Love in Paris (The Art Models Club Book 4)

BOOK: Love in Paris (The Art Models Club Book 4)
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The Art Models Club – Book 4



Amanda Meadows



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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

© 2014 Amanda Meadows


All rights reserved.  Without limiting the rights under reserved copyright, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by an means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the express written permission of the publisher.


Cover image © Ekaterina Pokrovsky -

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Books in The Art Models Club


About the Author







Chapter 1



Amber Holloway felt as though she was in dream. The past couple of days had gone by in a blur as her boyfriend, Hunter Webb, scrambled to help her get a passport and a ticket to Paris. He claimed that it was no big deal, but she wondered just how much it had cost and how much his family connections had helped. She still couldn't believe that she was sitting in a private service car being shuttled to the airport. This was her first real taste of what life was for those with money. Prior to this, Amber's only experience with flying was a lone school trip to the state capital. She remembered sitting on the floor in the airport terminal with a group of rowdy teens after their flight got delayed for over five hours. She had slept on top of her duffel bag, wedged between several other classmates. She had gotten to the airport by bus.

Hunter reached over and put a hand on her knee.

Is everything okay, baby?”

Amber smiled. “I was just remembering my last trip to the airport. It wasn't quite this fancy.”

“No beverages? No snacks?” Hunter took a sip of his soda.

Well, I was offered a fried chicken leg by the woman sitting beside me,” Amber said. “But the ambiance was a bit different.” She sniffed the air. “I mean, where is the smell of fuel?”

Train? Subway? Bus?” Hunter quizzed, raising his eyebrows. “What was this delightful mode of transport?”

Amber laughed. “Our city's finest local bus, complete with the crankiest driver known on the planet.”

Hunter sighed and nuzzled her shoulder with his chin.

Ah, and here I am disappointing you with our car service. I'm afraid that Edward is most annoyingly calm and courteous. And it appears as though the interior has been cleaned recently.”

Hunter paused, lifted his chin, and shook his head dismally. “I'm afraid that there isn't a trace of bus fuel to amuse you.”

Amber giggled as she stared into Hunter's beautiful green eyes. Reaching up, she pushed a lock of dark hair from his forehead. She would never get tired of those eyes.

I think you need a hair cut,” she murmured, enjoying the closeness and solitude that the car provided.

Hmm . . .You're probably right. I was going to get one this week but . . .” Hunter broke off, looking anxious.

Amber reached up and stroked his cheek. “It's okay to mention that I had a bad couple of days.

Hunter kissed her lightly on the forehead.

You know how I feel about that,” he said, but his tone was soft and casual.

Amber knew that he still blamed himself for the incident on New Year's Eve even though there was absolutely nothing that he could have done to prevent it. In fact, it was only due to his overly protective, control freak nature that she was sitting here safe and sound now.

“It's amazing how wound up people can get over a simple little kidnapping,” she said lightly, watching Hunter's face carefully.

Hunter's eyes widened and he scowled at her.

“You know how I feel about you joking about it,” he said, his voice angry.

Amber tightened beside him.

“And you know how I feel about not joking about it,” she said, her tone equally sore. “If I'm going to put this behind me, I need to feel in control.”

Hunter held up his hand, suddenly looking apologetic.

“I'm sorry, Amber. This is still so hard for me.”

He smiled ruefully. “I am trying,” he said softly. “I know it might not appear like it on the surface but . . .”

Amber put a finger on his lips.

It's okay. I get it. I know how you are. But we have to be willing to talk about everything. Both the good and the bad if we want to make this relationship . . .”

She broke off, horrified suddenly, that she had used the “r” word.

To her surprise, Hunter smiled. “So you agree that we have a relationship to work on?”

Well, yes,” she said, blushing.

Even though I'm a control freak?”

Amber laughed. “Yes, even though you are an absolute, certified, raging control freak.”

“Well, I do pride myself on doing things well. So I obviously want to be the best control freak out there,” Hunter said with a smirk.

Amber groaned. “So now who's using jokes to avoid the issue at hand?”

Hunter laughed.

Hey, I learn from the best!”

You know we're going to have to talk about these issues at some point,” Amber warned.

Okay! I get it. But not today. Today is all about taking my girl to one of the most romantic cities on the planet.”

Hunter pouted and traced a finger along her chin.

“Can't you just give me a little break from analyzing my messed up tendencies?”

Hmm . . .Let me think about that,” Amber said, smiling mischievously. “I might be persuaded to forget about certain things with a kiss or two.”

That sounds like a bargain price,” Hunter murmured, moving closer and bringing his lips to her ear.

Amber shivered as his warm breath hit her neck.

“How about I start the first one here?”

Hunter gently grazed Amber's earlobe with his lips.

“Um . . .okay. That's a good start.”

Hunter moved and kissed her cheek. “And that one?”

“Keep going,” Amber said, smiling.

Hunter kissed the tip of her nose.

“How about that one?”

I'll give you another try,” Amber said, staring into Hunter's eyes.

Finally, Hunter nipped her bottom lip gently before sighing as he kissed her firmly for several seconds.

Amber kept her eyes open, swimming in the green stormy sea of Hunter's eyes. When he finally pulled away with a small smile, she had to catch her breath.


That was acceptable,” Amber conceded, grinning slyly.

That takes care of the first kiss but I think I was promised another.”

Hunter chuckled.

“Oh, is that right? Greedy are we? Well, I am happy to oblige but not at the moment.”

He pointed to the front of the car.

“I think that Edward would be mortified if he pulled up to the airport and we were having car sex in the backseat.”

Amber sat back and narrowed her eyes at Hunter.

“Oh? So you think that you can persuade me to have sex with you at will?”

Hunter put a finger under her chin and raised it up so that she was staring directly into those beautiful green eyes. He smiled.

“Oh, I'm counting on it, gorgeous!”

Is that a fact?” Amber said, feeling herself getting riled up. She knew he was doing this on purpose but she couldn't help herself.

Would you like to place another bet, baby?”

Hunter smirked. “Didn't go too well for you last time, but some people can't help but gamble.”

Amber narrowed her eyes. He wasn't going to win this time!

I'll take you up on that bet,” she said, folding her arms across her chest. At least this time she knew that he was going to try to seduce her.

Excellent!” Hunter grinned at her. “And how shall we make this bet interesting?”

Amber thought hard. Money was obviously out of the question. But she knew that wasn't the appeal for Hunter anyway. He just wanted to know that he could win.

“How about this? If I win, I get to boss you around for two days.”

Hunter raised an eyebrow. “What exactly does that mean?”

Amber smiled slyly. “It means exactly what I say. Once we get to Paris, the clock starts ticking. If I can resist your charms for twenty four hours then I win. When the twenty four hours are up, then I get to pick any two days when you have to ask my permission for everything you do. On top of that, you have to do anything I ask of you, even if it's something you don't want to do.”

Hunter started to laugh. “Baby, I might lose on purpose. That sounds kind of fun.”

“Go ahead and laugh,” Amber said, “but it includes talking about anything I want to talk about as well.”

That sobered Hunter up.

“Oh! Well, that is something,” he said, frowning a bit. Then he brightened. “But I'm not planning to lose.”

Keep it up,” Amber said, scowling. “You're just going to make this all the easier for me.”

Oh, I plan to keep certain parts up,” Hunter said, laughing so hard he started to snort. “That's part of my strategy.”

Amber started to punch his arms.

“Ow! Ow! I'm sorry!” Hunter said, trying to twist away from her.

No you're not!” Amber said, watching him try to hid a smile. She punched him again.

Finally Hunter raised his hands in mock terror.

“Okay, stop injuring me! You should hear my terms for the bet before you beat me to death.”

Amber pulled back her fist.

“So what do you want if you win? Not that it matters because I'll be winning this bet hands down.”

Hunter leaned back and considered her thoughtfully, those gorgeous green eyes glittering.

Damn! She was going to have to avoid looking him straight in the eyes like this. Right now his eyes looked like sparkling jewels. She reached down and rubbed her bracelet, almost without thinking.

I like the thought of playing games,” Hunter finally said, with a slow, wicked smile.

He licked his lips as though tasting something delicious.

“So if I win, I get to boss you around for two days.”

He leaned in close so that she could feel his breath on her cheek.

“Two days of complete submission. No sarcasm. No talking back.”

Bending, he nipped her neck playfully.

Amber gasped, his touch making her tingle. This was not going to be easy! But she would be damned if he was going to make her back down.

Fine,” she said, making her voice as firm and cold as she could.

Hunter sank back with a happy sigh. He laced his hands together and put them behind his head.

“This is going to be interesting. Honestly, even if I lose, I feel like I'm going to win.”

Oh, we'll see about that,” Amber said. “Make me mad and you'll be cleaning the toilet.”

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