Read Love Comes in Darkness Online

Authors: Andrew Grey

Love Comes in Darkness (24 page)

BOOK: Love Comes in Darkness
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The fight in Howard instantly slipped away, and he now wished he’d been more polite. “I know. But I’ll do what I have to do to protect and care for Sophia.”

“I know you will, and I’ll be right here too.” Gordy moved closer. “This growly you is rather sexy,” he whispered.

“I decided over the past few days that I’m going to fight to protect the people I love. That includes Sophia… and you.” Howard paused and listened for Gordy’s reaction, but heard nothing but his soft breathing. “I love you, Gordy, and I hope you….”

Warm, strong hands cupped his cheeks, and then Gordy kissed him hard. Howard moaned softly and parted his lips slightly. Gordy deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around Howard, pulling them close together, their warmth mixing as the summer air blew around them through the open windows.

“I love you too, Howard.” Gordy kissed him again, gently this time, and relaxed his hold. “I was so afraid you didn’t feel the same way, and there were so many changes taking place all at once.” Gordy touched his forehead to Howard’s. “I’m sorry I scared you, but I needed time to think. We’ve been dating for less than two months, and suddenly you have a child and….”

“You needed some time to decide if that was what you wanted?” Howard supplied.

“I knew I wanted you that day at Ken’s party. You smiled at me more than once. I never knew blind people smiled, but you did. I doubt you even knew you were doing it. But it was adorable, and I wanted to see that expression on your face every day.” Gordy paused. “No, I needed to be sure I was what you wanted. You have Sophia now, and so many responsibilities, I wasn’t sure you wanted me too.”

Howard hugged Gordy close. “I guess I can thank my mother,” Howard said.


“When I was growing up, she realized I didn’t exhibit the facial expression that other people did. Most people learn those by watching others. I didn’t because I couldn’t see. So she worked with me to explain how others reacted and helped me incorporate at least some facial expression. She wanted me to appear more normal, so it would be easier for others to relate to me. At the time I didn’t understand, but Mom worked with me and would remind me to smile. I guess over time they became natural.”

“You’re very expressive in a lot of ways. You just don’t know it,” Gordy whispered.

“I’m sure you are too,” Howard whispered back. “You certainly are with your hands.” Gordy lightly rubbed his thumb over Howard’s lips, and he sighed into the exquisitely gentle touch.

“Uncle Howie!” Sophia called from the other room, and Gordy moved away as she raced through the house. “Can I have ice cream?”

“I don’t think we have any. We have to go to the store and get stuff to eat.” He wished he’d have thought of that when they were out earlier.

“I’ll take you tomorrow night after I get done with work,” Gordy offered.

“You need to take a bath and then get ready for bed,” Howard said.

“Will you read me a story like Mommy did?” she asked and then let out a small gasp before sniffling.

“It’s okay, honey. I can’t read you one of your books, but once you’ve had your bath and are ready for bed, I’ll come in and tell you a story. My dad used to tell your mom and me bedtime stories when we were kids. I can tell you some of those stories if you like,” Howard offered, and that seemed to fit the bill. Sophia took his hand and led Howard through the house. In the bathroom, he ran water in the tub.

“I know how to take a bath,” Sophia told him.

“Okay,” Howard said as he turned off the water, making sure it wasn’t too hot. He got her a washcloth and made sure there was a small bar of soap in the dish. Then he left the room and let her bathe. Of course, Howard stood near the door listening to her splash and talk to herself.

“She’s going to be okay, you know,” Gordy whispered.

“I know. But I keep wondering, what if something happens and I lose the last and best part of Lizzy that’s left in the world?” Howard stepped away from the door. “She sounds so much like her.”

“All you can do is look out for her and protect her from the dangers you know. If she needs you, she’ll call,” Gordy said. “But don’t hover—it’s a little creepy.”

“I’ll give you creepy,” Howard said with a chuckle, and Gordy tugged him into a hug before he could retaliate.

“Go ahead and get her ready for bed and tell her the story. I have some plans I need to review, and then once she’s asleep, you’re all mine for a few hours.”

Howard groaned softly and then heard Sophia call him. “I’m done, Uncle Howie,” she said, and he heard the water flowing out of the tub. He went into the bathroom and located the towel he’d placed out for her. Howard wrapped it around her tiny body and carefully rubbed her dry.

“You need to comb your hair and brush your teeth,” Howard reminded her.

“I know, and I need to put on a nightgown too,” she informed him like a little lady.

Once she was dry, with her hair combed and her teeth brushed, Howard walked her to her room still bundled in the towel. He found a nightgown, by a miracle of God, and got her ready for bed. Token followed him to the room and jumped up on the bed with her. Once she was tucked in and the lights out—he hoped—Howard told her a story about Benjamin Bunny falling into the vat of green Easter egg dye. Sophia laughed, and when he was done, she asked for another.

“Tomorrow night I’ll try to have another one for you,” Howard promised and then kissed her lightly on the forehead. “Go to sleep now.”

She sat up and hugged him. “I love you, Uncle Howie,” she said.

“I love you too, sweetheart,” Howard told her and then stood up. “Sweet dreams, and I’ll see you in the morning.” He left the room and heard Token jump down and follow him out. “Gordy,” Howard called quietly and then heard rustling in the living room. Howard followed the sound and found Gordy sprawled out on the sofa. Of course it took him some explorations to ascertain that—explorations that Gordy seemed to find quite pleasing, judging by the small moans.

“I take it you’re happy,” Howard told Gordy.

“You’re back and we’re together,” Gordy began, but a knock on the door startled them both.

Gordy sat up and Howard growled. “If that’s the social worker, I’m calling the police,” Howard said loudly.

“Do you want me to get it?” Gordy asked, already on his way to the door. It opened with a soft whoosh against the breeze. “What do you want?”

“I came to talk to Howard,” Cedric said.

Howard recognized the voice instantly. “It’s okay, Gordy.” Howard called Token, who jumped on the sofa and sat next to him. “What do you want, Cedric?” He could almost feel the tension rising in the room. “We don’t have much to say to one another.”

“I know,” Cedric told him. “I didn’t mean to bother you. I know I messed up pretty badly, but I wanted to stop by and tell you that I heard about your sister and I’m sorry.” Cedric sighed. “You’re a great person, and I should have treated you better.” Howard heard the floor squeak slightly under Cedric’s feet and figured he must have been rocking slightly or shifting nervously. “If I had….”

“Cedric, it’s okay,” Howard said. “If things hadn’t happened the way they did, I wouldn’t have met Gordy. You and I weren’t going to work out, and that’s okay.” Howard decided to overlook the whole “abandoned by the side of the road” thing, but from the growl, it sounded like Gordy wasn’t. Howard held out his hand, and Gordy took it, squeezing gently.

“Uh, okay,” Cedric said, and Howard waited for something else. “I guess there isn’t much more I can say. I’m sorry about your sister.”

“Thank you,” Howard said as Cedric walked away. “I hope you find someone to make you happy.”

“Thanks,” Cedric said, and the door opened and closed.

“How can you be so nice, even gracious, to him?” Gordy growled.

“What good would getting angry with him do? He still lives down the street, and I’m not going to take him back. Whatever we had is over, and you won the prize,” Howard said, smiling big the way his mother had taught him.

Gordy snorted and tugged him to his feet. “Maybe the booby prize,” Gordy teased as Howard was tugged lightly through the house and down the hallway toward his bedroom.

“I need to check on Sophia,” Howard whispered as Gordy guided him into the bedroom. “I’ll be right back.” He tiptoed to her room and listened at the doorway. He heard nothing but her soft breathing. “I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered into the darkness and then quietly made his way to his room.

“Close the door,” Gordy told him, and Howard complied, pushing it until it quietly clicked. Then he locked it and sighed. “Now, take off your clothes for me,” Gordy rumbled in his deep voice.

“Gordy,” Howard whined softly. “This is a little ridiculous.”

“Honey, I can see you, remember? And I think you’re gorgeous. So all I’m asking is that I get to watch you,” Gordy said, his voice rough. Howard loved that sound. He took off his shirt and laid it over the chair. He got his shoes and socks off and then began with his pants. Gordy inhaled sharply and then moaned almost imperceptibly when Howard slid his pants down his legs. He knew he wasn’t doing this very smoothly, but if those soft sounds were any indication, Gordy was enjoying himself.

“Are you starting without me?” Howard asked as he got his pants off, somehow managing not to fall.

“Why don’t you come over here and find out,” Gordy whispered. Howard stepped closer to the bed and then heard it shift. Gordy tugged him close, until Howard stood between his knees. Gordy kissed him possessively, stroking languidly up and down his back. He deepened the kiss as he slipped his hands into the back of Howard’s underwear and cupped his buttcheeks lightly in his warm, strong hands. “You love being touched, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Howard groaned as Gordy sucked lightly at one of his nipples. God, that felt good, and Gordy knew how to touch him in the most decadent and sensual way. He kneaded his buttcheeks without pushing the fabric away, and Howard squirmed and arched his back, wriggling for just a bit more.

“You’re amazing. I know you’ve never seen yourself or even what others look like, but you’re beautiful,” Gordy whispered between nips and hot, long licks across his chest.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Howard gritted and then hissed when Gordy shoved his shorts down his legs and firmly gripped his cock, stroking him just the way he liked. Howard stepped out of his shorts and stood still. Gordy stopped stroking him and gently guided him onto the bed. Howard rested on his back and waited. The bed shifted as Gordy moved and then his weight pressed Howard into the mattress. Howard spread his legs, and Gordy settled comfortably onto him.

They kissed deep and long, while Gordy lightly petted up his hips and side. Howard loved being touched. He’d often supposed that because others could see, it wasn’t as important to them, but he soaked up the sensations like a sponge, storing them in his memory the way others stored images. He didn’t remember what he saw; he remembered what he felt. And for the rest of his life, he’d remember Gordy licking and kissing down his chest and belly, sliding his skin against Howard’s as he moved. He knew what he’d remember most was the prickling heat of Gordy’s lips sliding down his cock, his mouth sucking him hard and deep. He’d never forget the way Gordy felt around him, or the small, almost prayerful “I love you” that Gordy said before demonstrating just how intense and consuming that love was.

Within seconds, Howard writhed and whimpered softly while Gordy took him to heaven and beyond. Howard gripped the bedding in his fists and did his best not the fill the entire house with screams of ecstatic delight. Instead, he shook and moaned softly.

Just as Howard was about to lose it completely, Gordy stilled and slowly slid his lips up his length. He slipped out of Gordy’s mouth, his cock slapping his belly. “I want you, Howard, more than anything in the world.” To signal his agreement, Howard wrapped his legs around Gordy’s hips, opening his entire self to him. Gordy shifted and the drawer near his bed was opened. A snick followed, and Howard stilled, waiting with rapt anticipation for what was to come. The simmering energy in the room intensified when Gordy teased the skin of his opening with slick fingers and then burst wide as Gordy slipped two fingers deep inside him. Howard hissed and then wriggled as Gordy probed deep.

“Love you, Gordy,” Howard moaned. He held Gordy tight and breathed deeply as Gordy fucked him slowly with his fat fingers. “I’m ready, Gordy,” Howard whispered, and Gordy curled and twisted his fingers just so, sending shocks of electricity up his spine. He desperately needed more, though he knew he had to remain quiet. Waking Sophia while screaming in passion wouldn’t be helpful.

“I just need to make sure you’re ready,” Gordy whispered before nuzzling the base of his neck and then licking up to Howard’s ear. He sucked on it as he slowly withdrew his fingers. Howard felt empty for a few seconds, and then Gordy pressed to his entrance. He gasped as he always did when Gordy stretched him. “I’d never want to hurt you.”

“I know,” Howard gasped and held his breath as Gordy sank deeper into him. Each movement seemed slow and deliciously deliberate. Gordy pressed into him, skin to skin, sliding, stretching, and filling. “I love how you love me,” Howard whimpered as the sensation threatened to overwhelm him. Gordy paused and kissed him again, this time achingly tenderly. Howard held him to keep them close as well as to steady himself. He felt like at any second he might fly apart.

“I know, I can feel it too,” Gordy said, and Howard wondered what he meant for a few heartbeats. “It’s like our hearts can feel each other.”

“They can,” Howard said and pressed up against Gordy, sending him deeper into his body. “Please, Gordy.”

“I know, I’m impatient too,” Gordy told him and pressed deeper until Howard felt Gordy’s hips on his butt. Gordy waited a few seconds and then slowly began to move. Long, deep, slow strokes stoked Howard’s desire. He met Gordy’s movements with his own. Their bodies moved together in a mutual rhythm that was sublimely perfect.

Howard had spent his entire life in darkness, but when they made love, if only for a few seconds, Howard’s world sparkled and shone. He knew it was an illusion, but he relished it anyway. For a few seconds in the height of their passion, it was like he could see, or see something.

BOOK: Love Comes in Darkness
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