Love for the Cold-Blooded (11 page)

BOOK: Love for the Cold-Blooded
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He scrambled on the bed to fit careful hands to Nicholas’s hips, circling his thumbs over hard bone and lean planes of muscle. The heady wave of breathless excitement at the fact that this was really happening was less intense than last time, but still definitely present, drying out his mouth and kicking his heartbeat into overdrive. Or maybe that was the desire waking inside him, whispering fragmented suggestions, impulses, desires…

He felt oddly possessive, as if he was claiming Nicholas for himself with his touch — at least for the duration of a night, or an hour.

When he leaned in for a kiss, Nick was lazy about kissing back, as though he was waiting for something else. Fine, Pat could take a hint.

The weight of another man’s cock in his hand was still a novel feeling. Novel, and exciting enough to make Pat’s heart skip into a faster beat; enough to make the slow, aching burn in his gut flare with interest. He gently ran his fingertips over its length, enjoying its softness and heat, and it firmed in his hand, growing longer and heavier.

Weird to feel this happening to someone else. A man getting an erection was almost exotic from this vantage point… almost mysterious.

Pat closed his hand around the base and stroked upwards slowly, making Nicholas take in a sudden, deep breath; rubbed carefully at the head with his thumb the way he himself liked, and made Nicholas shift restlessly on the bed.

“Patrick,” said Nick. When he looked up, Nick was frowning a demand at him. No patience, that man — and still no blowjob manners to speak of. Whatever, Pat was willing to let it slide this time.

He braced one arm next to Nick’s hip, carefully covered his teeth with his lips, and just went for it, taking the tip of Nick’s erection into his mouth. He didn’t get very far down — but it was fine, he was just trying things out. The cock felt thicker and hotter against his tongue than he would have expected. It wasn’t too weird, though… and it didn’t taste much of anything, just skin.

When he pulled back a little to lick at Nick’s erection experimentally, a trickle of saliva escaped him, and he hastily tightened his lips around the shaft and sucked. Nick exhaled audibly, spreading his legs a little in what Pat could only interpret as approval.

Okay, so that worked, but — honestly, Pat had kinda counted on being able to go down on more than just the head of Nick’s cock. It always looked so easy in porn.

He pulled off entirely, wiping his mouth while he considered.

Nick’s stomach rose and fell in a heavy sigh. When Pat looked up, he was propping himself up on his elbows, the better to eye Pat with clear censure. “Could you go faster?”

“Nope,” Pat shot back. “Not even if you’d said please. My way or the highway, dude. Your call.”

Despite what seemed to be a concerted effort on Nick’s part to look grumpy, it was obvious he wouldn’t be kicking Pat out of bed. His breathing had grown markedly faster, and a rosy flush was spreading up his chest into his cheeks. Pat couldn’t be doing that badly. He was probably just thinking too much. Sex was instinct, right? He ought to just be following his gut.

Right, then. What he really wanted to do was to feel up Nick’s cock properly, so he wrapped a hand around it and stroked it slowly, lingeringly, just reveling in the solid heft of it, in the feeling of soft skin drawn taut over hard heat. Nick shifted restlessly on the bed, breathing loudly, but Pat ignored him in favor of tightening his grip and bending down to lick the flushed head of his cock, flattening his tongue to draw it firmly over the flared cap. A tiny surge of liquid and a sudden bitter taste — and Pat found that he liked this; did it again until Nick was squirming on the bed, panting quietly, both hands fisted in the bedclothes.

Yeah… this was much more the thing. Pat’s own breath was coming short, slow arousal burning in his blood. He was hard, too; had been for a while.

“More,” Nick ordered roughly. “Come on, stop teasing and get on with it.”

Pat stroked him more firmly, squeezing a bit on the upstroke and twisting his hand so he could press his fingertips into the thick vein running along the length of Nick’s erection. Nick gave a low groan that sparked a sharp burst of lust in Pat’s gut; gave it again when Pat stopped his next stroke just beneath the head of his cock, framing the flared crown in his closed fist.

Tracing the rim of the head with the tip of his tongue made Nick shift restlessly, breath hitching audibly in his throat. Pat decided he liked that a lot — the way it made him sound helpless, almost abandoned. Licking all around the crown with quick, flicking strokes of the tongue made Nick tremble and huff out unsteady gusts of air. And when Pat sealed his lips just around the tip of his cock and sucked hard, fingertips pressing into his shaft in counterpoint, Nick gave a rough, torn sound that caught hot and needy in Pat’s gut.

He pulled off Nick’s erection with an obscene slurping sound. Nick was red-faced, muttering something that sounded entirely uncomplimentary. He didn’t say anything out loud, though, not even when he caught Pat’s gaze with an angry glare.

“Hey, uhm. If there’s something —”

“Stop talking,” Nick snapped, and then visibly caught himself. “Please. Please stop talking. Suck me, okay?”

Hah. Man, Pat was so good at this. A real natural.

Erections weren’t very attractive, objectively speaking. Weird how much he wanted to touch the red, spit-slick cock in his fist. He was already touching it, but he wanted to touch it
, and — okay, what if he ran his fingertips over the head like that, and maybe he could be a little harder and faster with the stroking. And if he took the head into his mouth and flattened his tongue against the bottom, and sucked as hard as he could while pulling from base to tip with his hand, tight and fast and slick —

Nick gave a low, harsh grunt and tensed all over, hips rising sharply off the sheets. The cock in Pat’s mouth bumped up against his palate, and then Pat’s mouth was filled with a thick, bitter liquid that immediately overflowed past his slackening lips, dribbling down Nick’s shaft.

Pat wasn’t entirely certain what he thought about this. He tried swallowing some of it, but finally just let it run from his mouth before sitting back on his heels, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

Nick sprawled loosely in the rumpled sheets, thoroughly debauched and breathing heavily. A light glow of sweat gleamed on his skin, and he’d closed his eyes, head thrown back to show off the long lines of his throat.

It should have been impossible, but he was even hotter than before. The strong shoulders and sculpted arms, the ridiculously well-defined chest and washboard abs with the thin trail of hair leading down… the slim hips and long muscular legs, thighs spread open to let Pat crouch between them. The absurdly elegant, thick cock lying still-hard against his hip, wet with Pat’s saliva and smeared with come. It would have been an obscene sight if it hadn’t been so absolutely beautiful.

Pat had lost track of his own arousal, too focused on bringing Nick off. Now, out of nowhere, it blazed up like a brushfire, stealing the breath from his lungs and searing every rational thought from his head.

“Come on, come on,” he whispered feverishly, scrambling up the bed. The touch of Nick’s skin burned him with need, pooling in his throat and chest and sex. He’d thought about this; thought and dreamed and fantasized — “My turn, dude.”

Hell to the yeah. Pat’s breath trembled in his throat as he slid down to lie next to Nick. His erection nestled right up against Nick’s hip, and he groaned, spreading a covetous hand against his abs. Ran it down to the stickiness on his stomach, further still to his cock —

Nick was frowning, still all flushed and dazed-looking. “Your turn?”

“My turn to top,” Pat said. Wasn’t it obvious? Why were they wasting time talking when they could be touching, or kissing, or — but Nick caught Pat’s wrist when he reached for him again, a vertical crease forming between his brows.

“You are so strange,” Nick said, slowly. His new stare seemed to be attempting to x-ray Pat’s head rather than set him on fire.

Yeah, yeah, could they get on with it? “I’m adorable, dude. A total dazzler. We talked about this, remember?”

The silence stretched unbearably, cold with Nick’s narrow gaze and all the places where they weren’t touching. But then, after half an eternity had crept by, Nick snorted, reluctant amusement tugging at the set lines of his mouth.

He turned to arrange himself on his side with his back to Pat, and the narrow look he threw back over his shoulder was pure challenge. “Fine, Patrick. Dazzle me.”

Gods, even the man’s back was hot. It wasn’t fair, particularly since his shoulders looked even more broad and powerful from behind. Pat even found himself enchanted by the way Nick’s hair fell over the nape of his neck. There was something so open and vulnerable to the pale, soft skin, the dark hair falling over it…

Nick drew his upper leg forward, opening himself. The sight stabbed white-hot lust through Pat; his hand wasn’t entirely steady as he smoothed a lingering touch down the lean planes of Nick’s back, trailed fingertips over the elegant dip at the small of it and curved his palm around a firm, muscular butt cheek. He felt unsteady all over, really; shaken and desperate, consumed by the need raging in his blood.

Lube. Right, lube and preparing his partner properly. He knew how to do this, he’d read all about it. Of course Pat then managed to squirt lube all over his own leg and the bed, but whatever, Nick hadn’t seen.

He scooted closer as he touched slick fingers to Nick’s hole, arranging himself so near that he could feel the heat of his body all along his front. The furled muscle beneath his fingertips gave to his gentle pressure, and he had to pause for a moment because there was no air. His cock was painfully hard, red and straining against his stomach. He had never been so turned on in his life.

“Let me guess,” rumbled Nick, sounding amused. “You’re going to go slow.”

Pat couldn’t answer, so he leaned forward to touch his lips to Nick’s shoulder. He lingered there, breathing hotly against Nick’s skin as he slowly moved his fingers inside his body. He wanted to be inside him so badly he could hardly breathe; needed to sheathe himself balls-deep in Nick, take him hard and fast and deep, fuck him until neither of them could walk. Yeah, he was going to go slow. If he didn’t, he would burst apart into a thousand shards. Maybe he’d burst apart regardless.

He nuzzled the back of Nick’s neck as he carefully pushed his fingers deeper. The muscle stretched tightly around his knuckles, and he wasn’t certain if he was going too fast. Maybe he needed more lube? But things seemed plenty slippery, and when Pat pulled his fingers back out a little and pushed back in, there was a quiet slick sound that made Pat bite down hard on his lip.

When Nick gave a soft, ridiculously hot groan and pushed back into the penetration, Pat broke. His self-control had limits, and he’d already trampled all over them. “Okay?” he managed, hoarsely.

“Yeah,” Nick rasped. “Go ahead.”

Pat barely managed to get the condom on and line himself up, his hands were that unsteady. But then… gods.

Nothing had ever felt like this. Nick’s body gripped him hot and tight, and Pat couldn’t — everything was white and hazy, he could hear himself panting, oh —

When he bottomed out, he couldn’t move for a moment, overcome. His face was pressed against the back of Nick’s shoulder; he was lying awkwardly on one arm, clutching Nick’s hip way too tightly with the other. He’d bruise him, if he hadn’t already. Not okay at all, so he gulped down some air and made himself let go with difficulty.

Nick was saying something, but all Pat heard was the reassuring calm of his tone, interwoven with a husky note of desire. As long as he sounded like that, Pat was golden. He stroked Nick’s side aimlessly, petted his thigh, slid a greedy hand around to his front to feel his glorious chest, the miraculous hardness of his abs, his still-sticky half-hard cock…

Had that been a question? Pat made himself listen, gathered enough of the scattered pieces of himself that he could pretend to be capable of rational thought. “— ever going to move? I do still need to get some work done this week —”

Wonderful, ravishing Nick wanted him to move. Pat couldn’t think of anything in the world he wouldn’t have done, if Nick wanted him to.

He pulled back slowly until Nick’s hole caught at the head of his cock, stabbing him with a vicious spike of delight. Pushing back in was a long glide of wildly exquisite sensation, a near-painful overload that pulled the need in his gut tighter and forced a strangled moan from his throat. Every nerve in his entire body was alight with trembling, liquid desire, an out of control yearning that was building with alarming speed.

Was he holding Nick too tightly again? He couldn’t tell; drew back and thrust back in again more quickly and
oh hell yes
, and then a hundred bolts of ecstasy skewered him all at once, igniting into a single explosive shock, and he was coming apart.

He came back to himself still trembling, random sparks of delight shooting through him like fireflies. Nick was propped on one elbow and staring at Pat over his shoulder, disbelief stamped all over his face.

“Dude,” Pat slurred. “Dude, you are
so hot
. Seriously, beyond awesome.”

Nick blinked. Then he blinked again, lips curving almost hesitantly into a tiny, but unmistakably pleased smile. He still seemed perplexed, though, so Pat tackled him onto the sheets and kissed him. Worked like a charm. Stopped him from staring at Pat, anyway, which was basically the same thing.

but Pat was good.

Chapter Five

Ill-gotten gains are a joy forever.

hen Pat came home from the library, there was a hoagie lurking awkwardly in the hallway in front of his apartment. At first he couldn’t tell it was a hoagie, of course — just that it was an awkwardly lurking dude in a surprisingly expensive suit (you didn’t see hand-tailored brushed cashmere in Pat’s neck of the woods every day). Still, Pat had his suspicions even before the man turned around. The height and breadth of shoulder were fairly distinctive… to say nothing of the butt.

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