Love in Electric Blue (Westlake Enterprises) (18 page)

BOOK: Love in Electric Blue (Westlake Enterprises)
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Cole nodded. “I’m good.”

“I’m not, but I’ll do it.” J.D. didn’t look pleased.


She nodded. “Just remember, Carter has never played fair in his entire life. I hope David Bellamy is sincere in his intentions. But plan for the worst. You should tag me, so that if I’m taken, you can find me.”

“Of course.” Hunter looked offended. “That wasn’t an option. You get bugged or you don’t go.”

“She can fry it if she wants to,” J.D. reminded them.

“But I won’t. The last thing I want is to be alone with my uncle again.” Terrified, yet strangely excited about seeing this through, she wanted to leave right now and find Bellamy. To see her uncle again and stop him, the way she’d tried to long ago.

The others planned on jailing him. But Remy knew bars couldn’t hold her uncle. Something more permanent needed to come into play. She didn’t want to kill him, but she didn’t see any other choice.

“You won’t have another choice,”
Max said.
“Luc saw something we need to talk about. This mission, you at the bar with Bellamy. It has to happen, honey, I’m sorry.”

She just looked at him while the others talked.
“I think I’ve always known it has to be me to take him down.”

“Not just you,”
he told her.
“But yes, this is for you and J.D. to fix. You’re on the right track, Remy. Trust and faith will see you through.”

“We’ll have to take Carter’s men down,” Hunter was saying.

“I will. Just, if it doesn’t go right, can you watch after him for me?”
She glanced at J.D., so in love and wanting them to have a tomorrow. She blinked to force away tears, not wanting anyone to see her upset.

“Of course. But we hope it won’t come to that.”

“Hope it won’t”, not “we
it won’t come to that”. She sighed, and J.D. took her hand in his.

The meeting wrapped up before she knew it. J.D. took her aside before she could follow the others out. He shut the conference door, closing them together. “Hey. You okay?”

She was about as far from okay with this as she could be. So she lied. “Sure. I’m good.”

“Remy, it’s me. Tell the truth.”

“The truth? My uncle is a killer. Being anywhere near him terrifies me. But I won’t let him hurt us again. I can’t let him destroy more lives.”
Because of me and what I inspired him to do.

“It’s not just your fight, you know.” He drew her into his arms. “He’s a bad man. But you’re not responsible for his actions.”

She pulled back, wishing he spoke true. “Aren’t I? It all started with my abilities. He hunted others down because of me, using us all like puppets.”

“Yeah, and if it hadn’t been you, it would have been something or someone else. I’ve met guys like Benjamin Carter before. Narcissists who care only about what they want, and screw anyone who gets in the way.” He took her chin in hand. “Nothing that happened was your fault.”

“Do you mean that?” she whispered, needing to know the past was just that. He’d said he loved her. That he trusted her. But she had to hear it again.

“I do.” His solemn oath. “Honey, I’ve let it go. You have to too. Okay, yeah, you fried my ass but good ten years ago.” He made a face, and she smiled around tears. “I didn’t get it then, but I do now. Because of you I had a chance to live. You weren’t so lucky. I know you want to be big and brave, to show your uncle you aren’t afraid anymore. But, Jesus, I’m scared for you. Let me protect you, okay? Not for you, but for me. Let me put my neck on the line for the woman I love, the way you once did for me.”

She stared at him, in awe and so in love it hurt to breathe. She nodded, unable to speak.

“There’s my girl.” He kissed her, so full of tenderness she melted into his arms. “I finally have you, Remy. And I’m never letting you go.” He hugged her tight and warned, “So if you even get one hair messed on this deal with Bellamy, I will paddle your ass ’til you can’t sit. That’s right. We haven’t played around with the Dom/sub thing yet. And there’s still that cute ass I want to take. So many things I have yet to teach you.”


“But I’m a cute perv.”

She sighed and hugged him, content to stay with him forever.



Two nights later, sitting next to Hunter in his truck under the blackness of a cold December night, Remy wondered how the evening would end. Her neck on the chopping block? Or Carter’s head on a platter? She’d give anything to see the future just now. Too bad Rafe was on his honeymoon and Luc had nothing more to give her.

“You okay?” Hunter asked.

Remy glanced at the large man sitting so still by her side. His golden eyes seemed to glow in the dark, and she blinked to clear her vision. When she looked at him again he seemed normal enough. He’d been more than solicitous for the past half hour as they sat in wait for David Bellamy.

“For the tenth time, I’m fine.”

He grunted and took another sip of coffee. “Hey, don’t kill the messenger. I’ve got strict orders from nerd central to make sure nothing happens to one hair on your beautiful head.”

She snorted. “Nerd central?”

“Hey, when I first met J.D., he was wearing an honest-to-God pocket protector and worked in IT. Granted, the ladies seemed to like him.” He quickly continued, smarter than he looked. “I mean, back then. No ladies but you now. J.D.’s only been in the field the past year or so. He’s not a bad guy. He’s annoying, sure, and he’s too nice.”

“Not to me.”

“That’s because he—”

When he said nothing more, she prodded, “Yes?”

“Hell. He’s in to you. Any fool can see that.”

Remy considered her companion. She hadn’t figured he’d be so talkative, or intrusive, for that matter. “Since when did you get so chatty?” Hunter’s reputation as a fierce predator had been well-earned. She’d read his files. The man was swift, silent and deadly. Too bad the silent part seemed to be off tonight.

Hunter sighed. “Blame my wife. I’m usually not this talkative, but seeing as you and J.D. have a thing, I thought I’d give it a go. Besides, I’m curious to see the woman who has him so jumpy lately.”

“That’s J.D. Like a hot wire you can’t seem to hold on to.”

“For as long as I’ve known him, J.D.’s been too smart for his own good, and he charms too easily. Always in a good mood, the man with all the answers. Then the last few weeks, he’s acting weird.”

“Oh?” Fascinating insights into her lover.

“He’s been kind of nervy. Short-tempered, ignoring women like he can’t see them. Acting kind of like, ah, Rafe, actually.”

She thought he might have been thinking of himself, but let it slide. Everyone knew how unpleasant Hunter had been before he’d married Alex.

“But now he’s all lovey-dovey with you. Mooning at you during the meeting. He caught the marriage bug, all right.”

She blushed. “I don’t know about marriage. My relationship with J.D. is complicated.”

“Bullshit. You love each other or you don’t. Don’t complicate it with nonsense.” His look froze her in place.

Before she could answer, headlights swung into the already crowded lot.

“Heads up, another car pulling in,” Cole’s voice came through the handheld radio on the dash.

“No shit.” Hunter snorted.

They’d already checked out the club, with no sign of Bellamy. Was this him?

A dark van pulled into an open spot a few rows behind them. A man got out and walked quickly under the parking lights.

“Bingo,” Hunter murmured. Into the radio, he said, “We’ve got him. It’s Bellamy.”

“Roger that.” Cole signed off. It was his and J.D.’s cue to spot Bellamy inside, where they moved to lie in wait.

Bellamy hurried across the lot and bypassed the line of people trying to get in. He subtly handed the large man by the door some money and entered the club.

“Showtime. You ready?” Hunter left the truck and waited for Remy, by her side.

“I was born ready. Let’s go.”
And let’s pray I don’t have a major meltdown before I see this through.
For you, J.D.
Then she corrected herself.
No. For us.

Chapter Fourteen

She didn’t see J.D. or Cole, but could feel J.D. inside, despite the massive energy in Club Z. Stupid name for a place that catered to a young crowd of wealthy up-and-comers. A glance down at her fashionable skirt, black boots and black sweater convinced her she’d fit in, even as she felt more out of place here than she’d ever felt anywhere else.

Hunter, to her surprise, had no problem acclimating. He did bad ass without trying, and the bouncers at the door waved them in without a problem. He wore a discreet earpiece and mic, designed by J.D., so it was top of the line. Cole and J.D. would direct them while inside, all of them maintaining communication.

“I’m your constant shadow tonight. Even if you don’t feel me standing by, I’m always able to see you and hear you.” He glanced at the pin she wore, a locator and transmitter. “The good news is anyone watching Bellamy sees you with me.” He nodded ahead of them at Bellamy standing on the edge of the dance floor.

He looked nervous but stood his ground. She admired his courage.

“Great. Time to finish this.”

Hunter grinned, and she saw past the brooding giant to the handsome man her friend had married. “Yeah. Go get ’em, tiger.”

“I swear, you brush my nose or make some cutesy reference, I’ll fry you to a crisp.”

He chuckled and walked off, ostensibly to get them drinks at the bar, or so he said over the music, loudly enough for anyone nearby to hear.

David moved, skirting the many gyrating bodies.

Remy felt the throbbing energy in the place and drew on it for strength. The loud techno club was filled to capacity, bodies jumping to a resonant thumping that shook the walls and pulsed through her body like a siren’s song.

Hunter returned and pressed a bottle into her hand. He leaned down and whispered, “Ease up. Your eyes are starting to glow.”

She tamped down the excitement, surprised she’d lost that much command over herself. She’d never been to one of these clubs before and chalked up her loss of control to the combination of music, lighting and motion of so many bodies all around.

Hunter nudged her forward and steered her around the crowd, following Bellamy’s path. They departed the loud dance floor for a softer sound. Tables and a bar leading to an outdoor courtyard beckoned them. David sat at a table by himself near one of the space heaters. Not too many people drifted out here, for which Remy was grateful.

Hunter took a spot by the bar and watched the passersby. He nodded at her, and she took a sip of the foreign import he’d handed her, calling on her fortitude to see this through.

She approached Bellamy and smiled. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”

He gave her a once-over, lingering on her legs. But when his gaze rested on her face, he tensed. Yes, he’d seen her picture before. “Uh, actually, I’m waiting for someone.”

“You’re waiting for me.”

He didn’t speak, just stared.

“My name’s Remy. And you’re David Bellamy.”

He nodded, and she noticed him gripping the edge of the table.

“Don’t worry, David. You made the right call. I did the same thing ten years ago.”

“You’re her. His niece, the one that got away.” He paused and added in a hesitant voice, “Your eyes are kind of bright. I’m betting those aren’t contacts.”

“Damn.” It was the music. That pumped up rhythm stirred everyone around, making more energy than a normal body utilized.

“I didn’t believe it when I read his notes, but you really did it, didn’t you? You powered up his device,” he murmured. His fear seemed forgotten in the face of this startling discovery.

“David, please tell me why you’re really here.”

“It’s easy enough to understand. I can’t stand Carter, and I don’t like what I’ve seen him doing.” David swallowed hard. “I think he might have killed people too. I wanted to leave a few weeks after I first got there, but I was trapped. It’s taken me this long to gain their trust to get another night off. I’ve spent the past few days with Lennox and his thugs looking for you. I don’t think they followed me here, but I can’t be sure.” He took a pull of his beer and sighed. “Carter’s going to kill me, isn’t he?”

“He might try, but he’s got to go through me and my friends first.”

Hunter took his cue and joined them. “What is he up to now, David? We have to know.”

David’s eyes widened, but he didn’t leave the table. “Oh, right. You brought a big friend. Great.”

“He’s here to protect me, not hurt you,” she said softly.

“Hell.” David finished off his beer and ran an unsteady hand through this hair. “You have to stop him. He’s reinvented the machine he used on you. But this time it works. I’ve seen the notes on it. He drains people with it, I think. And he’s waiting for you and that other guy to power it up again. When he found out Moran was still alive, I swore he’d never been happier. He’s scary when he’s happy.”

“I know.”

“How did you—” Hunter began before the club erupted in a frenzy. Hunter immediately stood and grabbed David by the arm.

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