feel very nervous. Turned on and spooked at the same time.

He slowly raised his gaze, looked deep into her hazel eyes. He reached out and touched her hand, stroking two of her fingers. A tentative touch. “I hope you don’t think this is too forward, but you’re very attractive, you know.”

She didn’t know what to say, her mind was a jumbled mess, emotions spiking. She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear as she shifted in her chair. Her temperature was definitely rising.
She bit her lip and looked down at where his fingers were touching her. “You too,” she replied finally, her voice the barest of whispers.

He leaned forward,
his lips curving into a hint of a sexy smile as his eyes moved again to her pendant, then her lips, and back to her eyes. “I’ve lived enough to know to speak up when something, when
, intrigues me. And you do. Better than never knowing. Right?”

took a deep breath and nodded. “Taking chances. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

“Exactly,” he said,
his smile widening.

had an almost overpowering urge to kiss him right now. But she quickly realized how crazy that would be. And she was definitely going to be late for work. “I should…” she started to say.

“I know, duty calls,” he said. He looked at her, taking in her body language. Shy, uncertain, a little insecure. She wasn’t at all like the women he usually came into contact with. The ones who were always throwing themselves at him
. Being blatant and obvious about it. This girl definitely intrigued him.

Anabelle got up.

He stood as well, stealing a glance at her figure as he did. “I enjoyed our coffee, even though it was brief.” He grinned, then lightly placed a hand on each of her shoulders as he leaned in to kiss her cheek.

She froze as she took in his size, his scent, the softness sensual touch of his lips on her cheek. She stopped breathing. Being that close to him thrilled her, aroused her.

He looked at her, his gaze again going to her lips.

She wanted him to kiss her, but was afraid if he did. She was confused.

“Until next time,” he said, giving her shoulders a gentle squeeze and then let go.

“Next time,” she said, then reluctantly gathered up her bags.

He stood at the table and watched her walk away.

She turned back around as she exited. She gave him a wave.

He waved back.

One step towards the exciting unknown?
she wondered as she headed to the office. She couldn’t believe how powerfully attracted she was to him. She had never experienced anything like it. Not even close.

But then her thoughts turned fearful, thinking of all of the ways she could get hurt. She thought of Aaron and how she couldn’t even keep an ordinary college student, who hadn’t yet begun his career, interested in her. What chance did she have with a man like Giorgio?
He’s way out of my league, a ticket to heartbreak and pain.
Maybe it’s just not worth it,
she thought as her insecurities swelled. She shook her head feeling completely conflicted, and walked faster away.

Chapter 4


Anabelle called Sarah that night. “Hi, it’s me,” she said as she flopped on her bed, feeling completely drained.

“Hey, what’s up? I was wondering when I was going to hear from you.”

“I know, I’m sorry. Work has been nuts again. More overtime.” She grabbed a cushion and held it to her stomach. Jasper jumped up next to her, settling down on her comforter.

“Again? Is she ever going to pay you for all that overtime?”

“It doesn’t work like that,” Anabelle said. “I have to prove myself, work my way up the ladder. This is part of paying my dues.”

Sarah scoffed. “It sounds like she’s getting free labor for Kinetic Advertising and taking advantage of someone younger than her, who’s just building their career
, just because she can intimidate them.”

“Yeah, that probably sums it up. She doesn’t even say thanks or offer to get dinner in.” Anabelle was twisting her hair with her fingers.

“You know, I’m starting to think less that she’s making you prove yourself, and more that she’s using you and holding you down.”

“Why would she do that?”

“Maybe she’s threatened.”

“By me? That’s ridiculous,” Anabelle said, sitting up on the bed. “I’m just a lowly worker-bee.”

“Who works like a dog, has good ideas, and can understand and apply good marketing techniques for clients. And you’re pretty and have a nice figure. Competitive, insecure women hate all that.”

couldn’t help but smile at the pep talk. “I do work hard, and I know my stuff. I love this kind of work. But you’ve seen her. Raquel Sheridan is va-va-voom. A real Jessica Rabbit. Redhead and all. All polished and expensively put together and sultry. I’m more plain and a few pounds heavier than I should be,” she said, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. “And she’s a partner in the firm. She couldn’t possibly be threatened by me.”

“You’d be surprised.
Keeping you from owning your abilities and talents allows her to feel superior. Plus, you’re not plain, you’re just not flashy and in-your-face about your attractiveness.”

“I don’t know…”

“You know a lot of men prefer a girl who is more natural-looking and approachable. Someone like Raquel comes across as self-involved, shallow, and arrogant, not to mention a high maintenance plastic-surgery addict.” Sarah was getting herself worked up now. “She’s obviously fake. Fake boobs. Fake nails. Fake tan. Oh yeah, and her liberal use of Botox. Ugh.”

“Have you seen the women in Manhattan? It’s a cultural norm.”

“An even better reason not to drink that Kool-Aid. It’s poison. Be naturally beautiful and stand out by not trying to outdo everyone else in that twisted competition.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t. Couldn’t afford it if I wanted to,” Anabelle said jokingly, leaning forward and giving Jasper a scratch behind the ears.

“Ha ha ha,” Sarah said, “you know I’d punch your lights out if you ever got
any of those ideas in your head.”

“Ditto, dear,” she replied.

“Good. Now that we have that cleared up, you need to show your worth in the marketing world, make your talent undeniable and impossible to be ignored.”

“But she also has teeth and knows how to use them,” she said as she now sat cross-legged on the bed. “I’m scared about crossing her. She’ll smack me down.” She bit her nails. A bad habit that crept up whenever she was especially nervous or stressed.

“Then, you need to be sneaky about it. Outshine her. But don’t let her see you coming.”

“I need this job though,” Anabelle said, examining her other nails. “It’s pretty cutthroat out there in the job market.”

“You can’t let this go on forever you know,” Sarah chided her.

“I know. Listen, there’s something else I want to tell you.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“I saw him again,” she said, waiting for a reaction.

“Oh, do tell!”

relayed the encounter at Coffee Haven.

“Wow, he’s definitely interested. He’s stalking you. How romantic!”

“Or scary?”

“I don’t think so, he’s not some random creep off the street.
He made sure you knew who he was. He’s an established businessman in the public eye. Besides, do you get a bad vibe from him?”

“No, just the opposite in fact. That morning I had a dream about him.” She blushed a little at the memory of it.

“Ooh, a good dream was it?” she asked.

“Pretty good, definitely romantic. I woke up before it went too far though.”


“Tell me about it. I even tried to get back to sleep to pick up where it left off, but no luck.”

“Interesting. And then you bumped into him that same day? Sounds like the fates are trying to get you two together.”

“Maybe,” she said, staring down at Jasper. “Maybe I should just stick to Jasper. He’s the only man I
really feel safe with.”

“Um, yeah, I think you’ll find
a bit more fulfillment with someone like your handsome Greek suitor. You should call him.”

“No way,” she said, shaking her head. “He can call me. Otherwise I’ll look desperate.”

“Nonsense, he went out of his way to see you again. That took guts. And determination.”

“I just can’t do it. I’ll wait for him to call.”

Sarah sighed. “You know, waiting around for things to happen to you isn’t always the best approach.”

“Says she who keeps making googly-eyes at Barry, but won’t do anything else
about it.”

“Touché,” Sarah said. “Ok
ay, so we both need to work on going after what we want.”

“So you do want him!”

Sarah sidestepped the comment. “Ahem, I meant that we need to come out of our shells a bit more. That’s the New York way, right? Take a big bite out of that apple?”

“Big bite,” Anabelle
repeated, giggling. “Of a juicy, mouth-watering apple.”

“Now you’re talking.”

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