Love In Strange Places (14 page)

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She stood. “You wouldn’t!”

“Your churchgoing parents and that saint of a sister would turn their backs on you once I put this on the Internet—or better yet, publish some pictures.” He laughed, watching her. “It’s in your hands. I have plenty of copies.”

“What have I ever done to you?”

“It’s not personal. I’m doing what I need to, to survive.”

She couldn’t believe Dean would do this to her, especially not now. Her life had just begun to fall into place.

“I’ll let you know when we’ll meet for the first installment, and don’t even think of telling anybody.” He left and slammed her door shut.

She dropped down on the chair and thought to herself. She didn’t need her parents’ approval, but this? This was different. This would kill them. This would humiliate them, and Andrew he would think she was a whore. She couldn’t let that—any of that—happen. She would handle this on her own. Dean might have won this round, but not the fight.


Chapter Twenty


Two months had passed since Andrew touched
Sherry. She knew it was because he wanted to make sure he was clean, but his test came back negative. He’d gotten used to not making love without any barriers in between them, but she needed him. Lying beside him, just holding him, wasn’t cutting it any longer. She knew he needed her as much as she did, because she could hear him masturbating in the bathroom as she took care of herself, too. They—well, she—had one more month to decided if Andrew was what she wanted, but she already knew the answer. Though he was the man she wanted, she hated keeping secrets. She couldn’t tell him; Dean was blackmailing her with a sex tape she hadn’t even known existed.

Dean had called and told her to meet him at a small, Indian restaurant. Nearly disbelieving her own choices, here she was ready to drop off her first payment. She was still thinking of a way to end this.

“You’re late,” he said as she sat down in front of him. He stood and tried to kiss her. She backed away, and they sat. At arms’ length, she passed him the envelope she’d filled with money. He picked it up and counted it. “Next time, don’t keep me waiting.”

She glared at him. “I was only ten minutes late.” She pressed both hands to the tabletop and began to rise.

“Sit! You’re having lunch with me!”

“Fuck you!”

He forcefully grabbed her arm. “Watch your mouth.” His hold got tighter.



Andrew and Matt entered the restaurant. It was beyond Andrew why his brother would pick this place; the man hated Indian food. Looking around, he was
stunned to see Sherry, talking to a man who looked like what Dean would look like, if he’d lost a lot of weight. “Sherry’s here,” he told Matt.

Matt looked over. “Damn that’s Dean he looks different.”

“Yeah.” Andrew went to go move. “What is she doing here, I thought she was volunteering?” But Matt stopped him.

, don’t you trust your wife?” Matt asked.

“I do trust her.” Andrew said still looking at them.

The waitress was about to seat them when Andrew saw Dean forcefully grabbed her. He saw red. “Matt, I will be right back.”

“What’s wrong?
” Matt asked, he hadn’t seen what Andrew had.

“He just grabbed her.”

Matt turned to look and his nose started flaring. They both were very overprotective of the people he they loved. Matt took one step and Andrew stopped him.

“I’ve got this
.” He took longs strides toward them.

Andrew could see the way
Sherry glared at Dean’s hand around her arm. Working his way around the outer ring of tables, he stepped closer so he could hear,

“Let go of me. You are hurting me.” She spoke with a stern voice.

But he didn’t release her.

“Didn’t you hear her?” Andrew asked. “She said to let her go.”

Sherry seemed both happy and scared to see him.

Dean released her, and she went to Andrew’s side. He inspected her arm, which was already turning black and blue.

He stepped closer and turned her gently, twisting them to show Dean the bruising. “Are you fucking crazy?”

“Andrew, it’s okay. It was just a misunderstanding.” She pleaded with him, but he stepped closer to Dean.

“Misunderstanding or not, he doesn’t have a right to put his hands on you.”

“And why is this any of your business?” For reasons Andrew couldn’t guess at, Dean responded with machismo.

Andrew clenched his jaw and stared at Sherry. “I guess she didn’t tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

“She’s my wife.”

“She told me she was married,” Dean stated, “but I never asked to who.”

“So she did tell you, and you still had the nerve to touch her.” Andrew held her hand in his and pointed with the other one. “If you ever touch
my wife
again, you’ll deal with me. You guys are over. You didn’t give her what she needed, but I will.”

He turned and
Sherry followed him. Considering their privacy, he stopped before getting to his table. “Sorry for almost doubting you. You wouldn’t keep anything from me. I trust you, so I guess you finally told him.”



She lowered her eyes in shame. “Yes.”

“Hey, sis,” Matt said. He stood up and kissed her cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, it was just a misunderstanding.”

Andrew held her hand tightly.

I don’t see much of you since you married my brother.”

They sat down. “Sorry, I’ve been busy.”

“Matthew told me that Makayla got into your makeup bag!”

“Yeah.” She answered very quietly.

“Sherry, are you okay?” Andrew asked.

Matt met his brother’s gaze before speaking. “You look pale.”

“I’m okay. I just haven’t eaten today.” She could see little spots.

Andrew called for the waitress. “Are you sure that’s all?”

“Yes.” Her head was pounding. She picked up the glass of water and began drinking.

The waiter came over to take their orders. He looked at her suspiciously. She tried to meet his odd stare, tried to focus on him, his face, anything. The spots behind her eyes grew bigger. She closed her heavy lids as her world went black.




fluttered her eyes open. Her head still pounded.

“Welcome back, sleepyhead.” With a big grin, Andrew kissed her forehead. She looked around, trying to figure out where she was. “You’re in the hospital.”


“You passed out at the restaurant and we brought you here.”

“So why are you so happy?” She ran her hands through her hair.

Shannon ran up to the side of the bed. “Because you’re pregnant!” She kissed and hugged her sister.

“Well, thank you for letting me tell her,” Andrew said, still staring at Sherry.

“Sorry, I’m so happy. I’m going to be an aunty.” She jumped up and down slightly.

Matt came up. “Congratulations! Now that we know what caused your spell, we’re leaving.” Matt took his wife’s hand.


“They need this time together.” He hugged Andrew. “Congratulations!”

“Thank you.” He hugged him back.

“Sherry, if you need me, call,” Shannon said before leaving.

couldn’t believe it. Finally, she was about to have her little family. She moved her hands to her stomach. “I’m pregnant.”

“Yes, baby, you are.” He kissed her forehead again. “Are you okay?”

“I just have a headache.”

At that moment the doctor came in. “Mrs. Jones, I’m Doctor Black.” He looked at both of them and continued. “The reason for you
r blackout and the headache is your blood pressure. It was on the high side, and that concerns me with this pregnancy. We’ll have to control it because it can cause premature labor.”

“Does she have high blood pressure?” Andrew asked, not looking away from her.

“Looking at her records she doesn’t seem to have it, but your ob/gyn will monitor you. You’re about ten weeks. You’ll be discharged in a few minutes.” Before he turned to leave he said, “You need to rest”

She could tell Andrew was doing the math in his head. “I’m two and a half months.”

“You didn’t feel anything?”

“No, I spotted last month. It was kind of weird, but I had so much on my mind, I didn’t pay it any attention. The doctor said not to stress about it.”

He smiled from ear to ear. “We’re finally pregnant.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Andrew walked into their bedroom. He couldn’t believe she was already home and sleeping. Though he took off his tie and suit jacket quietly, he was pissed. He’d missed her first sonogram because he was needed in court.

Sherry’s belly had grown a bit in the last month, and he loved feeling her. He couldn’t sleep unless his hands were wrapped around her belly, feeling the life they’d created together. There was no question about it. He loved her. He smiled.
I found the woman that makes me want to give up everything.

She turned and looked at him. “Hello.”

He walked toward the bed, bent down, and kissed her. “I’m sorry. I tried to make it, but the hearing went longer than I thought.”

“I understand,” she said.

“How did I get so lucky?”

She took his hand
and put it on her belly. “We’re both lucky,” he began tickling her stomach, which made her laugh.

“Our baby.” He removed his hand, leaned down, and kissed her belly. “
Te amo bebe

“She loves you too
.” Sherry put her hands in his hair.

“Did they tell you it’s a girl?”

“No, but here.” She dug into the nightstand and pulled out the sonogram the doctor had given her.

He took it from her. “This is our baby.”

“Yes! Isn’t she beautiful?” She beamed with joy.

He turned the picture at all angles until he figured out which parts of the image were feet, head, arms. “You really think it’s a girl?”

“Call it mother’s intuition.”

He stood and searched in his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. “I know our anniversary is in three weeks, but I can’t wait.” He handed her the box.

She stared at it before opening it. “Andrew, you didn’t….” She didn’t finish her sentence; instead, she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my God, Andrew, it’s beautiful.” She stared at the three-carat princess-cut engagement ring he’d chosen for her.

Taking her left hand, he placed the ring on her finger until it touched her wedding band. “This is real.” He kissed her finger. “
Sherry-Abigail, I adore you.”

She remained silent. A single tear rolled down her cheek. It was the first time Andrew had ever seen a tear com
e out of her eyes. He wiped it and kissed her cheek, and then he could wait no more. He took off all his clothes and climbed in bed with her. “I need you.”

She took his face in her hands. “You have me,” she said, slipping off her shirt and shorts.

He settled in between her legs, keeping his weight on his elbows. He bent his head and took her lips prisoner. He used his tongue to make love to every inch of her mouth, but instead of taking her prisoner, she took him, swirling her tongue around in his mouth, making him hers. He was finally at home.

leaned up off the bed and dug into his nightstand, pulling out a condom, ripped it open and rolled it on his cock, he settled back in between her legs and pushed them open and gently thrust his cock into her, making her gasp.

“Oh…yes…give me more,” she moaned.

“Baby….” He slowly thrust into her while still making love to her mouth. His tongue mimicked his strokes. “
,” he said between kisses.

She wrapped her legs around his hips. “Deeper….”

Andrew gave her long, deep strokes, taking his time pleasing her, but it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more. Pushing him off, she straddled him. “I’m not fragile.”

He took a deep breath as she lowered herself on his cock and began rolling her hips back and forth. He grabbed her hip and slowly thrust into her, and his hands moved up her stomach to her breasts. “
Sherry,” he said, between gritted teeth. “I’ve never…felt this way…about any other…woman,” He groaned.

“An…drew!” She rocked back and forth on his cock. Another tear rolled down her cheek.

He wiped away her falling tear with his thumb. “Yes…
, tell me.” Her pussy pulsed, making him lose control. It had been a long time since they’d made love.

She lowered herself and gripped
the sheets. He looked in to her eyes as waves and waves of ecstasy went through her. “I love you,” she whispered.

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