Love in the City, an erotic romance novel (15 page)

BOOK: Love in the City, an erotic romance novel
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“Oh my, you are well-endowed,” she said as she felt him grow even harder and throb in her grip. “You’re huge.”

You seem to have this effect on me…I hope my body pleases you, m’lady,” he said, then groaned as her grip tightened and she stroked his shaft faster.

“Oh lord, does it ever,” she said.
She then reached down to cup his balls, feeling their weight in her hand. She gently rubbed them, then ran her thumb up along the underside of his shaft, back to the tip, which was even wetter and stickier now.

…” he moaned, as his legs parted more in response to her feminine exploration of his male sexual form.

“Mmmm, I think you like this,” she said. “I think it’s your turn to pay for being so well-endowed and so bold as to rub me until I came.” She gripped his
rod firmly, stroking his length up and down. She saw the sexual and sensual way his body rocked to the rhythm of her strokes. His lips were parted, his eyes were closed and he was breathing rapidly. She teased his balls with light touches between strokes. She bent over to kiss and suck his other nipple, keeping a solid grip on his shaft as she rubbed him, sending shocks of pleasure through his body.

“God, you get me so hard,” he said. He looked at her, his blue eyes pool of
raw desire. “I’m constantly aroused around you.”

“Hmmm…I’ll have to remember that
. I think I can have a lot of fun with you.” She grinned and started rapidly flicking her tongue against his nipple as her hand firmly pumped him.

He gasped.
“Anabelle…you’re making me…”

“Yes, Giorgio?” she said as her strokes grew faster, her grip tightening on his long hard cock.

“You’re making me…” he pursed his lips together… “come….” With that he let out a loud groan and his body shuddered wildly.

She smiled as she felt his come shoot out of his tip. She held his
shaft as it throbbed, pumping out semen.

He pushed his
head back into the pillow as his body spasmed. His orgasm was huge as he shook, the final drops of come dripping out of his tip.

She massaged the warm semen along the length of his cock.

He bit his lip as his body spasmed one last time. His chest had a sheen of sweat over it.

She placed her hand on his che
st, feeling his heart pounding.

“You conquered me,” he
said huskily. “You gorgeous sex kitten, you. You took me.”

“You deserved it for oozing sexuality and for teasing me with your half-naked body. Your form, that huge package you have between your legs, cries out for sexual pleasure.”

His body trembled. He was still breathing hard as he managed a mischievous grin. “Hmmm, come to think of it I did catch you looking between my legs that day in the car. I wondered what you were thinking.”

She giggled. “Guilty as charged.
I was thinking of what was underneath your pants and how badly I wanted to feel you. You’re kind of hard not to ogle and fondle, you know.”

He kissed her forehead. “Well, I’m yours to ogle
and fondle away.”

“Good, and I shall,” she said, wanting to ask if he was just hers. She was too
shy, though. She didn’t want to ruin this moment and confuse things in case he wasn’t at that place yet. She hoped he was.

Anabelle snuggled into him and
soon they fell asleep, their bodies entwined and sexually satisfied…for now.

Chapter 16


Anabelle and Giorgio had fallen asleep together in her bed for a couple of hours that Saturday night. When they awoke, it was still only early evening and they were both starving, so they had ordered a large pizza and watched a movie. Giorgio’s clothes were clean by then, so he had gotten dressed. They were very affectionate with one another and had a cozy, comfortable evening in one another’s company. Anabelle felt closer than ever to him after their very steamy, erotic encounter.

Giorgio headed home late that night. Anabelle had considered inviting him to stay over, but she wasn’t ready for that. Waking up with him, the morning after, spending a Sunday together, the implication of it all was just too much too soon for her, even though she was falling hard for him, even more so now. She needed more certainty in where she really stood with him. Sarah would give her heck, but she had still been too scared to ask those questions. She couldn’t handle hearing an answer she didn’t like right now. Better to stay in her happy bubble for now, she figured. She liked it there.


She and Giorgio had talked on the phone on Sunday and he’d sent her a large bouquet of flowers to work on Monday morning with a note that said:
To my beautiful Anabelle who gave me a night I’ll never forget.
She swooned when she read it. He was quickly becoming the central focus of her life. She was floating on cloud nine and was finding it challenging to keep her mind on work or anything else that didn’t involve him. She replayed that night, every sexy, tantalizing, X-rated minute of it, and everything that led up to it over and over in her mind.


Raquel had noticed the sudden change in Anabelle, which she saw coincided with the flowers and the new diamond Versace watch she was wearing. She pretended not to notice, but she knew Anabelle could never afford a watch like that on her own. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where that watch had come from and she wasn’t too happy about that. Still, until a ring appeared on Anabelle’s finger, which she doubted would ever happen considering their different stations in life, all was fair game in her mind. She wasn’t giving up the fight yet. She was confident that Anabelle was woefully outmatched where she was concerned.

Anabelle’s phone rang. It was 10
a.m. It was Giorgio. “Hey you,” she purred.

“Hi beautiful,” he said. “Listen, I know this is short notice, but I was wondering if I could take you to lunch today?”

She sighed. “I’m sorry, I have plans already with Sarah.” She was going to fill her friend in on the weekend’s events, since Sarah had to work all day Sunday to meet another deadline.

“Oh,” he said, sounding disappointed.

“Could we make it another day?” she asked. “Or how about dinner?”

“I can’t, I have to work late tonight and pretty much every night this week. Actually, the stuff I have to work
late on is related to what I wanted to talk to you about at lunch. There’s something important I wanted to mention to you, an event I was hoping you’d consider attending with me.”

“That sounds interesting,” she said.

“It is, but it’s not something I want to ask you over the phone. And it’s coming up soon.”

“Even more interesting,” she said. “Well, I could see if I can move my lunch with Sarah.”

“Really? That’d be great. Although, you’d have to apologize to her on my behalf.”

“Let me give her a call and I’ll call you right back.”

“Thanks,” he said. “By the way, I can’t stop thinking about you and our Saturday night together. I just thought you should know.”

“I know the feeling,” she said, feeling the butterflies start up.

She hung up and dialed Sarah. Giorgio’s statement made her want to see him even more. She hoped Sarah would understand.

“Hi,” Sarah said. “Calling to confirm our lunch today?”

“Um, that is what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“That wench isn’t making you work through lunch again, is she? I’ll remind you again that you’re not getting paid for all this overtime.”

Anabelle bit her lip. “Uh, no, that’s not it, but I was wondering if we could postpone our lunch? Maybe to tomorrow?”

Sarah paused. “Is it because of him?”

“Yeah,” she replied sheepishly.

“Seriously? He’s got to pull you away from lunch with a friend that you already had planned in advance?”

“He said he had something important to ask me and that whatever it relates to is coming up soon.” She knew she had to sell this better. “He also said it’s not the kind of thing he wants to ask over the phone.”

Sarah let out a long sigh.

“I promise this won’t become a habit.”


“Promise. Really. Just this once. He’s not going to pre-empt our friendship.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.”

“Of course. I’ll make it up to you, lunch will be my treat.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“I insist.”

Alright,” Sarah said. “Well, have a nice lunch with Romeo…oops I mean Giorgio.”

Thanks, Sarah. See you tomorrow.”

Anabelle called Giorgio back to tell him she could make the lunch. He picked a restaurant halfway between their offices.


Lunchtime came and Anabelle grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Just as she was about to reach reception, Raquel came around the corner.

“Anabelle, I was just coming to find you.”

Anabelle looked down at her watch, her stunning new watch. She had to leave now to be there on time. “Can I come see you after lunch? I’m meeting someone right now.”

“This is a busy time for us, with the Tsar Enterprises proposal coming up,” Raquel said, her brow furrowed. “You know to get ahead in this business, you have to pull out all the stakes when you have something in your sights.”

Anabelle reflected for a moment on all the possible ways that statement could apply to the current situation. “I’d be happy to stay late, but I really need to make this lunch.”

Raquel gave her a withering look. “Fine,” she said, and then huffed off, her high heels clicking and clacking a little more loudly, emphasizing her irritation, on the hardwood floors.

Anabelle shook her head and headed out.

“Enjoy your lunch,” Jennifer said brightly as she passed by the reception desk.

“Thanks, you too.”

“Psst, good for you in standing up to her,” Jennifer whispered. “She’s not used to that.”

“Ha ha,” Anabelle
said, giving her the thumbs up.

She left, feeling a little more empowered now.


She got to the restaurant only a couple of minutes late. She looked around the busy place, and then spotted Giorgio at a table near the window, waving to her.

He stood up to give her a warm hug and kiss. “Thanks for meeting me,” he said. He was wearing a finely tailored slate grey suit and white shirt, open at the collar.

“Of course, I’m happy to. Raquel tried to ambush me on the way out, but I dodged her.”

“Good for you,” he said as he pulled out her chair for her. “Looks like everyone wanted a piece of you at lunch today.”

They sat down.

“I’m a lucky guy that you chose me.” He smiled and winked at her, his blue eyes sparkling.

He still took her breath away, he was so handsome. “Well, I’ll probably have to work late and I have some making up to do with Sarah, but you’re worth it.” She looked up at him with a knowing smile as she recalled how he looked and felt wearing nothing but a towel.

“I’m glad you think so,” he said as he picked up her hand and kissed it.

The feel of his soft lips on her skin sent waves of arousal coursing through her body. The chemistry she felt with him was orders of magnitude stronger than anything she ever felt before. Her face felt warm. She needed to get her thoughts under control. Try to play it cool around him, which wasn’t easy. “Plus, this sounded important.”

“It is,” he said as the waiter came by to hand them menus and tell them of the lunch specials. They both ordered San Pellegrino to drink.

After the waiter left, Anabelle leaned forward. “So, don’t keep me waiting. What’s going on?”

Giorgio gave her a sly smile and looked up at her through his thick, dark lashes. “Well, after our first date and then our second…um…get-together…at your place, I thought…I hoped that perhaps you and I were now in a different, maybe more solid place.” It was as much a statement as it was a question.

Anabelle blushed and her thoughts once again went zooming to that night. “I had hoped so, too.” He was saying exactly what
she wanted and needed to hear.

“Good,” he said, smiling.

The waiter came back with their bottled water and to take their orders. Anabelle was starting to wish at this moment that she and Giorgio were alone.
It’s just lunch, girl,
she told herself,
stay focused.

They both ordered the lunch special.

“Very good,” the waiter said, then took their menus and departed.

Giorgio turned back to Anabelle. “I would like to invite you to a charity ball as my date.”

“Wow, that sounds wonderful. I’ve never been to a charity ball before.”

“It’s quite an experience. Have you ever heard of the Dream Ball?”

Anabelle’s face blanched. “The Dream Ball?” She swallowed hard. “Everyone in New York has heard of it.” This wasn’t what she was expecting.

He smiled. “Well, my family is one of the major supporters of it. We participate every year to raise money for the charitable trust fund, the Dream Trust.”


“Yup, it’s been going for about 11 years now. It’s been pretty successful, I’m proud to say.”

“I had no idea that your family was involved in that. That event is in the papers every year.” She looked down at the expensive watch he had given her. She realized she was going to have to expect to have these kinds of functions in her life if she was going to keep seeing him, but she was immediately intimidated.

“What are you thinking?” Giorgio asked.

He was very perceptive, but she didn’t want to admit her feelings just yet. She’d try to seem calm about this. He probably wasn’t used to a woman who wasn’t already in those circles, one who wouldn’t jump at the chance for such a high profile society event. She didn’t want to embarrass herself. “So what does this charitable trust support?” she asked.

He sat up straighter, smiling. This was a topic he loved talking about. “Many different kinds
of things. The vision of it is: To make dreams come true for those who need them most.”

“That’s lovely,” she said. “What does that mean in practical terms?”

“There are several categories, actually. It helps fund some homeless shelters, women’s shelters for those escaping abuse, animal shelters, it also provide funds for lunch and after school programs for schools in low-income neighborhoods. There’s another section of funds devoted to making the wishes of terminally ill children a reality for them.” He thought for a moment, recalling all the aspects of the trust.

Anabelle was riveted.

Giorgio continued listing the trust’s beneficiaries. “There are provisions for micro-loans for would-be entrepreneurs with a great idea for an ethical and environmentally sustainable small business here in New York. The committee also sets up a budget every year to enhance parks around the lower-income areas of the city. You know, tree-planting, landscaping, and fun things for kids like swing-sets, slides, teeter-totters and the like.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I think that covers most of it.”

Anabelle had listened with great interest. She was seeing him in a new light. “Wow, I’m blown away by all that. That’s incredible.”

He smiled shyly. “Thanks, I can’t take credit for any of it, though. My father was the one who got our family involved. He believed very strongly in giving back to the community. In helping those who are less fortunate and are vulnerable members of society. He was grateful that he was able to make a living here when he and my mom emigrated from Greece.” He paused, his voice softening. “He passed away last year, but he often talked about how he worked hard to establish himself here and how people gave him a chance, recognized his hard work and how opportunities were opened to him as a result.”

“I’m so sorry about your father,” Anabelle said. She
could see that this was an emotional topic for him. She recalled reading his father had passed away from prostate cancer. She wouldn’t broach that subject just yet unless Giorgio wanted to.

Thanks. We miss him a lot.” He paused, clearing his throat. “Anyway, My brother, Nikolas, and I participate on the steering committee every year. We raised $5.5 million last year. We’re hoping to better that, we’re aiming for $6 million this year.”

“Giorgio, that is such a wonderful thing your family is doing. Your father sounds like he was a wonderful man. I’m so inspired.” She beamed at him.

He didn’t say anything else about his father. “So, then you’ll be my date?” he asked, looking up at her, his blue eyes intense and earnest as he bit his lower lip. She was sure he could get anything he wanted with that look. It made her temperature rise.

BOOK: Love in the City, an erotic romance novel
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